[ckan-changes] commit/ckan: John Lawrence Aspden: [authz][s]: code tidying

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Mon May 16 17:41:51 UTC 2011

1 new changeset in ckan:

changeset:   r3088:680d24d106a0
branch:      feature-1074-authz-wui
user:        John Lawrence Aspden
date:        2011-05-16 19:41:31
summary:     [authz][s]: code tidying
affected #:  1 file (8 bytes)

--- a/ckan/tests/functional/test_package_edit_authz.py	Mon May 16 18:24:06 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan/tests/functional/test_package_edit_authz.py	Mon May 16 18:41:31 2011 +0100
@@ -23,11 +23,6 @@
    return theform
-def package_roles(pkgname):
-    pkg = model.Package.by_name(pkgname)
-    list = [ (r.user.name, r.role) for r in pkg.roles if r.user]
-    list.extend([(r.authorized_group.name, r.role) for r in pkg.roles if r.authorized_group])
-    return list
 class TestPackageEditAuthz(TestController):
@@ -94,10 +89,28 @@
         # all the package's users and roles should appear in tables
         assert '<tr' in res
-        for (user,role) in package_roles(self.pkgname):
+        for (user,role) in self.package_roles():
             assert user in res
             assert role in res
+    def package_roles(self):
+        pkg = model.Package.by_name(self.pkgname)
+        list = [ (r.user.name, r.role) for r in pkg.roles if r.user]
+        list.extend([(r.authorized_group.name, r.role) for r in pkg.roles if r.authorized_group])
+        return list
+    def assert_package_roles_to_be(self, roles_list):
+        prs=self.package_roles()
+        ok = ( len(prs) == len(roles_list) )
+        for r in roles_list:
+           if not r in prs:
+               ok = False
+        if not ok:
+           print "expected roles: ", roles_list
+           print "actual roles: ", prs
+           assert False, "roles not as expected"
     def change_roles(self, user):
         # load authz page
         offset = url_for(controller='package', action='authz', id=self.pkgname)
@@ -241,19 +254,6 @@
-    def assert_package_roles_to_be(self, roles_list):
-        prs=package_roles(self.pkgname)
-        ok = ( len(prs) == len(roles_list) )
-        for r in roles_list:
-           if not r in prs:
-               ok = False
-        if not ok:
-           print "expected roles: ", roles_list
-           print "actual roles: ", prs
-           assert False, "roles not as expected"
     def test_5_add_change_delete_authzgroup(self):

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