[annotator-dev] Fwd: Annotator 2.0 Planning Call - Tuesday July 16th @ 7pm UTC / GMT

Nick Stenning nick at whiteink.com
Tue Jul 16 19:07:32 UTC 2013

For some reason this doesn't seem to be sending to everyone for Andrew...

Trying again.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrew - FinalsClub.org <andrew at finalsclub.org>
Date: Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: Annotator 2.0 Planning Call - Tuesday July 16th @ 7pm UTC / GMT
To: Annotator Dev <annotator-dev at lists.okfn.org>

Hi All,

As promised, here is the link to the google hangout.  Hope to see many
people here shortly:


Warm Regards,

Andrew Magliozzi
Founder, FinalsClub Foundation

On Jul 16, 2013, at 8:11 AM, Andrew Magliozzi <andrew at finalsclub.org> wrote:

Hi all,

Don't forget the Annotator 2.0 call today. I'll send a hangout link five
minutes prior to the scheduled time.


On Jul 10, 2013, at 11:35 AM, "Andrew - FinalsClub.org<http://finalsclub.org/>"
<andrew at finalsclub.org> wrote:

Hi Annotator Devs,

The Doodles are in, and it looks like most people are free for a call
next *Tuesday
July 16th @ 3pm Eastern Time* (*7pm UTC / GMT*).  We'll hold the call via
Google Hangout and send out a link to the list about 5 minutes before start

As for the agenda, below I've made a rough sketch based on Nick's initial
email.  Please do let me know if you think I've missed anything.

Looking forward,
Andrew Magliozzi
Founder, FinalsClub Foundation
KarmaNotes.org <http://karmanotes.org/>

*=== Rough Agenda Below ===*

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

# What's wrong now?

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## UI coupling

## Storage coupling

## Inflexible matching

## Interplugin communication more generally

## Removal and idempotence

## Other issues...

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# Proposals for improvement:

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## Plugin types

1. Generic plugins

 ## Groups Plugin

## Sets Plugin

2. Store plugins

3. Matcher plugins

## Asynchrony

## Other ideas...

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# Who can help?  How?  When?

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

## Who is already working on these issues?

## Sharing innovation upstream

## Ownership, deliverables, & milestones
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