[annotator-dev] JSON-LD as data interchange format [WAS Re: Branching v2.0.x]
Robert Sanderson
azaroth42 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 31 15:18:13 UTC 2013
Thanks Nick, Ed :)
Great discussion, comments inline...
On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 3:40 AM, Nick Stenning <nick at whiteink.com> wrote:
> Ed Summers wrote:
> > Is it worthwhile considering JSON-LD and OpenAnnotation for v2.0? I
> > know that OpenAnnotation is mentioned quite a bit w/r/t Hypothes.is
> > and it seems like JSON-LD would possibly fit in fairly well with the
> > annotator.
> Randall Leeds wrote:
> > First we would need to resolve the remaining differences between the
> > annotator model and the open annotation model. Then JSON-LD can be
> > added in various places at any time.
> So, here are a few thoughts:
> Most people, when they first come across Annotator, have not thought
> about the deeper semantic modelling of annotation that OA is trying to
> achieve. They have a specific problem domain and a specific set of goals
> I think we should be wary of exposing the full complexity of OA to users
> (or integrators, or plugin developers) unless we are clear on exactly
> what benefits that brings.
Completely agreed that users do not need to know about OA, nor should they.
If there's a badge along the lines of "W3C Open Annotation Compliant",
then maybe they feel more comfortable knowing that their annotations are
going to be easy to transfer to other systems (if they even think about
that or care) but there's no reason why a user would care about the details
of the model, just that it's being used.
Folk who take the code and deploy it also probably don't care, beyond the
same ability to swap out products and still be able to maintain their users
annotations. I guess this is what you mean by "integrators", Nick?
External developers (eg not contributing to the core) /may/ care about the
model, if they have some desired feature that is available in Open
Annotation but not implemented in Annotator. If there's a clear way
forwards (eg just follow the model) then the integration becomes a lot
And core developers, I think you guys have a bonus side effect: if the
model was used internally, you save a lot of documentation writing time as
you can just point to the spec :)
That said...
> The mechanism used by Anna Gerber is the one I'd like us to consider
> pursuing, where Annotator continues to have its own internal model of
> the annotation, without any conceptual or technological "linked data"
> overhead. To speak concretely, that means that a plugin still deals with
> plain ol' JavaScript objects. No contexts, no "@"-symbols.
... this is perfectly fine too. Open Annotation is intended as an
interoperability mechanism between systems that may or may not use it
internally. If it's exposed correctly at the edges, the internals aren't
very important. You could store in mysql tables, arbitrary json, rdf (OA
or not) ... no big deal so long as there's a representation that conforms
to OA that can be retrieved, potentially along side other representations.
On the other hand, the closer the internal model is to the OA model, the
easier that transformation is and the easier it is to add in additional
functionality. The Javascript objects can silently add in their @type and
@id, the @context at the very end during serialization. Perhaps it's worth
building a full mapping between the two models to see how close they are
already? From earlier such explorations, they seemed very similar.
It's then up to a specific storage engine to render that object into an
> interchange format of it's own choosing. Conveniently, JavaScript
> objects are more-or-less already an interchange format, so the default
> store can simply pass the object (or rather a JSON-stringified version
> thereof) back to the reference annotator-store.
Yes. If you can turn on OA serialization for OA based stores, and other
serializations for other stores, this gives a great deal of flexibility
while allowing both the integrator and/or user to take the future of their
annotations into their own hands. It also gives you insurance against
future changes to the OA model, for example if (hopefully when!) there's a
full W3C working group for Open Annotation, there may be concessions to be
made for big industry support.
I am very keen, however, to see a parallel effort (which should be made
> vastly simpler by the changes now in progress for Annotator 2.0.x) to
> develop a store plugin which transforms the Annotator internal
> representation into JSON-LD and uses that as an interchange format.
> Perhaps someone will even integrate this with an existing triple store?
Anna? :)
In my experience, using a triple store for annotations is overkill. It's
great that it's RDF and inherits semantics and all the promise of linked
data, but at the end of the day if there's just a JSON/object store it will
fulfill 99% of the use cases we know about.
> The point here is that it is possible to do useful work as a plugin
> author without necessarily having to engage with the full complexity of
> OA data modelling. I don't believe we are providing any particular
> benefit to plugin authors or integrators by pushing the OA
> representation through the whole of Annotator.
As above, but perhaps the internal model documentation could provide
references to the appropriate parts of the OA model for people coming from
that direction, rather than without any [@]context?
If annotator and annotator-store can receive and transmit OA to each other
and to other clients that implement the same (very good, as discussed at
iAnnotate) API, then I think the deal is done. Whether or not the code
uses the model internally should be a pragmatic decision, but one that
should (IMO) be taken seriously. The advantages of providing a (partial)
reference implementation for a model that's the 4th largest of 155
community groups, and adopted by the IDPF (who are responsible for EPUB)
seem pretty high in terms of gaining new adopters, developers and support.
> And on the specific question of how we model tags... well, this is a
> nice example of where OA forces us to think more clearly about what we
> are representing.
> My opinion is that tags as currently implemented are intended to be
> alternative bodies of a single annotation.
> Rob Sanderson wrote:
> > In particular, the Open Annotation model says that all bodies of an
> > annotation are about the target of the annotation. So if a single
> > annotation has two tags and one comment, then all three of those
> > things are about the target(s) of the annotation, not the annotation
> > itself.
> Agreed.
> As such, we can keep the "tags" key as just an array of strings within
> Annotator, with no loss of generality. If an OA-compatible store plugin
> then wishes to convert these to additional bodies on the resulting
> annotation, that's possible.
Yup! At the edges it would be trivial to go from an array of "string", to
an array of {"char": "string"} objects to fit the model.
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