[ckan-changes] commit/ckan-debs-public: davi... at okfn.org: Builders improved with JG.

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Tue Jun 7 15:42:54 UTC 2011

1 new changeset in ckan-debs-public:

changeset:   877b300622dc
user:        davi... at okfn.org
date:        2011-06-07 17:42:42
summary:     Builders improved with JG.
affected #:  8 files (6.4 KB)

--- a/builder.py	Tue Jun 07 11:54:37 2011 +0100
+++ b/builder.py	Tue Jun 07 16:42:42 2011 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from optparse import OptionParser
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
 from imp import find_module, load_module, acquire_lock, release_lock
 import os
 import sys
@@ -13,34 +14,62 @@
 class BuilderError(Exception):
+#def run(cmd, echo_stdout=False, echo_stderr=False, merge=True, cwd=None, no_return=False, **popen_args):
+#    if merge:
+#        stderr = STDOUT
+#    else:
+#        stderr = PIPE
+#    if cwd is None:
+#        process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=stderr, **popen_args)
+#    else:
+#        if not os.path.exists(cwd):
+#            raise Exception('No such file or directory %r'%cwd)
+#        process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=stderr, cwd=cwd, **popen_args)
+#    stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
+#    if echo_stdout:
+#        print stdout
+#    if echo_stderr:
+#        print stderr
+#    retval = process.wait()
+#    if retval != 0:
+#        raise Exception('Command %s failed with code %r. Output: %s, %s'%(' '.join(cmd), retval, stdout, stderr))
+#    if not no_return:
+#        if merge:
+#            return retval, stdout
+#        else:
+#            return retval, stdout, stderr
 class BaseBuilderConfig(object):
-    def __init__(self, env):
-        self.env = env
+    def __init__(self, builder):
+        self.builder = builder
     def get_print_prefix(self):
         return '\n### %s: ' % self.name
     def print_title(self, msg):
         prefix = self.get_print_prefix()
-        print '%s %s' % (prefix, msg % self.env)
+        print '%s %s' % (prefix, msg)
-    def run(self, msg, cmd, is_verbose=True, **extra_env):
+    def run(self, msg, cmd, cwd=None, **extra_env):
+        if cwd is None:
+            cwd = os.getcwd()
-        env = self.env
         if extra_env:
-            env = self.env
-            env.update(extra_env)
-        cmd = (cmd % env) % env
+            if not isinstance(cmd, list):
+                cmd = (cmd % extra_env)
+            else:
+                raise Exception('The extra_env argument does not work when using lists')
         print cmd
-        if is_verbose:
-            if os.system(cmd):
-                raise BuilderError("Error while running command: %s" % (cmd))
+        if not isinstance(cmd, list):
+            process = Popen(cmd, cwd=cwd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
-            (status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
-            if status:
-                print output
-                raise BuilderError("Error while running command: %s" % (cmd))
-            return output
+            process = Popen(cmd, cwd=cwd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+        stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
+        status = process.wait() 
+        if status:
+            print stdout, stderr
+            raise BuilderError("Error while running command: %s" % (cmd,))
+        return stdout
     def clone(self, repo_url, destination_path, revision='default'):
         '''Clones a repo, or if it is already there, updates it to the latest version.
@@ -51,8 +80,8 @@
         repo_name = repo_url.split('/')[-1]
-        repo_dir = destination_path % self.env
-        revision = revision % self.env
+        repo_dir = destination_path
+        revision = revision
         hgrc_filepath = os.path.join(repo_dir, '.hg', 'hgrc')
         msg = 'Get repo for "%s" source' % repo_name
         if os.path.exists(repo_dir):
@@ -63,9 +92,8 @@
-            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
-                     'hg clone %(repo_url)s/%(revision)s %(repo_dir)s',
+                     'hg clone %(repo_url)s -r %(revision)s %(repo_dir)s',
@@ -75,36 +103,59 @@
         repo = hg.repository(ui.ui(), repo_path)
         return len(repo.changelog)
-    def build_deb(self, source_path, out_dir, version, deps):
+    def build_deb(self, source_path, source_name, out_dir, version, deps):
         #'cd conflict; ~/pyenv-tools/bin/python -m buildkit.deb . ckan-deps 0.1~%(ckan_deps_build_number)s+lucid http://ckan.org'
         HOMEPAGE = 'http://ckan.org'
-        in_dir, package_name = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(source_path % self.env))
+        #in_dir, package_name = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(source_path))
         self.print_title('Building deb for source %r' % source_path)
         db = DebBuilder(
-            package=package_name,
+            package=source_name,
-            base=os.path.join(out_dir % self.env, 'python-%s-%s' % (package_name, version), 'debian'),
-            here=out_dir % self.env,
+            base=os.path.join(out_dir, 'python-%s-%s' % (source_name, version), 'debian'),
+            here=out_dir,
-            )
+        )
+    def builder_build(self, builder_name, args, options):
+       self.builder.build(builder_name, args, options)
-class BasicBuilder(BaseBuilderConfig):
-    name = ''
+class BuilderCmd(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.builder_configs = self.find_builder_configs()
+        usage = "usage: %prog [options] command"
+        usage += '\n Commands:'
+        usage += '\n   list - list builders'
+        usage += '\n   build BUILDER - build a specified builder'
+        usage += '\n   clean - clean build directory'
+        parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
+        parser.add_option("-b", "--build-dir", dest="build_dir",
+                          help="build directory to use", metavar="PATH",
+                          default='./build')
-class Builder(object):
-    def __init__(self, env):
-        self.builder_configs = []
-        self.basic_builder = BasicBuilder(env)
-        self.find_builder_configs()
-        self.env = env
-        self.env['build_dir'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.env['build_dir']))
+        options, args = parser.parse_args()
+        if len(args) < 1:
+            parser.error('Need to specify a command')
+        options = options.__dict__
+        options['build_dir'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(options['build_dir']))
+        cmd = args[0]
+        if cmd == 'list':
+            self.list()
+        elif cmd == 'build':
+            if len(args) < 2:
+                parser.error('Need to specify a builder config')
+            self.build(args[1], args[2:], options)
+        elif cmd == 'clean':
+            self.clean(args[1:], options)
+        else:
+            parser.error('Did not understand command: %s' % cmd)
     def find_builder_configs(self):
+        builder_configs = []
         part = BUILDERS_CONFIG.replace('.py', '')
         fh = None
@@ -116,76 +167,38 @@
         for name in dir(module):
-            if name.startswith('Builder'):
+            if name.startswith('Builder') and name is not "BuilderError":
                 obj = getattr(module, name)
-                if (isinstance(obj, (type, types.ClassType))):
-                    self.builder_configs.append(obj)
+                if isinstance(obj, (type, types.ClassType)):
+                    builder_configs.append(obj)
+        return builder_configs
     def list(self):
         print 'Builder configs:'
         for builder_config in self.builder_configs:
             print builder_config.name
-    def get_builder_config(self, builder_config_name):
+    def build(self, builder_config_name, args, options):
+        builder_config_class = None
         for builder_config in self.builder_configs:
             if builder_config_name == builder_config.name:
-                return builder_config(self.env)
-        else:
+                builder_config_class = builder_config
+                break
+        if builder_config_class is None:
             raise Exception('Could not find builder named: %s' % builder_config_name)
-    def build(self, builder_config_name):
-        builder_config = self.get_builder_config(builder_config_name)
         print 'Building %s' % builder_config.name
-        if not os.path.exists(self.env['build_dir']):
-            os.makedirs(self.env['build_dir'])
+        if not os.path.exists(options['build_dir']):
+            os.makedirs(options['build_dir'])
-            builder_config.build()
+            builder_config(self).build(args, options)
         except BuilderError, e:
             print e
-    def clean(self):
+    def clean(self, args, options):
         # simple check first
-        assert len(os.path.abspath(self.basic_builder.env['build_dir'])) > 15, self.basic_builder.env['build_dir']
-        self.basic_builder.run('Emptying build folder',
-                               'rm -rf %(build_dir)s')
-class BuilderCmd(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        usage = "usage: %prog [options] command"
-        usage += '\n Commands:'
-        usage += '\n   list - list builders'
-        usage += '\n   build BUILDER - build a specified builder'
-        usage += '\n   clean - clean build directory'
-        parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
-        parser.add_option("-b", "--build-dir", dest="build_dir",
-                          help="build directory to use", metavar="PATH",
-                          default='./build')
-##        parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
-##                          action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True,
-##                          help="don't print status messages to stdout")
-        self.options, self.args = parser.parse_args()
-        if len(self.args) < 1:
-            parser.error('Need to specify a command')
-        env = self.options.__dict__
-        builder = Builder(env)
-        cmd = self.args[0]
-        if cmd == 'list':
-            builder.list()
-        elif cmd == 'build':
-            if len(self.args) < 2:
-                parser.error('Need to specify a builder config')
-            if len(self.args) > 2:
-                parser.error('Too many arguments')
-            builder.build(self.args[1])
-        elif cmd == 'clean':
-            builder.clean()
-        else:
-            parser.error('Did not understand command: %s' % cmd)
+        assert len(os.path.abspath(options['build_dir'])) > 15, options['build_dir']
+        os.system('rm -rf %(build_dir)s'%options)
 if __name__ == '__main__':

--- a/buildersconfig.py	Tue Jun 07 11:54:37 2011 +0100
+++ b/buildersconfig.py	Tue Jun 07 16:42:42 2011 +0100
@@ -1,33 +1,97 @@
 import os
 import sys
-from builder import BaseBuilderConfig
+from builder import BaseBuilderConfig, BuilderError
-class BuilderCkanConflict(BaseBuilderConfig):
-    name = 'ckan-conflict'
+class BuilderCheckoutRequirementsRepos(BaseBuilderConfig):
+    name = 'checkout-requirements-repos'
-    def build(self):
-        self.run('Create',
-                 'mkdir -p %(build_dir)s/conflict')
-        self.clone('https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan-deps', '%(build_dir)s/conflict/ckan-deps')
-##        self.run('Conflict - rename ckan_deps to ckan-deps',
-##                 'mv %(build_dir)s/conflict/src/ckan_deps %(build_dir)s/conflict/src/ckan-deps')
-        deps_dir = '%(build_dir)s/conflict/ckan-deps' % self.env
-        self.env['ckan_deps_build_number'] = self.get_build_number(deps_dir)
-        self.build_deb(deps_dir, '%(build_dir)s/conflict', '0.1~%(ckan_deps_build_number)s+lucid' % self.env, None)
+    def build(self, args, options):
+        self.run('Create', 'mkdir -p %(build_dir)s/requirements-repos', **options)
+        python_ckan_dir = '%(build_dir)s/requirements-repos' % options
+        #self.clone('https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan', python_ckan_dir+'/ckan')
+        #self.clone('https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-dgu', python_ckan_dir+'/ckanext-dgu')
+        self.clone('https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-std', python_ckan_dir+'/ckanext-std')
-##        b.run('Create python-ckan-deps package',
-##              'cd conflict; ~/pyenv-tools/bin/python -m buildkit.deb . ckan-deps 0.1~%(ckan_deps_build_number)s+lucid http://ckan.org')
+class BuilderPackagesIfNecessary(BaseBuilderConfig):
+    name = 'packages-if-necessary'
-class BuilderPythonCkan(BaseBuilderConfig):
-    name = 'python-ckan'
+    def build(self, args, options):
+        python_ckan_dir = '%(build_dir)s/requirements-repos' % options
+        changed = []
+        for repo in [
+            #'ckan',
+            #'ckanext-dgu',
+            'ckanext-std',
+        ]:
+            stdout = self.run('Looking for changes', 'hg incoming -r default', cwd=python_ckan_dir+'/'+repo, echo_stdout=True)
+            if "no changes found" not in stdout:
+                changed.append(repo)
+        print '\n'.join(changed)
+        self.builder_build('hello', [1,2,3], {1:1, 'build_dir': options['build_dir']})
-    def build(self):
-        self.run('Create',
-                 'mkdir -p %(build_dir)s/python-ckan')
-        python_ckan_dir = '%(build_dir)s/python-ckan/ckan' % self.env
-        self.clone('https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan', python_ckan_dir, '%(revision)s')
-        deps = []
-        self.build_deb(python_ckan_dir, '%(build_dir)s/conflict', '0.1~03+lucid', deps)
-#      'cd python-ckan; ~/pyenv-tools/bin/python -m buildkit.deb . ckan %(ckan_version)s~%(ckan_build_number)s+lucid http://ckan.org ' + ckan_deps)
+class BuilderPackageCkanextSpatial(BaseBuilderConfig):
+    name = 'package-python-ckanext-spatial'
+    # Needs args of:
+    # * timestamp
+    # * pip requirements
+    def build(self, args, options):
+        timestamp = args[0]
+        requirement = args[1]
+        print args, requirement
+        source_name = args[2]
+        revision = requirement.split('@')[1].split('#')[0]
+        self.run('Create a packages directory', 'mkdir -p %(build_dir)s/packages'%options)
+        self.run('Create a virtualenv', 'virtualenv %(build_dir)s/pyenv'%options)
+        self.run('Installing the requirement %s'%requirement, '%s/pyenv/bin/pip install --upgrade --ignore-installed -e %s'%(options['build_dir'], requirement))
+        self.build_deb(
+            '%s/pyenv/src/%s'%(options['build_dir'], source_name), 
+            source_name,
+            out_dir = '%(build_dir)s/packages' % options,
+            version='%s+%s+lucid'%(timestamp, revision),
+            deps=[],
+        )
+class BuilderHello(BaseBuilderConfig):
+    name = 'hello'
+    def build(self, args, options):
+        print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++', args, options
+# Old
+#class BuilderCkanConflict(BaseBuilderConfig):
+#    name = 'ckan-conflict'
+#    def build(self):
+#        self.run('Create',
+#                 'mkdir -p %(build_dir)s/conflict')
+#        self.clone('https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan-deps', '%(build_dir)s/conflict/ckan-deps')
+###        self.run('Conflict - rename ckan_deps to ckan-deps',
+###                 'mv %(build_dir)s/conflict/src/ckan_deps %(build_dir)s/conflict/src/ckan-deps')
+#        deps_dir = '%(build_dir)s/conflict/ckan-deps' % self.env
+#        self.env['ckan_deps_build_number'] = self.get_build_number(deps_dir)
+#        self.build_deb(deps_dir, '%(build_dir)s/conflict', '0.1~%(ckan_deps_build_number)s+lucid' % self.env, None)
+###        b.run('Create python-ckan-deps package',
+###              'cd conflict; ~/pyenv-tools/bin/python -m buildkit.deb . ckan-deps 0.1~%(ckan_deps_build_number)s+lucid http://ckan.org')
+#class BuilderPythonCkan(BaseBuilderConfig):
+#    name = 'python-ckan'
+#    def build(self):
+#        self.run('Create',
+#                 'mkdir -p %(build_dir)s/python-ckan')
+#        python_ckan_dir = '%(build_dir)s/python-ckan/ckan' % self.env
+#        self.clone('https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan', python_ckan_dir, '%(revision)s')
+#        deps = []
+#        self.build_deb(python_ckan_dir, '%(build_dir)s/conflict', '0.1~03+lucid', deps)
+##      'cd python-ckan; ~/pyenv-tools/bin/python -m buildkit.deb . ckan %(ckan_version)s~%(ckan_build_number)s+lucid http://ckan.org ' + ckan_deps)

--- a/ckan-common/usr/lib/ckan/common.sh	Tue Jun 07 11:54:37 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan-common/usr/lib/ckan/common.sh	Tue Jun 07 16:42:42 2011 +0100
@@ -5,27 +5,40 @@
-maintenance_on () {
-    local instance
-    instance=$1
-    $_echo a2dissite ${instance} &> /dev/null
-    $_echo a2ensite  ${instance}.maint &> /dev/null
+ckan_maintenance_on () {
+    local INSTANCE
+    INSTANCE=$1
+    $_echo a2dissite ${INSTANCE} &> /dev/null
+    $_echo a2ensite  ${INSTANCE}.maint &> /dev/null
     $_echo service apache2 reload &> /dev/null
-maintenance_off () {
-    local instance
-    instance=$1
-    $_echo a2dissite ${instance}.maint &> /dev/null
-    $_echo a2ensite  ${instance} &> /dev/null
+ckan_maintenance_off () {
+    local INSTANCE
+    INSTANCE=$1
+    $_echo a2dissite ${INSTANCE}.maint &> /dev/null
+    $_echo a2ensite  ${INSTANCE} &> /dev/null
     $_echo service apache2 reload &> /dev/null
-ensure_users_and_groups () {
+ckan_set_log_file_permissions () {
+    local INSTANCE
+    INSTANCE=$1
+    touch /var/log/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.log
+    touch /var/log/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}[1-9].log
+    chmod g+w /var/log/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.log
+    chmod g+w /var/log/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}[1-9].log
+    chown www-data:ckan${INSTANCE} /var/log/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.log
+    chown www-data:ckan${INSTANCE} /var/log/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}[1-9].log
+ckan_ensure_users_and_groups () {
+    local INSTANCE
+    INSTANCE=$1
     local user group ckan_users
-    user="ckan"
-    group="${user}"
-    ckan_users="www-data okfn"
+    user="ckan${INSTANCE}"
+    group="ckan"
+    ckan_users="ckan www-data okfn"
     COMMAND_OUTPUT=`cat /etc/group | grep "ckan"`
     if ! [[ "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ ckan ]] ; then
         sudo groupadd --system        ${group}
@@ -35,131 +48,131 @@
     COMMAND_OUTPUT=`cat /etc/passwd | grep "ckan"`
     if ! [[ "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ ckan ]] ; then
-        sudo useradd  --system  --gid ${group}  --home /var/lib/ckan -M  --shell /usr/sbin/nologin  ${user}
+        sudo useradd  --system  --gid ${group}  --home /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE} -M  --shell /usr/sbin/nologin  ${user}
-make_ckan_directories () {
-    local instance
+ckan_make_ckan_directories () {
+    local INSTANCE
     if [ "X$1" = "X" ] ; then
-        echo "ERROR: call the function make_ckan_directories with an instance name, e.g." 
+        echo "ERROR: call the function make_ckan_directories with an INSTANCE name, e.g." 
         echo "       dgu"
         exit 1
-        instance=$1
-        mkdir -p -m 0755 /etc/ckan/${instance}
-        mkdir -p -m 2750 /var/lib/ckan/${instance}{,/static}
-        mkdir -p -m 2770 /var/{backup,log}/ckan/${instance} /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/{data,sstore,static/dump}
-        chgrp -R ckan /var/lib/ckan/
-        chgrp -R ckan /var/backup/ckan/
-        chgrp -R ckan /var/log/ckan/
+        INSTANCE=$1
+        mkdir -p -m 0755 /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}
+        mkdir -p -m 2750 /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}{,/static}
+        mkdir -p -m 2770 /var/{backup,log}/ckan/${INSTANCE} /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/{data,sstore,static/dump}
+        chgrp ckan /var/lib/ckan/
+        chgrp ckan /var/backup/ckan/
+        chgrp ckan /var/log/ckan/
-create_who_ini () {
-    local instance
+ckan_create_who_ini () {
+    local INSTANCE
     if [ "X$1" = "X" ] ; then
-        echo "ERROR: call the function create_who_ini function with an instance name, e.g." 
+        echo "ERROR: call the function create_who_ini function with an INSTANCE name, e.g." 
         echo "       dgu"
         exit 1
-        instance=$1
+        INSTANCE=$1
         if ! [ -f /etc/ckan/$0/who.ini ] ; then
-            cp -n /usr/share/pyshared/ckan/config/who.ini /etc/ckan/${instance}/who.ini
-            sed -e "s,%(here)s,/var/lib/ckan/${instance}," \
-                -i /etc/ckan/${instance}/who.ini
+            cp -n /usr/share/pyshared/ckan/config/who.ini /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/who.ini
+            sed -e "s,%(here)s,/var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}," \
+                -i /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/who.ini
-create_config_file () {
-    local instance password
+ckan_create_config_file () {
+    local INSTANCE password
     if [ "X$1" = "X" ] || [ "X$2" = "X" ] ; then
-        echo "ERROR: call the function create_who_ini function with an instance name, and a password for postgresql e.g." 
+        echo "ERROR: call the function create_who_ini function with an INSTANCE name, and a password for postgresql e.g." 
         echo "       dgu 1U923hjkh8"
         echo "       You can generate a password like this: "
         echo "           < /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c10"
         exit 1
-        instance=$1
+        INSTANCE=$1
-        if ! [ -f /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini ] ; then
-            paster make-config ckan /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini
+        if ! [ -f /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini ] ; then
+            paster make-config ckan /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
             sed -e "s,^\(email_to\)[ =].*,\1 = root," \
-                -e "s,^\(error_email_from\)[ =].*,\1 = ckan-${instance}@`hostname`," \
-                -e "s,^\(cache_dir\)[ =].*,\1 = /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/data," \
-                -e "s,^\(who.config_file\)[ =].*,\1 = /etc/ckan/${instance}/who.ini," \
-                -e "s,%(here)s,/var/lib/ckan/${instance}," \
-                -e "s,^\(sqlalchemy.url\)[ =].*,\1 = postgresql://${instance}:${password}@localhost/${instance}," \
-                -i /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini
+                -e "s,^\(error_email_from\)[ =].*,\1 = ckan-${INSTANCE}@`hostname`," \
+                -e "s,^\(cache_dir\)[ =].*,\1 = /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/data," \
+                -e "s,^\(who.config_file\)[ =].*,\1 = /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/who.ini," \
+                -e "s,%(here)s,/var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}," \
+                -e "s,^\(sqlalchemy.url\)[ =].*,\1 = postgresql://${INSTANCE}:${password}@localhost/${INSTANCE}," \
+                -i /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
-add_or_replace_database_user () {
-    local instance password
+ckan_add_or_replace_database_user () {
+    local INSTANCE password
     if [ "X$1" = "X" ] || [ "X$2" = "X" ] ; then
-        echo "ERROR: call the function create_who_ini function with an instance name, and a password for postgresql e.g." 
+        echo "ERROR: call the function create_who_ini function with an INSTANCE name, and a password for postgresql e.g." 
         echo "       dgu 1U923hjkh8"
         echo "       You can generate a password like this: "
         echo "           < /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c10"
         exit 1
-        instance=$1
+        INSTANCE=$1
-        COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -c "SELECT 'True' FROM pg_user WHERE usename='${instance}'" 2> /dev/null`
+        COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -c "SELECT 'True' FROM pg_user WHERE usename='${INSTANCE}'" 2> /dev/null`
         if ! [[ "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ True ]] ; then
-            sudo -u postgres -c "psql -c \"CREATE USER \"${instance}\" WITH PASSWORD '${password}'\""
+            sudo -u postgres -c "psql -c \"CREATE USER \"${INSTANCE}\" WITH PASSWORD '${password}'\""
-            sudo -u postgres -c "psql -c \"ALTER USER \"${instance}\" WITH PASSWORD '${password}'\""
+            sudo -u postgres -c "psql -c \"ALTER USER \"${INSTANCE}\" WITH PASSWORD '${password}'\""
-ensure_db_exists () {
-    local instance
+ckan_ensure_db_exists () {
+    local INSTANCE
     if [ "X$1" = "X" ] ; then
-        echo "ERROR: call the function create_who_ini function with an instance name, e.g." 
+        echo "ERROR: call the function create_who_ini function with an INSTANCE name, e.g." 
         echo "       dgu"
         exit 1
-        instance=$1
+        INSTANCE=$1
         COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -l 2> /dev/null`
-        if ! [[ "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ ${instance} ]] ; then
+        if ! [[ "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ ${INSTANCE} ]] ; then
             echo "Creating the database ..."
-            su postgres -c "createdb -O ${instance} ${instance}"
+            su postgres -c "createdb -O ${INSTANCE} ${INSTANCE}"
-create_wsgi_handler () {
-    local instance
+ckan_create_wsgi_handler () {
+    local INSTANCE
     if [ "X$1" = "X" ] ; then
-        echo "ERROR: call the function create_wsgi_handler function with an instance name, e.g." 
+        echo "ERROR: call the function create_wsgi_handler function with an INSTANCE name, e.g." 
         echo "       dgu"
         exit 1
-        instance=$1
+        INSTANCE=$1
         wsgi_path="`python -c 'import ckan; print ckan.__path__[0]'`/wsgi.py"
-        if ! [ -f /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.py ] ; then
-            echo "Found Apache script in ${wsgi_path}, creating symlink from /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.py"
-            ln -s ${wsgi_path} /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.py
+        if ! [ -f /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.py ] ; then
+            echo "Found Apache script in ${wsgi_path}, creating symlink from /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.py"
+            ln -s ${wsgi_path} /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.py
-overwrite_apache_config () {
-    local instance ServerName ServerAlias
+ckan_overwrite_apache_config () {
+    local INSTANCE ServerName ServerAlias
     if [ "X$1" = "X" ] ; then
-        echo "ERROR: call the function overwrite_apache_config function with an instance name, the server name and a server aliase e.g." 
+        echo "ERROR: call the function overwrite_apache_config function with an INSTANCE name, the server name and a server aliase e.g." 
         echo "       dgu catalogue.data.gov.uk dgu-live.okfn.org"
         exit 1
-        instance=$1
+        INSTANCE=$1
-        rm /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}.common
-        cat <<EOF > /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}.common
+        rm /etc/apache2/sites-available/${INSTANCE}.common
+        cat <<EOF > /etc/apache2/sites-available/${INSTANCE}.common
     # WARNING: Do not manually edit this file, it is desgined to be 
     #          overwritten at any time by the postinst script of 
@@ -167,7 +180,7 @@
     # These are common settings used for both the normal and maintence modes
-    DocumentRoot /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/static
+    DocumentRoot /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/static
     ServerName ${ServerName}
     ServerAlias ${ServerAlias}
@@ -175,15 +188,15 @@
         deny from all
-    <Directory /etc/ckan/${instance}/>
+    <Directory /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/>
         allow from all
-    <Directory /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/static>
+    <Directory /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/static>
         allow from all
-    Alias /dump /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/static/dump
+    Alias /dump /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/static/dump
     # Disable the mod_python handler for static files
     <Location /dump>
@@ -192,30 +205,30 @@
     # this is our app
-    WSGIScriptAlias / /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.py
+    WSGIScriptAlias / /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.py
     # pass authorization info on (needed for rest api)
     WSGIPassAuthorization On
-    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/${instance}.error.log
-    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/${instance}.custom.log combined
+    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/${INSTANCE}.error.log
+    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/${INSTANCE}.custom.log combined
-        rm /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}
-        cat <<EOF > /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance} 
+        rm /etc/apache2/sites-available/${INSTANCE}
+        cat <<EOF > /etc/apache2/sites-available/${INSTANCE} 
 <VirtualHost *:80>
     # WARNING: Do not manually edit this file, it is desgined to be 
     #          overwritten at any time by the postinst script of 
     #          dependent packages
-    Include /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}.common
+    Include /etc/apache2/sites-available/${INSTANCE}.common
-        rm /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}.maint
-        cat <<EOF > /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}.maint
+        rm /etc/apache2/sites-available/${INSTANCE}.maint
+        cat <<EOF > /etc/apache2/sites-available/${INSTANCE}.maint
 <VirtualHost *:80>
     # WARNING: Do not manually edit this file, it is desgined to be 
     #          overwritten at any time by the postinst script of 
     #          dependent packages
-    Include /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}.common
+    Include /etc/apache2/sites-available/${INSTANCE}.common
     # Maintenance mode
     RewriteEngine On

--- a/ckan-dgu/DEBIAN/control	Tue Jun 07 11:54:37 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan-dgu/DEBIAN/control	Tue Jun 07 16:42:42 2011 +0100
@@ -3,9 +3,45 @@
 Architecture: all
 Maintainer: James Gardner <james.gardner at okfn.org>
 Installed-Size: 0
-Depends: python-ckan (>= 1.4), apache2, libapache2-mod-wsgi, python-apachemiddleware, python-ckanext-dgu, python-ckanext-harvest, python-ckanext-csw, python-swiss, python-dateutil, rabbitmq-server, postgresql-8.4-postgis, python-carrot, python-ckanext-spatial, python-ckanext-inspire, python-ckanext-qa, python-ckanext-
+     apache2, libapache2-mod-wsgi, rabbitmq-server, postgresql-8.4-postgis, 
+     ckan-common, python-ckan-conflict
+     # Python deps (with their exact version) PRESENT
+     python-dateutil, python-carrot etc
+     # Python deps (with their exact version) MISSING
+     python-ckanext-spatial_0.1~06+lucid-1_amd64.deb
+     python-ckanext-stats_0.1~06+lucid-1_amd64.deb
+     python-ckanext-csw_0.3~12+lucid-1_amd64.deb
+     python-swiss_0.3~01-1_amd64.deb
+     python-ckanext-dgu_0.2~12+lucid-1_amd64.deb
+     python-ckanext-inspire_0.1~04+lucid-1_amd64.deb
+     python-pyutilib.component.core_4.1-1_amd64.deb
+     python-ckanext-dgutheme_0.1~01+lucid-1_amd64.deb
+     python-vdm_0.9-1_amd64.deb
+     python-ckanext-qa_0.1~19-1_amd64.deb
+     python-licenses_0.6-1_amd64.deb
+     python-ckanext-importlib_0.1~01-1_amd64.deb
+     python-apachemiddleware_0.1.0-1_amd64.deb
+     python-solrpy_0.9.3-1_amd64.deb
+     python-ckan_1.3.4~02-1_amd64.deb
+     python-markupsafe_0.9.2-1_amd64.deb
+     python-ckanext-harvest_0.1~16+lucid-1_amd64.deb
+     python-formalchemy_1.3.6-1_amd64.deb
+     python-owslib_0.3.2beta~04-1_amd64.deb
+     python-ckanclient_0.6-1_amd64.deb
+Depends: python-ckan (== 1.4~03+1029381023810+lucid), apache2, libapache2-mod-wsgi, python-apachemiddleware, python-ckanext-dgu, python-ckanext-harvest, python-ckanext-csw, python-swiss, python-dateutil, rabbitmq-server, postgresql-8.4-postgis, python-carrot, python-ckanext-spatial, python-ckanext-inspire, python-ckanext-qa, python-ckanext-
 Section: main/web
 Priority: extra
 Homepage: http://ckan.org
 Description: ckan-dgu
  Extensions for CKAN to run the data.gov.uk site

--- a/ckan-dgu/DEBIAN/postinst	Tue Jun 07 11:54:37 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan-dgu/DEBIAN/postinst	Tue Jun 07 16:42:42 2011 +0100
@@ -5,10 +5,9 @@
 # use them here
 # Things that could be done in a future version of this script
-# * Have all common CKAN functions start with cc_
 # * Have a separate config for drupal password and Apache names
 # * Have dgu users, groups and directories, rather than CKAN ones so that 
-#   potentially lots of different instances can be installed on the same
+#   potentially lots of different INSTANCEs can be installed on the same
 #   machine
 # Exit immediately if there is ever a command that returns a non-zero value
@@ -22,68 +21,64 @@
    exit 1
 # Disable any existing crontabs during the upgrade, we don't want
 # scripts running when things are still changing
-echo "Disabling the crontab for the ckan user ..."
+echo "Disabling the crontab for the ckan${INSTANCE} user ..."
 # m  h dom mon dow  command
-crontab -u ckan ${PACKAGED_CRONJOB}
+crontab -u ckan${INSTANCE} ${PACKAGED_CRONJOB}
 # Try to put CKAN into maintenance mode, if it is installed
-if ! [ -f /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}.maint ] ; then
+if ! [ -f /etc/apache2/sites-available/${INSTANCE}.maint ] ; then
     # We have a maintence mode available
     echo "Putting CKAN into maintenance mode ..."
-    maintenance_on ${instance}
+    ckan_maintenance_on ${INSTANCE}
 echo "Ensuring users and groups are set up correctly ..."
+ckan_ensure_users_and_groups ${INSTANCE}
-echo "Ensuring directories exist for ${instance} CKAN instance ..."
+echo "Ensuring directories exist for ${INSTANCE} CKAN INSTANCE ..."
 # Ensure the standard directories exist
-make_ckan_directories ${instance}
+ckan_make_ckan_directories ${INSTANCE}
 # Then create the extra ones DGU need and set permissions
-sudo chmod a+x /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/
-sudo mkdir -p -m 0700 /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/pid
-sudo chmod a+x /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/pid
-sudo mkdir -p -m 0700 /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/qa/download
-sudo chmod a+x /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/qa/download
+sudo chmod a+x /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/
+sudo mkdir -p -m 0700 /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/pid
+sudo chmod a+x /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/pid
+sudo mkdir -p -m 0700 /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/qa/download
+sudo chmod a+x /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/qa/download
+sudo chown -R ckan${INSTANCE}:ckan${INSTANCE} /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/qa/download
 echo "Setting log file permissions so that both Apache and cron jobs can log to the same place ..."
-sudo touch /var/log/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.log
-sudo touch /var/log/ckan/${instance}/${instance}[1-9].log
-sudo chmod g+w /var/log/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.log
-sudo chmod g+w /var/log/ckan/${instance}/${instance}[1-9].log
-sudo chown www-data:ckan /var/log/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.log
-sudo chown www-data:ckan /var/log/ckan/${instance}/${instance}[1-9].log
+ckan_set_log_file_permissions ${INSTANCE}
-echo "Ensuring who.ini file exists for data.gov.uk CKAN instance ..."
-create_who_ini ${instance}
+echo "Ensuring who.ini file exists for data.gov.uk CKAN INSTANCE ..."
+ckan_create_who_ini ${INSTANCE}
-echo "Ensuring ${instance}.py file exists for data.gov.uk CKAN instance ..."
-create_wsgi_handler ${instance}
+echo "Ensuring ${INSTANCE}.py file exists for data.gov.uk CKAN INSTANCE ..."
+ckan_create_wsgi_handler ${INSTANCE}
-echo "Ensuring the ${instance} database exists ..."
-ensure_db_exists ${instance}
+echo "Ensuring the ${INSTANCE} database exists ..."
+ckan_ensure_db_exists ${INSTANCE}
-echo "Ensuring ${instance}.ini file exists for data.gov.uk CKAN instance ..."
-if ! [ -f /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini ] ; then
+echo "Ensuring ${INSTANCE}.ini file exists for data.gov.uk CKAN INSTANCE ..."
+if ! [ -f /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini ] ; then
     # Create a password
     password=`< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c10`
     # Replace any existing user with a new one with this password
-    echo "Setting the password of the ${instance} user in PostgreSQL"
-    add_or_replace_database_user ${instance} ${password}
+    echo "Setting the password of the ${INSTANCE} user in PostgreSQL"
+    ckan_add_or_replace_database_user ${INSTANCE} ${password}
     # Create the config file
     echo "Creating a data.gov.uk config for CKAN with the same password as the DGU user"
     # We use the actual password in PostgreSQL in case any non-sense has gone on
-    create_config_file ${instance} ${password}
+    ckan_create_config_file ${INSTANCE} ${password}
     # Now that the file exists, make some customisations
-    cat <<EOF >> /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini
-ckan.qa_downloads = /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/qa/download
+    cat <<EOF >> /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
+ckan.qa_downloads = /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/qa/download
 dgu.xmlrpc_username = CKAN_API
 #------------------------------------- XXX setup Drupal here -------------
 # dgu.xmlrpc_password = XXX 
@@ -102,53 +97,53 @@
         -e "s,^\(package_form\)[ =].*,\1 = package_gov3," \
         -e "s,^\(email_to\)[ =].*,\1 = ckan-sysadmin at okfn.org," \
         -e "s,^\(error_email_from\)[ =].*,\1 = ckan-sysadmin at okfn.org," \
-        -i /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini
-     echo "CAUTION: Make sure you edit '/etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini' to set the Drupal password."
+        -i /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
+     echo "CAUTION: Make sure you edit '/etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini' to set the Drupal password."
 # Install the harvesting init scripts
-if ! [ -f /etc/rc2.d/S25${instance}_harvest_gather ] ; then
+if ! [ -f /etc/rc2.d/S25${INSTANCE}_harvest_gather ] ; then
     echo "Creating the harvester gather consumers ..."
-    sudo touch /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/pid/gather.pid
-    sudo chown ckan:ckan /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/pid/gather.pid
-    sudo update-rc.d -f ${instance}_harvest_gather defaults 25 &> /dev/null
-    sudo /etc/init.d/${instance}_harvest_gather start &> /dev/null
+    sudo touch /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/pid/gather.pid
+    sudo chown ckan${INSTANCE}:ckan${INSTANCE} /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/pid/gather.pid
+    sudo update-rc.d -f ${INSTANCE}_harvest_gather defaults 25 &> /dev/null
+    sudo /etc/init.d/${INSTANCE}_harvest_gather start &> /dev/null
-if ! [ -f /etc/rc2.d/S25${instance}_harvest_fetch ] ; then
+if ! [ -f /etc/rc2.d/S25${INSTANCE}_harvest_fetch ] ; then
     echo "Creating the harvester fetch consumers ..."
-    sudo touch /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/pid/fetch.pid
-    sudo chown ckan:ckan /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/pid/fetch.pid
-    sudo update-rc.d -f ${instance}_harvest_fetch defaults 25 &> /dev/null
-    sudo /etc/init.d/${instance}_harvest_fetch start &> /dev/null
+    sudo touch /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/pid/fetch.pid
+    sudo chown ckan${INSTANCE}:ckan${INSTANCE} /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/pid/fetch.pid
+    sudo update-rc.d -f ${INSTANCE}_harvest_fetch defaults 25 &> /dev/null
+    sudo /etc/init.d/${INSTANCE}_harvest_fetch start &> /dev/null
 # Install the harvesting extension tables if they aren't there already
-COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -d ${instance} -c "SELECT 'True' AS harvest_source_exists from pg_tables where schemaname='public' and tablename='harvest_source';" 2> /dev/null`
+COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -d ${INSTANCE} -c "SELECT 'True' AS harvest_source_exists from pg_tables where schemaname='public' and tablename='harvest_source';" 2> /dev/null`
 if [[ "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ True ]] ; then
     echo "Harvester tables present"
     echo "Setting up the harvester tables ..."
-    paster --plugin=ckanext-harvest harvester initdb --config=/etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini &> /dev/null
+    paster --plugin=ckanext-harvest harvester initdb --config=/etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini &> /dev/null
 # Install the geospatial search tables if they aren't there already
-COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -d ${instance} -c "SELECT count(*) from pg_proc where proname = 'postgis_full_version'" 2> /dev/null`
+COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -d ${INSTANCE} -c "SELECT count(*) from pg_proc where proname = 'postgis_full_version'" 2> /dev/null`
 if [[  "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ 0 ]] ; then
-    echo "Adding the plpgsql langauge to the ${instance} database ..."
-    sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql ${instance} &> /dev/null
+    echo "Adding the plpgsql langauge to the ${INSTANCE} database ..."
+    sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql ${INSTANCE} &> /dev/null
     echo "Installing PostGIS extensions ..."
-    sudo -u postgres psql -d ${instance} -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis.sql &> /dev/null
-    sudo -u postgres psql -d ${instance} -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/spatial_ref_sys.sql &> /dev/null
+    sudo -u postgres psql -d ${INSTANCE} -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis.sql &> /dev/null
+    sudo -u postgres psql -d ${INSTANCE} -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/spatial_ref_sys.sql &> /dev/null
     echo "Setting PostGIS permissions for CKAN and initialising tables ..."
-    sudo -u postgres psql -d ${instance} -c "ALTER TABLE geometry_columns OWNER TO ${instance}" &> /dev/null
-    sudo -u postgres psql -d ${instance} -c "ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys OWNER TO ${instance}" &> /dev/null
-    sudo paster --plugin=ckanext-spatial spatial initdb --config=/etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini &> /dev/null
+    sudo -u postgres psql -d ${INSTANCE} -c "ALTER TABLE geometry_columns OWNER TO ${INSTANCE}" &> /dev/null
+    sudo -u postgres psql -d ${INSTANCE} -c "ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys OWNER TO ${INSTANCE}" &> /dev/null
+    sudo paster --plugin=ckanext-spatial spatial initdb --config=/etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini &> /dev/null
 # Set any plugins needed
 echo "Ensuring the latest plugins are configured ..."
 sed -e "s,^\(ckan.plugins\)[ =].*,\1 = dgu_form_api cswserver harvest gemini_harvester gemini_doc_harvester gemini_waf_harvester inspire_api wms_preview spatial_query dgu_theme_embedded qa dgu_auth_api," \
-    -i /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini
+    -i /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
 # Overwrite the existing Apache config
 if [ -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default ] ; then
@@ -157,7 +152,7 @@
 echo "Overwriting the existing Apache config ..."
-overwrite_apache_config ${instance} catalog.data.gov.uk dgu-live.okfn.org
+ckan_overwrite_apache_config ${INSTANCE} catalog.data.gov.uk dgu-live.okfn.org
 # Make sure mod_rewrite is enabled
 if ! [ -f /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite.load ] ; then
@@ -168,11 +163,11 @@
 # Standard paster db upgrade
 echo "Performing any database upgrades ..."
-paster --plugin=ckan db upgrade --config=/etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini &> /dev/null
+paster --plugin=ckan db upgrade --config=/etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini &> /dev/null
-# Make sure our instance is enabled
-echo "Bringing the ${instance} instance out of maintenance mode ..."
-maintenance_off ${instance}
+# Make sure our INSTANCE is enabled
+echo "Bringing the ${INSTANCE} INSTANCE out of maintenance mode ..."
+ckan_maintenance_off ${INSTANCE}
 # Restart Apache so it is aware of any changes
 echo "Restarting apache ..."
@@ -180,11 +175,11 @@
 #&> /dev/null
 # Install the new crontab
-echo "Enabling crontab for the ckan user ..."
+echo "Enabling crontab for the ckan${INSTANCE} user ..."
 # WARNING:  Do not edit these cron tabs, they will be overwritten any time 
-#           the ckan-dgu package is upgraded
+#           the ckan INSTANCE package is upgraded
 # QUESTION: Should email reports be sent to root?
 # Gov Daily
 # 31               23  *   *   *   python /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ckanext/dgu/bin/gov_daily.py /etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
@@ -194,6 +189,7 @@
 # Then run the harvester 1 minute after any fetch or gather restart
 # 1,11,21,31,41,51  *  *   *   *   paster --plugin=ckanext-harvest harvester run --config=/etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
 # Update the package 5 star scores once a month
-# 0                 0  1   *   *   paster --plugin=ckanext-qa update-scores update --config=/etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
+# 0                 0  1   *   *   paster --plugin=ckanext-qa package-scores update --config=/etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
-crontab -u ckan ${PACKAGED_CRONJOB}
+crontab -u ckan${INSTANCE} ${PACKAGED_CRONJOB}

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