[open-government] Defining Open Government Data?

Ton Zijlstra ton.zijlstra at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 19:11:36 BST 2010

Hi Tim,

I'm not calling any public official an idiot. In fact I work with civil
servants a lot and have done for almost 15 years, and have yet to find one
who isn't passionate about public service.
If you read my text again you see I am calling websites idiotic and crappy,
which a lot of websites tend to be, the result of the sometimes mysterious
bureaucratic processes governments and big organizations have, as well as
fuzzy procurement specifications.



Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu


On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 8:04 PM, Tim McNamara
<paperless at timmcnamara.co.nz>wrote:

> 2010/10/20 Ton Zijlstra <ton.zijlstra at gmail.com>
>> And maybe things like:
>> every idiot/crappy gov website is polite enough to point to an Adobe
>> Reader download link to be able to open the PDF-muck they throw on-line.
>> Maybe part of the 'socially open' definition stuff should be pointing to
>> possible useful tools for re-use (which data.gov.uk is moving towards,
>> btw), such as Gridworks or viz tools that are emerging.
>> But that's maybe asking too much already.
> Let's act in good faith and refrain from calling officials idiots. They're
> professionals who are dedicated to making their country a better place. With
> that in mind though asking for more than a PDF is too much. Many officials
> struggle to understand that people want access to anything other than their
> PDF reports. They're entire career is built on providing excellent advice to
> others. Why wouldn't you want to read their advice?
> Moreover, by increasing the complexity that's required (more than "Export
> to PDF" on the part of the official), we shut lots of people out. They're
> too technology phobic.
> For example Google Refine is a good tool, but it will take years for
> government departments to learn about it - even though we're currently beta
> testing the 2.0 release. It will take a few more years before officials will
> be allowed to install it on their centralised desktops. I have been
> considering installing an instance on the Google App Engine, but don't know
> how much traction that will get. There are significant legal considerations
> for departments when they send their data offshore.
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