[ckan-discuss] Topic list (vocabulary/valuelist) for classifying datasets .

Plantinga, Edo Edo.Plantinga at koop.wmrijk.nl
Wed Jun 20 09:40:00 BST 2012

Hi all,

@Pablo: Looking at the IPTC Media Topics, I see some topics that seem
quite suitable (Environment, Politics, etc), but also some that are not
a logical choice for the government open data domain (Human interest,
Lifestyle and leisure, Animation, Fashion, etc.). Furthermore, I do not
think that this topic list is used extensively within governments, as
the intended domain for the list is journalism, which is not a
responsibility of the government (at least not in most countries ;-) ).
This does not help the reuse of dataset records tagged with such topics,
as a translation to a gov domain topic list will be necessary if you
want to reuse it. So for me it is not so much a matter of trusting
Eurovoc or IPTC more, but it is more a matter of the best fit &
reusability for the open data domain. 

Looking at the discussion so far, I believe Eurovoc still seems to be
the best candidate. I have already done a short analysis of the fit
between Eurovoc and the current datasets in our database and it seems OK
(again, not exactly perfect, but that's not what I am expecting). I'll
look into it using a larger sample and let you know. This may take me a
while to complete as we are currently redesiging our data portal. In the
meantime, I'd be very interested to hear from others who have tackled
this problem. 

Best regards,

Edo Plantinga
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