[annotator-dev] Using annotator for pdf files

Randall Leeds tilgovi at hypothes.is
Wed May 6 18:17:15 UTC 2015

Yes and no :-)

Annotator does not, by itself, offer anything for this.

Hypothesis has code for this, but it's pretty complicated. Even though a
lot of it is written as plugins, they probably don't work without
modification to Annotator.

I have just recently begun to rewrite this. It's my top priority this week
to release anchoring tools for HTML and PDF(.js).

I'll update the list and bump this thread when I have something to share.
Hello all,
I have used annotator.js v1.2.9 for web pages well. But as I can see, it
cannot readily handle pdf files loaded opened in the browser.
Is it available in any other annotator versions?
If not, has anyone tried doing that?

Apurva Jalit

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