[bibliographica-users] Metadata Database for PublicDomainWorks.net

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Mar 16 19:38:33 UTC 2011

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On 16 March 2011 07:44, Primavera De Filippi
<primavera.defilippi at okfn.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> sorry to bother you again, but since i did not get any kind of response from
> the former email, I was wondering if you anyone could maybe put me in touch
> with someone who could help me out with that,
> thanks !
> Primavera
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 9:26 PM, Primavera De Filippi
> <primavera.defilippi at okfn.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have been talking with Robert Myers concerning possibility to integrate
>> metadata from Freebase into PublicDomainWorks.net.
>> Robert is grabbing information on visual artists and their works out of
>> the freebase database, and we would like to make this information accessible
>> to PublicDomainWorks.net.
>> Right now, this can only be done by re-formatting freebase metadata into
>> the format currently used by PublicDomainWorks.net.
>> However, after a discussion with Rufus and Tatiana, we have agreed that
>> the whole PDW database should be eliminated, and the interface should be
>> re-coded so as to go and query directly the Bibliographica database. This
>> operation will be done in the following months.
>> Of course, we dont want PublicDomainWorks to be limited to textual works,
>> so we thought it would be useful to setup a specific PDW database that would
>> basically include everything that is not included into Bibliographica.
>> For this, we need:
>> (1) a database - i'm not sure how to proceed with that?
>> (2) the specification of the format used by Bibliographica for their
>> database, so that the PublicDomainWorks database can be formatted in the
>> same and, for the application to be able to query both databases with the
>> same function.
>> Could anyone let me know whether it is possible to get a PDW database in
>> the same format of the bibliographica one?
>> And do you know anyone from the Bibliographica Working Group that could
>> help us out with that ?
>> We could give then the specs to Rob so that it can feed our new database
>> with the data he extracted from Freebase. This would be extremely useful for
>> the further development of the PublicDomainCalculators because that would
>> allow us to test the new PDW code and easily identify the elements that we
>> need in order to determine the copyright status of different types of works.
>> Looking forward to your answer,
>> Primavera
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