[ckan-changes] commit/ckan: John Glover: [solr] [1154] Check for search indexing errors.

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Thu Aug 25 14:26:51 UTC 2011

1 new changeset in ckan:

changeset:   37a158fdfdf3
branch:      feature-1275-solr-search
user:        John Glover
date:        2011-08-25 16:26:35
summary:     [solr] [1154] Check for search indexing errors.

Throw a SearchIndexError if indexing fails, catch in controllers and display a suitable error message. Test that adding/updating packages fails if Solr is down.
affected #:  7 files (3.0 KB)

--- a/ckan/controllers/api.py	Wed Aug 24 15:56:31 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan/controllers/api.py	Thu Aug 25 15:26:35 2011 +0100
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 from ckan.lib.helpers import json
 import ckan.model as model
 import ckan.rating
-from ckan.lib.search import query_for, QueryOptions, SearchError, DEFAULT_OPTIONS
+from ckan.lib.search import query_for, QueryOptions, SearchIndexError, SearchError, DEFAULT_OPTIONS
 from ckan.plugins import PluginImplementations, IGroupController
 from ckan.lib.munge import munge_title_to_name
 from ckan.lib.navl.dictization_functions import DataError
@@ -282,6 +282,9 @@
             log.error('Format incorrect: %s' % request_data)
             #TODO make better error message
             return self._finish(400, _(u'Integrity Error') % request_data)
+        except SearchIndexError:
+            log.error('Unable to add package to search index: %s' % request_data)
+            return self._finish(500, _(u'Unable to add package to search index') % request_data)
@@ -328,6 +331,9 @@
             log.error('Format incorrect: %s' % request_data)
             #TODO make better error message
             return self._finish(400, _(u'Integrity Error') % request_data)
+        except SearchIndexError:
+            log.error('Unable to update search index: %s' % request_data)
+            return self._finish(500, _(u'Unable to update search index') % request_data)
     def delete(self, ver=None, register=None, subregister=None, id=None, id2=None):
         action_map = {

--- a/ckan/controllers/package.py	Wed Aug 24 15:56:31 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan/controllers/package.py	Thu Aug 25 15:26:35 2011 +0100
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 from ckan.lib.base import request, c, BaseController, model, abort, h, g, render
 from ckan.lib.base import etag_cache, response, redirect, gettext
 from ckan.authz import Authorizer
-from ckan.lib.search import SearchError
+from ckan.lib.search import SearchIndexError, SearchError
 from ckan.lib.cache import proxy_cache
 from ckan.lib.package_saver import PackageSaver, ValidationException
 from ckan.lib.navl.dictization_functions import DataError, unflatten, validate
@@ -473,6 +473,8 @@
             abort(404, _('Package not found'))
         except DataError:
             abort(400, _(u'Integrity Error'))
+        except SearchIndexError:
+            abort(500, _(u'Unable to add package to search index.'))
         except ValidationError, e:
             errors = e.error_dict
             error_summary = e.error_summary
@@ -506,6 +508,8 @@
             abort(404, _('Package not found'))
         except DataError:
             abort(400, _(u'Integrity Error'))
+        except SearchIndexError:
+            abort(500, _(u'Unable to update search index.'))
         except ValidationError, e:
             errors = e.error_dict
             error_summary = e.error_summary

--- a/ckan/lib/search/__init__.py	Wed Aug 24 15:56:31 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan/lib/search/__init__.py	Thu Aug 25 15:26:35 2011 +0100
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 from ckan.model import DomainObjectOperation
 from ckan.plugins import SingletonPlugin, implements, IDomainObjectModification
 from ckan.lib.dictization.model_dictize import package_to_api1
-from common import SearchError, make_connection, is_available
+from common import SearchIndexError, SearchError, make_connection, is_available
 from index import PackageSearchIndex, NoopSearchIndex
 from query import TagSearchQuery, ResourceSearchQuery, PackageSearchQuery, QueryOptions

--- a/ckan/lib/search/common.py	Wed Aug 24 15:56:31 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan/lib/search/common.py	Thu Aug 25 15:26:35 2011 +0100
@@ -3,8 +3,13 @@
 import logging
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class SearchIndexError(Exception): pass
 class SearchError(Exception): pass
+solr_url = config.get('solr_url', '')
+solr_user = config.get('solr_user')
+solr_password = config.get('solr_password')
 def is_available():
     Return true if we can successfully connect to Solr.
@@ -26,11 +31,7 @@
     return config.get('search_enabled', True)
 def make_connection(config):
-    url = config.get('solr_url', 'http://localhost:8983/solr')
-    user = config.get('solr_user')
-    password = config.get('solr_password')
-    if user is not None and password is not None:
-        return SolrConnection(url, http_user=user, http_pass=password)
+    if solr_user is not None and solr_password is not None:
+        return SolrConnection(solr_url, http_user=solr_user, http_pass=solr_password)
-        return SolrConnection(url)
+        return SolrConnection(solr_url)

--- a/ckan/lib/search/index.py	Wed Aug 24 15:56:31 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan/lib/search/index.py	Thu Aug 25 15:26:35 2011 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 from pylons import config
 import itertools
 import string
-from common import is_enabled, make_connection
+from common import SearchIndexError, is_enabled, make_connection
 import logging
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -84,8 +84,10 @@
     def index_package(self, pkg_dict, config):
         if (not is_enabled()) or (pkg_dict is None):  
         if (not pkg_dict.get('state')) or ('active' not in pkg_dict.get('state')):
             return self.delete_package(pkg_dict, config)
         conn = make_connection(config)
         index_fields = RESERVED_FIELDS + pkg_dict.keys()
@@ -134,6 +136,9 @@
             conn.commit(wait_flush=False, wait_searcher=False)
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.exception(e)
+            raise SearchIndexError(e)
@@ -150,5 +155,8 @@
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.exception(e)
+            raise SearchIndexError(e)

--- a/ckan/tests/functional/api/model/test_package.py	Wed Aug 24 15:56:31 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan/tests/functional/api/model/test_package.py	Thu Aug 25 15:26:35 2011 +0100
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 import copy
-from nose.tools import assert_equal
+from nose.tools import assert_equal, assert_raises
 from ckan.tests.functional.api.base import BaseModelApiTestCase
 from ckan.tests.functional.api.base import Api1TestCase as Version1TestCase 
 from ckan.tests.functional.api.base import Api2TestCase as Version2TestCase 
 from ckan.tests.functional.api.base import ApiUnversionedTestCase as UnversionedTestCase 
+from ckan import plugins
+import ckan.lib.search as search
 # Todo: Remove this ckan.model stuff.
 import ckan.model as model
@@ -134,18 +136,6 @@
             assert package        
-    def test_register_post_json(self):
-        assert not self.get_package_by_name(self.package_fixture_data['name'])
-        offset = self.package_offset()
-        data = self.dumps(self.package_fixture_data)
-        res = self.post_json(offset, data, status=self.STATUS_201_CREATED,
-                             extra_environ=self.extra_environ)
-        # Check the database record.
-        self.remove()
-        package = self.get_package_by_name(self.package_fixture_data['name'])
-        assert package
-        self.assert_equal(package.title, self.package_fixture_data['title'])
     def test_register_post_bad_request(self):
         test_params = {
@@ -173,6 +163,26 @@
         assert_equal(res.body, '{"id": ["The input field id was not expected."]}')
+    def test_register_post_indexerror(self):
+        """
+        Test that we can't add a package if Solr is down.
+        """
+        bad_solr_url = ''
+        solr_url = search.common.solr_url
+        try:
+            search.common.solr_url = bad_solr_url
+            plugins.load('synchronous_search')
+            assert not self.get_package_by_name(self.package_fixture_data['name'])
+            offset = self.package_offset()
+            data = self.dumps(self.package_fixture_data)
+            self.post_json(offset, data, status=500, extra_environ=self.extra_environ)
+            self.remove()
+        finally:
+            plugins.unload('synchronous_search')
+            search.common.solr_url = solr_url
     def test_entity_get_ok(self):
         package_refs = [self.anna.name, self.anna.id]
         for ref in package_refs:
@@ -469,6 +479,23 @@
         self.app.put(package1_offset, package2_data,
+    def test_entity_update_indexerror(self):
+        """
+        Test that we can't update a package if Solr is down.
+        """
+        bad_solr_url = ''
+        solr_url = search.common.solr_url
+        try:
+            search.common.solr_url = bad_solr_url
+            plugins.load('synchronous_search')
+            assert_raises(
+                search.SearchIndexError, self.assert_package_update_ok, 'name', 'post'
+            )
+        finally:
+            plugins.unload('synchronous_search')
+            search.common.solr_url = solr_url
     def test_entity_delete_ok(self):
         # create a package with package_fixture_data
         if not self.get_package_by_name(self.package_fixture_data['name']):

--- a/ckan/tests/functional/test_package.py	Wed Aug 24 15:56:31 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan/tests/functional/test_package.py	Thu Aug 25 15:26:35 2011 +0100
@@ -1084,6 +1084,21 @@
         self.offset = url_for(controller='package', action='edit', id='random_name')
         self.res = self.app.get(self.offset, status=404)
+    def test_edit_indexerror(self):
+        bad_solr_url = ''
+        solr_url = search.common.solr_url
+        search.common.solr_url = bad_solr_url
+        plugins.load('synchronous_search')
+        fv = self.res.forms['package-edit']
+        prefix = ''
+        fv['log_message'] = u'Test log message'
+        res = fv.submit('save', status=500)
+        assert 'Unable to update search index' in res, res
+        plugins.unload('synchronous_search')
+        search.common.solr_url = solr_url
 class TestNew(TestPackageForm):
     pkg_names = []
@@ -1367,6 +1382,28 @@
         assert plugin.calls['create'] == 1, plugin.calls
+    def test_new_indexerror(self):
+        bad_solr_url = ''
+        solr_url = search.common.solr_url
+        search.common.solr_url = bad_solr_url
+        plugins.load('synchronous_search')
+        new_package_name = u'new-package-missing-solr'
+        offset = url_for(controller='package', action='new')
+        res = self.app.get(offset)
+        fv = res.forms['package-edit']
+        fv['name'] = new_package_name
+        # this package shouldn't actually be created but
+        # add it to the list to purge just in case
+        self.pkg_names.append(new_package_name)
+        res = fv.submit('save', status=500)
+        assert 'Unable to add package to search index' in res, res
+        plugins.unload('synchronous_search')
+        search.common.solr_url = solr_url
 class TestNewPreview(TestPackageBase):
     pkgname = u'testpkg'
     pkgtitle = u'mytesttitle'

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