[annotator-dev] Annotator Community Call 10/6/14 @ noon Eastern / 9am Pacific / 4pm GMT

Andrew Magliozzi andrew at finalsclub.org
Mon Oct 6 15:48:28 UTC 2014

Hi Annotators,

It turns out the MIT servers are having some trouble today, so our usual
meeting place won't work.  :-(

@DanWhaley, are you able to create a 15 person hangout for us?  Just give
me a call and we can send out a link shortly.

Sorry all for the technical difficulties.


On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 2:53 PM, Andrew Magliozzi <andrew at finalsclub.org>

> Hi All,
> By unanimous doodle, the next annotator community call with be
> *Monday, October 6th*
> * @* *noon Eastern / 9am Pacific / 6pm in Berlin*.  Let's use the same
> unHangout link (max 10 participants) as always:
> http://unhangout.media.mit.edu/h/AnnotatorDev
> If you can meet in real life for this meeting, please gather so we can fit
> as many participants as possible.  Here is a brief working agenda.  Please
> add items as you see fit:
>    - Celebrate all progress since last meeting!
>    - Annotator 2.0 updates
>    - Documentation needs
>    - IE 8 support progress
>    - Automated testing progress
>    - Our Github organization logo
>    - more...
> Please reply with any other items you'd like to discuss.
> Cheers,
> Andrew
> PS - Here are the notes from our last meeting:
> https://hackpad.com/Annotator-Community-Call-July-2014-S9gCuRCfKgw
> PPS - Here is a hackpad we can use for our next meeting:
> https://hackpad.com/Annotator-Community-Call-October-2014-HwJgWtL6yF5
> --
> Andrew Magliozzi
> Founder
> *FinalsClub Foundation*
> *www.KarmaNotes.org <http://www.KarmaNotes.org>*
> T - 617-575-9369
> E - Andrew at FinalsClub.org
> FinalsClub exists thanks to funding from the William and Flora Hewlett
> Foundation and generous scholars like you.

Andrew Magliozzi
*FinalsClub Foundation*
*www.KarmaNotes.org <http://www.KarmaNotes.org>*

T - 617-575-9369
E - Andrew at FinalsClub.org

FinalsClub exists thanks to funding from the William and Flora Hewlett
Foundation and generous scholars like you.
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