[open-government] Fwd: 'Reverse engineering Europe's PSI re-use rules' - for dissemination

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Fri Jul 30 18:01:08 UTC 2010

Interesting paper on public sector information from Marc de Vries, who
is an analyst at ePSIplus, and has been involved in a number of
European studies on PSI (e.g. the MEPSIR study [1]):


More info below...


[1] http://www.epsiplatform.eu/psi_library/reports/mepsir_measuring_european_public_sector_resources_report

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Dear Jonathan,

 I am pleased to send you my article ‘Reverse engineering Europe’s PSI
re-use rules – towards an integrated conceptual framework for PSI
re-use’, which you will find attached.

 I would be very pleased if you could publish it through your channels
at the widest level possible.

 Below you will find (1) a short outline and (2) an introduction you
may want to use.

 I am looking forward to your response.

Kind regards,

Marc de Vries


(1)   outline

Despite various studies evincing the huge potential locked up in
public sector information (PSI), this potential is far from being
fully exploited. To a large extent, this failure is caused by the
immensely complex legal labyrinth surrounding PSI re-use. This
complexity works in two ways: public sector bodies do not comply with
the regulatory framework and re-users do not avail themselves of the
legal instruments offered, resulting in an unexploited economic

 What makes the legal framework so complex is the transcending nature
of PSI re-use, as it blends four areas of law – freedom of information
law, ICT law, intellectual property law and competition law – that,
throughout the years, have been regulated at a European, national and
even sectoral level, but in isolation. The fundamental impact that ICT
developments have on our society, subsequently also rocking the legal
rules and underlying principles and axioms, makes the picture even
more complicated.

In this article, I will reverse engineer these legal frameworks and
demonstrate how they interact, culminating in a conceptual framework
that allows public sector bodies and re-users (and courts where
necessary) to apply and rely on the rules involved and to bring to the
surface areas for policy action.

(2)   introduction

Marc de Vries has published ‘Reverse engineering Europe’s PSI re-use
rules – towards an integrated conceptual framework for PSI re-use’
which is an in depth and analytical consideration of the factors
constituting the legal environment impacting on European PSI re-use
and the interconnection of these factors, thus providing a conceptual
framework that will allow for enhanced understanding of this complex
legal labyrinth. Click here [insert link] to read the article.

Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation


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