[annotator-dev] Annotating pdf file

Randall Leeds tilgovi at hypothes.is
Fri May 15 03:54:54 UTC 2015

Annotator requires heavy modification and extension to do this.

Since ViewerJS uses PDF.js for PDF, it should be possible, since we have
successfully used PDF.js and Annotator together.

However, I've just finished rewriting that code to make it Annotator
independent, which also means easier to integrate with Annotator v1.2.x or

Next week I will try to post some examples and release the code I'm using
as standalone libraries.

This is a topic that comes up often. I'm happy to say it seems close to
being usable by other Annotator users.
On May 12, 2015 3:49 AM, "Branislava Šandrih" <branislava.sandrih at gmail.com>

> Hello,
> could you tell us how to enable annotator in embedded pdf file?
> We are using iframe element and ViewerJS library:
> <iframe src = "/ViewerJS/#../../resources/docs/demodoc.pdf'"></iframe>
> The other text on this page is annotated nicely. We were wondering if we
> need additional plugins or configuration.
> Thank you!
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