[annotator-dev] How to query annotations created by current user only

Sarah Bird - Bonvaya sarah at bonvaya.com
Tue Nov 25 05:46:08 UTC 2014

Hi Rick,

This is how I do something similar:

a.annotator('addPlugin', 'Store', {
  prefix: 'http://annotateit.org/api',
  annotationData: {
    'project': PROJECTNAME,
    'version': VERSION,
    'uri': URI,
    'siteuid': SITE_UNIQUE_ID,
    'pageuid': PAGE_UNIQUE_ID
  loadFromSearch: {
    'pageuid': PAGE_UNIQUE_ID.toLowerCase(),
    'limit': 1000


I am adding custom data, and searching based on that.

In your case, I imagine this should work:

a.annotator('addPlugin', 'Store', {
  prefix: 'http://annotateit.org/api',
  annotationData: {
  loadFromSearch: {
    'userId': Meteor.userId(),
    'limit': 1000

Assuming your store endpoint has a search api working.



On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Rick <rmercer33 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm using annotator.js v 1.2.9 and using the Store plugin with Meteor and
> MongoDB.
> I want only annotations created by the current user to be displayed.
> When annotator is first initialized it makes a GET request to receive all
> annotations. Rather than return all annotations I want to return only those
> created by the current user (on the current page).
> But the GET request does not include any user information that can be used
> to query the database. I tried using the annotationData option of the Store
> plugin but that info is not part of the GET request - but is part of the
> annotation json object in the body of a POST.
> that.$('#document').annotator()
>         .annotator("addPlugin", 'Store', {
>           prefix: '/api',
>           annotationData: {"docId":that.data._id, "userId":Meteor.userId()}
>         })
> I tried the Permissions plugin and can see how that prevents others from
> editing or deleting an annotation they did not create but It doesn't seem
> to work when I try to restrict readers to just the creator. Here's my code
> for that:
>   var userInfo = {id:Meteor.userId(),
> email:Meteor.user().emails[0].address};
> .annotator("addPlugin", 'Permissions', {
>           user: userInfo,
>           userId: function(user) {
>             if (user && user.id) {
>               return user.id;
>             }
>             else
>               return user
>           },
>           userString: function(user) {
>             if (user && user.id) {
>               return user.email;
>             }
>             else
>               return user
>           },
>           permissions: {
>             'read': [userInfo.id],
>             'update': [userInfo.id],
>             'delete': [userInfo.id],
>             'admin': [userInfo.id]
>           },
>           showViewPermissionsCheckbox: false,
>           showEditPermissionsCheckbox: false
>         })
> I also tried the Auth plugin which adds an 'x-annotator-auth-token' key to
> the request header and I can use that token to obtain user info but, the
> token is not added to the GET request.
> So, I don't know how to proceed. All help is gratefully appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Rick ;-)
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