[annotator-dev] Problem with Storage DELETE request
Kraffmiller, Ellen
ekraffmiller at hmdc.harvard.edu
Wed May 20 15:34:01 UTC 2015
emulateHTTP worked! (Even though it’s only documented in the 2.0.0 version, it works fine in 1.2.10.)
Thanks for your help,
On May 19, 2015, at 4:47 PM, Randall Leeds <tilgovi at hypothes.is<mailto:tilgovi at hypothes.is>> wrote:
You can also specify the `emulateHTTP` option to the Store configuration. This setting makes it so that Annotator always uses a POST request and specifies the real method in an X-HTTP-Method-Override header.
On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 1:37 PM, Kraffmiller, Ellen <ekraffmiller at hmdc.harvard.edu<mailto:ekraffmiller at hmdc.harvard.edu>> wrote:
I’ve done more research on the server side - and I don’t see how I can override the behavior of my server (Glassfish 4.1, with Java Servlets 3.1). So I will need to modify the Annotator code so that it sends the DELETE without a message body. Can I do this by implementing the annotationDeleted() method? Or is that just an additional callback that happens on delete?
On May 19, 2015, at 12:53 PM, Ellen Kraffmiller <ekraffmiller at fas.harvard.edu<mailto:ekraffmiller at fas.harvard.edu>> wrote:
Yes, I think that is the problem! I can see in my javascript console that the DELETE request includes the entire annotation in the request body. When I run the DELETE curl command with a body, I’m also getting the 400 error. The problem seems to be that the framework I’m using to implement the service doesn’t allow a body in a DELETE request. So I will either have to override the DELETE being sent from the annotator, or implement the delete differently on my server.
Thanks for your help!
On May 18, 2015, at 7:44 PM, Randall Leeds <tilgovi at hypothes.is<mailto:tilgovi at hypothes.is>> wrote:
Is your server rejecting the DELETE in the first case?
I think Annotator will send the annotation in the request body for the delete. Maybe your server is not expecting that?
On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 2:43 PM, Kraffmiller, Ellen <ekraffmiller at hmdc.harvard.edu<mailto:ekraffmiller at hmdc.harvard.edu>> wrote:
When the request is made from within Annotator, I the response I get from the server is 400 Bad Request. The request never gets to my method on the server, so my annotation isn’t deleted. Here is what it looks like on my Javascript Console:
DELETE http://localhost:8080/text/api/store/annotations/555a512f30045b989f670271<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__localhost-3A8080_text_api_store_annotations_555a512f30045b989f670271&d=BQMFaQ&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=vyEs5LtWI7iWAgVfdz7UJyI8eN_xIkVsV7ez924R2rA&m=hpo03hQATZvIXcLHvDQApvT1pCO1kpQ3JNlk10n04Hk&s=ZwMaKS6OI3ty9YAuUIvTVJXaHIP6uxGUcIYB5ZCjk4o&e=> 400 (Bad Request)
When I make the request from curl the annotation is deleted and I get 200 response:
curl -i -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/text/api/store/annotations/555a512f30045b989f670271<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__localhost-3A8080_text_api_store_annotations_555a512f30045b989f670271&d=BQMFaQ&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=vyEs5LtWI7iWAgVfdz7UJyI8eN_xIkVsV7ez924R2rA&m=hpo03hQATZvIXcLHvDQApvT1pCO1kpQ3JNlk10n04Hk&s=ZwMaKS6OI3ty9YAuUIvTVJXaHIP6uxGUcIYB5ZCjk4o&e=>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
On May 18, 2015, at 5:33 PM, Randall Leeds <tilgovi at hypothes.is<mailto:tilgovi at hypothes.is>> wrote:
Is the response from the server different? Or does Annotator just have trouble processing it?
When you delete the annotation in Annotator, is it deleted on the server, and then just the client sees failure? Or is the backend rejecting the request?
On May 18, 2015 2:07 PM, "Kraffmiller, Ellen" <ekraffmiller at hmdc.harvard.edu<mailto:ekraffmiller at hmdc.harvard.edu>> wrote:
I’m running Annotator 1.2.10, with the Storage plugin, and have implemented my own REST interface for the storage commands. I have create, update and search working correctly, but I’m having a problem with the delete command. When I try to delete an annotation, I get a “Bad Request” error from the Storage plugin, but if I run try the same DELETE URL that the plugin is calling with curl, it works as expected and the annotation is deleted. I’m using jQuery 1.9.0.
Any suggestiions appreciated!
Here is my javascript from my test page:
jQuery(function ($) {
if (typeof $.fn.annotator !== 'function') {
alert("Ooops! it looks like you haven't built the Annotator concatenation file. " +
"Either download a tagged release from GitHub, or modify the Cakefile to point " +
"at your copy of the YUI compressor and run `cake package`.");
} else {
// This is the important bit: how to create the annotator and add
// plugins
.annotator('addPlugin', 'Permissions')
.annotator('addPlugin','Store', {
prefix: '/text/api/store',
annotationData : {
url: 'http://'+<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__-26-2339-3B-2B&d=BQMFaQ&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=vyEs5LtWI7iWAgVfdz7UJyI8eN_xIkVsV7ez924R2rA&m=hpo03hQATZvIXcLHvDQApvT1pCO1kpQ3JNlk10n04Hk&s=K4M135-FnMN9GnIGDjZ9w6ZuqtG5HDqQLhqjN2mBR0U&e=> window.location.host + window.location.pathname,
documentId: '553e964230040cdcf4ecf4d4'
loadFromSearch: {
limit: 0,
all_fields: 1,
documentId: '553e964230040cdcf4ecf4d4'
.annotator('addPlugin', 'Tags');
$('#clusterDocViewText').data('annotator').plugins['Permissions'].setUser({ id: 9, username: 'ellen' });
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