[open-data-manual] Sphinx/Transifex translation tool chain

Tim McNamara tim.mcnamara at okfn.org
Mon Sep 5 22:41:23 UTC 2011

On 6 September 2011 01:32, Dinu Gherman <gherman at darwin.in-berlin.de> wrote:
> I'm sorry, but after sifting through the archives and quite
> a few web pages I still don't understand how the .po(t)
> files for transifex.net are generated.

This may be of some use:

$ sphinx build gettext -Dlanguage=de

> The real question is about the process behind that. People
> write and edit the text, but how and when is it carried
> over to transifex? Is it automatic? If it is what prevents
> authors/editors from rearranging paragraphs such that the
> .po(t) entries get screwed-up?

No, it's quite manual. We have been going through a learning process.
The Sphinx l18n work is very new, and our procedures are largely
undocumented. We hope to be able to write a detailed blog post
explaining our processes so other projects can learn in the short

Moreover, I would like to avoid keeing documentation about the editing
and translation processes with the rest of the instructions. I want to
avoid burdening people who just want to write. Rufus and I can take
text, then do the fiddly work of incorporating it into the manual.

> So far I have only translated inside transifex but not set
> up my own project, so I'd like to understand how this is
> designed to work, but as I said, I haven't found any infor-
> mation whatsoever. If I missed something I'd be glad to re-
> ceive a pointer (or more).

Please don't create another project on Transifex. I recommend joining
the de team: https://www.transifex.net/projects/p/opendatamanual/team/de/

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