[ckan-changes] commit/ckan-deps: jame... at okfn.org: Removing babel

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Thu Jun 16 08:27:47 UTC 2011

1 new changeset in ckan-deps:

changeset:   6287665a1965
user:        jame... at okfn.org
date:        2011-06-16 10:27:37
summary:     Removing babel
affected #:  250 files (0 bytes)

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/__init__.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Integrated collection of utilities that assist in internationalizing and
-localizing applications.
-This package is basically composed of two major parts:
- * tools to build and work with ``gettext`` message catalogs
- * a Python interface to the CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository), providing
-   access to various locale display names, localized number and date
-   formatting, etc.
-:see: http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/
-:see: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-gettext.html
-:see: http://www.unicode.org/cldr/
-from babel.core import *
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
-    from pkg_resources import get_distribution, ResolutionError
-    try:
-        __version__ = get_distribution('Babel').version
-    except ResolutionError:
-        __version__ = None # unknown
-except ImportError:
-    __version__ = None # unknown

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/core.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,784 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Core locale representation and locale data access."""
-import os
-import pickle
-from babel import localedata
-__all__ = ['UnknownLocaleError', 'Locale', 'default_locale', 'negotiate_locale',
-           'parse_locale']
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
-_global_data = None
-def get_global(key):
-    """Return the dictionary for the given key in the global data.
-    The global data is stored in the ``babel/global.dat`` file and contains
-    information independent of individual locales.
-    >>> get_global('zone_aliases')['UTC']
-    'Etc/GMT'
-    >>> get_global('zone_territories')['Europe/Berlin']
-    'DE'
-    :param key: the data key
-    :return: the dictionary found in the global data under the given key
-    :rtype: `dict`
-    :since: version 0.9
-    """
-    global _global_data
-    if _global_data is None:
-        dirname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-        filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'global.dat')
-        fileobj = open(filename, 'rb')
-        try:
-            _global_data = pickle.load(fileobj)
-        finally:
-            fileobj.close()
-    return _global_data.get(key, {})
-    'ar': 'ar_SY', 'bg': 'bg_BG', 'bs': 'bs_BA', 'ca': 'ca_ES', 'cs': 'cs_CZ', 
-    'da': 'da_DK', 'de': 'de_DE', 'el': 'el_GR', 'en': 'en_US', 'es': 'es_ES', 
-    'et': 'et_EE', 'fa': 'fa_IR', 'fi': 'fi_FI', 'fr': 'fr_FR', 'gl': 'gl_ES', 
-    'he': 'he_IL', 'hu': 'hu_HU', 'id': 'id_ID', 'is': 'is_IS', 'it': 'it_IT', 
-    'ja': 'ja_JP', 'km': 'km_KH', 'ko': 'ko_KR', 'lt': 'lt_LT', 'lv': 'lv_LV', 
-    'mk': 'mk_MK', 'nl': 'nl_NL', 'nn': 'nn_NO', 'no': 'nb_NO', 'pl': 'pl_PL', 
-    'pt': 'pt_PT', 'ro': 'ro_RO', 'ru': 'ru_RU', 'sk': 'sk_SK', 'sl': 'sl_SI', 
-    'sv': 'sv_SE', 'th': 'th_TH', 'tr': 'tr_TR', 'uk': 'uk_UA'
-class UnknownLocaleError(Exception):
-    """Exception thrown when a locale is requested for which no locale data
-    is available.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, identifier):
-        """Create the exception.
-        :param identifier: the identifier string of the unsupported locale
-        """
-        Exception.__init__(self, 'unknown locale %r' % identifier)
-        self.identifier = identifier
-class Locale(object):
-    """Representation of a specific locale.
-    >>> locale = Locale('en', 'US')
-    >>> repr(locale)
-    '<Locale "en_US">'
-    >>> locale.display_name
-    u'English (United States)'
-    A `Locale` object can also be instantiated from a raw locale string:
-    >>> locale = Locale.parse('en-US', sep='-')
-    >>> repr(locale)
-    '<Locale "en_US">'
-    `Locale` objects provide access to a collection of locale data, such as
-    territory and language names, number and date format patterns, and more:
-    >>> locale.number_symbols['decimal']
-    u'.'
-    If a locale is requested for which no locale data is available, an
-    `UnknownLocaleError` is raised:
-    >>> Locale.parse('en_DE')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-        ...
-    UnknownLocaleError: unknown locale 'en_DE'
-    :see: `IETF RFC 3066 <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3066.txt>`_
-    """
-    def __init__(self, language, territory=None, script=None, variant=None):
-        """Initialize the locale object from the given identifier components.
-        >>> locale = Locale('en', 'US')
-        >>> locale.language
-        'en'
-        >>> locale.territory
-        'US'
-        :param language: the language code
-        :param territory: the territory (country or region) code
-        :param script: the script code
-        :param variant: the variant code
-        :raise `UnknownLocaleError`: if no locale data is available for the
-                                     requested locale
-        """
-        self.language = language
-        self.territory = territory
-        self.script = script
-        self.variant = variant
-        self.__data = None
-        identifier = str(self)
-        if not localedata.exists(identifier):
-            raise UnknownLocaleError(identifier)
-    def default(cls, category=None, aliases=LOCALE_ALIASES):
-        """Return the system default locale for the specified category.
-        >>> for name in ['LANGUAGE', 'LC_ALL', 'LC_CTYPE']:
-        ...     os.environ[name] = ''
-        >>> os.environ['LANG'] = 'fr_FR.UTF-8'
-        >>> Locale.default('LC_MESSAGES')
-        <Locale "fr_FR">
-        :param category: one of the ``LC_XXX`` environment variable names
-        :param aliases: a dictionary of aliases for locale identifiers
-        :return: the value of the variable, or any of the fallbacks
-                 (``LANGUAGE``, ``LC_ALL``, ``LC_CTYPE``, and ``LANG``)
-        :rtype: `Locale`
-        :see: `default_locale`
-        """
-        return cls(default_locale(category, aliases=aliases))
-    default = classmethod(default)
-    def negotiate(cls, preferred, available, sep='_', aliases=LOCALE_ALIASES):
-        """Find the best match between available and requested locale strings.
-        >>> Locale.negotiate(['de_DE', 'en_US'], ['de_DE', 'de_AT'])
-        <Locale "de_DE">
-        >>> Locale.negotiate(['de_DE', 'en_US'], ['en', 'de'])
-        <Locale "de">
-        >>> Locale.negotiate(['de_DE', 'de'], ['en_US'])
-        You can specify the character used in the locale identifiers to separate
-        the differnet components. This separator is applied to both lists. Also,
-        case is ignored in the comparison:
-        >>> Locale.negotiate(['de-DE', 'de'], ['en-us', 'de-de'], sep='-')
-        <Locale "de_DE">
-        :param preferred: the list of locale identifers preferred by the user
-        :param available: the list of locale identifiers available
-        :param aliases: a dictionary of aliases for locale identifiers
-        :return: the `Locale` object for the best match, or `None` if no match
-                 was found
-        :rtype: `Locale`
-        :see: `negotiate_locale`
-        """
-        identifier = negotiate_locale(preferred, available, sep=sep,
-                                      aliases=aliases)
-        if identifier:
-            return Locale.parse(identifier, sep=sep)
-    negotiate = classmethod(negotiate)
-    def parse(cls, identifier, sep='_'):
-        """Create a `Locale` instance for the given locale identifier.
-        >>> l = Locale.parse('de-DE', sep='-')
-        >>> l.display_name
-        u'Deutsch (Deutschland)'
-        If the `identifier` parameter is not a string, but actually a `Locale`
-        object, that object is returned:
-        >>> Locale.parse(l)
-        <Locale "de_DE">
-        :param identifier: the locale identifier string
-        :param sep: optional component separator
-        :return: a corresponding `Locale` instance
-        :rtype: `Locale`
-        :raise `ValueError`: if the string does not appear to be a valid locale
-                             identifier
-        :raise `UnknownLocaleError`: if no locale data is available for the
-                                     requested locale
-        :see: `parse_locale`
-        """
-        if isinstance(identifier, basestring):
-            return cls(*parse_locale(identifier, sep=sep))
-        return identifier
-    parse = classmethod(parse)
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return str(self) == str(other)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<Locale "%s">' % str(self)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return '_'.join(filter(None, [self.language, self.script,
-                                      self.territory, self.variant]))
-    def _data(self):
-        if self.__data is None:
-            self.__data = localedata.LocaleDataDict(localedata.load(str(self)))
-        return self.__data
-    _data = property(_data)
-    def get_display_name(self, locale=None):
-        """Return the display name of the locale using the given locale.
-        The display name will include the language, territory, script, and
-        variant, if those are specified.
-        >>> Locale('zh', 'CN', script='Hans').get_display_name('en')
-        u'Chinese (Simplified Han, China)'
-        :param locale: the locale to use
-        :return: the display name
-        """
-        if locale is None:
-            locale = self
-        locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-        retval = locale.languages.get(self.language)
-        if self.territory or self.script or self.variant:
-            details = []
-            if self.script:
-                details.append(locale.scripts.get(self.script))
-            if self.territory:
-                details.append(locale.territories.get(self.territory))
-            if self.variant:
-                details.append(locale.variants.get(self.variant))
-            details = filter(None, details)
-            if details:
-                retval += ' (%s)' % u', '.join(details)
-        return retval
-    display_name = property(get_display_name, doc="""\
-        The localized display name of the locale.
-        >>> Locale('en').display_name
-        u'English'
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').display_name
-        u'English (United States)'
-        >>> Locale('sv').display_name
-        u'svenska'
-        :type: `unicode`
-        """)
-    def english_name(self):
-        return self.get_display_name(Locale('en'))
-    english_name = property(english_name, doc="""\
-        The english display name of the locale.
-        >>> Locale('de').english_name
-        u'German'
-        >>> Locale('de', 'DE').english_name
-        u'German (Germany)'
-        :type: `unicode`
-        """)
-    #{ General Locale Display Names
-    def languages(self):
-        return self._data['languages']
-    languages = property(languages, doc="""\
-        Mapping of language codes to translated language names.
-        >>> Locale('de', 'DE').languages['ja']
-        u'Japanisch'
-        :type: `dict`
-        :see: `ISO 639 <http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/>`_
-        """)
-    def scripts(self):
-        return self._data['scripts']
-    scripts = property(scripts, doc="""\
-        Mapping of script codes to translated script names.
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').scripts['Hira']
-        u'Hiragana'
-        :type: `dict`
-        :see: `ISO 15924 <http://www.evertype.com/standards/iso15924/>`_
-        """)
-    def territories(self):
-        return self._data['territories']
-    territories = property(territories, doc="""\
-        Mapping of script codes to translated script names.
-        >>> Locale('es', 'CO').territories['DE']
-        u'Alemania'
-        :type: `dict`
-        :see: `ISO 3166 <http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/>`_
-        """)
-    def variants(self):
-        return self._data['variants']
-    variants = property(variants, doc="""\
-        Mapping of script codes to translated script names.
-        >>> Locale('de', 'DE').variants['1901']
-        u'Alte deutsche Rechtschreibung'
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    #{ Number Formatting
-    def currencies(self):
-        return self._data['currency_names']
-    currencies = property(currencies, doc="""\
-        Mapping of currency codes to translated currency names.
-        >>> Locale('en').currencies['COP']
-        u'Colombian Peso'
-        >>> Locale('de', 'DE').currencies['COP']
-        u'Kolumbianischer Peso'
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    def currency_symbols(self):
-        return self._data['currency_symbols']
-    currency_symbols = property(currency_symbols, doc="""\
-        Mapping of currency codes to symbols.
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').currency_symbols['USD']
-        u'$'
-        >>> Locale('es', 'CO').currency_symbols['USD']
-        u'US$'
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    def number_symbols(self):
-        return self._data['number_symbols']
-    number_symbols = property(number_symbols, doc="""\
-        Symbols used in number formatting.
-        >>> Locale('fr', 'FR').number_symbols['decimal']
-        u','
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    def decimal_formats(self):
-        return self._data['decimal_formats']
-    decimal_formats = property(decimal_formats, doc="""\
-        Locale patterns for decimal number formatting.
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').decimal_formats[None]
-        <NumberPattern u'#,##0.###'>
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    def currency_formats(self):
-        return self._data['currency_formats']
-    currency_formats = property(currency_formats, doc=r"""\
-        Locale patterns for currency number formatting.
-        >>> print Locale('en', 'US').currency_formats[None]
-        <NumberPattern u'\xa4#,##0.00'>
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    def percent_formats(self):
-        return self._data['percent_formats']
-    percent_formats = property(percent_formats, doc="""\
-        Locale patterns for percent number formatting.
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').percent_formats[None]
-        <NumberPattern u'#,##0%'>
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    def scientific_formats(self):
-        return self._data['scientific_formats']
-    scientific_formats = property(scientific_formats, doc="""\
-        Locale patterns for scientific number formatting.
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').scientific_formats[None]
-        <NumberPattern u'#E0'>
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    #{ Calendar Information and Date Formatting
-    def periods(self):
-        return self._data['periods']
-    periods = property(periods, doc="""\
-        Locale display names for day periods (AM/PM).
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').periods['am']
-        u'AM'
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    def days(self):
-        return self._data['days']
-    days = property(days, doc="""\
-        Locale display names for weekdays.
-        >>> Locale('de', 'DE').days['format']['wide'][3]
-        u'Donnerstag'
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    def months(self):
-        return self._data['months']
-    months = property(months, doc="""\
-        Locale display names for months.
-        >>> Locale('de', 'DE').months['format']['wide'][10]
-        u'Oktober'
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    def quarters(self):
-        return self._data['quarters']
-    quarters = property(quarters, doc="""\
-        Locale display names for quarters.
-        >>> Locale('de', 'DE').quarters['format']['wide'][1]
-        u'1. Quartal'
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    def eras(self):
-        return self._data['eras']
-    eras = property(eras, doc="""\
-        Locale display names for eras.
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').eras['wide'][1]
-        u'Anno Domini'
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').eras['abbreviated'][0]
-        u'BC'
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    def time_zones(self):
-        return self._data['time_zones']
-    time_zones = property(time_zones, doc="""\
-        Locale display names for time zones.
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').time_zones['Europe/London']['long']['daylight']
-        u'British Summer Time'
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').time_zones['America/St_Johns']['city']
-        u"St. John's"
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    def meta_zones(self):
-        return self._data['meta_zones']
-    meta_zones = property(meta_zones, doc="""\
-        Locale display names for meta time zones.
-        Meta time zones are basically groups of different Olson time zones that
-        have the same GMT offset and daylight savings time.
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').meta_zones['Europe_Central']['long']['daylight']
-        u'Central European Summer Time'
-        :type: `dict`
-        :since: version 0.9
-        """)
-    def zone_formats(self):
-        return self._data['zone_formats']
-    zone_formats = property(zone_formats, doc=r"""\
-        Patterns related to the formatting of time zones.
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').zone_formats['fallback']
-        u'%(1)s (%(0)s)'
-        >>> Locale('pt', 'BR').zone_formats['region']
-        u'Hor\xe1rio %s'
-        :type: `dict`
-        :since: version 0.9
-        """)
-    def first_week_day(self):
-        return self._data['week_data']['first_day']
-    first_week_day = property(first_week_day, doc="""\
-        The first day of a week, with 0 being Monday.
-        >>> Locale('de', 'DE').first_week_day
-        0
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').first_week_day
-        6
-        :type: `int`
-        """)
-    def weekend_start(self):
-        return self._data['week_data']['weekend_start']
-    weekend_start = property(weekend_start, doc="""\
-        The day the weekend starts, with 0 being Monday.
-        >>> Locale('de', 'DE').weekend_start
-        5
-        :type: `int`
-        """)
-    def weekend_end(self):
-        return self._data['week_data']['weekend_end']
-    weekend_end = property(weekend_end, doc="""\
-        The day the weekend ends, with 0 being Monday.
-        >>> Locale('de', 'DE').weekend_end
-        6
-        :type: `int`
-        """)
-    def min_week_days(self):
-        return self._data['week_data']['min_days']
-    min_week_days = property(min_week_days, doc="""\
-        The minimum number of days in a week so that the week is counted as the
-        first week of a year or month.
-        >>> Locale('de', 'DE').min_week_days
-        4
-        :type: `int`
-        """)
-    def date_formats(self):
-        return self._data['date_formats']
-    date_formats = property(date_formats, doc="""\
-        Locale patterns for date formatting.
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').date_formats['short']
-        <DateTimePattern u'M/d/yy'>
-        >>> Locale('fr', 'FR').date_formats['long']
-        <DateTimePattern u'd MMMM yyyy'>
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    def time_formats(self):
-        return self._data['time_formats']
-    time_formats = property(time_formats, doc="""\
-        Locale patterns for time formatting.
-        >>> Locale('en', 'US').time_formats['short']
-        <DateTimePattern u'h:mm a'>
-        >>> Locale('fr', 'FR').time_formats['long']
-        <DateTimePattern u'HH:mm:ss z'>
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-    def datetime_formats(self):
-        return self._data['datetime_formats']
-    datetime_formats = property(datetime_formats, doc="""\
-        Locale patterns for datetime formatting.
-        >>> Locale('en').datetime_formats[None]
-        u'{1} {0}'
-        >>> Locale('th').datetime_formats[None]
-        u'{1}, {0}'
-        :type: `dict`
-        """)
-def default_locale(category=None, aliases=LOCALE_ALIASES):
-    """Returns the system default locale for a given category, based on
-    environment variables.
-    >>> for name in ['LANGUAGE', 'LC_ALL', 'LC_CTYPE']:
-    ...     os.environ[name] = ''
-    >>> os.environ['LANG'] = 'fr_FR.UTF-8'
-    >>> default_locale('LC_MESSAGES')
-    'fr_FR'
-    The "C" or "POSIX" pseudo-locales are treated as aliases for the
-    "en_US_POSIX" locale:
-    >>> os.environ['LC_MESSAGES'] = 'POSIX'
-    >>> default_locale('LC_MESSAGES')
-    'en_US_POSIX'
-    :param category: one of the ``LC_XXX`` environment variable names
-    :param aliases: a dictionary of aliases for locale identifiers
-    :return: the value of the variable, or any of the fallbacks (``LANGUAGE``,
-             ``LC_ALL``, ``LC_CTYPE``, and ``LANG``)
-    :rtype: `str`
-    """
-    varnames = (category, 'LANGUAGE', 'LC_ALL', 'LC_CTYPE', 'LANG')
-    for name in filter(None, varnames):
-        locale = os.getenv(name)
-        if locale:
-            if name == 'LANGUAGE' and ':' in locale:
-                # the LANGUAGE variable may contain a colon-separated list of
-                # language codes; we just pick the language on the list
-                locale = locale.split(':')[0]
-            if locale in ('C', 'POSIX'):
-                locale = 'en_US_POSIX'
-            elif aliases and locale in aliases:
-                locale = aliases[locale]
-            return '_'.join(filter(None, parse_locale(locale)))
-def negotiate_locale(preferred, available, sep='_', aliases=LOCALE_ALIASES):
-    """Find the best match between available and requested locale strings.
-    >>> negotiate_locale(['de_DE', 'en_US'], ['de_DE', 'de_AT'])
-    'de_DE'
-    >>> negotiate_locale(['de_DE', 'en_US'], ['en', 'de'])
-    'de'
-    Case is ignored by the algorithm, the result uses the case of the preferred
-    locale identifier:
-    >>> negotiate_locale(['de_DE', 'en_US'], ['de_de', 'de_at'])
-    'de_DE'
-    >>> negotiate_locale(['de_DE', 'en_US'], ['de_de', 'de_at'])
-    'de_DE'
-    By default, some web browsers unfortunately do not include the territory
-    in the locale identifier for many locales, and some don't even allow the
-    user to easily add the territory. So while you may prefer using qualified
-    locale identifiers in your web-application, they would not normally match
-    the language-only locale sent by such browsers. To workaround that, this
-    function uses a default mapping of commonly used langauge-only locale
-    identifiers to identifiers including the territory:
-    >>> negotiate_locale(['ja', 'en_US'], ['ja_JP', 'en_US'])
-    'ja_JP'
-    Some browsers even use an incorrect or outdated language code, such as "no"
-    for Norwegian, where the correct locale identifier would actually be "nb_NO"
-    (Bokmål) or "nn_NO" (Nynorsk). The aliases are intended to take care of
-    such cases, too:
-    >>> negotiate_locale(['no', 'sv'], ['nb_NO', 'sv_SE'])
-    'nb_NO'
-    You can override this default mapping by passing a different `aliases`
-    dictionary to this function, or you can bypass the behavior althogher by
-    setting the `aliases` parameter to `None`.
-    :param preferred: the list of locale strings preferred by the user
-    :param available: the list of locale strings available
-    :param sep: character that separates the different parts of the locale
-                strings
-    :param aliases: a dictionary of aliases for locale identifiers
-    :return: the locale identifier for the best match, or `None` if no match
-             was found
-    :rtype: `str`
-    """
-    available = [a.lower() for a in available if a]
-    for locale in preferred:
-        ll = locale.lower()
-        if ll in available:
-            return locale
-        if aliases:
-            alias = aliases.get(ll)
-            if alias:
-                alias = alias.replace('_', sep)
-                if alias.lower() in available:
-                    return alias
-        parts = locale.split(sep)
-        if len(parts) > 1 and parts[0].lower() in available:
-            return parts[0]
-    return None
-def parse_locale(identifier, sep='_'):
-    """Parse a locale identifier into a tuple of the form::
-      ``(language, territory, script, variant)``
-    >>> parse_locale('zh_CN')
-    ('zh', 'CN', None, None)
-    >>> parse_locale('zh_Hans_CN')
-    ('zh', 'CN', 'Hans', None)
-    The default component separator is "_", but a different separator can be
-    specified using the `sep` parameter:
-    >>> parse_locale('zh-CN', sep='-')
-    ('zh', 'CN', None, None)
-    If the identifier cannot be parsed into a locale, a `ValueError` exception
-    is raised:
-    >>> parse_locale('not_a_LOCALE_String')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-      ...
-    ValueError: 'not_a_LOCALE_String' is not a valid locale identifier
-    Encoding information and locale modifiers are removed from the identifier:
-    >>> parse_locale('it_IT at euro')
-    ('it', 'IT', None, None)
-    >>> parse_locale('en_US.UTF-8')
-    ('en', 'US', None, None)
-    >>> parse_locale('de_DE.iso885915 at euro')
-    ('de', 'DE', None, None)
-    :param identifier: the locale identifier string
-    :param sep: character that separates the different components of the locale
-                identifier
-    :return: the ``(language, territory, script, variant)`` tuple
-    :rtype: `tuple`
-    :raise `ValueError`: if the string does not appear to be a valid locale
-                         identifier
-    :see: `IETF RFC 4646 <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4646.txt>`_
-    """
-    if '.' in identifier:
-        # this is probably the charset/encoding, which we don't care about
-        identifier = identifier.split('.', 1)[0]
-    if '@' in identifier:
-        # this is a locale modifier such as @euro, which we don't care about
-        # either
-        identifier = identifier.split('@', 1)[0]
-    parts = identifier.split(sep)
-    lang = parts.pop(0).lower()
-    if not lang.isalpha():
-        raise ValueError('expected only letters, got %r' % lang)
-    script = territory = variant = None
-    if parts:
-        if len(parts[0]) == 4 and parts[0].isalpha():
-            script = parts.pop(0).title()
-    if parts:
-        if len(parts[0]) == 2 and parts[0].isalpha():
-            territory = parts.pop(0).upper()
-        elif len(parts[0]) == 3 and parts[0].isdigit():
-            territory = parts.pop(0)
-    if parts:
-        if len(parts[0]) == 4 and parts[0][0].isdigit() or \
-                len(parts[0]) >= 5 and parts[0][0].isalpha():
-            variant = parts.pop()
-    if parts:
-        raise ValueError('%r is not a valid locale identifier' % identifier)
-    return lang, territory, script, variant

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/dates.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,991 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Locale dependent formatting and parsing of dates and times.
-The default locale for the functions in this module is determined by the
-following environment variables, in that order:
- * ``LC_TIME``,
- * ``LC_ALL``, and
- * ``LANG``
-from datetime import date, datetime, time, timedelta, tzinfo
-import re
-from babel.core import default_locale, get_global, Locale
-from babel.util import UTC
-__all__ = ['format_date', 'format_datetime', 'format_time',
-           'get_timezone_name', 'parse_date', 'parse_datetime', 'parse_time']
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
-LC_TIME = default_locale('LC_TIME')
-# Aliases for use in scopes where the modules are shadowed by local variables
-date_ = date
-datetime_ = datetime
-time_ = time
-def get_period_names(locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Return the names for day periods (AM/PM) used by the locale.
-    >>> get_period_names(locale='en_US')['am']
-    u'AM'
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
-    :return: the dictionary of period names
-    :rtype: `dict`
-    """
-    return Locale.parse(locale).periods
-def get_day_names(width='wide', context='format', locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Return the day names used by the locale for the specified format.
-    >>> get_day_names('wide', locale='en_US')[1]
-    u'Tuesday'
-    >>> get_day_names('abbreviated', locale='es')[1]
-    u'mar'
-    >>> get_day_names('narrow', context='stand-alone', locale='de_DE')[1]
-    u'D'
-    :param width: the width to use, one of "wide", "abbreviated", or "narrow"
-    :param context: the context, either "format" or "stand-alone"
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
-    :return: the dictionary of day names
-    :rtype: `dict`
-    """
-    return Locale.parse(locale).days[context][width]
-def get_month_names(width='wide', context='format', locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Return the month names used by the locale for the specified format.
-    >>> get_month_names('wide', locale='en_US')[1]
-    u'January'
-    >>> get_month_names('abbreviated', locale='es')[1]
-    u'ene'
-    >>> get_month_names('narrow', context='stand-alone', locale='de_DE')[1]
-    u'J'
-    :param width: the width to use, one of "wide", "abbreviated", or "narrow"
-    :param context: the context, either "format" or "stand-alone"
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
-    :return: the dictionary of month names
-    :rtype: `dict`
-    """
-    return Locale.parse(locale).months[context][width]
-def get_quarter_names(width='wide', context='format', locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Return the quarter names used by the locale for the specified format.
-    >>> get_quarter_names('wide', locale='en_US')[1]
-    u'1st quarter'
-    >>> get_quarter_names('abbreviated', locale='de_DE')[1]
-    u'Q1'
-    :param width: the width to use, one of "wide", "abbreviated", or "narrow"
-    :param context: the context, either "format" or "stand-alone"
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
-    :return: the dictionary of quarter names
-    :rtype: `dict`
-    """
-    return Locale.parse(locale).quarters[context][width]
-def get_era_names(width='wide', locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Return the era names used by the locale for the specified format.
-    >>> get_era_names('wide', locale='en_US')[1]
-    u'Anno Domini'
-    >>> get_era_names('abbreviated', locale='de_DE')[1]
-    u'n. Chr.'
-    :param width: the width to use, either "wide", "abbreviated", or "narrow"
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
-    :return: the dictionary of era names
-    :rtype: `dict`
-    """
-    return Locale.parse(locale).eras[width]
-def get_date_format(format='medium', locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Return the date formatting patterns used by the locale for the specified
-    format.
-    >>> get_date_format(locale='en_US')
-    <DateTimePattern u'MMM d, yyyy'>
-    >>> get_date_format('full', locale='de_DE')
-    <DateTimePattern u'EEEE, d. MMMM yyyy'>
-    :param format: the format to use, one of "full", "long", "medium", or
-                   "short"
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
-    :return: the date format pattern
-    :rtype: `DateTimePattern`
-    """
-    return Locale.parse(locale).date_formats[format]
-def get_datetime_format(format='medium', locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Return the datetime formatting patterns used by the locale for the
-    specified format.
-    >>> get_datetime_format(locale='en_US')
-    u'{1} {0}'
-    :param format: the format to use, one of "full", "long", "medium", or
-                   "short"
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
-    :return: the datetime format pattern
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    """
-    patterns = Locale.parse(locale).datetime_formats
-    if format not in patterns:
-        format = None
-    return patterns[format]
-def get_time_format(format='medium', locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Return the time formatting patterns used by the locale for the specified
-    format.
-    >>> get_time_format(locale='en_US')
-    <DateTimePattern u'h:mm:ss a'>
-    >>> get_time_format('full', locale='de_DE')
-    <DateTimePattern u'HH:mm:ss v'>
-    :param format: the format to use, one of "full", "long", "medium", or
-                   "short"
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
-    :return: the time format pattern
-    :rtype: `DateTimePattern`
-    """
-    return Locale.parse(locale).time_formats[format]
-def get_timezone_gmt(datetime=None, width='long', locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Return the timezone associated with the given `datetime` object formatted
-    as string indicating the offset from GMT.
-    >>> dt = datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30)
-    >>> get_timezone_gmt(dt, locale='en')
-    u'GMT+00:00'
-    >>> from pytz import timezone
-    >>> tz = timezone('America/Los_Angeles')
-    >>> dt = datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30, tzinfo=tz)
-    >>> get_timezone_gmt(dt, locale='en')
-    u'GMT-08:00'
-    >>> get_timezone_gmt(dt, 'short', locale='en')
-    u'-0800'
-    The long format depends on the locale, for example in France the acronym
-    UTC string is used instead of GMT:
-    >>> get_timezone_gmt(dt, 'long', locale='fr_FR')
-    u'UTC-08:00'
-    :param datetime: the ``datetime`` object; if `None`, the current date and
-                     time in UTC is used
-    :param width: either "long" or "short"
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
-    :return: the GMT offset representation of the timezone
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    :since: version 0.9
-    """
-    if datetime is None:
-        datetime = datetime_.utcnow()
-    elif isinstance(datetime, (int, long)):
-        datetime = datetime_.utcfromtimestamp(datetime).time()
-    if datetime.tzinfo is None:
-        datetime = datetime.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
-    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-    offset = datetime.tzinfo.utcoffset(datetime)
-    seconds = offset.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + offset.seconds
-    hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600)
-    if width == 'short':
-        pattern = u'%+03d%02d'
-    else:
-        pattern = locale.zone_formats['gmt'] % '%+03d:%02d'
-    return pattern % (hours, seconds // 60)
-def get_timezone_location(dt_or_tzinfo=None, locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Return a representation of the given timezone using "location format".
-    The result depends on both the local display name of the country and the
-    city assocaited with the time zone:
-    >>> from pytz import timezone
-    >>> tz = timezone('America/St_Johns')
-    >>> get_timezone_location(tz, locale='de_DE')
-    u"Kanada (St. John's)"
-    >>> tz = timezone('America/Mexico_City')
-    >>> get_timezone_location(tz, locale='de_DE')
-    u'Mexiko (Mexiko-Stadt)'
-    If the timezone is associated with a country that uses only a single
-    timezone, just the localized country name is returned:
-    >>> tz = timezone('Europe/Berlin')
-    >>> get_timezone_name(tz, locale='de_DE')
-    u'Deutschland'
-    :param dt_or_tzinfo: the ``datetime`` or ``tzinfo`` object that determines
-                         the timezone; if `None`, the current date and time in
-                         UTC is assumed
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
-    :return: the localized timezone name using location format
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    :since: version 0.9
-    """
-    if dt_or_tzinfo is None or isinstance(dt_or_tzinfo, (int, long)):
-        dt = None
-        tzinfo = UTC
-    elif isinstance(dt_or_tzinfo, (datetime, time)):
-        dt = dt_or_tzinfo
-        if dt.tzinfo is not None:
-            tzinfo = dt.tzinfo
-        else:
-            tzinfo = UTC
-    else:
-        dt = None
-        tzinfo = dt_or_tzinfo
-    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-    if hasattr(tzinfo, 'zone'):
-        zone = tzinfo.zone
-    else:
-        zone = tzinfo.tzname(dt or datetime.utcnow())
-    # Get the canonical time-zone code
-    zone = get_global('zone_aliases').get(zone, zone)
-    info = locale.time_zones.get(zone, {})
-    # Otherwise, if there is only one timezone for the country, return the
-    # localized country name
-    region_format = locale.zone_formats['region']
-    territory = get_global('zone_territories').get(zone)
-    if territory not in locale.territories:
-        territory = 'ZZ' # invalid/unknown
-    territory_name = locale.territories[territory]
-    if territory and len(get_global('territory_zones').get(territory, [])) == 1:
-        return region_format % (territory_name)
-    # Otherwise, include the city in the output
-    fallback_format = locale.zone_formats['fallback']
-    if 'city' in info:
-        city_name = info['city']
-    else:
-        metazone = get_global('meta_zones').get(zone)
-        metazone_info = locale.meta_zones.get(metazone, {})
-        if 'city' in metazone_info:
-            city_name = metainfo['city']
-        elif '/' in zone:
-            city_name = zone.split('/', 1)[1].replace('_', ' ')
-        else:
-            city_name = zone.replace('_', ' ')
-    return region_format % (fallback_format % {
-        '0': city_name,
-        '1': territory_name
-    })
-def get_timezone_name(dt_or_tzinfo=None, width='long', uncommon=False,
-                      locale=LC_TIME):
-    r"""Return the localized display name for the given timezone. The timezone
-    may be specified using a ``datetime`` or `tzinfo` object.
-    >>> from pytz import timezone
-    >>> dt = time(15, 30, tzinfo=timezone('America/Los_Angeles'))
-    >>> get_timezone_name(dt, locale='en_US')
-    u'Pacific Standard Time'
-    >>> get_timezone_name(dt, width='short', locale='en_US')
-    u'PST'
-    If this function gets passed only a `tzinfo` object and no concrete
-    `datetime`,  the returned display name is indenpendent of daylight savings
-    time. This can be used for example for selecting timezones, or to set the
-    time of events that recur across DST changes:
-    >>> tz = timezone('America/Los_Angeles')
-    >>> get_timezone_name(tz, locale='en_US')
-    u'Pacific Time'
-    >>> get_timezone_name(tz, 'short', locale='en_US')
-    u'PT'
-    If no localized display name for the timezone is available, and the timezone
-    is associated with a country that uses only a single timezone, the name of
-    that country is returned, formatted according to the locale:
-    >>> tz = timezone('Europe/Berlin')
-    >>> get_timezone_name(tz, locale='de_DE')
-    u'Deutschland'
-    >>> get_timezone_name(tz, locale='pt_BR')
-    u'Hor\xe1rio Alemanha'
-    On the other hand, if the country uses multiple timezones, the city is also
-    included in the representation:
-    >>> tz = timezone('America/St_Johns')
-    >>> get_timezone_name(tz, locale='de_DE')
-    u"Kanada (St. John's)"
-    The `uncommon` parameter can be set to `True` to enable the use of timezone
-    representations that are not commonly used by the requested locale. For
-    example, while in frensh the central europian timezone is usually
-    abbreviated as "HEC", in Canadian French, this abbreviation is not in
-    common use, so a generic name would be chosen by default:
-    >>> tz = timezone('Europe/Paris')
-    >>> get_timezone_name(tz, 'short', locale='fr_CA')
-    u'France'
-    >>> get_timezone_name(tz, 'short', uncommon=True, locale='fr_CA')
-    u'HEC'
-    :param dt_or_tzinfo: the ``datetime`` or ``tzinfo`` object that determines
-                         the timezone; if a ``tzinfo`` object is used, the
-                         resulting display name will be generic, i.e.
-                         independent of daylight savings time; if `None`, the
-                         current date in UTC is assumed
-    :param width: either "long" or "short"
-    :param uncommon: whether even uncommon timezone abbreviations should be used
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
-    :return: the timezone display name
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    :since: version 0.9
-    :see:  `LDML Appendix J: Time Zone Display Names
-            <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Time_Zone_Fallback>`_
-    """
-    if dt_or_tzinfo is None or isinstance(dt_or_tzinfo, (int, long)):
-        dt = None
-        tzinfo = UTC
-    elif isinstance(dt_or_tzinfo, (datetime, time)):
-        dt = dt_or_tzinfo
-        if dt.tzinfo is not None:
-            tzinfo = dt.tzinfo
-        else:
-            tzinfo = UTC
-    else:
-        dt = None
-        tzinfo = dt_or_tzinfo
-    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-    if hasattr(tzinfo, 'zone'):
-        zone = tzinfo.zone
-    else:
-        zone = tzinfo.tzname(dt)
-    # Get the canonical time-zone code
-    zone = get_global('zone_aliases').get(zone, zone)
-    info = locale.time_zones.get(zone, {})
-    # Try explicitly translated zone names first
-    if width in info:
-        if dt is None:
-            field = 'generic'
-        else:
-            dst = tzinfo.dst(dt)
-            if dst is None:
-                field = 'generic'
-            elif dst == 0:
-                field = 'standard'
-            else:
-                field = 'daylight'
-        if field in info[width]:
-            return info[width][field]
-    metazone = get_global('meta_zones').get(zone)
-    if metazone:
-        metazone_info = locale.meta_zones.get(metazone, {})
-        if width in metazone_info and (uncommon or metazone_info.get('common')):
-            if dt is None:
-                field = 'generic'
-            else:
-                field = tzinfo.dst(dt) and 'daylight' or 'standard'
-            if field in metazone_info[width]:
-                return metazone_info[width][field]
-    # If we have a concrete datetime, we assume that the result can't be
-    # independent of daylight savings time, so we return the GMT offset
-    if dt is not None:
-        return get_timezone_gmt(dt, width=width, locale=locale)
-    return get_timezone_location(dt_or_tzinfo, locale=locale)
-def format_date(date=None, format='medium', locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Return a date formatted according to the given pattern.
-    >>> d = date(2007, 04, 01)
-    >>> format_date(d, locale='en_US')
-    u'Apr 1, 2007'
-    >>> format_date(d, format='full', locale='de_DE')
-    u'Sonntag, 1. April 2007'
-    If you don't want to use the locale default formats, you can specify a
-    custom date pattern:
-    >>> format_date(d, "EEE, MMM d, ''yy", locale='en')
-    u"Sun, Apr 1, '07"
-    :param date: the ``date`` or ``datetime`` object; if `None`, the current
-                 date is used
-    :param format: one of "full", "long", "medium", or "short", or a custom
-                   date/time pattern
-    :param locale: a `Locale` object or a locale identifier
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    :note: If the pattern contains time fields, an `AttributeError` will be
-           raised when trying to apply the formatting. This is also true if
-           the value of ``date`` parameter is actually a ``datetime`` object,
-           as this function automatically converts that to a ``date``.
-    """
-    if date is None:
-        date = date_.today()
-    elif isinstance(date, datetime):
-        date = date.date()
-    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-    if format in ('full', 'long', 'medium', 'short'):
-        format = get_date_format(format, locale=locale)
-    pattern = parse_pattern(format)
-    return parse_pattern(format).apply(date, locale)
-def format_datetime(datetime=None, format='medium', tzinfo=None,
-                    locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Return a date formatted according to the given pattern.
-    >>> dt = datetime(2007, 04, 01, 15, 30)
-    >>> format_datetime(dt, locale='en_US')
-    u'Apr 1, 2007 3:30:00 PM'
-    For any pattern requiring the display of the time-zone, the third-party
-    ``pytz`` package is needed to explicitly specify the time-zone:
-    >>> from pytz import timezone
-    >>> format_datetime(dt, 'full', tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Paris'),
-    ...                 locale='fr_FR')
-    u'dimanche 1 avril 2007 17:30:00 HEC'
-    >>> format_datetime(dt, "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss zzz",
-    ...                 tzinfo=timezone('US/Eastern'), locale='en')
-    u'2007.04.01 AD at 11:30:00 EDT'
-    :param datetime: the `datetime` object; if `None`, the current date and
-                     time is used
-    :param format: one of "full", "long", "medium", or "short", or a custom
-                   date/time pattern
-    :param tzinfo: the timezone to apply to the time for display
-    :param locale: a `Locale` object or a locale identifier
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    """
-    if datetime is None:
-        datetime = datetime_.utcnow()
-    elif isinstance(datetime, (int, long)):
-        datetime = datetime_.utcfromtimestamp(datetime)
-    elif isinstance(datetime, time):
-        datetime = datetime_.combine(date.today(), datetime)
-    if datetime.tzinfo is None:
-        datetime = datetime.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
-    if tzinfo is not None:
-        datetime = datetime.astimezone(tzinfo)
-        if hasattr(tzinfo, 'normalize'): # pytz
-            datetime = tzinfo.normalize(datetime)
-    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-    if format in ('full', 'long', 'medium', 'short'):
-        return get_datetime_format(format, locale=locale) \
-            .replace('{0}', format_time(datetime, format, tzinfo=None,
-                                        locale=locale)) \
-            .replace('{1}', format_date(datetime, format, locale=locale))
-    else:
-        return parse_pattern(format).apply(datetime, locale)
-def format_time(time=None, format='medium', tzinfo=None, locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Return a time formatted according to the given pattern.
-    >>> t = time(15, 30)
-    >>> format_time(t, locale='en_US')
-    u'3:30:00 PM'
-    >>> format_time(t, format='short', locale='de_DE')
-    u'15:30'
-    If you don't want to use the locale default formats, you can specify a
-    custom time pattern:
-    >>> format_time(t, "hh 'o''clock' a", locale='en')
-    u"03 o'clock PM"
-    For any pattern requiring the display of the time-zone, the third-party
-    ``pytz`` package is needed to explicitly specify the time-zone:
-    >>> from pytz import timezone
-    >>> t = datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30)
-    >>> tzinfo = timezone('Europe/Paris')
-    >>> t = tzinfo.localize(t)
-    >>> format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=tzinfo, locale='fr_FR')
-    u'15:30:00 HEC'
-    >>> format_time(t, "hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz", tzinfo=timezone('US/Eastern'),
-    ...             locale='en')
-    u"09 o'clock AM, Eastern Daylight Time"
-    As that example shows, when this function gets passed a
-    ``datetime.datetime`` value, the actual time in the formatted string is
-    adjusted to the timezone specified by the `tzinfo` parameter. If the
-    ``datetime`` is "naive" (i.e. it has no associated timezone information),
-    it is assumed to be in UTC.
-    These timezone calculations are **not** performed if the value is of type
-    ``datetime.time``, as without date information there's no way to determine
-    what a given time would translate to in a different timezone without
-    information about whether daylight savings time is in effect or not. This
-    means that time values are left as-is, and the value of the `tzinfo`
-    parameter is only used to display the timezone name if needed:
-    >>> t = time(15, 30)
-    >>> format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Paris'),
-    ...             locale='fr_FR')
-    u'15:30:00 HEC'
-    >>> format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=timezone('US/Eastern'),
-    ...             locale='en_US')
-    u'3:30:00 PM ET'
-    :param time: the ``time`` or ``datetime`` object; if `None`, the current
-                 time in UTC is used
-    :param format: one of "full", "long", "medium", or "short", or a custom
-                   date/time pattern
-    :param tzinfo: the time-zone to apply to the time for display
-    :param locale: a `Locale` object or a locale identifier
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    :note: If the pattern contains date fields, an `AttributeError` will be
-           raised when trying to apply the formatting. This is also true if
-           the value of ``time`` parameter is actually a ``datetime`` object,
-           as this function automatically converts that to a ``time``.
-    """
-    if time is None:
-        time = datetime.utcnow()
-    elif isinstance(time, (int, long)):
-        time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time)
-    if time.tzinfo is None:
-        time = time.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
-    if isinstance(time, datetime):
-        if tzinfo is not None:
-            time = time.astimezone(tzinfo)
-            if hasattr(tzinfo, 'localize'): # pytz
-                time = tzinfo.normalize(time)
-        time = time.timetz()
-    elif tzinfo is not None:
-        time = time.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
-    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-    if format in ('full', 'long', 'medium', 'short'):
-        format = get_time_format(format, locale=locale)
-    return parse_pattern(format).apply(time, locale)
-def parse_date(string, locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Parse a date from a string.
-    This function uses the date format for the locale as a hint to determine
-    the order in which the date fields appear in the string.
-    >>> parse_date('4/1/04', locale='en_US')
-    datetime.date(2004, 4, 1)
-    >>> parse_date('01.04.2004', locale='de_DE')
-    datetime.date(2004, 4, 1)
-    :param string: the string containing the date
-    :param locale: a `Locale` object or a locale identifier
-    :return: the parsed date
-    :rtype: `date`
-    """
-    # TODO: try ISO format first?
-    format = get_date_format(locale=locale).pattern.lower()
-    year_idx = format.index('y')
-    month_idx = format.index('m')
-    if month_idx < 0:
-        month_idx = format.index('l')
-    day_idx = format.index('d')
-    indexes = [(year_idx, 'Y'), (month_idx, 'M'), (day_idx, 'D')]
-    indexes.sort()
-    indexes = dict([(item[1], idx) for idx, item in enumerate(indexes)])
-    # FIXME: this currently only supports numbers, but should also support month
-    #        names, both in the requested locale, and english
-    numbers = re.findall('(\d+)', string)
-    year = numbers[indexes['Y']]
-    if len(year) == 2:
-        year = 2000 + int(year)
-    else:
-        year = int(year)
-    month = int(numbers[indexes['M']])
-    day = int(numbers[indexes['D']])
-    if month > 12:
-        month, day = day, month
-    return date(year, month, day)
-def parse_datetime(string, locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Parse a date and time from a string.
-    This function uses the date and time formats for the locale as a hint to
-    determine the order in which the time fields appear in the string.
-    :param string: the string containing the date and time
-    :param locale: a `Locale` object or a locale identifier
-    :return: the parsed date/time
-    :rtype: `datetime`
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError
-def parse_time(string, locale=LC_TIME):
-    """Parse a time from a string.
-    This function uses the time format for the locale as a hint to determine
-    the order in which the time fields appear in the string.
-    >>> parse_time('15:30:00', locale='en_US')
-    datetime.time(15, 30)
-    :param string: the string containing the time
-    :param locale: a `Locale` object or a locale identifier
-    :return: the parsed time
-    :rtype: `time`
-    """
-    # TODO: try ISO format first?
-    format = get_time_format(locale=locale).pattern.lower()
-    hour_idx = format.index('h')
-    if hour_idx < 0:
-        hour_idx = format.index('k')
-    min_idx = format.index('m')
-    sec_idx = format.index('s')
-    indexes = [(hour_idx, 'H'), (min_idx, 'M'), (sec_idx, 'S')]
-    indexes.sort()
-    indexes = dict([(item[1], idx) for idx, item in enumerate(indexes)])
-    # FIXME: support 12 hour clock, and 0-based hour specification
-    #        and seconds should be optional, maybe minutes too
-    #        oh, and time-zones, of course
-    numbers = re.findall('(\d+)', string)
-    hour = int(numbers[indexes['H']])
-    minute = int(numbers[indexes['M']])
-    second = int(numbers[indexes['S']])
-    return time(hour, minute, second)
-class DateTimePattern(object):
-    def __init__(self, pattern, format):
-        self.pattern = pattern
-        self.format = format
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s %r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.pattern)
-    def __unicode__(self):
-        return self.pattern
-    def __mod__(self, other):
-        assert type(other) is DateTimeFormat
-        return self.format % other
-    def apply(self, datetime, locale):
-        return self % DateTimeFormat(datetime, locale)
-class DateTimeFormat(object):
-    def __init__(self, value, locale):
-        assert isinstance(value, (date, datetime, time))
-        if isinstance(value, (datetime, time)) and value.tzinfo is None:
-            value = value.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
-        self.value = value
-        self.locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-    def __getitem__(self, name):
-        char = name[0]
-        num = len(name)
-        if char == 'G':
-            return self.format_era(char, num)
-        elif char in ('y', 'Y', 'u'):
-            return self.format_year(char, num)
-        elif char in ('Q', 'q'):
-            return self.format_quarter(char, num)
-        elif char in ('M', 'L'):
-            return self.format_month(char, num)
-        elif char in ('w', 'W'):
-            return self.format_week(char, num)
-        elif char == 'd':
-            return self.format(self.value.day, num)
-        elif char == 'D':
-            return self.format_day_of_year(num)
-        elif char == 'F':
-            return self.format_day_of_week_in_month()
-        elif char in ('E', 'e', 'c'):
-            return self.format_weekday(char, num)
-        elif char == 'a':
-            return self.format_period(char)
-        elif char == 'h':
-            if self.value.hour % 12 == 0:
-                return self.format(12, num)
-            else:
-                return self.format(self.value.hour % 12, num)
-        elif char == 'H':
-            return self.format(self.value.hour, num)
-        elif char == 'K':
-            return self.format(self.value.hour % 12, num)
-        elif char == 'k':
-            if self.value.hour == 0:
-                return self.format(24, num)
-            else:
-                return self.format(self.value.hour, num)
-        elif char == 'm':
-            return self.format(self.value.minute, num)
-        elif char == 's':
-            return self.format(self.value.second, num)
-        elif char == 'S':
-            return self.format_frac_seconds(num)
-        elif char == 'A':
-            return self.format_milliseconds_in_day(num)
-        elif char in ('z', 'Z', 'v', 'V'):
-            return self.format_timezone(char, num)
-        else:
-            raise KeyError('Unsupported date/time field %r' % char)
-    def format_era(self, char, num):
-        width = {3: 'abbreviated', 4: 'wide', 5: 'narrow'}[max(3, num)]
-        era = int(self.value.year >= 0)
-        return get_era_names(width, self.locale)[era]
-    def format_year(self, char, num):
-        value = self.value.year
-        if char.isupper():
-            week = self.get_week_number(self.get_day_of_year())
-            if week == 0:
-                value -= 1
-        year = self.format(value, num)
-        if num == 2:
-            year = year[-2:]
-        return year
-    def format_quarter(self, char, num):
-        quarter = (self.value.month - 1) // 3 + 1
-        if num <= 2:
-            return ('%%0%dd' % num) % quarter
-        width = {3: 'abbreviated', 4: 'wide', 5: 'narrow'}[num]
-        context = {'Q': 'format', 'q': 'stand-alone'}[char]
-        return get_quarter_names(width, context, self.locale)[quarter]
-    def format_month(self, char, num):
-        if num <= 2:
-            return ('%%0%dd' % num) % self.value.month
-        width = {3: 'abbreviated', 4: 'wide', 5: 'narrow'}[num]
-        context = {'M': 'format', 'L': 'stand-alone'}[char]
-        return get_month_names(width, context, self.locale)[self.value.month]
-    def format_week(self, char, num):
-        if char.islower(): # week of year
-            day_of_year = self.get_day_of_year()
-            week = self.get_week_number(day_of_year)
-            if week == 0:
-                date = self.value - timedelta(days=day_of_year)
-                week = self.get_week_number(self.get_day_of_year(date),
-                                            date.weekday())
-            return self.format(week, num)
-        else: # week of month
-            week = self.get_week_number(self.value.day)
-            if week == 0:
-                date = self.value - timedelta(days=self.value.day)
-                week = self.get_week_number(date.day, date.weekday())
-                pass
-            return '%d' % week
-    def format_weekday(self, char, num):
-        if num < 3:
-            if char.islower():
-                value = 7 - self.locale.first_week_day + self.value.weekday()
-                return self.format(value % 7 + 1, num)
-            num = 3
-        weekday = self.value.weekday()
-        width = {3: 'abbreviated', 4: 'wide', 5: 'narrow'}[num]
-        context = {3: 'format', 4: 'format', 5: 'stand-alone'}[num]
-        return get_day_names(width, context, self.locale)[weekday]
-    def format_day_of_year(self, num):
-        return self.format(self.get_day_of_year(), num)
-    def format_day_of_week_in_month(self):
-        return '%d' % ((self.value.day - 1) / 7 + 1)
-    def format_period(self, char):
-        period = {0: 'am', 1: 'pm'}[int(self.value.hour >= 12)]
-        return get_period_names(locale=self.locale)[period]
-    def format_frac_seconds(self, num):
-        value = str(self.value.microsecond)
-        return self.format(round(float('.%s' % value), num) * 10**num, num)
-    def format_milliseconds_in_day(self, num):
-        msecs = self.value.microsecond // 1000 + self.value.second * 1000 + \
-                self.value.minute * 60000 + self.value.hour * 3600000
-        return self.format(msecs, num)
-    def format_timezone(self, char, num):
-        width = {3: 'short', 4: 'long'}[max(3, num)]
-        if char == 'z':
-            return get_timezone_name(self.value, width, locale=self.locale)
-        elif char == 'Z':
-            return get_timezone_gmt(self.value, width, locale=self.locale)
-        elif char == 'v':
-            return get_timezone_name(self.value.tzinfo, width,
-                                     locale=self.locale)
-        elif char == 'V':
-            if num == 1:
-                return get_timezone_name(self.value.tzinfo, width,
-                                         uncommon=True, locale=self.locale)
-            return get_timezone_location(self.value.tzinfo, locale=self.locale)
-    def format(self, value, length):
-        return ('%%0%dd' % length) % value
-    def get_day_of_year(self, date=None):
-        if date is None:
-            date = self.value
-        return (date - date_(date.year, 1, 1)).days + 1
-    def get_week_number(self, day_of_period, day_of_week=None):
-        """Return the number of the week of a day within a period. This may be
-        the week number in a year or the week number in a month.
-        Usually this will return a value equal to or greater than 1, but if the
-        first week of the period is so short that it actually counts as the last
-        week of the previous period, this function will return 0.
-        >>> format = DateTimeFormat(date(2006, 1, 8), Locale.parse('de_DE'))
-        >>> format.get_week_number(6)
-        1
-        >>> format = DateTimeFormat(date(2006, 1, 8), Locale.parse('en_US'))
-        >>> format.get_week_number(6)
-        2
-        :param day_of_period: the number of the day in the period (usually
-                              either the day of month or the day of year)
-        :param day_of_week: the week day; if ommitted, the week day of the
-                            current date is assumed
-        """
-        if day_of_week is None:
-            day_of_week = self.value.weekday()
-        first_day = (day_of_week - self.locale.first_week_day -
-                     day_of_period + 1) % 7
-        if first_day < 0:
-            first_day += 7
-        week_number = (day_of_period + first_day - 1) / 7
-        if 7 - first_day >= self.locale.min_week_days:
-            week_number += 1
-        return week_number
-    'G': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],                                           # era
-    'y': None, 'Y': None, 'u': None,                                # year
-    'Q': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'q': [1, 2, 3, 4],                           # quarter
-    'M': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'L': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],                     # month
-    'w': [1, 2], 'W': [1],                                          # week
-    'd': [1, 2], 'D': [1, 2, 3], 'F': [1], 'g': None,               # day
-    'E': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'e': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'c': [1, 3, 4, 5],  # week day
-    'a': [1],                                                       # period
-    'h': [1, 2], 'H': [1, 2], 'K': [1, 2], 'k': [1, 2],             # hour
-    'm': [1, 2],                                                    # minute
-    's': [1, 2], 'S': None, 'A': None,                              # second
-    'z': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'Z': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'v': [1, 4], 'V': [1, 4]  # zone
-def parse_pattern(pattern):
-    """Parse date, time, and datetime format patterns.
-    >>> parse_pattern("MMMMd").format
-    u'%(MMMM)s%(d)s'
-    >>> parse_pattern("MMM d, yyyy").format
-    u'%(MMM)s %(d)s, %(yyyy)s'
-    Pattern can contain literal strings in single quotes:
-    >>> parse_pattern("H:mm' Uhr 'z").format
-    u'%(H)s:%(mm)s Uhr %(z)s'
-    An actual single quote can be used by using two adjacent single quote
-    characters:
-    >>> parse_pattern("hh' o''clock'").format
-    u"%(hh)s o'clock"
-    :param pattern: the formatting pattern to parse
-    """
-    if type(pattern) is DateTimePattern:
-        return pattern
-    result = []
-    quotebuf = None
-    charbuf = []
-    fieldchar = ['']
-    fieldnum = [0]
-    def append_chars():
-        result.append(''.join(charbuf).replace('%', '%%'))
-        del charbuf[:]
-    def append_field():
-        limit = PATTERN_CHARS[fieldchar[0]]
-        if limit and fieldnum[0] not in limit:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid length for field: %r'
-                             % (fieldchar[0] * fieldnum[0]))
-        result.append('%%(%s)s' % (fieldchar[0] * fieldnum[0]))
-        fieldchar[0] = ''
-        fieldnum[0] = 0
-    for idx, char in enumerate(pattern.replace("''", '\0')):
-        if quotebuf is None:
-            if char == "'": # quote started
-                if fieldchar[0]:
-                    append_field()
-                elif charbuf:
-                    append_chars()
-                quotebuf = []
-            elif char in PATTERN_CHARS:
-                if charbuf:
-                    append_chars()
-                if char == fieldchar[0]:
-                    fieldnum[0] += 1
-                else:
-                    if fieldchar[0]:
-                        append_field()
-                    fieldchar[0] = char
-                    fieldnum[0] = 1
-            else:
-                if fieldchar[0]:
-                    append_field()
-                charbuf.append(char)
-        elif quotebuf is not None:
-            if char == "'": # end of quote
-                charbuf.extend(quotebuf)
-                quotebuf = None
-            else: # inside quote
-                quotebuf.append(char)
-    if fieldchar[0]:
-        append_field()
-    elif charbuf:
-        append_chars()
-    return DateTimePattern(pattern, u''.join(result).replace('\0', "'"))

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/global.dat has changed

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/localedata.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Low-level locale data access.
-:note: The `Locale` class, which uses this module under the hood, provides a
-       more convenient interface for accessing the locale data.
-import os
-import pickle
-    import threading
-except ImportError:
-    import dummy_threading as threading
-from UserDict import DictMixin
-__all__ = ['exists', 'list', 'load']
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
-_cache = {}
-_cache_lock = threading.RLock()
-_dirname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'localedata')
-def exists(name):
-    """Check whether locale data is available for the given locale.
-    :param name: the locale identifier string
-    :return: `True` if the locale data exists, `False` otherwise
-    :rtype: `bool`
-    """
-    if name in _cache:
-        return True
-    return os.path.exists(os.path.join(_dirname, '%s.dat' % name))
-def list():
-    """Return a list of all locale identifiers for which locale data is
-    available.
-    :return: a list of locale identifiers (strings)
-    :rtype: `list`
-    :since: version 0.8.1
-    """
-    return [stem for stem, extension in [
-        os.path.splitext(filename) for filename in os.listdir(_dirname)
-    ] if extension == '.dat' and stem != 'root']
-def load(name, merge_inherited=True):
-    """Load the locale data for the given locale.
-    The locale data is a dictionary that contains much of the data defined by
-    the Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR). This data is stored as a
-    collection of pickle files inside the ``babel`` package.
-    >>> d = load('en_US')
-    >>> d['languages']['sv']
-    u'Swedish'
-    Note that the results are cached, and subsequent requests for the same
-    locale return the same dictionary:
-    >>> d1 = load('en_US')
-    >>> d2 = load('en_US')
-    >>> d1 is d2
-    True
-    :param name: the locale identifier string (or "root")
-    :param merge_inherited: whether the inherited data should be merged into
-                            the data of the requested locale
-    :return: the locale data
-    :rtype: `dict`
-    :raise `IOError`: if no locale data file is found for the given locale
-                      identifer, or one of the locales it inherits from
-    """
-    _cache_lock.acquire()
-    try:
-        data = _cache.get(name)
-        if not data:
-            # Load inherited data
-            if name == 'root' or not merge_inherited:
-                data = {}
-            else:
-                parts = name.split('_')
-                if len(parts) == 1:
-                    parent = 'root'
-                else:
-                    parent = '_'.join(parts[:-1])
-                data = load(parent).copy()
-            filename = os.path.join(_dirname, '%s.dat' % name)
-            fileobj = open(filename, 'rb')
-            try:
-                if name != 'root' and merge_inherited:
-                    merge(data, pickle.load(fileobj))
-                else:
-                    data = pickle.load(fileobj)
-                _cache[name] = data
-            finally:
-                fileobj.close()
-        return data
-    finally:
-        _cache_lock.release()
-def merge(dict1, dict2):
-    """Merge the data from `dict2` into the `dict1` dictionary, making copies
-    of nested dictionaries.
-    >>> d = {1: 'foo', 3: 'baz'}
-    >>> merge(d, {1: 'Foo', 2: 'Bar'})
-    >>> d
-    {1: 'Foo', 2: 'Bar', 3: 'baz'}
-    :param dict1: the dictionary to merge into
-    :param dict2: the dictionary containing the data that should be merged
-    """
-    for key, val2 in dict2.items():
-        if val2 is not None:
-            val1 = dict1.get(key)
-            if isinstance(val2, dict):
-                if val1 is None:
-                    val1 = {}
-                if isinstance(val1, Alias):
-                    val1 = (val1, val2)
-                elif isinstance(val1, tuple):
-                    alias, others = val1
-                    others = others.copy()
-                    merge(others, val2)
-                    val1 = (alias, others)
-                else:
-                    val1 = val1.copy()
-                    merge(val1, val2)
-            else:
-                val1 = val2
-            dict1[key] = val1
-class Alias(object):
-    """Representation of an alias in the locale data.
-    An alias is a value that refers to some other part of the locale data,
-    as specified by the `keys`.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, keys):
-        self.keys = tuple(keys)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s %r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.keys)
-    def resolve(self, data):
-        """Resolve the alias based on the given data.
-        This is done recursively, so if one alias resolves to a second alias,
-        that second alias will also be resolved.
-        :param data: the locale data
-        :type data: `dict`
-        """
-        base = data
-        for key in self.keys:
-            data = data[key]
-        if isinstance(data, Alias):
-            data = data.resolve(base)
-        elif isinstance(data, tuple):
-            alias, others = data
-            data = alias.resolve(base)
-        return data
-class LocaleDataDict(DictMixin, dict):
-    """Dictionary wrapper that automatically resolves aliases to the actual
-    values.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, data, base=None):
-        dict.__init__(self, data)
-        if base is None:
-            base = data
-        self.base = base
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        orig = val = dict.__getitem__(self, key)
-        if isinstance(val, Alias): # resolve an alias
-            val = val.resolve(self.base)
-        if isinstance(val, tuple): # Merge a partial dict with an alias
-            alias, others = val
-            val = alias.resolve(self.base).copy()
-            merge(val, others)
-        if type(val) is dict: # Return a nested alias-resolving dict
-            val = LocaleDataDict(val, base=self.base)
-        if val is not orig:
-            self[key] = val
-        return val
-    def copy(self):
-        return LocaleDataDict(dict.copy(self), base=self.base)

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/aa.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/aa_DJ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/aa_ER.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/aa_ER_SAAHO.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/aa_ET.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/af.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/af_NA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/af_ZA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ak.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ak_GH.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/am.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/am_ET.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_AE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_BH.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_DZ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_EG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_IQ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_JO.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_KW.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_LB.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_LY.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_MA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_OM.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_QA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_SA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_SD.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_SY.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_TN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ar_YE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/as.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/as_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/az.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/az_AZ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/az_Cyrl.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/az_Cyrl_AZ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/az_Latn.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/az_Latn_AZ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/be.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/be_BY.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/bg.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/bg_BG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/bn.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/bn_BD.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/bn_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/bs.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/bs_BA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/byn.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/byn_ER.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ca.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ca_ES.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/cch.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/cch_NG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/cop.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/cs.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/cs_CZ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/cy.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/cy_GB.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/da.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/da_DK.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/de.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/de_AT.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/de_BE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/de_CH.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/de_DE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/de_LI.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/de_LU.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/dv.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/dv_MV.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/dz.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/dz_BT.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ee.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ee_GH.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ee_TG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/el.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/el_CY.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/el_GR.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/el_POLYTON.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_AS.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_AU.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_BE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_BW.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_BZ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_CA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_Dsrt.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_Dsrt_US.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_GB.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_GU.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_HK.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_IE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_JM.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_MH.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_MP.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_MT.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_NA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_NZ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_PH.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_PK.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_SG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_Shaw.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_TT.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_UM.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_US.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_US_POSIX.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_VI.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_ZA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/en_ZW.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/eo.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_AR.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_BO.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_CL.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_CO.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_CR.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_DO.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_EC.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_ES.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_GT.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_HN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_MX.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_NI.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_PA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_PE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_PR.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_PY.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_SV.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_US.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_UY.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/es_VE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/et.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/et_EE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/eu.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/eu_ES.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fa.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fa_AF.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fa_IR.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fi.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fi_FI.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fil.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fil_PH.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fo.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fo_FO.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fr.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fr_BE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fr_CA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fr_CH.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fr_FR.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fr_LU.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fr_MC.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fr_SN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fur.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/fur_IT.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ga.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ga_IE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/gaa.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/gaa_GH.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/gez.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/gez_ER.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/gez_ET.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/gl.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/gl_ES.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/gu.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/gu_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/gv.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/gv_GB.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ha.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ha_Arab.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ha_Arab_NG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ha_Arab_SD.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ha_GH.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ha_Latn.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ha_Latn_GH.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ha_Latn_NE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ha_Latn_NG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ha_NE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ha_NG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ha_SD.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/haw.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/haw_US.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/he.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/he_IL.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/hi.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/hi_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/hr.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/hr_HR.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/hu.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/hu_HU.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/hy.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/hy_AM.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/hy_AM_REVISED.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ia.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/id.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/id_ID.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ig.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ig_NG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ii.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ii_CN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/in.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/is.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/is_IS.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/it.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/it_CH.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/it_IT.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/iu.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/iw.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ja.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ja_JP.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ka.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ka_GE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kaj.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kaj_NG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kam.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kam_KE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kcg.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kcg_NG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kfo.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kfo_CI.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kk.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kk_Cyrl.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kk_Cyrl_KZ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kk_KZ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kl.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kl_GL.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/km.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/km_KH.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kn.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kn_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ko.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ko_KR.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kok.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kok_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kpe.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kpe_GN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kpe_LR.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ku.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ku_Arab.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ku_Latn.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ku_Latn_TR.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ku_TR.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kw.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/kw_GB.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ky.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ky_KG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ln.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ln_CD.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ln_CG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/lo.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/lo_LA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/lt.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/lt_LT.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/lv.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/lv_LV.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/mk.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/mk_MK.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ml.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ml_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/mn.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/mn_CN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/mn_Cyrl.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/mn_Cyrl_MN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/mn_MN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/mn_Mong.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/mn_Mong_CN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/mo.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/mr.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/mr_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ms.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ms_BN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ms_MY.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/mt.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/mt_MT.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/my.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/my_MM.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/nb.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/nb_NO.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ne.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ne_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ne_NP.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/nl.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/nl_BE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/nl_NL.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/nn.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/nn_NO.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/no.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/nr.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/nr_ZA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/nso.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/nso_ZA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ny.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ny_MW.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/om.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/om_ET.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/om_KE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/or.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/or_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/pa.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/pa_Arab.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/pa_Arab_PK.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/pa_Guru.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/pa_Guru_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/pa_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/pa_PK.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/pl.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/pl_PL.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ps.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ps_AF.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/pt.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/pt_BR.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/pt_PT.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ro.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ro_MD.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ro_RO.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/root.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ru.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ru_RU.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ru_UA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/rw.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/rw_RW.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sa.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sa_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/se.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/se_FI.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/se_NO.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sh.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sh_BA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sh_CS.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sh_YU.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/si.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/si_LK.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sid.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sid_ET.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sk.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sk_SK.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sl.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sl_SI.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/so.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/so_DJ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/so_ET.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/so_KE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/so_SO.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sq.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sq_AL.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_BA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_CS.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_Cyrl.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_Cyrl_BA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_Cyrl_CS.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_Cyrl_ME.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_Cyrl_RS.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_Cyrl_YU.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_Latn.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_Latn_BA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_Latn_CS.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_Latn_ME.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_Latn_RS.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_Latn_YU.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_ME.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_RS.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sr_YU.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ss.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ss_SZ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ss_ZA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/st.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/st_LS.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/st_ZA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sv.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sv_FI.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sv_SE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sw.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sw_KE.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/sw_TZ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/syr.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/syr_SY.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ta.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ta_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/te.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/te_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/tg.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/tg_Cyrl.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/tg_Cyrl_TJ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/tg_TJ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/th.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/th_TH.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ti.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ti_ER.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ti_ET.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/tig.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/tig_ER.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/tl.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/tn.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/tn_ZA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/to.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/to_TO.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/tr.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/tr_TR.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/trv.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ts.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ts_ZA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/tt.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/tt_RU.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ug.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ug_Arab.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ug_Arab_CN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ug_CN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/uk.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/uk_UA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ur.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ur_IN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ur_PK.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/uz.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/uz_AF.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/uz_Arab.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/uz_Arab_AF.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/uz_Cyrl.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/uz_Cyrl_UZ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/uz_Latn.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/uz_Latn_UZ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/uz_UZ.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ve.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/ve_ZA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/vi.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/vi_VN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/wal.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/wal_ET.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/wo.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/wo_Latn.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/wo_Latn_SN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/wo_SN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/xh.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/xh_ZA.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/yo.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/yo_NG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zh.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zh_CN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zh_HK.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zh_Hans.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zh_Hans_CN.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zh_Hans_HK.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zh_Hans_MO.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zh_Hans_SG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zh_Hant.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zh_Hant_HK.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zh_Hant_MO.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zh_Hant_TW.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zh_MO.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zh_SG.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zh_TW.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zu.dat has changed

Binary file ckan_deps/babel/localedata/zu_ZA.dat has changed

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/messages/__init__.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Support for ``gettext`` message catalogs."""
-from babel.messages.catalog import *

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/messages/catalog.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,721 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Data structures for message catalogs."""
-from cgi import parse_header
-from datetime import datetime
-from difflib import get_close_matches
-from email import message_from_string
-from copy import copy
-import re
-    set
-except NameError:
-    from sets import Set as set
-import time
-from babel import __version__ as VERSION
-from babel.core import Locale
-from babel.dates import format_datetime
-from babel.messages.plurals import get_plural
-from babel.util import odict, distinct, LOCALTZ, UTC, FixedOffsetTimezone
-__all__ = ['Message', 'Catalog', 'TranslationError']
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
-PYTHON_FORMAT = re.compile(r'''(?x)
-    \%
-        (?:\(([\w]*)\))?
-        (
-            [-#0\ +]?(?:\*|[\d]+)?
-            (?:\.(?:\*|[\d]+))?
-            [hlL]?
-        )
-        ([diouxXeEfFgGcrs%])
-class Message(object):
-    """Representation of a single message in a catalog."""
-    def __init__(self, id, string=u'', locations=(), flags=(), auto_comments=(),
-                 user_comments=(), previous_id=(), lineno=None):
-        """Create the message object.
-        :param id: the message ID, or a ``(singular, plural)`` tuple for
-                   pluralizable messages
-        :param string: the translated message string, or a
-                       ``(singular, plural)`` tuple for pluralizable messages
-        :param locations: a sequence of ``(filenname, lineno)`` tuples
-        :param flags: a set or sequence of flags
-        :param auto_comments: a sequence of automatic comments for the message
-        :param user_comments: a sequence of user comments for the message
-        :param previous_id: the previous message ID, or a ``(singular, plural)``
-                            tuple for pluralizable messages
-        :param lineno: the line number on which the msgid line was found in the
-                       PO file, if any
-        """
-        self.id = id #: The message ID
-        if not string and self.pluralizable:
-            string = (u'', u'')
-        self.string = string #: The message translation
-        self.locations = list(distinct(locations))
-        self.flags = set(flags)
-        if id and self.python_format:
-            self.flags.add('python-format')
-        else:
-            self.flags.discard('python-format')
-        self.auto_comments = list(distinct(auto_comments))
-        self.user_comments = list(distinct(user_comments))
-        if isinstance(previous_id, basestring):
-            self.previous_id = [previous_id]
-        else:
-            self.previous_id = list(previous_id)
-        self.lineno = lineno
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s %r (flags: %r)>' % (type(self).__name__, self.id,
-                                        list(self.flags))
-    def __cmp__(self, obj):
-        """Compare Messages, taking into account plural ids"""
-        if isinstance(obj, Message):
-            plural = self.pluralizable
-            obj_plural = obj.pluralizable
-            if plural and obj_plural:
-                return cmp(self.id[0], obj.id[0])
-            elif plural:
-                return cmp(self.id[0], obj.id)
-            elif obj_plural:
-                return cmp(self.id, obj.id[0])
-        return cmp(self.id, obj.id)
-    def clone(self):
-        return Message(*map(copy, (self.id, self.string, self.locations,
-                                   self.flags, self.auto_comments,
-                                   self.user_comments, self.previous_id,
-                                   self.lineno)))
-    def check(self, catalog=None):
-        """Run various validation checks on the message.  Some validations
-        are only performed if the catalog is provided.  This method returns
-        a sequence of `TranslationError` objects.
-        :rtype: ``iterator``
-        :param catalog: A catalog instance that is passed to the checkers
-        :see: `Catalog.check` for a way to perform checks for all messages
-              in a catalog.
-        """
-        from babel.messages.checkers import checkers
-        errors = []
-        for checker in checkers:
-            try:
-                checker(catalog, self)
-            except TranslationError, e:
-                errors.append(e)
-        return errors
-    def fuzzy(self):
-        return 'fuzzy' in self.flags
-    fuzzy = property(fuzzy, doc="""\
-        Whether the translation is fuzzy.
-        >>> Message('foo').fuzzy
-        False
-        >>> msg = Message('foo', 'foo', flags=['fuzzy'])
-        >>> msg.fuzzy
-        True
-        >>> msg
-        <Message 'foo' (flags: ['fuzzy'])>
-        :type:  `bool`
-        """)
-    def pluralizable(self):
-        return isinstance(self.id, (list, tuple))
-    pluralizable = property(pluralizable, doc="""\
-        Whether the message is plurizable.
-        >>> Message('foo').pluralizable
-        False
-        >>> Message(('foo', 'bar')).pluralizable
-        True
-        :type:  `bool`
-        """)
-    def python_format(self):
-        ids = self.id
-        if not isinstance(ids, (list, tuple)):
-            ids = [ids]
-        return bool(filter(None, [PYTHON_FORMAT.search(id) for id in ids]))
-    python_format = property(python_format, doc="""\
-        Whether the message contains Python-style parameters.
-        >>> Message('foo %(name)s bar').python_format
-        True
-        >>> Message(('foo %(name)s', 'foo %(name)s')).python_format
-        True
-        :type:  `bool`
-        """)
-class TranslationError(Exception):
-    """Exception thrown by translation checkers when invalid message
-    translations are encountered."""
-# Translations template for PROJECT.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
-class Catalog(object):
-    """Representation of a message catalog."""
-    def __init__(self, locale=None, domain=None, header_comment=DEFAULT_HEADER,
-                 project=None, version=None, copyright_holder=None,
-                 msgid_bugs_address=None, creation_date=None,
-                 revision_date=None, last_translator=None, language_team=None,
-                 charset='utf-8', fuzzy=True):
-        """Initialize the catalog object.
-        :param locale: the locale identifier or `Locale` object, or `None`
-                       if the catalog is not bound to a locale (which basically
-                       means it's a template)
-        :param domain: the message domain
-        :param header_comment: the header comment as string, or `None` for the
-                               default header
-        :param project: the project's name
-        :param version: the project's version
-        :param copyright_holder: the copyright holder of the catalog
-        :param msgid_bugs_address: the email address or URL to submit bug
-                                   reports to
-        :param creation_date: the date the catalog was created
-        :param revision_date: the date the catalog was revised
-        :param last_translator: the name and email of the last translator
-        :param language_team: the name and email of the language team
-        :param charset: the encoding to use in the output
-        :param fuzzy: the fuzzy bit on the catalog header
-        """
-        self.domain = domain #: The message domain
-        if locale:
-            locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-        self.locale = locale #: The locale or `None`
-        self._header_comment = header_comment
-        self._messages = odict()
-        self.project = project or 'PROJECT' #: The project name
-        self.version = version or 'VERSION' #: The project version
-        self.copyright_holder = copyright_holder or 'ORGANIZATION'
-        self.msgid_bugs_address = msgid_bugs_address or 'EMAIL at ADDRESS'
-        self.last_translator = last_translator or 'FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>'
-        """Name and email address of the last translator."""
-        self.language_team = language_team or 'LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>'
-        """Name and email address of the language team."""
-        self.charset = charset or 'utf-8'
-        if creation_date is None:
-            creation_date = datetime.now(LOCALTZ)
-        elif isinstance(creation_date, datetime) and not creation_date.tzinfo:
-            creation_date = creation_date.replace(tzinfo=LOCALTZ)
-        self.creation_date = creation_date #: Creation date of the template
-        if revision_date is None:
-            revision_date = datetime.now(LOCALTZ)
-        elif isinstance(revision_date, datetime) and not revision_date.tzinfo:
-            revision_date = revision_date.replace(tzinfo=LOCALTZ)
-        self.revision_date = revision_date #: Last revision date of the catalog
-        self.fuzzy = fuzzy #: Catalog header fuzzy bit (`True` or `False`)
-        self.obsolete = odict() #: Dictionary of obsolete messages
-        self._num_plurals = None
-        self._plural_expr = None
-    def _get_header_comment(self):
-        comment = self._header_comment
-        comment = comment.replace('PROJECT', self.project) \
-                         .replace('VERSION', self.version) \
-                         .replace('YEAR', self.revision_date.strftime('%Y')) \
-                         .replace('ORGANIZATION', self.copyright_holder)
-        if self.locale:
-            comment = comment.replace('Translations template', '%s translations'
-                                      % self.locale.english_name)
-        return comment
-    def _set_header_comment(self, string):
-        self._header_comment = string
-    header_comment = property(_get_header_comment, _set_header_comment, doc="""\
-    The header comment for the catalog.
-    >>> catalog = Catalog(project='Foobar', version='1.0',
-    ...                   copyright_holder='Foo Company')
-    >>> print catalog.header_comment #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-    # Translations template for Foobar.
-    # Copyright (C) ... Foo Company
-    # This file is distributed under the same license as the Foobar project.
-    #
-    The header can also be set from a string. Any known upper-case variables
-    will be replaced when the header is retrieved again:
-    >>> catalog = Catalog(project='Foobar', version='1.0',
-    ...                   copyright_holder='Foo Company')
-    >>> catalog.header_comment = '''\\
-    ... # The POT for my really cool PROJECT project.
-    ... # Copyright (C) 1990-2003 ORGANIZATION
-    ... # This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT
-    ... # project.
-    ... #'''
-    >>> print catalog.header_comment
-    # The POT for my really cool Foobar project.
-    # Copyright (C) 1990-2003 Foo Company
-    # This file is distributed under the same license as the Foobar
-    # project.
-    #
-    :type: `unicode`
-    """)
-    def _get_mime_headers(self):
-        headers = []
-        headers.append(('Project-Id-Version',
-                        '%s %s' % (self.project, self.version)))
-        headers.append(('Report-Msgid-Bugs-To', self.msgid_bugs_address))
-        headers.append(('POT-Creation-Date',
-                        format_datetime(self.creation_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ',
-                                        locale='en')))
-        if self.locale is None:
-            headers.append(('PO-Revision-Date', 'YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE'))
-            headers.append(('Last-Translator', 'FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>'))
-            headers.append(('Language-Team', 'LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>'))
-        else:
-            headers.append(('PO-Revision-Date',
-                            format_datetime(self.revision_date,
-                                            'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ', locale='en')))
-            headers.append(('Last-Translator', self.last_translator))
-            headers.append(('Language-Team',
-                           self.language_team.replace('LANGUAGE',
-                                                      str(self.locale))))
-            headers.append(('Plural-Forms', self.plural_forms))
-        headers.append(('MIME-Version', '1.0'))
-        headers.append(('Content-Type',
-                        'text/plain; charset=%s' % self.charset))
-        headers.append(('Content-Transfer-Encoding', '8bit'))
-        headers.append(('Generated-By', 'Babel %s\n' % VERSION))
-        return headers
-    def _set_mime_headers(self, headers):
-        for name, value in headers:
-            if name.lower() == 'content-type':
-                mimetype, params = parse_header(value)
-                if 'charset' in params:
-                    self.charset = params['charset'].lower()
-                break
-        for name, value in headers:
-            name = name.lower().decode(self.charset)
-            value = value.decode(self.charset)
-            if name == 'project-id-version':
-                parts = value.split(' ')
-                self.project = u' '.join(parts[:-1])
-                self.version = parts[-1]
-            elif name == 'report-msgid-bugs-to':
-                self.msgid_bugs_address = value
-            elif name == 'last-translator':
-                self.last_translator = value
-            elif name == 'language-team':
-                self.language_team = value
-            elif name == 'plural-forms':
-                _, params = parse_header(' ;' + value)
-                self._num_plurals = int(params.get('nplurals', 2))
-                self._plural_expr = params.get('plural', '(n != 1)')
-            elif name == 'pot-creation-date':
-                # FIXME: this should use dates.parse_datetime as soon as that
-                #        is ready
-                value, tzoffset, _ = re.split('[+-](\d{4})$', value, 1)
-                tt = time.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
-                ts = time.mktime(tt)
-                tzoffset = FixedOffsetTimezone(int(tzoffset[:2]) * 60 +
-                                               int(tzoffset[2:]))
-                dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts)
-                self.creation_date = dt.replace(tzinfo=tzoffset)
-    mime_headers = property(_get_mime_headers, _set_mime_headers, doc="""\
-    The MIME headers of the catalog, used for the special ``msgid ""`` entry.
-    The behavior of this property changes slightly depending on whether a locale
-    is set or not, the latter indicating that the catalog is actually a template
-    for actual translations.
-    Here's an example of the output for such a catalog template:
-    >>> created = datetime(1990, 4, 1, 15, 30, tzinfo=UTC)
-    >>> catalog = Catalog(project='Foobar', version='1.0',
-    ...                   creation_date=created)
-    >>> for name, value in catalog.mime_headers:
-    ...     print '%s: %s' % (name, value)
-    Project-Id-Version: Foobar 1.0
-    Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS
-    POT-Creation-Date: 1990-04-01 15:30+0000
-    PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE
-    Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>
-    Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>
-    MIME-Version: 1.0
-    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
-    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-    Generated-By: Babel ...
-    And here's an example of the output when the locale is set:
-    >>> revised = datetime(1990, 8, 3, 12, 0, tzinfo=UTC)
-    >>> catalog = Catalog(locale='de_DE', project='Foobar', version='1.0',
-    ...                   creation_date=created, revision_date=revised,
-    ...                   last_translator='John Doe <jd at example.com>',
-    ...                   language_team='de_DE <de at example.com>')
-    >>> for name, value in catalog.mime_headers:
-    ...     print '%s: %s' % (name, value)
-    Project-Id-Version: Foobar 1.0
-    Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS
-    POT-Creation-Date: 1990-04-01 15:30+0000
-    PO-Revision-Date: 1990-08-03 12:00+0000
-    Last-Translator: John Doe <jd at example.com>
-    Language-Team: de_DE <de at example.com>
-    Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)
-    MIME-Version: 1.0
-    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
-    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-    Generated-By: Babel ...
-    :type: `list`
-    """)
-    def num_plurals(self):
-        if self._num_plurals is None:
-            num = 2
-            if self.locale:
-                num = get_plural(self.locale)[0]
-            self._num_plurals = num
-        return self._num_plurals
-    num_plurals = property(num_plurals, doc="""\
-    The number of plurals used by the catalog or locale.
-    >>> Catalog(locale='en').num_plurals
-    2
-    >>> Catalog(locale='ga').num_plurals
-    3
-    :type: `int`
-    """)
-    def plural_expr(self):
-        if self._plural_expr is None:
-            expr = '(n != 1)'
-            if self.locale:
-                expr = get_plural(self.locale)[1]
-            self._plural_expr = expr
-        return self._plural_expr
-    plural_expr = property(plural_expr, doc="""\
-    The plural expression used by the catalog or locale.
-    >>> Catalog(locale='en').plural_expr
-    '(n != 1)'
-    >>> Catalog(locale='ga').plural_expr
-    '(n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : 2)'
-    :type: `basestring`
-    """)
-    def plural_forms(self):
-        return 'nplurals=%s; plural=%s' % (self.num_plurals, self.plural_expr)
-    plural_forms = property(plural_forms, doc="""\
-    Return the plural forms declaration for the locale.
-    >>> Catalog(locale='en').plural_forms
-    'nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)'
-    >>> Catalog(locale='pt_BR').plural_forms
-    'nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)'
-    :type: `str`
-    """)
-    def __contains__(self, id):
-        """Return whether the catalog has a message with the specified ID."""
-        return self._key_for(id) in self._messages
-    def __len__(self):
-        """The number of messages in the catalog.
-        This does not include the special ``msgid ""`` entry.
-        """
-        return len(self._messages)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        """Iterates through all the entries in the catalog, in the order they
-        were added, yielding a `Message` object for every entry.
-        :rtype: ``iterator``
-        """
-        buf = []
-        for name, value in self.mime_headers:
-            buf.append('%s: %s' % (name, value))
-        flags = set()
-        if self.fuzzy:
-            flags |= set(['fuzzy'])
-        yield Message(u'', '\n'.join(buf), flags=flags)
-        for key in self._messages:
-            yield self._messages[key]
-    def __repr__(self):
-        locale = ''
-        if self.locale:
-            locale = ' %s' % self.locale
-        return '<%s %r%s>' % (type(self).__name__, self.domain, locale)
-    def __delitem__(self, id):
-        """Delete the message with the specified ID."""
-        key = self._key_for(id)
-        if key in self._messages:
-            del self._messages[key]
-    def __getitem__(self, id):
-        """Return the message with the specified ID.
-        :param id: the message ID
-        :return: the message with the specified ID, or `None` if no such message
-                 is in the catalog
-        :rtype: `Message`
-        """
-        return self._messages.get(self._key_for(id))
-    def __setitem__(self, id, message):
-        """Add or update the message with the specified ID.
-        >>> catalog = Catalog()
-        >>> catalog[u'foo'] = Message(u'foo')
-        >>> catalog[u'foo']
-        <Message u'foo' (flags: [])>
-        If a message with that ID is already in the catalog, it is updated
-        to include the locations and flags of the new message.
-        >>> catalog = Catalog()
-        >>> catalog[u'foo'] = Message(u'foo', locations=[('main.py', 1)])
-        >>> catalog[u'foo'].locations
-        [('main.py', 1)]
-        >>> catalog[u'foo'] = Message(u'foo', locations=[('utils.py', 5)])
-        >>> catalog[u'foo'].locations
-        [('main.py', 1), ('utils.py', 5)]
-        :param id: the message ID
-        :param message: the `Message` object
-        """
-        assert isinstance(message, Message), 'expected a Message object'
-        key = self._key_for(id)
-        current = self._messages.get(key)
-        if current:
-            if message.pluralizable and not current.pluralizable:
-                # The new message adds pluralization
-                current.id = message.id
-                current.string = message.string
-            current.locations = list(distinct(current.locations +
-                                              message.locations))
-            current.auto_comments = list(distinct(current.auto_comments +
-                                                  message.auto_comments))
-            current.user_comments = list(distinct(current.user_comments +
-                                                  message.user_comments))
-            current.flags |= message.flags
-            message = current
-        elif id == '':
-            # special treatment for the header message
-            headers = message_from_string(message.string.encode(self.charset))
-            self.mime_headers = headers.items()
-            self.header_comment = '\n'.join(['# %s' % comment for comment
-                                             in message.user_comments])
-            self.fuzzy = message.fuzzy
-        else:
-            if isinstance(id, (list, tuple)):
-                assert isinstance(message.string, (list, tuple)), \
-                    'Expected sequence but got %s' % type(message.string)
-            self._messages[key] = message
-    def add(self, id, string=None, locations=(), flags=(), auto_comments=(),
-            user_comments=(), previous_id=(), lineno=None):
-        """Add or update the message with the specified ID.
-        >>> catalog = Catalog()
-        >>> catalog.add(u'foo')
-        >>> catalog[u'foo']
-        <Message u'foo' (flags: [])>
-        This method simply constructs a `Message` object with the given
-        arguments and invokes `__setitem__` with that object.
-        :param id: the message ID, or a ``(singular, plural)`` tuple for
-                   pluralizable messages
-        :param string: the translated message string, or a
-                       ``(singular, plural)`` tuple for pluralizable messages
-        :param locations: a sequence of ``(filenname, lineno)`` tuples
-        :param flags: a set or sequence of flags
-        :param auto_comments: a sequence of automatic comments
-        :param user_comments: a sequence of user comments
-        :param previous_id: the previous message ID, or a ``(singular, plural)``
-                            tuple for pluralizable messages
-        :param lineno: the line number on which the msgid line was found in the
-                       PO file, if any
-        """
-        self[id] = Message(id, string, list(locations), flags, auto_comments,
-                           user_comments, previous_id, lineno=lineno)
-    def check(self):
-        """Run various validation checks on the translations in the catalog.
-        For every message which fails validation, this method yield a
-        ``(message, errors)`` tuple, where ``message`` is the `Message` object
-        and ``errors`` is a sequence of `TranslationError` objects.
-        :rtype: ``iterator``
-        """
-        for message in self._messages.values():
-            errors = message.check(catalog=self)
-            if errors:
-                yield message, errors
-    def update(self, template, no_fuzzy_matching=False):
-        """Update the catalog based on the given template catalog.
-        >>> from babel.messages import Catalog
-        >>> template = Catalog()
-        >>> template.add('green', locations=[('main.py', 99)])
-        >>> template.add('blue', locations=[('main.py', 100)])
-        >>> template.add(('salad', 'salads'), locations=[('util.py', 42)])
-        >>> catalog = Catalog(locale='de_DE')
-        >>> catalog.add('blue', u'blau', locations=[('main.py', 98)])
-        >>> catalog.add('head', u'Kopf', locations=[('util.py', 33)])
-        >>> catalog.add(('salad', 'salads'), (u'Salat', u'Salate'),
-        ...             locations=[('util.py', 38)])
-        >>> catalog.update(template)
-        >>> len(catalog)
-        3
-        >>> msg1 = catalog['green']
-        >>> msg1.string
-        >>> msg1.locations
-        [('main.py', 99)]
-        >>> msg2 = catalog['blue']
-        >>> msg2.string
-        u'blau'
-        >>> msg2.locations
-        [('main.py', 100)]
-        >>> msg3 = catalog['salad']
-        >>> msg3.string
-        (u'Salat', u'Salate')
-        >>> msg3.locations
-        [('util.py', 42)]
-        Messages that are in the catalog but not in the template are removed
-        from the main collection, but can still be accessed via the `obsolete`
-        member:
-        >>> 'head' in catalog
-        False
-        >>> catalog.obsolete.values()
-        [<Message 'head' (flags: [])>]
-        :param template: the reference catalog, usually read from a POT file
-        :param no_fuzzy_matching: whether to use fuzzy matching of message IDs
-        """
-        messages = self._messages
-        remaining = messages.copy()
-        self._messages = odict()
-        # Prepare for fuzzy matching
-        fuzzy_candidates = []
-        if not no_fuzzy_matching:
-            fuzzy_candidates = [
-                self._key_for(msgid) for msgid in messages
-                if msgid and messages[msgid].string
-            ]
-        fuzzy_matches = set()
-        def _merge(message, oldkey, newkey):
-            message = message.clone()
-            fuzzy = False
-            if oldkey != newkey:
-                fuzzy = True
-                fuzzy_matches.add(oldkey)
-                oldmsg = messages.get(oldkey)
-                if isinstance(oldmsg.id, basestring):
-                    message.previous_id = [oldmsg.id]
-                else:
-                    message.previous_id = list(oldmsg.id)
-            else:
-                oldmsg = remaining.pop(oldkey, None)
-            message.string = oldmsg.string
-            if isinstance(message.id, (list, tuple)):
-                if not isinstance(message.string, (list, tuple)):
-                    fuzzy = True
-                    message.string = tuple(
-                        [message.string] + ([u''] * (len(message.id) - 1))
-                    )
-                elif len(message.string) != self.num_plurals:
-                    fuzzy = True
-                    message.string = tuple(message.string[:len(oldmsg.string)])
-            elif isinstance(message.string, (list, tuple)):
-                fuzzy = True
-                message.string = message.string[0]
-            message.flags |= oldmsg.flags
-            if fuzzy:
-                message.flags |= set([u'fuzzy'])
-            self[message.id] = message
-        for message in template:
-            if message.id:
-                key = self._key_for(message.id)
-                if key in messages:
-                    _merge(message, key, key)
-                else:
-                    if no_fuzzy_matching is False:
-                        # do some fuzzy matching with difflib
-                        matches = get_close_matches(key.lower().strip(),
-                                                    fuzzy_candidates, 1)
-                        if matches:
-                            _merge(message, matches[0], key)
-                            continue
-                    self[message.id] = message
-        self.obsolete = odict()
-        for msgid in remaining:
-            if no_fuzzy_matching or msgid not in fuzzy_matches:
-                self.obsolete[msgid] = remaining[msgid]
-    def _key_for(self, id):
-        """The key for a message is just the singular ID even for pluralizable
-        messages.
-        """
-        key = id
-        if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):
-            key = id[0]
-        return key

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/messages/checkers.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Various routines that help with validation of translations.
-:since: version 0.9
-from itertools import izip
-from babel.messages.catalog import TranslationError, PYTHON_FORMAT
-#: list of format chars that are compatible to each other
-_string_format_compatibilities = [
-    set(['i', 'd', 'u']),
-    set(['x', 'X']),
-    set(['f', 'F', 'g', 'G'])
-def num_plurals(catalog, message):
-    """Verify the number of plurals in the translation."""
-    if not message.pluralizable:
-        if not isinstance(message.string, basestring):
-            raise TranslationError("Found plural forms for non-pluralizable "
-                                   "message")
-        return
-    # skip further tests if no catalog is provided.
-    elif catalog is None:
-        return
-    msgstrs = message.string
-    if not isinstance(msgstrs, (list, tuple)):
-        msgstrs = (msgstrs,)
-    if len(msgstrs) != catalog.num_plurals:
-        raise TranslationError("Wrong number of plural forms (expected %d)" %
-                               catalog.num_plurals)
-def python_format(catalog, message):
-    """Verify the format string placeholders in the translation."""
-    if 'python-format' not in message.flags:
-        return
-    msgids = message.id
-    if not isinstance(msgids, (list, tuple)):
-        msgids = (msgids,)
-    msgstrs = message.string
-    if not isinstance(msgstrs, (list, tuple)):
-        msgstrs = (msgstrs,)
-    for msgid, msgstr in izip(msgids, msgstrs):
-        if msgstr:
-            _validate_format(msgid, msgstr)
-def _validate_format(format, alternative):
-    """Test format string `alternative` against `format`.  `format` can be the
-    msgid of a message and `alternative` one of the `msgstr`\s.  The two
-    arguments are not interchangeable as `alternative` may contain less
-    placeholders if `format` uses named placeholders.
-    If `format` does not use string formatting a `ValueError` is raised.
-    If the string formatting of `alternative` is compatible to `format` the
-    function returns `None`, otherwise a `TranslationError` is raised.
-    Examples for compatible format strings:
-    >>> _validate_format('Hello %s!', 'Hallo %s!')
-    >>> _validate_format('Hello %i!', 'Hallo %d!')
-    Example for an incompatible format strings:
-    >>> _validate_format('Hello %(name)s!', 'Hallo %s!')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-      ...
-    TranslationError: the format strings are of different kinds
-    This function is used by the `python_format` checker.
-    :param format: The original format string
-    :param alternative: The alternative format string that should be checked
-                        against format
-    :return: None on success
-    :raises TranslationError: on formatting errors
-    """
-    def _parse(string):
-        result = []
-        for match in PYTHON_FORMAT.finditer(string):
-            name, format, typechar = match.groups()
-            if typechar == '%' and name is None:
-                continue
-            result.append((name, str(typechar)))
-        return result
-    def _compatible(a, b):
-        if a == b:
-            return True
-        for set in _string_format_compatibilities:
-            if a in set and b in set:
-                return True
-        return False
-    def _check_positional(results):
-        positional = None
-        for name, char in results:
-            if positional is None:
-                positional = name is None
-            else:
-                if (name is None) != positional:
-                    raise TranslationError('format string mixes positional '
-                                           'and named placeholders')
-        return bool(positional)
-    a, b = map(_parse, (format, alternative))
-    # if a does not use string formattings, we are dealing with invalid
-    # input data.  This function only works if the first string provided
-    # does contain string format chars
-    if not a:
-        raise ValueError('original string provided does not use string '
-                         'formatting.')
-    # now check if both strings are positional or named
-    a_positional, b_positional = map(_check_positional, (a, b))
-    if a_positional and not b_positional and not b:
-        raise TranslationError('placeholders are incompatible')
-    elif a_positional != b_positional:
-        raise TranslationError('the format strings are of different kinds')
-    # if we are operating on positional strings both must have the
-    # same number of format chars and those must be compatible
-    if a_positional:
-        if len(a) != len(b):
-            raise TranslationError('positional format placeholders are '
-                                   'unbalanced')
-        for idx, ((_, first), (_, second)) in enumerate(izip(a, b)):
-            if not _compatible(first, second):
-                raise TranslationError('incompatible format for placeholder '
-                                       '%d: %r and %r are not compatible' %
-                                       (idx + 1, first, second))
-    # otherwise the second string must not have names the first one
-    # doesn't have and the types of those included must be compatible
-    else:
-        type_map = dict(a)
-        for name, typechar in b:
-            if name not in type_map:
-                raise TranslationError('unknown named placeholder %r' % name)
-            elif not _compatible(typechar, type_map[name]):
-                raise TranslationError('incompatible format for '
-                                       'placeholder %r: '
-                                       '%r and %r are not compatible' %
-                                       (name, typechar, type_map[name]))
-def _find_checkers():
-    try:
-        from pkg_resources import working_set
-    except ImportError:
-        return [num_plurals, python_format]
-    checkers = []
-    for entry_point in working_set.iter_entry_points('babel.checkers'):
-        checkers.append(entry_point.load())
-    return checkers
-checkers = _find_checkers()

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/messages/extract.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Basic infrastructure for extracting localizable messages from source files.
-This module defines an extensible system for collecting localizable message
-strings from a variety of sources. A native extractor for Python source files
-is builtin, extractors for other sources can be added using very simple plugins.
-The main entry points into the extraction functionality are the functions
-`extract_from_dir` and `extract_from_file`.
-import os
-    set
-except NameError:
-    from sets import Set as set
-import sys
-from tokenize import generate_tokens, COMMENT, NAME, OP, STRING
-from babel.util import parse_encoding, pathmatch, relpath
-from textwrap import dedent
-__all__ = ['extract', 'extract_from_dir', 'extract_from_file']
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
-GROUP_NAME = 'babel.extractors'
-    '_': None,
-    'gettext': None,
-    'ngettext': (1, 2),
-    'ugettext': None,
-    'ungettext': (1, 2),
-    'dgettext': (2,),
-    'dngettext': (2, 3),
-    'N_': None
-DEFAULT_MAPPING = [('**.py', 'python')]
-empty_msgid_warning = (
-'%s: warning: Empty msgid.  It is reserved by GNU gettext: gettext("") '
-'returns the header entry with meta information, not the empty string.')
-def _strip_comment_tags(comments, tags):
-    """Helper function for `extract` that strips comment tags from strings
-    in a list of comment lines.  This functions operates in-place.
-    """
-    def _strip(line):
-        for tag in tags:
-            if line.startswith(tag):
-                return line[len(tag):].strip()
-        return line
-    comments[:] = map(_strip, comments)
-def extract_from_dir(dirname=os.getcwd(), method_map=DEFAULT_MAPPING,
-                     options_map=None, keywords=DEFAULT_KEYWORDS,
-                     comment_tags=(), callback=None, strip_comment_tags=False):
-    """Extract messages from any source files found in the given directory.
-    This function generates tuples of the form:
-        ``(filename, lineno, message, comments)``
-    Which extraction method is used per file is determined by the `method_map`
-    parameter, which maps extended glob patterns to extraction method names.
-    For example, the following is the default mapping:
-    >>> method_map = [
-    ...     ('**.py', 'python')
-    ... ]
-    This basically says that files with the filename extension ".py" at any
-    level inside the directory should be processed by the "python" extraction
-    method. Files that don't match any of the mapping patterns are ignored. See
-    the documentation of the `pathmatch` function for details on the pattern
-    syntax.
-    The following extended mapping would also use the "genshi" extraction
-    method on any file in "templates" subdirectory:
-    >>> method_map = [
-    ...     ('**/templates/**.*', 'genshi'),
-    ...     ('**.py', 'python')
-    ... ]
-    The dictionary provided by the optional `options_map` parameter augments
-    these mappings. It uses extended glob patterns as keys, and the values are
-    dictionaries mapping options names to option values (both strings).
-    The glob patterns of the `options_map` do not necessarily need to be the
-    same as those used in the method mapping. For example, while all files in
-    the ``templates`` folders in an application may be Genshi applications, the
-    options for those files may differ based on extension:
-    >>> options_map = {
-    ...     '**/templates/**.txt': {
-    ...         'template_class': 'genshi.template:TextTemplate',
-    ...         'encoding': 'latin-1'
-    ...     },
-    ...     '**/templates/**.html': {
-    ...         'include_attrs': ''
-    ...     }
-    ... }
-    :param dirname: the path to the directory to extract messages from
-    :param method_map: a list of ``(pattern, method)`` tuples that maps of
-                       extraction method names to extended glob patterns
-    :param options_map: a dictionary of additional options (optional)
-    :param keywords: a dictionary mapping keywords (i.e. names of functions
-                     that should be recognized as translation functions) to
-                     tuples that specify which of their arguments contain
-                     localizable strings
-    :param comment_tags: a list of tags of translator comments to search for
-                         and include in the results
-    :param callback: a function that is called for every file that message are
-                     extracted from, just before the extraction itself is
-                     performed; the function is passed the filename, the name
-                     of the extraction method and and the options dictionary as
-                     positional arguments, in that order
-    :param strip_comment_tags: a flag that if set to `True` causes all comment
-                               tags to be removed from the collected comments.
-    :return: an iterator over ``(filename, lineno, funcname, message)`` tuples
-    :rtype: ``iterator``
-    :see: `pathmatch`
-    """
-    if options_map is None:
-        options_map = {}
-    absname = os.path.abspath(dirname)
-    for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(absname):
-        for subdir in dirnames:
-            if subdir.startswith('.') or subdir.startswith('_'):
-                dirnames.remove(subdir)
-        dirnames.sort()
-        filenames.sort()
-        for filename in filenames:
-            filename = relpath(
-                os.path.join(root, filename).replace(os.sep, '/'),
-                dirname
-            )
-            for pattern, method in method_map:
-                if pathmatch(pattern, filename):
-                    filepath = os.path.join(absname, filename)
-                    options = {}
-                    for opattern, odict in options_map.items():
-                        if pathmatch(opattern, filename):
-                            options = odict
-                    if callback:
-                        callback(filename, method, options)
-                    for lineno, message, comments in \
-                          extract_from_file(method, filepath,
-                                            keywords=keywords,
-                                            comment_tags=comment_tags,
-                                            options=options,
-                                            strip_comment_tags=
-                                                strip_comment_tags):
-                        yield filename, lineno, message, comments
-                    break
-def extract_from_file(method, filename, keywords=DEFAULT_KEYWORDS,
-                      comment_tags=(), options=None, strip_comment_tags=False):
-    """Extract messages from a specific file.
-    This function returns a list of tuples of the form:
-        ``(lineno, funcname, message)``
-    :param filename: the path to the file to extract messages from
-    :param method: a string specifying the extraction method (.e.g. "python")
-    :param keywords: a dictionary mapping keywords (i.e. names of functions
-                     that should be recognized as translation functions) to
-                     tuples that specify which of their arguments contain
-                     localizable strings
-    :param comment_tags: a list of translator tags to search for and include
-                         in the results
-    :param strip_comment_tags: a flag that if set to `True` causes all comment
-                               tags to be removed from the collected comments.
-    :param options: a dictionary of additional options (optional)
-    :return: the list of extracted messages
-    :rtype: `list`
-    """
-    fileobj = open(filename, 'U')
-    try:
-        return list(extract(method, fileobj, keywords, comment_tags, options,
-                            strip_comment_tags))
-    finally:
-        fileobj.close()
-def extract(method, fileobj, keywords=DEFAULT_KEYWORDS, comment_tags=(),
-            options=None, strip_comment_tags=False):
-    """Extract messages from the given file-like object using the specified
-    extraction method.
-    This function returns a list of tuples of the form:
-        ``(lineno, message, comments)``
-    The implementation dispatches the actual extraction to plugins, based on the
-    value of the ``method`` parameter.
-    >>> source = '''# foo module
-    ... def run(argv):
-    ...    print _('Hello, world!')
-    ... '''
-    >>> from StringIO import StringIO
-    >>> for message in extract('python', StringIO(source)):
-    ...     print message
-    (3, u'Hello, world!', [])
-    :param method: a string specifying the extraction method (.e.g. "python");
-                   if this is a simple name, the extraction function will be
-                   looked up by entry point; if it is an explicit reference
-                   to a function (of the form ``package.module:funcname`` or
-                   ``package.module.funcname``), the corresponding function
-                   will be imported and used
-    :param fileobj: the file-like object the messages should be extracted from
-    :param keywords: a dictionary mapping keywords (i.e. names of functions
-                     that should be recognized as translation functions) to
-                     tuples that specify which of their arguments contain
-                     localizable strings
-    :param comment_tags: a list of translator tags to search for and include
-                         in the results
-    :param options: a dictionary of additional options (optional)
-    :param strip_comment_tags: a flag that if set to `True` causes all comment
-                               tags to be removed from the collected comments.
-    :return: the list of extracted messages
-    :rtype: `list`
-    :raise ValueError: if the extraction method is not registered
-    """
-    func = None
-    if ':' in method or '.' in method:
-        if ':' not in method:
-            lastdot = method.rfind('.')
-            module, attrname = method[:lastdot], method[lastdot + 1:]
-        else:
-            module, attrname = method.split(':', 1)
-        func = getattr(__import__(module, {}, {}, [attrname]), attrname)
-    else:
-        try:
-            from pkg_resources import working_set
-        except ImportError:
-            # pkg_resources is not available, so we resort to looking up the
-            # builtin extractors directly
-            builtin = {'ignore': extract_nothing, 'python': extract_python}
-            func = builtin.get(method)
-        else:
-            for entry_point in working_set.iter_entry_points(GROUP_NAME,
-                                                             method):
-                func = entry_point.load(require=True)
-                break
-    if func is None:
-        raise ValueError('Unknown extraction method %r' % method)
-    results = func(fileobj, keywords.keys(), comment_tags,
-                   options=options or {})
-    for lineno, funcname, messages, comments in results:
-        if funcname:
-            spec = keywords[funcname] or (1,)
-        else:
-            spec = (1,)
-        if not isinstance(messages, (list, tuple)):
-            messages = [messages]
-        if not messages:
-            continue
-        # Validate the messages against the keyword's specification
-        msgs = []
-        invalid = False
-        # last_index is 1 based like the keyword spec
-        last_index = len(messages)
-        for index in spec:
-            if last_index < index:
-                # Not enough arguments
-                invalid = True
-                break
-            message = messages[index - 1]
-            if message is None:
-                invalid = True
-                break
-            msgs.append(message)
-        if invalid:
-            continue
-        first_msg_index = spec[0] - 1
-        if not messages[first_msg_index]:
-            # An empty string msgid isn't valid, emit a warning
-            where = '%s:%i' % (hasattr(fileobj, 'name') and \
-                                   fileobj.name or '(unknown)', lineno)
-            print >> sys.stderr, empty_msgid_warning % where
-            continue
-        messages = tuple(msgs)
-        if len(messages) == 1:
-            messages = messages[0]
-        if strip_comment_tags:
-            _strip_comment_tags(comments, comment_tags)
-        yield lineno, messages, comments
-def extract_nothing(fileobj, keywords, comment_tags, options):
-    """Pseudo extractor that does not actually extract anything, but simply
-    returns an empty list.
-    """
-    return []
-def extract_python(fileobj, keywords, comment_tags, options):
-    """Extract messages from Python source code.
-    :param fileobj: the seekable, file-like object the messages should be
-                    extracted from
-    :param keywords: a list of keywords (i.e. function names) that should be
-                     recognized as translation functions
-    :param comment_tags: a list of translator tags to search for and include
-                         in the results
-    :param options: a dictionary of additional options (optional)
-    :return: an iterator over ``(lineno, funcname, message, comments)`` tuples
-    :rtype: ``iterator``
-    """
-    funcname = lineno = message_lineno = None
-    call_stack = -1
-    buf = []
-    messages = []
-    translator_comments = []
-    in_def = in_translator_comments = False
-    comment_tag = None
-    encoding = parse_encoding(fileobj) or options.get('encoding', 'iso-8859-1')
-    tokens = generate_tokens(fileobj.readline)
-    for tok, value, (lineno, _), _, _ in tokens:
-        if call_stack == -1 and tok == NAME and value in ('def', 'class'):
-            in_def = True
-        elif tok == OP and value == '(':
-            if in_def:
-                # Avoid false positives for declarations such as:
-                # def gettext(arg='message'):
-                in_def = False
-                continue
-            if funcname:
-                message_lineno = lineno
-                call_stack += 1
-        elif in_def and tok == OP and value == ':':
-            # End of a class definition without parens
-            in_def = False
-            continue
-        elif call_stack == -1 and tok == COMMENT:
-            # Strip the comment token from the line
-            value = value.decode(encoding)[1:].strip()
-            if in_translator_comments and \
-                    translator_comments[-1][0] == lineno - 1:
-                # We're already inside a translator comment, continue appending
-                translator_comments.append((lineno, value))
-                continue
-            # If execution reaches this point, let's see if comment line
-            # starts with one of the comment tags
-            for comment_tag in comment_tags:
-                if value.startswith(comment_tag):
-                    in_translator_comments = True
-                    translator_comments.append((lineno, value))
-                    break
-        elif funcname and call_stack == 0:
-            if tok == OP and value == ')':
-                if buf:
-                    messages.append(''.join(buf))
-                    del buf[:]
-                else:
-                    messages.append(None)
-                if len(messages) > 1:
-                    messages = tuple(messages)
-                else:
-                    messages = messages[0]
-                # Comments don't apply unless they immediately preceed the
-                # message
-                if translator_comments and \
-                        translator_comments[-1][0] < message_lineno - 1:
-                    translator_comments = []
-                yield (message_lineno, funcname, messages,
-                       [comment[1] for comment in translator_comments])
-                funcname = lineno = message_lineno = None
-                call_stack = -1
-                messages = []
-                translator_comments = []
-                in_translator_comments = False
-            elif tok == STRING:
-                # Unwrap quotes in a safe manner, maintaining the string's
-                # encoding
-                # https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=355470&
-                # aid=617979&group_id=5470
-                value = eval('# coding=%s\n%s' % (encoding, value),
-                             {'__builtins__':{}}, {})
-                if isinstance(value, str):
-                    value = value.decode(encoding)
-                buf.append(value)
-            elif tok == OP and value == ',':
-                if buf:
-                    messages.append(''.join(buf))
-                    del buf[:]
-                else:
-                    messages.append(None)
-                if translator_comments:
-                    # We have translator comments, and since we're on a
-                    # comma(,) user is allowed to break into a new line
-                    # Let's increase the last comment's lineno in order
-                    # for the comment to still be a valid one
-                    old_lineno, old_comment = translator_comments.pop()
-                    translator_comments.append((old_lineno+1, old_comment))
-        elif call_stack > 0 and tok == OP and value == ')':
-            call_stack -= 1
-        elif funcname and call_stack == -1:
-            funcname = None
-        elif tok == NAME and value in keywords:
-            funcname = value
-def extract_javascript(fileobj, keywords, comment_tags, options):
-    """Extract messages from JavaScript source code.
-    :param fileobj: the seekable, file-like object the messages should be
-                    extracted from
-    :param keywords: a list of keywords (i.e. function names) that should be
-                     recognized as translation functions
-    :param comment_tags: a list of translator tags to search for and include
-                         in the results
-    :param options: a dictionary of additional options (optional)
-    :return: an iterator over ``(lineno, funcname, message, comments)`` tuples
-    :rtype: ``iterator``
-    """
-    from babel.messages.jslexer import tokenize, unquote_string
-    funcname = message_lineno = None
-    messages = []
-    last_argument = None
-    translator_comments = []
-    concatenate_next = False
-    encoding = options.get('encoding', 'utf-8')
-    last_token = None
-    call_stack = -1
-    for token in tokenize(fileobj.read().decode(encoding)):
-        if token.type == 'operator' and token.value == '(':
-            if funcname:
-                message_lineno = token.lineno
-                call_stack += 1
-        elif call_stack == -1 and token.type == 'linecomment':
-            value = token.value[2:].strip()
-            if translator_comments and \
-               translator_comments[-1][0] == token.lineno - 1:
-                translator_comments.append((token.lineno, value))
-                continue
-            for comment_tag in comment_tags:
-                if value.startswith(comment_tag):
-                    translator_comments.append((token.lineno, value.strip()))
-                    break
-        elif token.type == 'multilinecomment':
-            # only one multi-line comment may preceed a translation
-            translator_comments = []
-            value = token.value[2:-2].strip()
-            for comment_tag in comment_tags:
-                if value.startswith(comment_tag):
-                    lines = value.splitlines()
-                    if lines:
-                        lines[0] = lines[0].strip()
-                        lines[1:] = dedent('\n'.join(lines[1:])).splitlines()
-                        for offset, line in enumerate(lines):
-                            translator_comments.append((token.lineno + offset,
-                                                        line))
-                    break
-        elif funcname and call_stack == 0:
-            if token.type == 'operator' and token.value == ')':
-                if last_argument is not None:
-                    messages.append(last_argument)
-                if len(messages) > 1:
-                    messages = tuple(messages)
-                elif messages:
-                    messages = messages[0]
-                else:
-                    messages = None
-                # Comments don't apply unless they immediately preceed the
-                # message
-                if translator_comments and \
-                   translator_comments[-1][0] < message_lineno - 1:
-                    translator_comments = []
-                if messages is not None:
-                    yield (message_lineno, funcname, messages,
-                           [comment[1] for comment in translator_comments])
-                funcname = message_lineno = last_argument = None
-                concatenate_next = False
-                translator_comments = []
-                messages = []
-                call_stack = -1
-            elif token.type == 'string':
-                new_value = unquote_string(token.value)
-                if concatenate_next:
-                    last_argument = (last_argument or '') + new_value
-                    concatenate_next = False
-                else:
-                    last_argument = new_value
-            elif token.type == 'operator':
-                if token.value == ',':
-                    if last_argument is not None:
-                        messages.append(last_argument)
-                        last_argument = None
-                    else:
-                        messages.append(None)
-                    concatenate_next = False
-                elif token.value == '+':
-                    concatenate_next = True
-        elif call_stack > 0 and token.type == 'operator' \
-             and token.value == ')':
-            call_stack -= 1
-        elif funcname and call_stack == -1:
-            funcname = None
-        elif call_stack == -1 and token.type == 'name' and \
-             token.value in keywords and \
-             (last_token is None or last_token.type != 'name' or
-              last_token.value != 'function'):
-            funcname = token.value
-        last_token = token

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/messages/frontend.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1194 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Frontends for the message extraction functionality."""
-from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
-from datetime import datetime
-from distutils import log
-from distutils.cmd import Command
-from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsSetupError
-from locale import getpreferredencoding
-import logging
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-from StringIO import StringIO
-import sys
-import tempfile
-from babel import __version__ as VERSION
-from babel import Locale, localedata
-from babel.core import UnknownLocaleError
-from babel.messages.catalog import Catalog
-from babel.messages.extract import extract_from_dir, DEFAULT_KEYWORDS, \
-                                   DEFAULT_MAPPING
-from babel.messages.mofile import write_mo
-from babel.messages.pofile import read_po, write_po
-from babel.messages.plurals import PLURALS
-from babel.util import odict, LOCALTZ
-__all__ = ['CommandLineInterface', 'compile_catalog', 'extract_messages',
-           'init_catalog', 'check_message_extractors', 'update_catalog']
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
-class compile_catalog(Command):
-    """Catalog compilation command for use in ``setup.py`` scripts.
-    If correctly installed, this command is available to Setuptools-using
-    setup scripts automatically. For projects using plain old ``distutils``,
-    the command needs to be registered explicitly in ``setup.py``::
-        from babel.messages.frontend import compile_catalog
-        setup(
-            ...
-            cmdclass = {'compile_catalog': compile_catalog}
-        )
-    :since: version 0.9
-    :see: `Integrating new distutils commands <http://docs.python.org/dist/node32.html>`_
-    :see: `setuptools <http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools>`_
-    """
-    description = 'compile message catalogs to binary MO files'
-    user_options = [
-        ('domain=', 'D',
-         "domain of PO file (default 'messages')"),
-        ('directory=', 'd',
-         'path to base directory containing the catalogs'),
-        ('input-file=', 'i',
-         'name of the input file'),
-        ('output-file=', 'o',
-         "name of the output file (default "
-         "'<output_dir>/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/<domain>.po')"),
-        ('locale=', 'l',
-         'locale of the catalog to compile'),
-        ('use-fuzzy', 'f',
-         'also include fuzzy translations'),
-        ('statistics', None,
-         'print statistics about translations')
-    ]
-    boolean_options = ['use-fuzzy', 'statistics']
-    def initialize_options(self):
-        self.domain = 'messages'
-        self.directory = None
-        self.input_file = None
-        self.output_file = None
-        self.locale = None
-        self.use_fuzzy = False
-        self.statistics = False
-    def finalize_options(self):
-        if not self.input_file and not self.directory:
-            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify either the input file '
-                                       'or the base directory')
-        if not self.output_file and not self.directory:
-            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify either the input file '
-                                       'or the base directory')
-    def run(self):
-        po_files = []
-        mo_files = []
-        if not self.input_file:
-            if self.locale:
-                po_files.append((self.locale,
-                                 os.path.join(self.directory, self.locale,
-                                              'LC_MESSAGES',
-                                              self.domain + '.po')))
-                mo_files.append(os.path.join(self.directory, self.locale,
-                                             'LC_MESSAGES',
-                                             self.domain + '.mo'))
-            else:
-                for locale in os.listdir(self.directory):
-                    po_file = os.path.join(self.directory, locale,
-                                           'LC_MESSAGES', self.domain + '.po')
-                    if os.path.exists(po_file):
-                        po_files.append((locale, po_file))
-                        mo_files.append(os.path.join(self.directory, locale,
-                                                     'LC_MESSAGES',
-                                                     self.domain + '.mo'))
-        else:
-            po_files.append((self.locale, self.input_file))
-            if self.output_file:
-                mo_files.append(self.output_file)
-            else:
-                mo_files.append(os.path.join(self.directory, self.locale,
-                                             'LC_MESSAGES',
-                                             self.domain + '.mo'))
-        if not po_files:
-            raise DistutilsOptionError('no message catalogs found')
-        for idx, (locale, po_file) in enumerate(po_files):
-            mo_file = mo_files[idx]
-            infile = open(po_file, 'r')
-            try:
-                catalog = read_po(infile, locale)
-            finally:
-                infile.close()
-            if self.statistics:
-                translated = 0
-                for message in list(catalog)[1:]:
-                    if message.string:
-                        translated +=1
-                percentage = 0
-                if len(catalog):
-                    percentage = translated * 100 // len(catalog)
-                log.info('%d of %d messages (%d%%) translated in %r',
-                         translated, len(catalog), percentage, po_file)
-            if catalog.fuzzy and not self.use_fuzzy:
-                log.warn('catalog %r is marked as fuzzy, skipping', po_file)
-                continue
-            for message, errors in catalog.check():
-                for error in errors:
-                    log.error('error: %s:%d: %s', po_file, message.lineno,
-                              error)
-            log.info('compiling catalog %r to %r', po_file, mo_file)
-            outfile = open(mo_file, 'wb')
-            try:
-                write_mo(outfile, catalog, use_fuzzy=self.use_fuzzy)
-            finally:
-                outfile.close()
-class extract_messages(Command):
-    """Message extraction command for use in ``setup.py`` scripts.
-    If correctly installed, this command is available to Setuptools-using
-    setup scripts automatically. For projects using plain old ``distutils``,
-    the command needs to be registered explicitly in ``setup.py``::
-        from babel.messages.frontend import extract_messages
-        setup(
-            ...
-            cmdclass = {'extract_messages': extract_messages}
-        )
-    :see: `Integrating new distutils commands <http://docs.python.org/dist/node32.html>`_
-    :see: `setuptools <http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools>`_
-    """
-    description = 'extract localizable strings from the project code'
-    user_options = [
-        ('charset=', None,
-         'charset to use in the output file'),
-        ('keywords=', 'k',
-         'space-separated list of keywords to look for in addition to the '
-         'defaults'),
-        ('no-default-keywords', None,
-         'do not include the default keywords'),
-        ('mapping-file=', 'F',
-         'path to the mapping configuration file'),
-        ('no-location', None,
-         'do not include location comments with filename and line number'),
-        ('omit-header', None,
-         'do not include msgid "" entry in header'),
-        ('output-file=', 'o',
-         'name of the output file'),
-        ('width=', 'w',
-         'set output line width (default 76)'),
-        ('no-wrap', None,
-         'do not break long message lines, longer than the output line width, '
-         'into several lines'),
-        ('sort-output', None,
-         'generate sorted output (default False)'),
-        ('sort-by-file', None,
-         'sort output by file location (default False)'),
-        ('msgid-bugs-address=', None,
-         'set report address for msgid'),
-        ('copyright-holder=', None,
-         'set copyright holder in output'),
-        ('add-comments=', 'c',
-         'place comment block with TAG (or those preceding keyword lines) in '
-         'output file. Seperate multiple TAGs with commas(,)'),
-        ('strip-comments', None,
-         'strip the comment TAGs from the comments.'),
-        ('input-dirs=', None,
-         'directories that should be scanned for messages'),
-    ]
-    boolean_options = [
-        'no-default-keywords', 'no-location', 'omit-header', 'no-wrap',
-        'sort-output', 'sort-by-file', 'strip-comments'
-    ]
-    def initialize_options(self):
-        self.charset = 'utf-8'
-        self.keywords = ''
-        self._keywords = DEFAULT_KEYWORDS.copy()
-        self.no_default_keywords = False
-        self.mapping_file = None
-        self.no_location = False
-        self.omit_header = False
-        self.output_file = None
-        self.input_dirs = None
-        self.width = 76
-        self.no_wrap = False
-        self.sort_output = False
-        self.sort_by_file = False
-        self.msgid_bugs_address = None
-        self.copyright_holder = None
-        self.add_comments = None
-        self._add_comments = []
-        self.strip_comments = False
-    def finalize_options(self):
-        if self.no_default_keywords and not self.keywords:
-            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify new keywords if you '
-                                       'disable the default ones')
-        if self.no_default_keywords:
-            self._keywords = {}
-        if self.keywords:
-            self._keywords.update(parse_keywords(self.keywords.split()))
-        if not self.output_file:
-            raise DistutilsOptionError('no output file specified')
-        if self.no_wrap and self.width:
-            raise DistutilsOptionError("'--no-wrap' and '--width' are mutually "
-                                       "exclusive")
-        if self.no_wrap:
-            self.width = None
-        else:
-            self.width = int(self.width)
-        if self.sort_output and self.sort_by_file:
-            raise DistutilsOptionError("'--sort-output' and '--sort-by-file' "
-                                       "are mutually exclusive")
-        if not self.input_dirs:
-            self.input_dirs = dict.fromkeys([k.split('.',1)[0]
-                for k in self.distribution.packages
-            ]).keys()
-        if self.add_comments:
-            self._add_comments = self.add_comments.split(',')
-    def run(self):
-        mappings = self._get_mappings()
-        outfile = open(self.output_file, 'w')
-        try:
-            catalog = Catalog(project=self.distribution.get_name(),
-                              version=self.distribution.get_version(),
-                              msgid_bugs_address=self.msgid_bugs_address,
-                              copyright_holder=self.copyright_holder,
-                              charset=self.charset)
-            for dirname, (method_map, options_map) in mappings.items():
-                def callback(filename, method, options):
-                    if method == 'ignore':
-                        return
-                    filepath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
-                    optstr = ''
-                    if options:
-                        optstr = ' (%s)' % ', '.join(['%s="%s"' % (k, v) for
-                                                      k, v in options.items()])
-                    log.info('extracting messages from %s%s', filepath, optstr)
-                extracted = extract_from_dir(dirname, method_map, options_map,
-                                             keywords=self._keywords,
-                                             comment_tags=self._add_comments,
-                                             callback=callback,
-                                             strip_comment_tags=
-                                                self.strip_comments)
-                for filename, lineno, message, comments in extracted:
-                    filepath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
-                    catalog.add(message, None, [(filepath, lineno)],
-                                auto_comments=comments)
-            log.info('writing PO template file to %s' % self.output_file)
-            write_po(outfile, catalog, width=self.width,
-                     no_location=self.no_location,
-                     omit_header=self.omit_header,
-                     sort_output=self.sort_output,
-                     sort_by_file=self.sort_by_file)
-        finally:
-            outfile.close()
-    def _get_mappings(self):
-        mappings = {}
-        if self.mapping_file:
-            fileobj = open(self.mapping_file, 'U')
-            try:
-                method_map, options_map = parse_mapping(fileobj)
-                for dirname in self.input_dirs:
-                    mappings[dirname] = method_map, options_map
-            finally:
-                fileobj.close()
-        elif getattr(self.distribution, 'message_extractors', None):
-            message_extractors = self.distribution.message_extractors
-            for dirname, mapping in message_extractors.items():
-                if isinstance(mapping, basestring):
-                    method_map, options_map = parse_mapping(StringIO(mapping))
-                else:
-                    method_map, options_map = [], {}
-                    for pattern, method, options in mapping:
-                        method_map.append((pattern, method))
-                        options_map[pattern] = options or {}
-                mappings[dirname] = method_map, options_map
-        else:
-            for dirname in self.input_dirs:
-                mappings[dirname] = DEFAULT_MAPPING, {}
-        return mappings
-def check_message_extractors(dist, name, value):
-    """Validate the ``message_extractors`` keyword argument to ``setup()``.
-    :param dist: the distutils/setuptools ``Distribution`` object
-    :param name: the name of the keyword argument (should always be
-                 "message_extractors")
-    :param value: the value of the keyword argument
-    :raise `DistutilsSetupError`: if the value is not valid
-    :see: `Adding setup() arguments
-           <http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools#adding-setup-arguments>`_
-    """
-    assert name == 'message_extractors'
-    if not isinstance(value, dict):
-        raise DistutilsSetupError('the value of the "message_extractors" '
-                                  'parameter must be a dictionary')
-class init_catalog(Command):
-    """New catalog initialization command for use in ``setup.py`` scripts.
-    If correctly installed, this command is available to Setuptools-using
-    setup scripts automatically. For projects using plain old ``distutils``,
-    the command needs to be registered explicitly in ``setup.py``::
-        from babel.messages.frontend import init_catalog
-        setup(
-            ...
-            cmdclass = {'init_catalog': init_catalog}
-        )
-    :see: `Integrating new distutils commands <http://docs.python.org/dist/node32.html>`_
-    :see: `setuptools <http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools>`_
-    """
-    description = 'create a new catalog based on a POT file'
-    user_options = [
-        ('domain=', 'D',
-         "domain of PO file (default 'messages')"),
-        ('input-file=', 'i',
-         'name of the input file'),
-        ('output-dir=', 'd',
-         'path to output directory'),
-        ('output-file=', 'o',
-         "name of the output file (default "
-         "'<output_dir>/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/<domain>.po')"),
-        ('locale=', 'l',
-         'locale for the new localized catalog'),
-    ]
-    def initialize_options(self):
-        self.output_dir = None
-        self.output_file = None
-        self.input_file = None
-        self.locale = None
-        self.domain = 'messages'
-    def finalize_options(self):
-        if not self.input_file:
-            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify the input file')
-        if not self.locale:
-            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must provide a locale for the '
-                                       'new catalog')
-        try:
-            self._locale = Locale.parse(self.locale)
-        except UnknownLocaleError, e:
-            raise DistutilsOptionError(e)
-        if not self.output_file and not self.output_dir:
-            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify the output directory')
-        if not self.output_file:
-            self.output_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.locale,
-                                            'LC_MESSAGES', self.domain + '.po')
-        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.output_file)):
-            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.output_file))
-    def run(self):
-        log.info('creating catalog %r based on %r', self.output_file,
-                 self.input_file)
-        infile = open(self.input_file, 'r')
-        try:
-            # Although reading from the catalog template, read_po must be fed
-            # the locale in order to correcly calculate plurals
-            catalog = read_po(infile, locale=self.locale)
-        finally:
-            infile.close()
-        catalog.locale = self._locale
-        catalog.fuzzy = False
-        outfile = open(self.output_file, 'w')
-        try:
-            write_po(outfile, catalog)
-        finally:
-            outfile.close()
-class update_catalog(Command):
-    """Catalog merging command for use in ``setup.py`` scripts.
-    If correctly installed, this command is available to Setuptools-using
-    setup scripts automatically. For projects using plain old ``distutils``,
-    the command needs to be registered explicitly in ``setup.py``::
-        from babel.messages.frontend import update_catalog
-        setup(
-            ...
-            cmdclass = {'update_catalog': update_catalog}
-        )
-    :since: version 0.9
-    :see: `Integrating new distutils commands <http://docs.python.org/dist/node32.html>`_
-    :see: `setuptools <http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools>`_
-    """
-    description = 'update message catalogs from a POT file'
-    user_options = [
-        ('domain=', 'D',
-         "domain of PO file (default 'messages')"),
-        ('input-file=', 'i',
-         'name of the input file'),
-        ('output-dir=', 'd',
-         'path to base directory containing the catalogs'),
-        ('output-file=', 'o',
-         "name of the output file (default "
-         "'<output_dir>/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/<domain>.po')"),
-        ('locale=', 'l',
-         'locale of the catalog to compile'),
-        ('ignore-obsolete=', None,
-         'whether to omit obsolete messages from the output'),
-        ('no-fuzzy-matching', 'N',
-         'do not use fuzzy matching'),
-        ('previous', None,
-         'keep previous msgids of translated messages')
-    ]
-    boolean_options = ['ignore_obsolete', 'no_fuzzy_matching', 'previous']
-    def initialize_options(self):
-        self.domain = 'messages'
-        self.input_file = None
-        self.output_dir = None
-        self.output_file = None
-        self.locale = None
-        self.ignore_obsolete = False
-        self.no_fuzzy_matching = False
-        self.previous = False
-    def finalize_options(self):
-        if not self.input_file:
-            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify the input file')
-        if not self.output_file and not self.output_dir:
-            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify the output file or '
-                                       'directory')
-        if self.output_file and not self.locale:
-            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify the locale')
-        if self.no_fuzzy_matching and self.previous:
-            self.previous = False
-    def run(self):
-        po_files = []
-        if not self.output_file:
-            if self.locale:
-                po_files.append((self.locale,
-                                 os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.locale,
-                                              'LC_MESSAGES',
-                                              self.domain + '.po')))
-            else:
-                for locale in os.listdir(self.output_dir):
-                    po_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, locale,
-                                           'LC_MESSAGES',
-                                           self.domain + '.po')
-                    if os.path.exists(po_file):
-                        po_files.append((locale, po_file))
-        else:
-            po_files.append((self.locale, self.output_file))
-        domain = self.domain
-        if not domain:
-            domain = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.input_file))[0]
-        infile = open(self.input_file, 'U')
-        try:
-            template = read_po(infile)
-        finally:
-            infile.close()
-        if not po_files:
-            raise DistutilsOptionError('no message catalogs found')
-        for locale, filename in po_files:
-            log.info('updating catalog %r based on %r', filename,
-                     self.input_file)
-            infile = open(filename, 'U')
-            try:
-                catalog = read_po(infile, locale=locale, domain=domain)
-            finally:
-                infile.close()
-            catalog.update(template, self.no_fuzzy_matching)
-            tmpname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename),
-                                   tempfile.gettempprefix() +
-                                   os.path.basename(filename))
-            tmpfile = open(tmpname, 'w')
-            try:
-                try:
-                    write_po(tmpfile, catalog,
-                             ignore_obsolete=self.ignore_obsolete,
-                             include_previous=self.previous)
-                finally:
-                    tmpfile.close()
-            except:
-                os.remove(tmpname)
-                raise
-            try:
-                os.rename(tmpname, filename)
-            except OSError:
-                # We're probably on Windows, which doesn't support atomic
-                # renames, at least not through Python
-                # If the error is in fact due to a permissions problem, that
-                # same error is going to be raised from one of the following
-                # operations
-                os.remove(filename)
-                shutil.copy(tmpname, filename)
-                os.remove(tmpname)
-class CommandLineInterface(object):
-    """Command-line interface.
-    This class provides a simple command-line interface to the message
-    extraction and PO file generation functionality.
-    """
-    usage = '%%prog %s [options] %s'
-    version = '%%prog %s' % VERSION
-    commands = {
-        'compile': 'compile message catalogs to MO files',
-        'extract': 'extract messages from source files and generate a POT file',
-        'init':    'create new message catalogs from a POT file',
-        'update':  'update existing message catalogs from a POT file'
-    }
-    def run(self, argv=sys.argv):
-        """Main entry point of the command-line interface.
-        :param argv: list of arguments passed on the command-line
-        """
-        self.parser = OptionParser(usage=self.usage % ('command', '[args]'),
-                                   version=self.version)
-        self.parser.disable_interspersed_args()
-        self.parser.print_help = self._help
-        self.parser.add_option('--list-locales', dest='list_locales',
-                               action='store_true',
-                               help="print all known locales and exit")
-        self.parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_const',
-                               dest='loglevel', const=logging.DEBUG,
-                               help='print as much as possible')
-        self.parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_const',
-                               dest='loglevel', const=logging.ERROR,
-                               help='print as little as possible')
-        self.parser.set_defaults(list_locales=False, loglevel=logging.INFO)
-        options, args = self.parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
-        # Configure logging
-        self.log = logging.getLogger('babel')
-        self.log.setLevel(options.loglevel)
-        handler = logging.StreamHandler()
-        handler.setLevel(options.loglevel)
-        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
-        handler.setFormatter(formatter)
-        self.log.addHandler(handler)
-        if options.list_locales:
-            identifiers = localedata.list()
-            longest = max([len(identifier) for identifier in identifiers])
-            format = u'%%-%ds %%s' % (longest + 1)
-            for identifier in localedata.list():
-                locale = Locale.parse(identifier)
-                output = format % (identifier, locale.english_name)
-                print output.encode(sys.stdout.encoding or
-                                    getpreferredencoding() or
-                                    'ascii', 'replace')
-            return 0
-        if not args:
-            self.parser.error('incorrect number of arguments')
-        cmdname = args[0]
-        if cmdname not in self.commands:
-            self.parser.error('unknown command "%s"' % cmdname)
-        return getattr(self, cmdname)(args[1:])
-    def _help(self):
-        print self.parser.format_help()
-        print "commands:"
-        longest = max([len(command) for command in self.commands])
-        format = "  %%-%ds %%s" % max(8, longest + 1)
-        commands = self.commands.items()
-        commands.sort()
-        for name, description in commands:
-            print format % (name, description)
-    def compile(self, argv):
-        """Subcommand for compiling a message catalog to a MO file.
-        :param argv: the command arguments
-        :since: version 0.9
-        """
-        parser = OptionParser(usage=self.usage % ('compile', ''),
-                              description=self.commands['compile'])
-        parser.add_option('--domain', '-D', dest='domain',
-                          help="domain of MO and PO files (default '%default')")
-        parser.add_option('--directory', '-d', dest='directory',
-                          metavar='DIR', help='base directory of catalog files')
-        parser.add_option('--locale', '-l', dest='locale', metavar='LOCALE',
-                          help='locale of the catalog')
-        parser.add_option('--input-file', '-i', dest='input_file',
-                          metavar='FILE', help='name of the input file')
-        parser.add_option('--output-file', '-o', dest='output_file',
-                          metavar='FILE',
-                          help="name of the output file (default "
-                               "'<output_dir>/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/"
-                               "<domain>.mo')")
-        parser.add_option('--use-fuzzy', '-f', dest='use_fuzzy',
-                          action='store_true',
-                          help='also include fuzzy translations (default '
-                               '%default)')
-        parser.add_option('--statistics', dest='statistics',
-                          action='store_true',
-                          help='print statistics about translations')
-        parser.set_defaults(domain='messages', use_fuzzy=False,
-                            compile_all=False, statistics=False)
-        options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
-        po_files = []
-        mo_files = []
-        if not options.input_file:
-            if not options.directory:
-                parser.error('you must specify either the input file or the '
-                             'base directory')
-            if options.locale:
-                po_files.append((options.locale,
-                                 os.path.join(options.directory,
-                                              options.locale, 'LC_MESSAGES',
-                                              options.domain + '.po')))
-                mo_files.append(os.path.join(options.directory, options.locale,
-                                             'LC_MESSAGES',
-                                             options.domain + '.mo'))
-            else:
-                for locale in os.listdir(options.directory):
-                    po_file = os.path.join(options.directory, locale,
-                                           'LC_MESSAGES', options.domain + '.po')
-                    if os.path.exists(po_file):
-                        po_files.append((locale, po_file))
-                        mo_files.append(os.path.join(options.directory, locale,
-                                                     'LC_MESSAGES',
-                                                     options.domain + '.mo'))
-        else:
-            po_files.append((options.locale, options.input_file))
-            if options.output_file:
-                mo_files.append(options.output_file)
-            else:
-                if not options.directory:
-                    parser.error('you must specify either the input file or '
-                                 'the base directory')
-                mo_files.append(os.path.join(options.directory, options.locale,
-                                             'LC_MESSAGES',
-                                             options.domain + '.mo'))
-        if not po_files:
-            parser.error('no message catalogs found')
-        for idx, (locale, po_file) in enumerate(po_files):
-            mo_file = mo_files[idx]
-            infile = open(po_file, 'r')
-            try:
-                catalog = read_po(infile, locale)
-            finally:
-                infile.close()
-            if options.statistics:
-                translated = 0
-                for message in list(catalog)[1:]:
-                    if message.string:
-                        translated +=1
-                percentage = 0
-                if len(catalog):
-                    percentage = translated * 100 // len(catalog)
-                self.log.info("%d of %d messages (%d%%) translated in %r",
-                              translated, len(catalog), percentage, po_file)
-            if catalog.fuzzy and not options.use_fuzzy:
-                self.log.warn('catalog %r is marked as fuzzy, skipping',
-                              po_file)
-                continue
-            for message, errors in catalog.check():
-                for error in errors:
-                    self.log.error('error: %s:%d: %s', po_file, message.lineno,
-                                   error)
-            self.log.info('compiling catalog %r to %r', po_file, mo_file)
-            outfile = open(mo_file, 'wb')
-            try:
-                write_mo(outfile, catalog, use_fuzzy=options.use_fuzzy)
-            finally:
-                outfile.close()
-    def extract(self, argv):
-        """Subcommand for extracting messages from source files and generating
-        a POT file.
-        :param argv: the command arguments
-        """
-        parser = OptionParser(usage=self.usage % ('extract', 'dir1 <dir2> ...'),
-                              description=self.commands['extract'])
-        parser.add_option('--charset', dest='charset',
-                          help='charset to use in the output (default '
-                               '"%default")')
-        parser.add_option('-k', '--keyword', dest='keywords', action='append',
-                          help='keywords to look for in addition to the '
-                               'defaults. You can specify multiple -k flags on '
-                               'the command line.')
-        parser.add_option('--no-default-keywords', dest='no_default_keywords',
-                          action='store_true',
-                          help="do not include the default keywords")
-        parser.add_option('--mapping', '-F', dest='mapping_file',
-                          help='path to the extraction mapping file')
-        parser.add_option('--no-location', dest='no_location',
-                          action='store_true',
-                          help='do not include location comments with filename '
-                               'and line number')
-        parser.add_option('--omit-header', dest='omit_header',
-                          action='store_true',
-                          help='do not include msgid "" entry in header')
-        parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output',
-                          help='path to the output POT file')
-        parser.add_option('-w', '--width', dest='width', type='int',
-                          help="set output line width (default %default)")
-        parser.add_option('--no-wrap', dest='no_wrap', action = 'store_true',
-                          help='do not break long message lines, longer than '
-                               'the output line width, into several lines')
-        parser.add_option('--sort-output', dest='sort_output',
-                          action='store_true',
-                          help='generate sorted output (default False)')
-        parser.add_option('--sort-by-file', dest='sort_by_file',
-                          action='store_true',
-                          help='sort output by file location (default False)')
-        parser.add_option('--msgid-bugs-address', dest='msgid_bugs_address',
-                          metavar='EMAIL at ADDRESS',
-                          help='set report address for msgid')
-        parser.add_option('--copyright-holder', dest='copyright_holder',
-                          help='set copyright holder in output')
-        parser.add_option('--add-comments', '-c', dest='comment_tags',
-                          metavar='TAG', action='append',
-                          help='place comment block with TAG (or those '
-                               'preceding keyword lines) in output file. One '
-                               'TAG per argument call')
-        parser.add_option('--strip-comment-tags', '-s',
-                          dest='strip_comment_tags', action='store_true',
-                          help='Strip the comment tags from the comments.')
-        parser.set_defaults(charset='utf-8', keywords=[],
-                            no_default_keywords=False, no_location=False,
-                            omit_header = False, width=76, no_wrap=False,
-                            sort_output=False, sort_by_file=False,
-                            comment_tags=[], strip_comment_tags=False)
-        options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
-        if not args:
-            parser.error('incorrect number of arguments')
-        if options.output not in (None, '-'):
-            outfile = open(options.output, 'w')
-        else:
-            outfile = sys.stdout
-        keywords = DEFAULT_KEYWORDS.copy()
-        if options.no_default_keywords:
-            if not options.keywords:
-                parser.error('you must specify new keywords if you disable the '
-                             'default ones')
-            keywords = {}
-        if options.keywords:
-            keywords.update(parse_keywords(options.keywords))
-        if options.mapping_file:
-            fileobj = open(options.mapping_file, 'U')
-            try:
-                method_map, options_map = parse_mapping(fileobj)
-            finally:
-                fileobj.close()
-        else:
-            method_map = DEFAULT_MAPPING
-            options_map = {}
-        if options.width and options.no_wrap:
-            parser.error("'--no-wrap' and '--width' are mutually exclusive.")
-        elif not options.width and not options.no_wrap:
-            options.width = 76
-        elif not options.width and options.no_wrap:
-            options.width = 0
-        if options.sort_output and options.sort_by_file:
-            parser.error("'--sort-output' and '--sort-by-file' are mutually "
-                         "exclusive")
-        try:
-            catalog = Catalog(msgid_bugs_address=options.msgid_bugs_address,
-                              copyright_holder=options.copyright_holder,
-                              charset=options.charset)
-            for dirname in args:
-                if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
-                    parser.error('%r is not a directory' % dirname)
-                def callback(filename, method, options):
-                    if method == 'ignore':
-                        return
-                    filepath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
-                    optstr = ''
-                    if options:
-                        optstr = ' (%s)' % ', '.join(['%s="%s"' % (k, v) for
-                                                      k, v in options.items()])
-                    self.log.info('extracting messages from %s%s', filepath,
-                                  optstr)
-                extracted = extract_from_dir(dirname, method_map, options_map,
-                                             keywords, options.comment_tags,
-                                             callback=callback,
-                                             strip_comment_tags=
-                                                options.strip_comment_tags)
-                for filename, lineno, message, comments in extracted:
-                    filepath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
-                    catalog.add(message, None, [(filepath, lineno)],
-                                auto_comments=comments)
-            if options.output not in (None, '-'):
-                self.log.info('writing PO template file to %s' % options.output)
-            write_po(outfile, catalog, width=options.width,
-                     no_location=options.no_location,
-                     omit_header=options.omit_header,
-                     sort_output=options.sort_output,
-                     sort_by_file=options.sort_by_file)
-        finally:
-            if options.output:
-                outfile.close()
-    def init(self, argv):
-        """Subcommand for creating new message catalogs from a template.
-        :param argv: the command arguments
-        """
-        parser = OptionParser(usage=self.usage % ('init', ''),
-                              description=self.commands['init'])
-        parser.add_option('--domain', '-D', dest='domain',
-                          help="domain of PO file (default '%default')")
-        parser.add_option('--input-file', '-i', dest='input_file',
-                          metavar='FILE', help='name of the input file')
-        parser.add_option('--output-dir', '-d', dest='output_dir',
-                          metavar='DIR', help='path to output directory')
-        parser.add_option('--output-file', '-o', dest='output_file',
-                          metavar='FILE',
-                          help="name of the output file (default "
-                               "'<output_dir>/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/"
-                               "<domain>.po')")
-        parser.add_option('--locale', '-l', dest='locale', metavar='LOCALE',
-                          help='locale for the new localized catalog')
-        parser.set_defaults(domain='messages')
-        options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
-        if not options.locale:
-            parser.error('you must provide a locale for the new catalog')
-        try:
-            locale = Locale.parse(options.locale)
-        except UnknownLocaleError, e:
-            parser.error(e)
-        if not options.input_file:
-            parser.error('you must specify the input file')
-        if not options.output_file and not options.output_dir:
-            parser.error('you must specify the output file or directory')
-        if not options.output_file:
-            options.output_file = os.path.join(options.output_dir,
-                                               options.locale, 'LC_MESSAGES',
-                                               options.domain + '.po')
-        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(options.output_file)):
-            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(options.output_file))
-        infile = open(options.input_file, 'r')
-        try:
-            # Although reading from the catalog template, read_po must be fed
-            # the locale in order to correcly calculate plurals
-            catalog = read_po(infile, locale=options.locale)
-        finally:
-            infile.close()
-        catalog.locale = locale
-        catalog.revision_date = datetime.now(LOCALTZ)
-        self.log.info('creating catalog %r based on %r', options.output_file,
-                      options.input_file)
-        outfile = open(options.output_file, 'w')
-        try:
-            write_po(outfile, catalog)
-        finally:
-            outfile.close()
-    def update(self, argv):
-        """Subcommand for updating existing message catalogs from a template.
-        :param argv: the command arguments
-        :since: version 0.9
-        """
-        parser = OptionParser(usage=self.usage % ('update', ''),
-                              description=self.commands['update'])
-        parser.add_option('--domain', '-D', dest='domain',
-                          help="domain of PO file (default '%default')")
-        parser.add_option('--input-file', '-i', dest='input_file',
-                          metavar='FILE', help='name of the input file')
-        parser.add_option('--output-dir', '-d', dest='output_dir',
-                          metavar='DIR', help='path to output directory')
-        parser.add_option('--output-file', '-o', dest='output_file',
-                          metavar='FILE',
-                          help="name of the output file (default "
-                               "'<output_dir>/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/"
-                               "<domain>.po')")
-        parser.add_option('--locale', '-l', dest='locale', metavar='LOCALE',
-                          help='locale of the translations catalog')
-        parser.add_option('--ignore-obsolete', dest='ignore_obsolete',
-                          action='store_true',
-                          help='do not include obsolete messages in the output '
-                               '(default %default)'),
-        parser.add_option('--no-fuzzy-matching', '-N', dest='no_fuzzy_matching',
-                          action='store_true',
-                          help='do not use fuzzy matching (default %default)'),
-        parser.add_option('--previous', dest='previous', action='store_true',
-                          help='keep previous msgids of translated messages '
-                               '(default %default)'),
-        parser.set_defaults(domain='messages', ignore_obsolete=False,
-                            no_fuzzy_matching=False, previous=False)
-        options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
-        if not options.input_file:
-            parser.error('you must specify the input file')
-        if not options.output_file and not options.output_dir:
-            parser.error('you must specify the output file or directory')
-        if options.output_file and not options.locale:
-            parser.error('you must specify the loicale')
-        if options.no_fuzzy_matching and options.previous:
-            options.previous = False
-        po_files = []
-        if not options.output_file:
-            if options.locale:
-                po_files.append((options.locale,
-                                 os.path.join(options.output_dir,
-                                              options.locale, 'LC_MESSAGES',
-                                              options.domain + '.po')))
-            else:
-                for locale in os.listdir(options.output_dir):
-                    po_file = os.path.join(options.output_dir, locale,
-                                           'LC_MESSAGES',
-                                           options.domain + '.po')
-                    if os.path.exists(po_file):
-                        po_files.append((locale, po_file))
-        else:
-            po_files.append((options.locale, options.output_file))
-        domain = options.domain
-        if not domain:
-            domain = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(options.input_file))[0]
-        infile = open(options.input_file, 'U')
-        try:
-            template = read_po(infile)
-        finally:
-            infile.close()
-        if not po_files:
-            parser.error('no message catalogs found')
-        for locale, filename in po_files:
-            self.log.info('updating catalog %r based on %r', filename,
-                          options.input_file)
-            infile = open(filename, 'U')
-            try:
-                catalog = read_po(infile, locale=locale, domain=domain)
-            finally:
-                infile.close()
-            catalog.update(template, options.no_fuzzy_matching)
-            tmpname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename),
-                                   tempfile.gettempprefix() +
-                                   os.path.basename(filename))
-            tmpfile = open(tmpname, 'w')
-            try:
-                try:
-                    write_po(tmpfile, catalog,
-                             ignore_obsolete=options.ignore_obsolete,
-                             include_previous=options.previous)
-                finally:
-                    tmpfile.close()
-            except:
-                os.remove(tmpname)
-                raise
-            try:
-                os.rename(tmpname, filename)
-            except OSError:
-                # We're probably on Windows, which doesn't support atomic
-                # renames, at least not through Python
-                # If the error is in fact due to a permissions problem, that
-                # same error is going to be raised from one of the following
-                # operations
-                os.remove(filename)
-                shutil.copy(tmpname, filename)
-                os.remove(tmpname)
-def main():
-    return CommandLineInterface().run(sys.argv)
-def parse_mapping(fileobj, filename=None):
-    """Parse an extraction method mapping from a file-like object.
-    >>> buf = StringIO('''
-    ... [extractors]
-    ... custom = mypackage.module:myfunc
-    ... 
-    ... # Python source files
-    ... [python: **.py]
-    ...
-    ... # Genshi templates
-    ... [genshi: **/templates/**.html]
-    ... include_attrs =
-    ... [genshi: **/templates/**.txt]
-    ... template_class = genshi.template:TextTemplate
-    ... encoding = latin-1
-    ... 
-    ... # Some custom extractor
-    ... [custom: **/custom/*.*]
-    ... ''')
-    >>> method_map, options_map = parse_mapping(buf)
-    >>> len(method_map)
-    4
-    >>> method_map[0]
-    ('**.py', 'python')
-    >>> options_map['**.py']
-    {}
-    >>> method_map[1]
-    ('**/templates/**.html', 'genshi')
-    >>> options_map['**/templates/**.html']['include_attrs']
-    ''
-    >>> method_map[2]
-    ('**/templates/**.txt', 'genshi')
-    >>> options_map['**/templates/**.txt']['template_class']
-    'genshi.template:TextTemplate'
-    >>> options_map['**/templates/**.txt']['encoding']
-    'latin-1'
-    >>> method_map[3]
-    ('**/custom/*.*', 'mypackage.module:myfunc')
-    >>> options_map['**/custom/*.*']
-    {}
-    :param fileobj: a readable file-like object containing the configuration
-                    text to parse
-    :return: a `(method_map, options_map)` tuple
-    :rtype: `tuple`
-    :see: `extract_from_directory`
-    """
-    extractors = {}
-    method_map = []
-    options_map = {}
-    parser = RawConfigParser()
-    parser._sections = odict(parser._sections) # We need ordered sections
-    parser.readfp(fileobj, filename)
-    for section in parser.sections():
-        if section == 'extractors':
-            extractors = dict(parser.items(section))
-        else:
-            method, pattern = [part.strip() for part in section.split(':', 1)]
-            method_map.append((pattern, method))
-            options_map[pattern] = dict(parser.items(section))
-    if extractors:
-        for idx, (pattern, method) in enumerate(method_map):
-            if method in extractors:
-                method = extractors[method]
-            method_map[idx] = (pattern, method)
-    return (method_map, options_map)
-def parse_keywords(strings=[]):
-    """Parse keywords specifications from the given list of strings.
-    >>> kw = parse_keywords(['_', 'dgettext:2', 'dngettext:2,3'])
-    >>> for keyword, indices in sorted(kw.items()):
-    ...     print (keyword, indices)
-    ('_', None)
-    ('dgettext', (2,))
-    ('dngettext', (2, 3))
-    """
-    keywords = {}
-    for string in strings:
-        if ':' in string:
-            funcname, indices = string.split(':')
-        else:
-            funcname, indices = string, None
-        if funcname not in keywords:
-            if indices:
-                indices = tuple([(int(x)) for x in indices.split(',')])
-            keywords[funcname] = indices
-    return keywords
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/messages/jslexer.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""A simple JavaScript 1.5 lexer which is used for the JavaScript
-import re
-from operator import itemgetter
-operators = [
-    '+', '-', '*', '%', '!=', '==', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '=',
-    '+=', '-=', '*=', '%=', '<<', '>>', '>>>', '<<=', '>>=',
-    '>>>=', '&', '&=', '|', '|=', '&&', '||', '^', '^=', '(', ')',
-    '[', ']', '{', '}', '!', '--', '++', '~', ',', ';', '.', ':'
-operators.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(-len(a), -len(b)))
-escapes = {'b': '\b', 'f': '\f', 'n': '\n', 'r': '\r', 't': '\t'}
-rules = [
-    (None, re.compile(r'\s+(?u)')),
-    (None, re.compile(r'<!--.*')),
-    ('linecomment', re.compile(r'//.*')),
-    ('multilinecomment', re.compile(r'/\*.*?\*/(?us)')),
-    ('name', re.compile(r'(\$+\w*|[^\W\d]\w*)(?u)')),
-    ('number', re.compile(r'''(?x)(
-        (?:0|[1-9]\d*)
-        (\.\d+)?
-        ([eE][-+]?\d+)? |
-        (0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)
-    )''')),
-    ('operator', re.compile(r'(%s)' % '|'.join(map(re.escape, operators)))),
-    ('string', re.compile(r'''(?xs)(
-        '(?:[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)'  |
-        "(?:[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)"
-    )'''))
-division_re = re.compile(r'/=?')
-regex_re = re.compile(r'/(?:[^/\\]*(?:\\.[^/\\]*)*)/[a-zA-Z]*(?s)')
-line_re = re.compile(r'(\r\n|\n|\r)')
-line_join_re = re.compile(r'\\' + line_re.pattern)
-uni_escape_re = re.compile(r'[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}')
-class Token(tuple):
-    """Represents a token as returned by `tokenize`."""
-    __slots__ = ()
-    def __new__(cls, type, value, lineno):
-        return tuple.__new__(cls, (type, value, lineno))
-    type = property(itemgetter(0))
-    value = property(itemgetter(1))
-    lineno = property(itemgetter(2))
-def indicates_division(token):
-    """A helper function that helps the tokenizer to decide if the current
-    token may be followed by a division operator.
-    """
-    if token.type == 'operator':
-        return token.value in (')', ']', '}', '++', '--')
-    return token.type in ('name', 'number', 'string', 'regexp')
-def unquote_string(string):
-    """Unquote a string with JavaScript rules.  The string has to start with
-    string delimiters (``'`` or ``"``.)
-    :return: a string
-    """
-    assert string and string[0] == string[-1] and string[0] in '"\'', \
-        'string provided is not properly delimited'
-    string = line_join_re.sub('\\1', string[1:-1])
-    result = []
-    add = result.append
-    pos = 0
-    while 1:
-        # scan for the next escape
-        escape_pos = string.find('\\', pos)
-        if escape_pos < 0:
-            break
-        add(string[pos:escape_pos])
-        # check which character is escaped
-        next_char = string[escape_pos + 1]
-        if next_char in escapes:
-            add(escapes[next_char])
-        # unicode escapes.  trie to consume up to four characters of
-        # hexadecimal characters and try to interpret them as unicode
-        # character point.  If there is no such character point, put
-        # all the consumed characters into the string.
-        elif next_char in 'uU':
-            escaped = uni_escape_re.match(string, escape_pos + 2)
-            if escaped is not None:
-                escaped_value = escaped.group()
-                if len(escaped_value) == 4:
-                    try:
-                        add(unichr(int(escaped_value, 16)))
-                    except ValueError:
-                        pass
-                    else:
-                        pos = escape_pos + 6
-                        continue
-                add(next_char + escaped_value)
-                pos = escaped.end()
-                continue
-            else:
-                add(next_char)
-        # bogus escape.  Just remove the backslash.
-        else:
-            add(next_char)
-        pos = escape_pos + 2
-    if pos < len(string):
-        add(string[pos:])
-    return u''.join(result)
-def tokenize(source):
-    """Tokenize a JavaScript source.
-    :return: generator of `Token`\s
-    """
-    may_divide = False
-    pos = 0
-    lineno = 1
-    end = len(source)
-    while pos < end:
-        # handle regular rules first
-        for token_type, rule in rules:
-            match = rule.match(source, pos)
-            if match is not None:
-                break
-        # if we don't have a match we don't give up yet, but check for
-        # division operators or regular expression literals, based on
-        # the status of `may_divide` which is determined by the last
-        # processed non-whitespace token using `indicates_division`.
-        else:
-            if may_divide:
-                match = division_re.match(source, pos)
-                token_type = 'operator'
-            else:
-                match = regex_re.match(source, pos)
-                token_type = 'regexp'
-            if match is None:
-                # woops. invalid syntax. jump one char ahead and try again.
-                pos += 1
-                continue
-        token_value = match.group()
-        if token_type is not None:
-            token = Token(token_type, token_value, lineno)
-            may_divide = indicates_division(token)
-            yield token
-        lineno += len(line_re.findall(token_value))
-        pos = match.end()

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/messages/mofile.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Writing of files in the ``gettext`` MO (machine object) format.
-:since: version 0.9
-:see: `The Format of MO Files
-       <http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html#MO-Files>`_
-import array
-import struct
-__all__ = ['write_mo']
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
-def write_mo(fileobj, catalog, use_fuzzy=False):
-    """Write a catalog to the specified file-like object using the GNU MO file
-    format.
-    >>> from babel.messages import Catalog
-    >>> from gettext import GNUTranslations
-    >>> from StringIO import StringIO
-    >>> catalog = Catalog(locale='en_US')
-    >>> catalog.add('foo', 'Voh')
-    >>> catalog.add((u'bar', u'baz'), (u'Bahr', u'Batz'))
-    >>> catalog.add('fuz', 'Futz', flags=['fuzzy'])
-    >>> catalog.add('Fizz', '')
-    >>> catalog.add(('Fuzz', 'Fuzzes'), ('', ''))
-    >>> buf = StringIO()
-    >>> write_mo(buf, catalog)
-    >>> buf.seek(0)
-    >>> translations = GNUTranslations(fp=buf)
-    >>> translations.ugettext('foo')
-    u'Voh'
-    >>> translations.ungettext('bar', 'baz', 1)
-    u'Bahr'
-    >>> translations.ungettext('bar', 'baz', 2)
-    u'Batz'
-    >>> translations.ugettext('fuz')
-    u'fuz'
-    >>> translations.ugettext('Fizz')
-    u'Fizz'
-    >>> translations.ugettext('Fuzz')
-    u'Fuzz'
-    >>> translations.ugettext('Fuzzes')
-    u'Fuzzes'
-    :param fileobj: the file-like object to write to
-    :param catalog: the `Catalog` instance
-    :param use_fuzzy: whether translations marked as "fuzzy" should be included
-                      in the output
-    """
-    messages = list(catalog)
-    if not use_fuzzy:
-        messages[1:] = [m for m in messages[1:] if not m.fuzzy]
-    messages.sort()
-    ids = strs = ''
-    offsets = []
-    for message in messages:
-        # For each string, we need size and file offset.  Each string is NUL
-        # terminated; the NUL does not count into the size.
-        if message.pluralizable:
-            msgid = '\x00'.join([
-                msgid.encode(catalog.charset) for msgid in message.id
-            ])
-            msgstrs = []
-            for idx, string in enumerate(message.string):
-                if not string:
-                    msgstrs.append(message.id[min(int(idx), 1)])
-                else:
-                    msgstrs.append(string)
-            msgstr = '\x00'.join([
-                msgstr.encode(catalog.charset) for msgstr in msgstrs
-            ])
-        else:
-            msgid = message.id.encode(catalog.charset)
-            if not message.string:
-                msgstr = message.id.encode(catalog.charset)
-            else:
-                msgstr = message.string.encode(catalog.charset)
-        offsets.append((len(ids), len(msgid), len(strs), len(msgstr)))
-        ids += msgid + '\x00'
-        strs += msgstr + '\x00'
-    # The header is 7 32-bit unsigned integers.  We don't use hash tables, so
-    # the keys start right after the index tables.
-    keystart = 7 * 4 + 16 * len(messages)
-    valuestart = keystart + len(ids)
-    # The string table first has the list of keys, then the list of values.
-    # Each entry has first the size of the string, then the file offset.
-    koffsets = []
-    voffsets = []
-    for o1, l1, o2, l2 in offsets:
-        koffsets += [l1, o1 + keystart]
-        voffsets += [l2, o2 + valuestart]
-    offsets = koffsets + voffsets
-    fileobj.write(struct.pack('Iiiiiii',
-        0x950412deL,                # magic
-        0,                          # version
-        len(messages),              # number of entries
-        7 * 4,                      # start of key index
-        7 * 4 + len(messages) * 8,  # start of value index
-        0, 0                        # size and offset of hash table
-    ) + array.array("i", offsets).tostring() + ids + strs)

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/messages/plurals.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Plural form definitions."""
-from operator import itemgetter
-from babel.core import default_locale, Locale
-LC_CTYPE = default_locale('LC_CTYPE')
-    # Afar
-    # 'aa': (),
-    # Abkhazian
-    # 'ab': (),
-    # Avestan
-    # 'ae': (),
-    # Afrikaans - From Pootle's PO's
-    'af': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Akan
-    # 'ak': (),
-    # Amharic
-    # 'am': (),
-    # Aragonese
-    # 'an': (),
-    # Arabic - From Pootle's PO's
-    'ar': (6, '(n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n>=3 && n<=10 ? 3 : n>=11 && n<=99 ? 4 : 5)'),
-    # Assamese
-    # 'as': (),
-    # Avaric
-    # 'av': (),
-    # Aymara
-    # 'ay': (),
-    # Azerbaijani
-    # 'az': (),
-    # Bashkir
-    # 'ba': (),
-    # Belarusian
-    # 'be': (),
-    # Bulgarian - From Pootle's PO's
-    'bg': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Bihari
-    # 'bh': (),
-    # Bislama
-    # 'bi': (),
-    # Bambara
-    # 'bm': (),
-    # Bengali - From Pootle's PO's
-    'bn': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Tibetan - as discussed in private with Andrew West
-    'bo': (1, '0'),
-    # Breton
-    # 'br': (),
-    # Bosnian
-    # 'bs': (),
-    # Catalan - From Pootle's PO's
-    'ca': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Chechen
-    # 'ce': (),
-    # Chamorro
-    # 'ch': (),
-    # Corsican
-    # 'co': (),
-    # Cree
-    # 'cr': (),
-    # Czech
-    'cs': (3, '(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'),
-    # Church Slavic
-    # 'cu': (),
-    # Chuvash
-    'cv': (1, '0'),
-    # Welsh
-    'cy': (5, '(n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n==3 ? 3 : n==6 ? 4 : 0)'),
-    # Danish
-    'da': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # German
-    'de': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Divehi
-    # 'dv': (),
-    # Dzongkha
-    'dz': (1, '0'),
-    # Greek
-    'el': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # English
-    'en': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Esperanto
-    'eo': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Spanish
-    'es': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Estonian
-    'et': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Basque - From Pootle's PO's
-    'eu': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Persian - From Pootle's PO's
-    'fa': (1, '0'),
-    # Finnish
-    'fi': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # French
-    'fr': (2, '(n > 1)'),
-    # Friulian - From Pootle's PO's
-    'fur': (2, '(n > 1)'),
-    # Irish
-    'ga': (3, '(n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : 2)'),
-    # Galician - From Pootle's PO's
-    'gl': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Hausa - From Pootle's PO's
-    'ha': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Hebrew
-    'he': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Hindi - From Pootle's PO's
-    'hi': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Croatian
-    'hr': (3, '(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'),
-    # Hungarian
-    'hu': (1, '0'),
-    # Armenian - From Pootle's PO's
-    'hy': (1, '0'),
-    # Icelandic - From Pootle's PO's
-    'is': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Italian
-    'it': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Japanese
-    'ja': (1, '0'),
-    # Georgian - From Pootle's PO's
-    'ka': (1, '0'),
-    # Kongo - From Pootle's PO's
-    'kg': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Khmer - From Pootle's PO's
-    'km': (1, '0'),
-    # Korean
-    'ko': (1, '0'),
-    # Kurdish - From Pootle's PO's
-    'ku': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Lao - Another member of the Tai language family, like Thai.
-    'lo': (1, '0'),
-    # Lithuanian
-    'lt': (3, '(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'),
-    # Latvian
-    'lv': (3, '(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2)'),
-    # Maltese - From Pootle's PO's
-    'mt': (4, '(n==1 ? 0 : n==0 || ( n%100>1 && n%100<11) ? 1 : (n%100>10 && n%100<20 ) ? 2 : 3)'),
-    # Norwegian Bokmål
-    'nb': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Dutch
-    'nl': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Norwegian Nynorsk
-    'nn': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Norwegian
-    'no': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Punjabi - From Pootle's PO's
-    'pa': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Polish
-    'pl': (3, '(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'),
-    # Portuguese
-    'pt': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Brazilian
-    'pt_BR': (2, '(n > 1)'),
-    # Romanian - From Pootle's PO's
-    'ro': (3, '(n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < 20)) ? 1 : 2)'),
-    # Russian
-    'ru': (3, '(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'),
-    # Slovak
-    'sk': (3, '(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'),
-    # Slovenian
-    'sl': (4, '(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3)'),
-    # Serbian - From Pootle's PO's
-    'sr': (3, '(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10< =4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'),
-    # Southern Sotho - From Pootle's PO's
-    'st': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Swedish
-    'sv': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Thai
-    'th': (1, '0'),
-    # Turkish
-    'tr': (1, '0'),
-    # Ukrainian
-    'uk': (3, '(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'),
-    # Venda - From Pootle's PO's
-    've': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Vietnamese - From Pootle's PO's
-    'vi': (1, '0'),
-    # Xhosa - From Pootle's PO's
-    'xh': (2, '(n != 1)'),
-    # Chinese - From Pootle's PO's
-    'zh_CN': (1, '0'),
-    'zh_HK': (1, '0'),
-    'zh_TW': (1, '0'),
-DEFAULT_PLURAL = (2, '(n != 1)')
-class _PluralTuple(tuple):
-    """A tuple with plural information."""
-    __slots__ = ()
-    num_plurals = property(itemgetter(0), doc="""
-    The number of plurals used by the locale.""")
-    plural_expr = property(itemgetter(1), doc="""
-    The plural expression used by the locale.""")
-    plural_forms = property(lambda x: 'npurals=%s; plural=%s' % x, doc="""
-    The plural expression used by the catalog or locale.""")
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.plural_forms
-def get_plural(locale=LC_CTYPE):
-    """A tuple with the information catalogs need to perform proper
-    pluralization.  The first item of the tuple is the number of plural
-    forms, the second the plural expression.
-    >>> get_plural(locale='en')
-    (2, '(n != 1)')
-    >>> get_plural(locale='ga')
-    (3, '(n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : 2)')
-    The object returned is a special tuple with additional members:
-    >>> tup = get_plural("ja")
-    >>> tup.num_plurals
-    1
-    >>> tup.plural_expr
-    '0'
-    >>> tup.plural_forms
-    'npurals=1; plural=0'
-    Converting the tuple into a string prints the plural forms for a
-    gettext catalog:
-    >>> str(tup)
-    'npurals=1; plural=0'
-    """
-    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-    try:
-        tup = PLURALS[str(locale)]
-    except KeyError:
-        try:
-            tup = PLURALS[locale.language]
-        except KeyError:
-            tup = DEFAULT_PLURAL
-    return _PluralTuple(tup)

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/messages/pofile.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Reading and writing of files in the ``gettext`` PO (portable object)
-:see: `The Format of PO Files
-       <http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html#PO-Files>`_
-from datetime import date, datetime
-import os
-import re
-    set
-except NameError:
-    from sets import Set as set
-from babel import __version__ as VERSION
-from babel.messages.catalog import Catalog, Message
-from babel.util import wraptext, LOCALTZ
-__all__ = ['read_po', 'write_po']
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
-def unescape(string):
-    r"""Reverse `escape` the given string.
-    >>> print unescape('"Say:\\n  \\"hello, world!\\"\\n"')
-    Say:
-      "hello, world!"
-    :param string: the string to unescape
-    :return: the unescaped string
-    :rtype: `str` or `unicode`
-    """
-    return string[1:-1].replace('\\\\', '\\') \
-                       .replace('\\t', '\t') \
-                       .replace('\\r', '\r') \
-                       .replace('\\n', '\n') \
-                       .replace('\\"', '\"')
-def denormalize(string):
-    r"""Reverse the normalization done by the `normalize` function.
-    >>> print denormalize(r'''""
-    ... "Say:\n"
-    ... "  \"hello, world!\"\n"''')
-    Say:
-      "hello, world!"
-    >>> print denormalize(r'''""
-    ... "Say:\n"
-    ... "  \"Lorem ipsum dolor sit "
-    ... "amet, consectetur adipisicing"
-    ... " elit, \"\n"''')
-    Say:
-      "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, "
-    :param string: the string to denormalize
-    :return: the denormalized string
-    :rtype: `unicode` or `str`
-    """
-    if string.startswith('""'):
-        lines = []
-        for line in string.splitlines()[1:]:
-            lines.append(unescape(line))
-        return ''.join(lines)
-    else:
-        return unescape(string)
-def read_po(fileobj, locale=None, domain=None, ignore_obsolete=False):
-    """Read messages from a ``gettext`` PO (portable object) file from the given
-    file-like object and return a `Catalog`.
-    >>> from StringIO import StringIO
-    >>> buf = StringIO('''
-    ... #: main.py:1
-    ... #, fuzzy, python-format
-    ... msgid "foo %(name)s"
-    ... msgstr ""
-    ...
-    ... # A user comment
-    ... #. An auto comment
-    ... #: main.py:3
-    ... msgid "bar"
-    ... msgid_plural "baz"
-    ... msgstr[0] ""
-    ... msgstr[1] ""
-    ... ''')
-    >>> catalog = read_po(buf)
-    >>> catalog.revision_date = datetime(2007, 04, 01)
-    >>> for message in catalog:
-    ...     if message.id:
-    ...         print (message.id, message.string)
-    ...         print ' ', (message.locations, message.flags)
-    ...         print ' ', (message.user_comments, message.auto_comments)
-    (u'foo %(name)s', '')
-      ([(u'main.py', 1)], set([u'fuzzy', u'python-format']))
-      ([], [])
-    ((u'bar', u'baz'), ('', ''))
-      ([(u'main.py', 3)], set([]))
-      ([u'A user comment'], [u'An auto comment'])
-    :param fileobj: the file-like object to read the PO file from
-    :param locale: the locale identifier or `Locale` object, or `None`
-                   if the catalog is not bound to a locale (which basically
-                   means it's a template)
-    :param domain: the message domain
-    :param ignore_obsolete: whether to ignore obsolete messages in the input
-    :return: an iterator over ``(message, translation, location)`` tuples
-    :rtype: ``iterator``
-    """
-    catalog = Catalog(locale=locale, domain=domain)
-    counter = [0]
-    offset = [0]
-    messages = []
-    translations = []
-    locations = []
-    flags = []
-    user_comments = []
-    auto_comments = []
-    obsolete = [False]
-    in_msgid = [False]
-    in_msgstr = [False]
-    def _add_message():
-        translations.sort()
-        if len(messages) > 1:
-            msgid = tuple([denormalize(m) for m in messages])
-        else:
-            msgid = denormalize(messages[0])
-        if isinstance(msgid, (list, tuple)):
-            string = []
-            for idx in range(catalog.num_plurals):
-                try:
-                    string.append(translations[idx])
-                except IndexError:
-                    string.append((idx, ''))
-            string = tuple([denormalize(t[1]) for t in string])
-        else:
-            string = denormalize(translations[0][1])
-        message = Message(msgid, string, list(locations), set(flags),
-                          auto_comments, user_comments, lineno=offset[0] + 1)
-        if obsolete[0]:
-            if not ignore_obsolete:
-                catalog.obsolete[msgid] = message
-        else:
-            catalog[msgid] = message
-        del messages[:]; del translations[:]; del locations[:];
-        del flags[:]; del auto_comments[:]; del user_comments[:]
-        obsolete[0] = False
-        counter[0] += 1
-    def _process_message_line(lineno, line):
-        if line.startswith('msgid_plural'):
-            in_msgid[0] = True
-            msg = line[12:].lstrip()
-            messages.append(msg)
-        elif line.startswith('msgid'):
-            in_msgid[0] = True
-            offset[0] = lineno
-            txt = line[5:].lstrip()
-            if messages:
-                _add_message()
-            messages.append(txt)
-        elif line.startswith('msgstr'):
-            in_msgid[0] = False
-            in_msgstr[0] = True
-            msg = line[6:].lstrip()
-            if msg.startswith('['):
-                idx, msg = msg[1:].split(']', 1)
-                translations.append([int(idx), msg.lstrip()])
-            else:
-                translations.append([0, msg])
-        elif line.startswith('"'):
-            if in_msgid[0]:
-                messages[-1] += u'\n' + line.rstrip()
-            elif in_msgstr[0]:
-                translations[-1][1] += u'\n' + line.rstrip()
-    for lineno, line in enumerate(fileobj.readlines()):
-        line = line.strip().decode(catalog.charset)
-        if line.startswith('#'):
-            in_msgid[0] = in_msgstr[0] = False
-            if messages and translations:
-                _add_message()
-            if line[1:].startswith(':'):
-                for location in line[2:].lstrip().split():
-                    pos = location.rfind(':')
-                    if pos >= 0:
-                        try:
-                            lineno = int(location[pos + 1:])
-                        except ValueError:
-                            continue
-                        locations.append((location[:pos], lineno))
-            elif line[1:].startswith(','):
-                for flag in line[2:].lstrip().split(','):
-                    flags.append(flag.strip())
-            elif line[1:].startswith('~'):
-                obsolete[0] = True
-                _process_message_line(lineno, line[2:].lstrip())
-            elif line[1:].startswith('.'):
-                # These are called auto-comments
-                comment = line[2:].strip()
-                if comment: # Just check that we're not adding empty comments
-                    auto_comments.append(comment)
-            else:
-                # These are called user comments
-                user_comments.append(line[1:].strip())
-        else:
-            _process_message_line(lineno, line)
-    if messages:
-        _add_message()
-    # No actual messages found, but there was some info in comments, from which
-    # we'll construct an empty header message
-    elif not counter[0] and (flags or user_comments or auto_comments):
-        messages.append(u'')
-        translations.append([0, u''])
-        _add_message()
-    return catalog
-WORD_SEP = re.compile('('
-    r'\s+|'                                 # any whitespace
-    r'[^\s\w]*\w+[a-zA-Z]-(?=\w+[a-zA-Z])|' # hyphenated words
-    r'(?<=[\w\!\"\'\&\.\,\?])-{2,}(?=\w)'   # em-dash
-def escape(string):
-    r"""Escape the given string so that it can be included in double-quoted
-    strings in ``PO`` files.
-    >>> escape('''Say:
-    ...   "hello, world!"
-    ... ''')
-    '"Say:\\n  \\"hello, world!\\"\\n"'
-    :param string: the string to escape
-    :return: the escaped string
-    :rtype: `str` or `unicode`
-    """
-    return '"%s"' % string.replace('\\', '\\\\') \
-                          .replace('\t', '\\t') \
-                          .replace('\r', '\\r') \
-                          .replace('\n', '\\n') \
-                          .replace('\"', '\\"')
-def normalize(string, prefix='', width=76):
-    r"""Convert a string into a format that is appropriate for .po files.
-    >>> print normalize('''Say:
-    ...   "hello, world!"
-    ... ''', width=None)
-    ""
-    "Say:\n"
-    "  \"hello, world!\"\n"
-    >>> print normalize('''Say:
-    ...   "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, "
-    ... ''', width=32)
-    ""
-    "Say:\n"
-    "  \"Lorem ipsum dolor sit "
-    "amet, consectetur adipisicing"
-    " elit, \"\n"
-    :param string: the string to normalize
-    :param prefix: a string that should be prepended to every line
-    :param width: the maximum line width; use `None`, 0, or a negative number
-                  to completely disable line wrapping
-    :return: the normalized string
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    """
-    if width and width > 0:
-        prefixlen = len(prefix)
-        lines = []
-        for idx, line in enumerate(string.splitlines(True)):
-            if len(escape(line)) + prefixlen > width:
-                chunks = WORD_SEP.split(line)
-                chunks.reverse()
-                while chunks:
-                    buf = []
-                    size = 2
-                    while chunks:
-                        l = len(escape(chunks[-1])) - 2 + prefixlen
-                        if size + l < width:
-                            buf.append(chunks.pop())
-                            size += l
-                        else:
-                            if not buf:
-                                # handle long chunks by putting them on a
-                                # separate line
-                                buf.append(chunks.pop())
-                            break
-                    lines.append(u''.join(buf))
-            else:
-                lines.append(line)
-    else:
-        lines = string.splitlines(True)
-    if len(lines) <= 1:
-        return escape(string)
-    # Remove empty trailing line
-    if lines and not lines[-1]:
-        del lines[-1]
-        lines[-1] += '\n'
-    return u'""\n' + u'\n'.join([(prefix + escape(l)) for l in lines])
-def write_po(fileobj, catalog, width=76, no_location=False, omit_header=False,
-             sort_output=False, sort_by_file=False, ignore_obsolete=False,
-             include_previous=False):
-    r"""Write a ``gettext`` PO (portable object) template file for a given
-    message catalog to the provided file-like object.
-    >>> catalog = Catalog()
-    >>> catalog.add(u'foo %(name)s', locations=[('main.py', 1)],
-    ...             flags=('fuzzy',))
-    >>> catalog.add((u'bar', u'baz'), locations=[('main.py', 3)])
-    >>> from StringIO import StringIO
-    >>> buf = StringIO()
-    >>> write_po(buf, catalog, omit_header=True)
-    >>> print buf.getvalue()
-    #: main.py:1
-    #, fuzzy, python-format
-    msgid "foo %(name)s"
-    msgstr ""
-    #: main.py:3
-    msgid "bar"
-    msgid_plural "baz"
-    msgstr[0] ""
-    msgstr[1] ""
-    :param fileobj: the file-like object to write to
-    :param catalog: the `Catalog` instance
-    :param width: the maximum line width for the generated output; use `None`,
-                  0, or a negative number to completely disable line wrapping
-    :param no_location: do not emit a location comment for every message
-    :param omit_header: do not include the ``msgid ""`` entry at the top of the
-                        output
-    :param sort_output: whether to sort the messages in the output by msgid
-    :param sort_by_file: whether to sort the messages in the output by their
-                         locations
-    :param ignore_obsolete: whether to ignore obsolete messages and not include
-                            them in the output; by default they are included as
-                            comments
-    :param include_previous: include the old msgid as a comment when
-                             updating the catalog
-    """
-    def _normalize(key, prefix=''):
-        return normalize(key, prefix=prefix, width=width) \
-            .encode(catalog.charset, 'backslashreplace')
-    def _write(text):
-        if isinstance(text, unicode):
-            text = text.encode(catalog.charset)
-        fileobj.write(text)
-    def _write_comment(comment, prefix=''):
-        lines = comment
-        if width and width > 0:
-            lines = wraptext(comment, width)
-        for line in lines:
-            _write('#%s %s\n' % (prefix, line.strip()))
-    def _write_message(message, prefix=''):
-        if isinstance(message.id, (list, tuple)):
-            _write('%smsgid %s\n' % (prefix, _normalize(message.id[0], prefix)))
-            _write('%smsgid_plural %s\n' % (
-                prefix, _normalize(message.id[1], prefix)
-            ))
-            for idx in range(catalog.num_plurals):
-                try:
-                    string = message.string[idx]
-                except IndexError:
-                    string = ''
-                _write('%smsgstr[%d] %s\n' % (
-                    prefix, idx, _normalize(string, prefix)
-                ))
-        else:
-            _write('%smsgid %s\n' % (prefix, _normalize(message.id, prefix)))
-            _write('%smsgstr %s\n' % (
-                prefix, _normalize(message.string or '', prefix)
-            ))
-    messages = list(catalog)
-    if sort_output:
-        messages.sort()
-    elif sort_by_file:
-        messages.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x.locations, y.locations))
-    for message in messages:
-        if not message.id: # This is the header "message"
-            if omit_header:
-                continue
-            comment_header = catalog.header_comment
-            if width and width > 0:
-                lines = []
-                for line in comment_header.splitlines():
-                    lines += wraptext(line, width=width,
-                                      subsequent_indent='# ')
-                comment_header = u'\n'.join(lines) + u'\n'
-            _write(comment_header)
-        for comment in message.user_comments:
-            _write_comment(comment)
-        for comment in message.auto_comments:
-            _write_comment(comment, prefix='.')
-        if not no_location:
-            locs = u' '.join([u'%s:%d' % (filename.replace(os.sep, '/'), lineno)
-                              for filename, lineno in message.locations])
-            _write_comment(locs, prefix=':')
-        if message.flags:
-            _write('#%s\n' % ', '.join([''] + list(message.flags)))
-        if message.previous_id and include_previous:
-            _write_comment('msgid %s' % _normalize(message.previous_id[0]),
-                           prefix='|')
-            if len(message.previous_id) > 1:
-                _write_comment('msgid_plural %s' % _normalize(
-                    message.previous_id[1]
-                ), prefix='|')
-        _write_message(message)
-        _write('\n')
-    if not ignore_obsolete:
-        for message in catalog.obsolete.values():
-            for comment in message.user_comments:
-                _write_comment(comment)
-            _write_message(message, prefix='#~ ')
-            _write('\n')

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/numbers.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,583 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Locale dependent formatting and parsing of numeric data.
-The default locale for the functions in this module is determined by the
-following environment variables, in that order:
- * ``LC_NUMERIC``,
- * ``LC_ALL``, and
- * ``LANG``
-# TODO:
-#  Padding and rounding increments in pattern:
-#  - http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/ (Appendix G.6)
-import math
-import re
-    from decimal import Decimal
-    have_decimal = True
-except ImportError:
-    have_decimal = False
-from babel.core import default_locale, Locale
-__all__ = ['format_number', 'format_decimal', 'format_currency',
-           'format_percent', 'format_scientific', 'parse_number',
-           'parse_decimal', 'NumberFormatError']
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
-LC_NUMERIC = default_locale('LC_NUMERIC')
-def get_currency_name(currency, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
-    """Return the name used by the locale for the specified currency.
-    >>> get_currency_name('USD', 'en_US')
-    u'US Dollar'
-    :param currency: the currency code
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
-    :return: the currency symbol
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    :since: version 0.9.4
-    """
-    return Locale.parse(locale).currencies.get(currency, currency)
-def get_currency_symbol(currency, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
-    """Return the symbol used by the locale for the specified currency.
-    >>> get_currency_symbol('USD', 'en_US')
-    u'$'
-    :param currency: the currency code
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
-    :return: the currency symbol
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    """
-    return Locale.parse(locale).currency_symbols.get(currency, currency)
-def get_decimal_symbol(locale=LC_NUMERIC):
-    """Return the symbol used by the locale to separate decimal fractions.
-    >>> get_decimal_symbol('en_US')
-    u'.'
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
-    :return: the decimal symbol
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    """
-    return Locale.parse(locale).number_symbols.get('decimal', u'.')
-def get_plus_sign_symbol(locale=LC_NUMERIC):
-    """Return the plus sign symbol used by the current locale.
-    >>> get_plus_sign_symbol('en_US')
-    u'+'
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
-    :return: the plus sign symbol
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    """
-    return Locale.parse(locale).number_symbols.get('plusSign', u'+')
-def get_minus_sign_symbol(locale=LC_NUMERIC):
-    """Return the plus sign symbol used by the current locale.
-    >>> get_minus_sign_symbol('en_US')
-    u'-'
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
-    :return: the plus sign symbol
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    """
-    return Locale.parse(locale).number_symbols.get('minusSign', u'-')
-def get_exponential_symbol(locale=LC_NUMERIC):
-    """Return the symbol used by the locale to separate mantissa and exponent.
-    >>> get_exponential_symbol('en_US')
-    u'E'
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
-    :return: the exponential symbol
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    """
-    return Locale.parse(locale).number_symbols.get('exponential', u'E')
-def get_group_symbol(locale=LC_NUMERIC):
-    """Return the symbol used by the locale to separate groups of thousands.
-    >>> get_group_symbol('en_US')
-    u','
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
-    :return: the group symbol
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    """
-    return Locale.parse(locale).number_symbols.get('group', u',')
-def format_number(number, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
-    """Return the given number formatted for a specific locale.
-    >>> format_number(1099, locale='en_US')
-    u'1,099'
-    :param number: the number to format
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
-    :return: the formatted number
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    """
-    # Do we really need this one?
-    return format_decimal(number, locale=locale)
-def format_decimal(number, format=None, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
-    """Return the given decimal number formatted for a specific locale.
-    >>> format_decimal(1.2345, locale='en_US')
-    u'1.234'
-    >>> format_decimal(1.2346, locale='en_US')
-    u'1.235'
-    >>> format_decimal(-1.2346, locale='en_US')
-    u'-1.235'
-    >>> format_decimal(1.2345, locale='sv_SE')
-    u'1,234'
-    >>> format_decimal(12345, locale='de')
-    u'12.345'
-    The appropriate thousands grouping and the decimal separator are used for
-    each locale:
-    >>> format_decimal(12345.5, locale='en_US')
-    u'12,345.5'
-    :param number: the number to format
-    :param format: 
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
-    :return: the formatted decimal number
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    """
-    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-    if not format:
-        format = locale.decimal_formats.get(format)
-    pattern = parse_pattern(format)
-    return pattern.apply(number, locale)
-def format_currency(number, currency, format=None, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
-    u"""Return formatted currency value.
-    >>> format_currency(1099.98, 'USD', locale='en_US')
-    u'$1,099.98'
-    >>> format_currency(1099.98, 'USD', locale='es_CO')
-    u'US$\\xa01.099,98'
-    >>> format_currency(1099.98, 'EUR', locale='de_DE')
-    u'1.099,98\\xa0\\u20ac'
-    The pattern can also be specified explicitly:
-    >>> format_currency(1099.98, 'EUR', u'\xa4\xa4 #,##0.00', locale='en_US')
-    u'EUR 1,099.98'
-    :param number: the number to format
-    :param currency: the currency code
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
-    :return: the formatted currency value
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    """
-    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-    if not format:
-        format = locale.currency_formats.get(format)
-    pattern = parse_pattern(format)
-    return pattern.apply(number, locale, currency=currency)
-def format_percent(number, format=None, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
-    """Return formatted percent value for a specific locale.
-    >>> format_percent(0.34, locale='en_US')
-    u'34%'
-    >>> format_percent(25.1234, locale='en_US')
-    u'2,512%'
-    >>> format_percent(25.1234, locale='sv_SE')
-    u'2\\xa0512\\xa0%'
-    The format pattern can also be specified explicitly:
-    >>> format_percent(25.1234, u'#,##0\u2030', locale='en_US')
-    u'25,123\u2030'
-    :param number: the percent number to format
-    :param format: 
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
-    :return: the formatted percent number
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    """
-    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-    if not format:
-        format = locale.percent_formats.get(format)
-    pattern = parse_pattern(format)
-    return pattern.apply(number, locale)
-def format_scientific(number, format=None, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
-    """Return value formatted in scientific notation for a specific locale.
-    >>> format_scientific(10000, locale='en_US')
-    u'1E4'
-    The format pattern can also be specified explicitly:
-    >>> format_scientific(1234567, u'##0E00', locale='en_US')
-    u'1.23E06'
-    :param number: the number to format
-    :param format: 
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
-    :return: value formatted in scientific notation.
-    :rtype: `unicode`
-    """
-    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-    if not format:
-        format = locale.scientific_formats.get(format)
-    pattern = parse_pattern(format)
-    return pattern.apply(number, locale)
-class NumberFormatError(ValueError):
-    """Exception raised when a string cannot be parsed into a number."""
-def parse_number(string, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
-    """Parse localized number string into a long integer.
-    >>> parse_number('1,099', locale='en_US')
-    1099L
-    >>> parse_number('1.099', locale='de_DE')
-    1099L
-    When the given string cannot be parsed, an exception is raised:
-    >>> parse_number('1.099,98', locale='de')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-        ...
-    NumberFormatError: '1.099,98' is not a valid number
-    :param string: the string to parse
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
-    :return: the parsed number
-    :rtype: `long`
-    :raise `NumberFormatError`: if the string can not be converted to a number
-    """
-    try:
-        return long(string.replace(get_group_symbol(locale), ''))
-    except ValueError:
-        raise NumberFormatError('%r is not a valid number' % string)
-def parse_decimal(string, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
-    """Parse localized decimal string into a float.
-    >>> parse_decimal('1,099.98', locale='en_US')
-    1099.98
-    >>> parse_decimal('1.099,98', locale='de')
-    1099.98
-    When the given string cannot be parsed, an exception is raised:
-    >>> parse_decimal('2,109,998', locale='de')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-        ...
-    NumberFormatError: '2,109,998' is not a valid decimal number
-    :param string: the string to parse
-    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
-    :return: the parsed decimal number
-    :rtype: `float`
-    :raise `NumberFormatError`: if the string can not be converted to a
-                                decimal number
-    """
-    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-    try:
-        return float(string.replace(get_group_symbol(locale), '')
-                           .replace(get_decimal_symbol(locale), '.'))
-    except ValueError:
-        raise NumberFormatError('%r is not a valid decimal number' % string)
-PREFIX_END = r'[^0-9@#.,]'
-NUMBER_TOKEN = r'[0-9@#.\-,E+]'
-PREFIX_PATTERN = r"(?P<prefix>(?:'[^']*'|%s)*)" % PREFIX_END
-NUMBER_PATTERN = r"(?P<number>%s+)" % NUMBER_TOKEN
-SUFFIX_PATTERN = r"(?P<suffix>.*)"
-number_re = re.compile(r"%s%s%s" % (PREFIX_PATTERN, NUMBER_PATTERN,
-                                    SUFFIX_PATTERN))
-def split_number(value):
-    """Convert a number into a (intasstring, fractionasstring) tuple"""
-    if have_decimal and isinstance(value, Decimal):
-        text = str(value)
-    else:
-        text = ('%.9f' % value).rstrip('0')
-    if '.' in text:
-        a, b = text.split('.', 1)
-        if b == '0':
-            b = ''
-    else:
-        a, b = text, ''
-    return a, b
-def bankersround(value, ndigits=0):
-    """Round a number to a given precision.
-    Works like round() except that the round-half-even (banker's rounding)
-    algorithm is used instead of round-half-up.
-    >>> bankersround(5.5, 0)
-    6.0
-    >>> bankersround(6.5, 0)
-    6.0
-    >>> bankersround(-6.5, 0)
-    -6.0
-    >>> bankersround(1234.0, -2)
-    1200.0
-    """
-    sign = int(value < 0) and -1 or 1
-    value = abs(value)
-    a, b = split_number(value)
-    digits = a + b
-    add = 0
-    i = len(a) + ndigits
-    if i < 0 or i >= len(digits):
-        pass
-    elif digits[i] > '5':
-        add = 1
-    elif digits[i] == '5' and digits[i-1] in '13579':
-        add = 1
-    scale = 10**ndigits
-    if have_decimal and isinstance(value, Decimal):
-        return Decimal(int(value * scale + add)) / scale * sign
-    else:
-        return float(int(value * scale + add)) / scale * sign
-def parse_pattern(pattern):
-    """Parse number format patterns"""
-    if isinstance(pattern, NumberPattern):
-        return pattern
-    # Do we have a negative subpattern?
-    if ';' in pattern:
-        pattern, neg_pattern = pattern.split(';', 1)
-        pos_prefix, number, pos_suffix = number_re.search(pattern).groups()
-        neg_prefix, _, neg_suffix = number_re.search(neg_pattern).groups()
-    else:
-        pos_prefix, number, pos_suffix = number_re.search(pattern).groups()
-        neg_prefix = '-' + pos_prefix
-        neg_suffix = pos_suffix
-    if 'E' in number:
-        number, exp = number.split('E', 1)
-    else:
-        exp = None
-    if '@' in number:
-        if '.' in number and '0' in number:
-            raise ValueError('Significant digit patterns can not contain '
-                             '"@" or "0"')
-    if '.' in number:
-        integer, fraction = number.rsplit('.', 1)
-    else:
-        integer = number
-        fraction = ''
-    min_frac = max_frac = 0
-    def parse_precision(p):
-        """Calculate the min and max allowed digits"""
-        min = max = 0
-        for c in p:
-            if c in '@0':
-                min += 1
-                max += 1
-            elif c == '#':
-                max += 1
-            elif c == ',':
-                continue
-            else:
-                break
-        return min, max
-    def parse_grouping(p):
-        """Parse primary and secondary digit grouping
-        >>> parse_grouping('##')
-        0, 0
-        >>> parse_grouping('#,###')
-        3, 3
-        >>> parse_grouping('#,####,###')
-        3, 4
-        """
-        width = len(p)
-        g1 = p.rfind(',')
-        if g1 == -1:
-            return 1000, 1000
-        g1 = width - g1 - 1
-        g2 = p[:-g1 - 1].rfind(',')
-        if g2 == -1:
-            return g1, g1
-        g2 = width - g1 - g2 - 2
-        return g1, g2
-    int_prec = parse_precision(integer)
-    frac_prec = parse_precision(fraction)
-    if exp:
-        frac_prec = parse_precision(integer+fraction)
-        exp_plus = exp.startswith('+')
-        exp = exp.lstrip('+')
-        exp_prec = parse_precision(exp)
-    else:
-        exp_plus = None
-        exp_prec = None
-    grouping = parse_grouping(integer)
-    return NumberPattern(pattern, (pos_prefix, neg_prefix), 
-                         (pos_suffix, neg_suffix), grouping,
-                         int_prec, frac_prec, 
-                         exp_prec, exp_plus)
-class NumberPattern(object):
-    def __init__(self, pattern, prefix, suffix, grouping,
-                 int_prec, frac_prec, exp_prec, exp_plus):
-        self.pattern = pattern
-        self.prefix = prefix
-        self.suffix = suffix
-        self.grouping = grouping
-        self.int_prec = int_prec
-        self.frac_prec = frac_prec
-        self.exp_prec = exp_prec
-        self.exp_plus = exp_plus
-        if '%' in ''.join(self.prefix + self.suffix):
-            self.scale = 100
-        elif u'‰' in ''.join(self.prefix + self.suffix):
-            self.scale = 1000
-        else:
-            self.scale = 1
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s %r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.pattern)
-    def apply(self, value, locale, currency=None):
-        value *= self.scale
-        is_negative = int(value < 0)
-        if self.exp_prec: # Scientific notation
-            value = abs(value)
-            if value:
-                exp = int(math.floor(math.log(value, 10)))
-            else:
-                exp = 0
-            # Minimum number of integer digits
-            if self.int_prec[0] == self.int_prec[1]:
-                exp -= self.int_prec[0] - 1
-            # Exponent grouping
-            elif self.int_prec[1]:
-                exp = int(exp) / self.int_prec[1] * self.int_prec[1]
-            if not have_decimal or not isinstance(value, Decimal):
-                value = float(value)
-            if exp < 0:
-                value = value * 10**(-exp)
-            else:
-                value = value / 10**exp
-            exp_sign = ''
-            if exp < 0:
-                exp_sign = get_minus_sign_symbol(locale)
-            elif self.exp_plus:
-                exp_sign = get_plus_sign_symbol(locale)
-            exp = abs(exp)
-            number = u'%s%s%s%s' % \
-                 (self._format_sigdig(value, self.frac_prec[0], 
-                                     self.frac_prec[1]), 
-                  get_exponential_symbol(locale),  exp_sign,
-                  self._format_int(str(exp), self.exp_prec[0],
-                                   self.exp_prec[1], locale))
-        elif '@' in self.pattern: # Is it a siginificant digits pattern?
-            text = self._format_sigdig(abs(value),
-                                      self.int_prec[0],
-                                      self.int_prec[1])
-            if '.' in text:
-                a, b = text.split('.')
-                a = self._format_int(a, 0, 1000, locale)
-                if b:
-                    b = get_decimal_symbol(locale) + b
-                number = a + b
-            else:
-                number = self._format_int(text, 0, 1000, locale)
-        else: # A normal number pattern
-            a, b = split_number(bankersround(abs(value), 
-                                             self.frac_prec[1]))
-            b = b or '0'
-            a = self._format_int(a, self.int_prec[0],
-                                 self.int_prec[1], locale)
-            b = self._format_frac(b, locale)
-            number = a + b
-        retval = u'%s%s%s' % (self.prefix[is_negative], number,
-                                self.suffix[is_negative])
-        if u'¤' in retval:
-            retval = retval.replace(u'¤¤', currency.upper())
-            retval = retval.replace(u'¤', get_currency_symbol(currency, locale))
-        return retval
-    def _format_sigdig(self, value, min, max):
-        """Convert value to a string.
-        The resulting string will contain between (min, max) number of
-        significant digits.
-        """
-        a, b = split_number(value)
-        ndecimals = len(a)
-        if a == '0' and b != '':
-            ndecimals = 0
-            while b.startswith('0'):
-                b = b[1:]
-                ndecimals -= 1
-        a, b = split_number(bankersround(value, max - ndecimals))
-        digits = len((a + b).lstrip('0'))
-        if not digits:
-            digits = 1
-        # Figure out if we need to add any trailing '0':s
-        if len(a) >= max and a != '0':
-            return a
-        if digits < min:
-            b += ('0' * (min - digits))
-        if b:
-            return '%s.%s' % (a, b)
-        return a
-    def _format_int(self, value, min, max, locale):
-        width = len(value)
-        if width < min:
-            value = '0' * (min - width) + value
-        gsize = self.grouping[0]
-        ret = ''
-        symbol = get_group_symbol(locale)
-        while len(value) > gsize:
-            ret = symbol + value[-gsize:] + ret
-            value = value[:-gsize]
-            gsize = self.grouping[1]
-        return value + ret
-    def _format_frac(self, value, locale):
-        min, max = self.frac_prec
-        if len(value) < min:
-            value += ('0' * (min - len(value)))
-        if max == 0 or (min == 0 and int(value) == 0):
-            return ''
-        width = len(value)
-        while len(value) > min and value[-1] == '0':
-            value = value[:-1]
-        return get_decimal_symbol(locale) + value

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/support.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Several classes and functions that help with integrating and using Babel
-in applications.
-.. note: the code in this module is not used by Babel itself
-from datetime import date, datetime, time
-import gettext
-    set
-except NameError:
-    from sets import set
-from babel.core import Locale
-from babel.dates import format_date, format_datetime, format_time, LC_TIME
-from babel.numbers import format_number, format_decimal, format_currency, \
-                          format_percent, format_scientific, LC_NUMERIC
-from babel.util import UTC
-__all__ = ['Format', 'LazyProxy', 'Translations']
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
-class Format(object):
-    """Wrapper class providing the various date and number formatting functions
-    bound to a specific locale and time-zone.
-    >>> fmt = Format('en_US', UTC)
-    >>> fmt.date(date(2007, 4, 1))
-    u'Apr 1, 2007'
-    >>> fmt.decimal(1.2345)
-    u'1.234'
-    """
-    def __init__(self, locale, tzinfo=None):
-        """Initialize the formatter.
-        :param locale: the locale identifier or `Locale` instance
-        :param tzinfo: the time-zone info (a `tzinfo` instance or `None`)
-        """
-        self.locale = Locale.parse(locale)
-        self.tzinfo = tzinfo
-    def date(self, date=None, format='medium'):
-        """Return a date formatted according to the given pattern.
-        >>> fmt = Format('en_US')
-        >>> fmt.date(date(2007, 4, 1))
-        u'Apr 1, 2007'
-        :see: `babel.dates.format_date`
-        """
-        return format_date(date, format, locale=self.locale)
-    def datetime(self, datetime=None, format='medium'):
-        """Return a date and time formatted according to the given pattern.
-        >>> from pytz import timezone
-        >>> fmt = Format('en_US', tzinfo=timezone('US/Eastern'))
-        >>> fmt.datetime(datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30))
-        u'Apr 1, 2007 11:30:00 AM'
-        :see: `babel.dates.format_datetime`
-        """
-        return format_datetime(datetime, format, tzinfo=self.tzinfo,
-                               locale=self.locale)
-    def time(self, time=None, format='medium'):
-        """Return a time formatted according to the given pattern.
-        >>> from pytz import timezone
-        >>> fmt = Format('en_US', tzinfo=timezone('US/Eastern'))
-        >>> fmt.time(datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30))
-        u'11:30:00 AM'
-        :see: `babel.dates.format_time`
-        """
-        return format_time(time, format, tzinfo=self.tzinfo, locale=self.locale)
-    def number(self, number):
-        """Return an integer number formatted for the locale.
-        >>> fmt = Format('en_US')
-        >>> fmt.number(1099)
-        u'1,099'
-        :see: `babel.numbers.format_number`
-        """
-        return format_number(number, locale=self.locale)
-    def decimal(self, number, format=None):
-        """Return a decimal number formatted for the locale.
-        >>> fmt = Format('en_US')
-        >>> fmt.decimal(1.2345)
-        u'1.234'
-        :see: `babel.numbers.format_decimal`
-        """
-        return format_decimal(number, format, locale=self.locale)
-    def currency(self, number, currency):
-        """Return a number in the given currency formatted for the locale.
-        :see: `babel.numbers.format_currency`
-        """
-        return format_currency(number, currency, locale=self.locale)
-    def percent(self, number, format=None):
-        """Return a number formatted as percentage for the locale.
-        >>> fmt = Format('en_US')
-        >>> fmt.percent(0.34)
-        u'34%'
-        :see: `babel.numbers.format_percent`
-        """
-        return format_percent(number, format, locale=self.locale)
-    def scientific(self, number):
-        """Return a number formatted using scientific notation for the locale.
-        :see: `babel.numbers.format_scientific`
-        """
-        return format_scientific(number, locale=self.locale)
-class LazyProxy(object):
-    """Class for proxy objects that delegate to a specified function to evaluate
-    the actual object.
-    >>> def greeting(name='world'):
-    ...     return 'Hello, %s!' % name
-    >>> lazy_greeting = LazyProxy(greeting, name='Joe')
-    >>> print lazy_greeting
-    Hello, Joe!
-    >>> u'  ' + lazy_greeting
-    u'  Hello, Joe!'
-    >>> u'(%s)' % lazy_greeting
-    u'(Hello, Joe!)'
-    This can be used, for example, to implement lazy translation functions that
-    delay the actual translation until the string is actually used. The
-    rationale for such behavior is that the locale of the user may not always
-    be available. In web applications, you only know the locale when processing
-    a request.
-    The proxy implementation attempts to be as complete as possible, so that
-    the lazy objects should mostly work as expected, for example for sorting:
-    >>> greetings = [
-    ...     LazyProxy(greeting, 'world'),
-    ...     LazyProxy(greeting, 'Joe'),
-    ...     LazyProxy(greeting, 'universe'),
-    ... ]
-    >>> greetings.sort()
-    >>> for greeting in greetings:
-    ...     print greeting
-    Hello, Joe!
-    Hello, universe!
-    Hello, world!
-    """
-    __slots__ = ['_func', '_args', '_kwargs', '_value']
-    def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
-        # Avoid triggering our own __setattr__ implementation
-        object.__setattr__(self, '_func', func)
-        object.__setattr__(self, '_args', args)
-        object.__setattr__(self, '_kwargs', kwargs)
-        object.__setattr__(self, '_value', None)
-    def value(self):
-        if self._value is None:
-            value = self._func(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
-            object.__setattr__(self, '_value', value)
-        return self._value
-    value = property(value)
-    def __contains__(self, key):
-        return key in self.value
-    def __nonzero__(self):
-        return bool(self.value)
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return dir(self.value)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return iter(self.value)
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self.value)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return str(self.value)
-    def __unicode__(self):
-        return unicode(self.value)
-    def __add__(self, other):
-        return self.value + other
-    def __radd__(self, other):
-        return other + self.value
-    def __mod__(self, other):
-        return self.value % other
-    def __rmod__(self, other):
-        return other % self.value
-    def __mul__(self, other):
-        return self.value * other
-    def __rmul__(self, other):
-        return other * self.value
-    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        return self.value(*args, **kwargs)
-    def __lt__(self, other):
-        return self.value < other
-    def __le__(self, other):
-        return self.value <= other
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return self.value == other
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        return self.value != other
-    def __gt__(self, other):
-        return self.value > other
-    def __ge__(self, other):
-        return self.value >= other
-    def __delattr__(self, name):
-        delattr(self.value, name)
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        return getattr(self.value, name)
-    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
-        setattr(self.value, name, value)
-    def __delitem__(self, key):
-        del self.value[key]
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        return self.value[key]
-    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
-        self.value[key] = value
-class Translations(gettext.GNUTranslations, object):
-    """An extended translation catalog class."""
-    DEFAULT_DOMAIN = 'messages'
-    def __init__(self, fileobj=None, domain=DEFAULT_DOMAIN):
-        """Initialize the translations catalog.
-        :param fileobj: the file-like object the translation should be read
-                        from
-        """
-        gettext.GNUTranslations.__init__(self, fp=fileobj)
-        self.files = filter(None, [getattr(fileobj, 'name', None)])
-        self.domain = domain
-        self._domains = {}
-    def load(cls, dirname=None, locales=None, domain=DEFAULT_DOMAIN):
-        """Load translations from the given directory.
-        :param dirname: the directory containing the ``MO`` files
-        :param locales: the list of locales in order of preference (items in
-                        this list can be either `Locale` objects or locale
-                        strings)
-        :param domain: the message domain
-        :return: the loaded catalog, or a ``NullTranslations`` instance if no
-                 matching translations were found
-        :rtype: `Translations`
-        """
-        if locales is not None:
-            if not isinstance(locales, (list, tuple)):
-                locales = [locales]
-            locales = [str(locale) for locale in locales]
-        if not domain:
-            domain = cls.DEFAULT_DOMAIN
-        filename = gettext.find(domain, dirname, locales)
-        if not filename:
-            return gettext.NullTranslations()
-        return cls(fileobj=open(filename, 'rb'), domain=domain)
-    load = classmethod(load)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s: "%s">' % (type(self).__name__,
-                               self._info.get('project-id-version'))
-    def add(self, translations, merge=True):
-        """Add the given translations to the catalog.
-        If the domain of the translations is different than that of the
-        current catalog, they are added as a catalog that is only accessible
-        by the various ``d*gettext`` functions.
-        :param translations: the `Translations` instance with the messages to
-                             add
-        :param merge: whether translations for message domains that have
-                      already been added should be merged with the existing
-                      translations
-        :return: the `Translations` instance (``self``) so that `merge` calls
-                 can be easily chained
-        :rtype: `Translations`
-        """
-        domain = getattr(translations, 'domain', self.DEFAULT_DOMAIN)
-        if merge and domain == self.domain:
-            return self.merge(translations)
-        existing = self._domains.get(domain)
-        if merge and existing is not None:
-            existing.merge(translations)
-        else:
-            translations.add_fallback(self)
-            self._domains[domain] = translations
-        return self
-    def merge(self, translations):
-        """Merge the given translations into the catalog.
-        Message translations in the specified catalog override any messages
-        with the same identifier in the existing catalog.
-        :param translations: the `Translations` instance with the messages to
-                             merge
-        :return: the `Translations` instance (``self``) so that `merge` calls
-                 can be easily chained
-        :rtype: `Translations`
-        """
-        if isinstance(translations, gettext.GNUTranslations):
-            self._catalog.update(translations._catalog)
-            if isinstance(translations, Translations):
-                self.files.extend(translations.files)
-        return self
-    def dgettext(self, domain, message):
-        """Like ``gettext()``, but look the message up in the specified
-        domain.
-        """
-        return self._domains.get(domain, self).gettext(message)
-    def ldgettext(self, domain, message):
-        """Like ``lgettext()``, but look the message up in the specified 
-        domain.
-        """ 
-        return self._domains.get(domain, self).lgettext(message)
-    def dugettext(self, domain, message):
-        """Like ``ugettext()``, but look the message up in the specified
-        domain.
-        """
-        return self._domains.get(domain, self).ugettext(message)
-    def dngettext(self, domain, singular, plural, num):
-        """Like ``ngettext()``, but look the message up in the specified
-        domain.
-        """
-        return self._domains.get(domain, self).ngettext(singular, plural, num)
-    def ldngettext(self, domain, singular, plural, num):
-        """Like ``lngettext()``, but look the message up in the specified
-        domain.
-        """
-        return self._domains.get(domain, self).lngettext(singular, plural, num)
-    def dungettext(self, domain, singular, plural, num):
-        """Like ``ungettext()`` but look the message up in the specified
-        domain.
-        """
-        return self._domains.get(domain, self).ungettext(singular, plural, num)

--- a/ckan_deps/babel/util.py	Fri Feb 18 18:41:46 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
-# All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Various utility classes and functions."""
-import codecs
-from datetime import timedelta, tzinfo
-import os
-import re
-    set
-except NameError:
-    from sets import Set as set
-import textwrap
-import time
-from itertools import izip, imap
-missing = object()
-__all__ = ['distinct', 'pathmatch', 'relpath', 'wraptext', 'odict', 'UTC',
-           'LOCALTZ']
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
-def distinct(iterable):
-    """Yield all items in an iterable collection that are distinct.
-    Unlike when using sets for a similar effect, the original ordering of the
-    items in the collection is preserved by this function.
-    >>> print list(distinct([1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4]))
-    [1, 2, 3, 4]
-    >>> print list(distinct('foobar'))
-    ['f', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r']
-    :param iterable: the iterable collection providing the data
-    :return: the distinct items in the collection
-    :rtype: ``iterator``
-    """
-    seen = set()
-    for item in iter(iterable):
-        if item not in seen:
-            yield item
-            seen.add(item)
-# Regexp to match python magic encoding line
-PYTHON_MAGIC_COMMENT_re = re.compile(
-    r'[ \t\f]* \# .* coding[=:][ \t]*([-\w.]+)', re.VERBOSE)
-def parse_encoding(fp):
-    """Deduce the encoding of a source file from magic comment.
-    It does this in the same way as the `Python interpreter`__
-    .. __: http://docs.python.org/ref/encodings.html
-    The ``fp`` argument should be a seekable file object.
-    (From Jeff Dairiki)
-    """
-    pos = fp.tell()
-    fp.seek(0)
-    try:
-        line1 = fp.readline()
-        has_bom = line1.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8)
-        if has_bom:
-            line1 = line1[len(codecs.BOM_UTF8):]
-        m = PYTHON_MAGIC_COMMENT_re.match(line1)
-        if not m:
-            try:
-                import parser
-                parser.suite(line1)
-            except (ImportError, SyntaxError):
-                # Either it's a real syntax error, in which case the source is
-                # not valid python source, or line2 is a continuation of line1,
-                # in which case we don't want to scan line2 for a magic
-                # comment.
-                pass
-            else:
-                line2 = fp.readline()
-                m = PYTHON_MAGIC_COMMENT_re.match(line2)
-        if has_bom:
-            if m:
-                raise SyntaxError(
-                    "python refuses to compile code with both a UTF8 "
-                    "byte-order-mark and a magic encoding comment")
-            return 'utf_8'
-        elif m:
-            return m.group(1)
-        else:
-            return None
-    finally:
-        fp.seek(pos)
-def pathmatch(pattern, filename):
-    """Extended pathname pattern matching.
-    This function is similar to what is provided by the ``fnmatch`` module in
-    the Python standard library, but:
-     * can match complete (relative or absolute) path names, and not just file
-       names, and
-     * also supports a convenience pattern ("**") to match files at any
-       directory level.
-    Examples:
-    >>> pathmatch('**.py', 'bar.py')
-    True
-    >>> pathmatch('**.py', 'foo/bar/baz.py')
-    True
-    >>> pathmatch('**.py', 'templates/index.html')
-    False
-    >>> pathmatch('**/templates/*.html', 'templates/index.html')
-    True
-    >>> pathmatch('**/templates/*.html', 'templates/foo/bar.html')
-    False
-    :param pattern: the glob pattern
-    :param filename: the path name of the file to match against
-    :return: `True` if the path name matches the pattern, `False` otherwise
-    :rtype: `bool`
-    """
-    symbols = {
-        '?':   '[^/]',
-        '?/':  '[^/]/',
-        '*':   '[^/]+',
-        '*/':  '[^/]+/',
-        '**/': '(?:.+/)*?',
-        '**':  '(?:.+/)*?[^/]+',
-    }
-    buf = []
-    for idx, part in enumerate(re.split('([?*]+/?)', pattern)):
-        if idx % 2:
-            buf.append(symbols[part])
-        elif part:
-            buf.append(re.escape(part))
-    match = re.match(''.join(buf) + '$', filename.replace(os.sep, '/'))
-    return match is not None
-class TextWrapper(textwrap.TextWrapper):
-    wordsep_re = re.compile(
-        r'(\s+|'                                  # any whitespace
-        r'(?<=[\w\!\"\'\&\.\,\?])-{2,}(?=\w))'    # em-dash
-    )
-def wraptext(text, width=70, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=''):
-    """Simple wrapper around the ``textwrap.wrap`` function in the standard
-    library. This version does not wrap lines on hyphens in words.
-    :param text: the text to wrap
-    :param width: the maximum line width
-    :param initial_indent: string that will be prepended to the first line of
-                           wrapped output
-    :param subsequent_indent: string that will be prepended to all lines save
-                              the first of wrapped output
-    :return: a list of lines
-    :rtype: `list`
-    """
-    wrapper = TextWrapper(width=width, initial_indent=initial_indent,
-                          subsequent_indent=subsequent_indent,
-                          break_long_words=False)
-    return wrapper.wrap(text)
-class odict(dict):
-    """Ordered dict implementation.
-    :see: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/107747
-    """
-    def __init__(self, data=None):
-        dict.__init__(self, data or {})
-        self._keys = dict.keys(self)
-    def __delitem__(self, key):
-        dict.__delitem__(self, key)
-        self._keys.remove(key)
-    def __setitem__(self, key, item):
-        dict.__setitem__(self, key, item)
-        if key not in self._keys:
-            self._keys.append(key)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return iter(self._keys)
-    iterkeys = __iter__
-    def clear(self):
-        dict.clear(self)
-        self._keys = []
-    def copy(self):
-        d = odict()
-        d.update(self)
-        return d
-    def items(self):
-        return zip(self._keys, self.values())
-    def iteritems(self):
-        return izip(self._keys, self.itervalues())
-    def keys(self):
-        return self._keys[:]
-    def pop(self, key, default=missing):
-        if default is missing:
-            return dict.pop(self, key)
-        elif key not in self:
-            return default
-        self._keys.remove(key)
-        return dict.pop(self, key, default)
-    def popitem(self, key):
-        self._keys.remove(key)
-        return dict.popitem(key)
-    def setdefault(self, key, failobj = None):
-        dict.setdefault(self, key, failobj)
-        if key not in self._keys:
-            self._keys.append(key)
-    def update(self, dict):
-        for (key, val) in dict.items():
-            self[key] = val
-    def values(self):
-        return map(self.get, self._keys)
-    def itervalues(self):
-        return imap(self.get, self._keys)
-    relpath = os.path.relpath
-except AttributeError:
-    def relpath(path, start='.'):
-        """Compute the relative path to one path from another.
-        >>> relpath('foo/bar.txt', '').replace(os.sep, '/')
-        'foo/bar.txt'
-        >>> relpath('foo/bar.txt', 'foo').replace(os.sep, '/')
-        'bar.txt'
-        >>> relpath('foo/bar.txt', 'baz').replace(os.sep, '/')
-        '../foo/bar.txt'
-        :return: the relative path
-        :rtype: `basestring`
-        """
-        start_list = os.path.abspath(start).split(os.sep)
-        path_list = os.path.abspath(path).split(os.sep)
-        # Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path.
-        i = len(os.path.commonprefix([start_list, path_list]))
-        rel_list = [os.path.pardir] * (len(start_list) - i) + path_list[i:]
-        return os.path.join(*rel_list)
-ZERO = timedelta(0)
-class FixedOffsetTimezone(tzinfo):
-    """Fixed offset in minutes east from UTC."""
-    def __init__(self, offset, name=None):
-        self._offset = timedelta(minutes=offset)
-        if name is None:
-            name = 'Etc/GMT+%d' % offset
-        self.zone = name
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.zone
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<FixedOffset "%s" %s>' % (self.zone, self._offset)
-    def utcoffset(self, dt):
-        return self._offset
-    def tzname(self, dt):
-        return self.zone
-    def dst(self, dt):
-        return ZERO
-    from pytz import UTC
-except ImportError:
-    UTC = FixedOffsetTimezone(0, 'UTC')
-    """`tzinfo` object for UTC (Universal Time).
-    :type: `tzinfo`
-    """
-STDOFFSET = timedelta(seconds = -time.timezone)
-if time.daylight:
-    DSTOFFSET = timedelta(seconds = -time.altzone)
-class LocalTimezone(tzinfo):
-    def utcoffset(self, dt):
-        if self._isdst(dt):
-            return DSTOFFSET
-        else:
-            return STDOFFSET
-    def dst(self, dt):
-        if self._isdst(dt):
-            return DSTDIFF
-        else:
-            return ZERO
-    def tzname(self, dt):
-        return time.tzname[self._isdst(dt)]
-    def _isdst(self, dt):
-        tt = (dt.year, dt.month, dt.day,
-              dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,
-              dt.weekday(), 0, -1)
-        stamp = time.mktime(tt)
-        tt = time.localtime(stamp)
-        return tt.tm_isdst > 0
-LOCALTZ = LocalTimezone()
-"""`tzinfo` object for local time-zone.
-:type: `tzinfo`

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