[annotator-dev] Annotator-store configuration No ID returned from server for annotation

pascal coucou pascalcoucou123 at hotmail.fr
Tue Jul 2 20:39:31 UTC 2013

Hellohappy to meet you , I'm new in annotator
I have a warning message when I put data to my local elasticsearch server :

Warning:  No ID returned from server for annotatio the data is save on the server but update delete and read cannot run 
this is my configuration
content.annotator('addPlugin', 'Store', {
  urls: {
    // These are the default URLs.
    create:  '/annotations',
    read:    '/annotations/:id',
    update:  '/annotations/:id',
    destroy: '/annotations/:id',
    search:  '/_search'
  },      // The endpoint of the store on your server.
      prefix: '',

      // Attach the uri of the current page to all annotations to allow search.      annotationData: {        'uri': window.location.href      },
      // This will perform a "search" action rather than "read" when the plugin      // loads. Will request the last 20 annotations for the current url.      // eg. /store/endpoint/search?limit=20&uri=http://this/document/only      loadFromSearch: {        'limit': 20,        'uri': window.location.href      }})};
so if someone can help me why thanks
pascal coucou

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