[annotator-dev] Annotator 2.0 Call - Wednesday December 18th @

Andrew Magliozzi andrew at finalsclub.org
Sun Dec 8 22:17:42 UTC 2013

Hi Annotator Devs,

The Doodles are in.  The next Annotator community call is *Wednesday
December 18th at 1pm EST *(*5pm UTC / GMT | 10am Pacific*).  We'll hold the
call via Google Hangout.  Here is a link to join:


We'll review recent progress and discuss next steps. Below are some topics
for discussion and action items from the last call.  Please reply with any
important topics I might have missed.

Talk soon,


   - Annotator 2.0
   - #Sustainathon
   - Hypothes.is
   - Annotation-Studio
   - Harvard & EdX

Action Items

@Andrew, @Jamie, & @Dan TODO: assemble/update master list of Annotator
plugins, integrations and projects -- on the annotator website (github.io).

 Blocker: @Nick to get github page ready for us to edit

@Randall: heatmap demo / contribution with vanilla annotator

@Andrew: Follow up with Anna off list

Everybody: Annotator 2.0 Milestone:


@Nick: people were at OKcon who were interested in annotation.

@Nick: Adam Green: offered a pro-bono facilitation of documentation for
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