[annotator-dev] Annotation of video and embedding maps

Andrew Defries andrew.defries at gmail.com
Sat Dec 20 02:43:28 UTC 2014

Hi all,

What open source tool do you suggest to collectively annotate a video, make
comments, and potentially embed map information?

For instance, there's this fixed gear video that was popular a few years
back called Mash SF. Long story short these guys bike all over downtown SF.
I'd like to annotate the streets they film (perhaps with an open street
map) and also annotate every red light they run, and a running total of the
traffic tickets they would incur if they were caught. I know at least 50
percent of the locations, but would ask friends and other enthusiasts (from
bike forums) if they could annotate the other "unknown" locations.

Strange request, yes, but I'm sure people have asked even more exotic

Happy annotating, and thanks

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