[ckan-discuss] Topic list (vocabulary/valuelist) for classifying datasets .

Plantinga, Edo Edo.Plantinga at koop.wmrijk.nl
Wed Jun 20 11:58:14 BST 2012

Hi Pablo,
You are right, I was just looking for a gov specific topic list, I
should have been more specific about that. 
My gut feeling is that finding a limited and meaningful topic list to
include datasets outside of the gov domain would be neigh on impossible,
since that would pretty much mean classifying Everything (I imagine that
there are many datasets that are not newsworthy, but still useful).
Other than that, the IPTC topic list is often linked to target
audiences, which I find is difficult in the context of datasets: is a
dataset with locations of park benches aimed at people that want to walk
outdoors (Leisure?), park bench maintenance crews and their competition
(Business?) or fitness enthousiast that want to use them in their
excercises (Sports?) or .... Anyway, that is a different discussion I
suppose. For now I myself will be focussing on gov data, which for me is
complicated enough.
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