[annotator-dev] x-annotator-auth-token

Andrew MacDonald andrew_james_macdonald at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 20 15:57:32 UTC 2014

Hello dev team,

I'm having trouble getting my local authentication working with the AnnotateIt store.

So far, I have produced a local authentication token endpoint, using the JsonToken Java library. This seems to work, as the Annotator plugin calls my endpoint and it returns a token (and the Annotator doesn't throw any "couldn't get auth token" errors). However, when I try to store an annotation on AnnotateIt I get a 401 unauthorized response. When I use the http://annotateit.org/api/token endpoint for authorization, everything works as expected. Comparing the headers between the two approaches, I notice that when using my local authentication, subsequent calls to AnnotateIt don't include the x-annotator-auth-token request header, which I assume is why I'm getting the unauthorized response.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? If you require more details please let me know.

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