[wdmmg-discuss] Ministers turn to Facebook users for cuts suggestions

Ian Dickinson ian at epimorphics.com
Fri Jul 9 10:53:18 UTC 2010

On 09/07/10 11:15, Kathryn wrote:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/politics/10563598.stm
> Thoughts?
My guess is that it's a fumble from a government still getting used to 
the fact that they're the ones actually in charge now!

I expect a clarification during the day along the lines of "when we said 
primary, we of course meant one of the many equally valid means of ...". 
Probably from Michael Gove, he seems to be apologiser-in-chief at the 
moment :)


Ian Dickinson  ian at epimorphics.com  cell: +44-7786-850536
Epimorphics Ltd, Bristol, UK   http://www.epimorphics.com
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