[annotator-dev] Custom Storage Plugin

Jamie McGowan jamietyc at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 15:37:45 UTC 2015

The POST successfully reaches the server. The problem is that when I go to
POST the annotation object, it seems to be empty (apart from the URL with I
add myself).  Here is a snippet of the Javascript code:
this.annotator.subscribe("beforeAnnotationCreated", function(annotation) {
    annotation.url = document.location.href;
.subscribe("annotationCreated", function(annotation) {
    console.log("Created: %o", annotation);
    jQuery.post("./annotator/create.php", annotation, function(data) {

The console.log successfully prints the annotation object with is valid.
But an empty annotation object is being sent to the server (checked server

I get this error: Uncaught Error: Error while finding start node:
undefined: TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined

If I comment out the jQuery post, the error disappears. Is there something
wrong with the Javascript or am I supposed add this functionality outside
of pluginInit and where?

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