[bigclean] Fwd: zbieranie: Slovenske a Ceske Open Data Sets

Jindřich Mynarz mynarzjindrich at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 13:17:59 UTC 2011

Hi all,

since the forwarded announcement is in Slovak, let me clarify it a little
bit. I've briefly talked with Michal during OKCon 2011 about organizing
another Big Clean-like event this year. The main organizers are from
Slovak Society
for Open Information Technologies [1]. The idea is to do the event in a
distributed fashion and engage community hackerspaces with it. Instead of
one venue, in which the participants would gather to scrape some data, they
can visit their local hackerspace or organize ad-hoc meetings with their
peers. This distributed "hackathon" could be made to feel almost like an
single event by using an IRC channel, or Twitter hash-tag (just as we did
during the Big Clean this Spring).

Now, the question is if we want to make this event the "Big Clean" and
promote it on the Big Clean web page [2]. Let's have a discussion about
this? It would be nice to have some input on this from Antti, ScraperWiki
and OKFN.

Michal, can you please ask the organizers from SOIT.sk to provide more
information on the planned event (i.e., when, where, who?) and share them on
this mailing list? It would be even better if people from SOIT.sk can join
the discussion on this mailing list.


Jindrich Mynarz

[1] http://www.soit.sk/sk/organizacia/info-in-english
[2] http://bigclean.org/

2011/7/9 M.Skop KohoVolit.eu <michal.skop at kohovolit.eu>

> **
> I'd like to let you know about the following "bigclean-like" event for CZ
> and SK.
> Michal
> -------- Original Message --------  Subject: zbieranie: Slovenske a Ceske
> Open Data Sets  Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2011 20:33:08 +0200 (CEST)  From: Marek
> Mahut <marek.mahut at soit.sk> <marek.mahut at soit.sk>  To:
> Zdravím,
> SOIT bude organizovať hackfest parsovania a zbierania dát z verejných internetových zdrojov. Myšlienkou je vytvoriť čo najviac data setov, od vládnych až po kultúrne, ktoré sa budú parsovať priamo zo stránok za pomoci projektu scraperwiki.com. Od vás by sme potrebovali zoznam zdrojov, ktoré si myslíte že by boli užitočné v databázovej podobe, ako napríklad hlasovanie národnej rady, alebo znečistenie ovzdušia v Martine. Zaujímajú nás zdroje z Česka a Slovenska. Nápady zbierame na nasledujúcej stránke, nebojte sa tam pridať čokoľvek, čo pokladáte za zaujímavé alebo preposielat.
>     http://bit.ly/krNxUI
> Vdaka,
> --
> Marek Mahut
>  The Society for Open Information Technologies
>  Spoločnosť pre otvorené informačné technológiewww.soit.sk
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