[ckan-changes] commit/ckan-debs-public: 2 new changesets

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Tue May 17 13:16:55 UTC 2011

2 new changesets in ckan-debs-public:

changeset:   r10:f38aa6591e68
user:        jame... at okfn.org
date:        2011-05-13 23:07:44
summary:     Initial refactor of the install approach
affected #:  7 files (20.6 KB)

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ckan-common/DEBIAN/control	Fri May 13 22:07:44 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Package: ckan-common
+Version: 1.3.4~01
+Architecture: amd64
+Maintainer: James Gardner <james.gardner at okfn.org>
+Installed-Size: 0
+Depends: python-ckan
+Recommends: postgresql, curl
+Section: main/web
+Priority: extra
+Homepage: http://ckan.org
+Description: ckan
+ Common files useful for managing CKAN installations

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ckan-common/usr/lib/ckan/common.sh	Fri May 13 22:07:44 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+log () {
+    echo "ckan: hello" $1
+maintenance_on () {
+    local instance
+    instance=$1
+    $_echo a2dissite ${instance} &> /dev/null
+    $_echo a2ensite  ${instance}.maint &> /dev/null
+    $_echo service apache2 reload &> /dev/null
+maintenance_off () {
+    local instance
+    instance=$1
+    $_echo a2dissite ${instance}.maint &> /dev/null
+    $_echo a2ensite  ${instance} &> /dev/null
+    $_echo service apache2 reload &> /dev/null
+ensure_users_and_groups () {
+    local user group ckan_users
+    user="ckan"
+    group="${user}"
+    ckan_users="www-data okfn"
+    COMMAND_OUTPUT=`cat /etc/group | grep "ckan"`
+    if ! [[ "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ ckan ]] ; then
+        sudo groupadd --system        ${group}
+    fi
+    for u in ${ckan_users} ; do
+      grep -q "^${u}:"  /etc/passwd && sudo usermod -a -G ${group} ${u}
+    done
+    COMMAND_OUTPUT=`cat /etc/passwd | grep "ckan"`
+    if ! [[ "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ ckan ]] ; then
+        sudo useradd  --system  --gid ${group}  --home /var/lib/ckan -M  --shell /usr/sbin/nologin  ${user}
+    fi
+make_ckan_directories () {
+    local instance
+    if [ "X$1" = "X" ] ; then
+        echo "ERROR: call the function make_ckan_directories with an instance name, e.g." 
+        echo "       dgu"
+        exit 1
+    else
+        instance=$1
+        mkdir -p -m 0755 /etc/ckan/${instance}
+        mkdir -p -m 2750 /var/lib/ckan/${instance}{,/static}
+        mkdir -p -m 2770 /var/{backup,log}/ckan/${instance} /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/{data,sstore,static/dump}
+        chgrp -R ckan /var/lib/ckan/
+        chgrp -R ckan /var/backup/ckan/
+        chgrp -R ckan /var/log/ckan/
+    fi
+create_who_ini () {
+    local instance
+    if [ "X$1" = "X" ] ; then
+        echo "ERROR: call the function create_who_ini function with an instance name, e.g." 
+        echo "       dgu"
+        exit 1
+    else
+        instance=$1
+        if ! [ -f /etc/ckan/$0/who.ini ] ; then
+            cp -n /usr/share/pyshared/ckan/config/who.ini /etc/ckan/${instance}/who.ini
+            sed -e "s,%(here)s,/var/lib/ckan/${instance}," \
+                -i /etc/ckan/${instance}/who.ini
+        fi
+    fi
+create_config_file () {
+    local instance password
+    if [ "X$1" = "X" ] || [ "X$2" = "X" ] ; then
+        echo "ERROR: call the function create_who_ini function with an instance name, and a password for postgresql e.g." 
+        echo "       dgu 1U923hjkh8"
+        echo "       You can generate a password like this: "
+        echo "           < /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c10"
+        exit 1
+    else
+        instance=$1
+        password=$2
+        if ! [ -f /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini ] ; then
+            paster make-config ckan /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini
+            sed -e "s,^\(email_to\)[ =].*,\1 = root," \
+                -e "s,^\(error_email_from\)[ =].*,\1 = ckan-${instance}@`hostname`," \
+                -e "s,^\(cache_dir\)[ =].*,\1 = /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/data," \
+                -e "s,^\(who.config_file\)[ =].*,\1 = /etc/ckan/${instance}/who.ini," \
+                -e "s,%(here)s,/var/lib/ckan/${instance}," \
+                -e "s,^\(sqlalchemy.url\)[ =].*,\1 = postgresql://${instance}:${password}@localhost/${instance}," \
+                -i /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini
+        fi
+    fi
+add_or_replace_database_user () {
+    local instance password
+    if [ "X$1" = "X" ] || [ "X$2" = "X" ] ; then
+        echo "ERROR: call the function create_who_ini function with an instance name, and a password for postgresql e.g." 
+        echo "       dgu 1U923hjkh8"
+        echo "       You can generate a password like this: "
+        echo "           < /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c10"
+        exit 1
+    else
+        instance=$1
+        password=$2
+        COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -c "SELECT 'True' FROM pg_user WHERE usename='${instance}'" 2> /dev/null`
+        if ! [[ "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ True ]] ; then
+            sudo -u postgres -c "psql -c \"CREATE USER \"${instance}\" WITH PASSWORD '${password}'\""
+        else
+            sudo -u postgres -c "psql -c \"ALTER USER \"${instance}\" WITH PASSWORD '${password}'\""
+        fi
+    fi
+ensure_db_exists () {
+    local instance
+    if [ "X$1" = "X" ] ; then
+        echo "ERROR: call the function create_who_ini function with an instance name, e.g." 
+        echo "       dgu"
+        exit 1
+    else
+        instance=$1
+        COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -l 2> /dev/null`
+        if ! [[ "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ ${instance} ]] ; then
+            echo "Creating the database ..."
+            su postgres -c "createdb -O ${instance} ${instance}"
+        fi
+    fi
+create_wsgi_handler () {
+    local instance
+    if [ "X$1" = "X" ] ; then
+        echo "ERROR: call the function create_wsgi_handler function with an instance name, e.g." 
+        echo "       dgu"
+        exit 1
+    else
+        instance=$1
+        wsgi_path="`python -c 'import ckan; print ckan.__path__[0]'`/wsgi.py"
+        if ! [ -f /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.py ] ; then
+            echo "Found Apache script in ${wsgi_path}, creating symlink from /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.py"
+            ln -s ${wsgi_path} /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.py
+        fi
+   fi
+overwrite_apache_config () {
+    local instance ServerName ServerAlias
+    if [ "X$1" = "X" ] ; then
+        echo "ERROR: call the function overwrite_apache_config function with an instance name, the server name and a server aliase e.g." 
+        echo "       dgu catalogue.data.gov.uk dgu-live.okfn.org"
+        exit 1
+    else
+        instance=$1
+        ServerName=$2
+        ServerAlias=$3
+        rm /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}.common
+        cat <<EOF > /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}.common
+    # WARNING: Do not manually edit this file, it is desgined to be 
+    #          overwritten at any time by the postinst script of 
+    #          dependent packages
+    # These are common settings used for both the normal and maintence modes
+    DocumentRoot /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/static
+    ServerName ${ServerName}
+    ServerAlias ${ServerAlias}
+    <Directory />
+        deny from all
+    </Directory>
+    <Directory /etc/ckan/${instance}/>
+        allow from all
+    </Directory>
+    <Directory /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/static>
+        allow from all
+    </Directory>
+    Alias /dump /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/static/dump
+    # Disable the mod_python handler for static files
+    <Location /dump>
+        SetHandler None
+        Options +Indexes
+    </Location>
+    # this is our app
+    WSGIScriptAlias / /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.py
+    # pass authorization info on (needed for rest api)
+    WSGIPassAuthorization On
+    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/${instance}.error.log
+    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/${instance}.custom.log combined
+        rm /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}
+        cat <<EOF > /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance} 
+<VirtualHost *:80>
+    # WARNING: Do not manually edit this file, it is desgined to be 
+    #          overwritten at any time by the postinst script of 
+    #          dependent packages
+    Include /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}.common
+        rm /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}.maint
+        cat <<EOF > /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}.maint
+<VirtualHost *:80>
+    # WARNING: Do not manually edit this file, it is desgined to be 
+    #          overwritten at any time by the postinst script of 
+    #          dependent packages
+    Include /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}.common
+    # Maintenance mode
+    RewriteEngine On
+    RewriteRule ^(.*)/new /return_503 [PT,L]
+    RewriteRule ^(.*)/create /return_503 [PT,L]      
+    RewriteRule ^(.*)/authz /return_503 [PT,L]
+    RewriteRule ^(.*)/edit /return_503 [PT,L]
+    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !^GET$ [NC]
+    RewriteRule (.*) /return_503 [PT,L]
+    fi

--- a/ckan-dgu/DEBIAN/control	Tue Apr 19 00:14:41 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan-dgu/DEBIAN/control	Fri May 13 22:07:44 2011 +0100
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Package: ckan-dgu
-Version: 0.2~15
+Version: 0.2~16
 Architecture: amd64
 Maintainer: James Gardner <james.gardner at okfn.org>
 Installed-Size: 0
-Depends: python-ckan, apache2, libapache2-mod-wsgi, python-apachemiddleware, ckan, python-ckanext-dgu, python-ckanext-harvest, python-ckanext-csw, python-swiss, python-dateutil, rabbitmq-server, postgresql-8.4-postgis, python-carrot, python-ckanext-spatial, python-ckanext-inspire
+Depends: python-ckan, apache2, libapache2-mod-wsgi, python-apachemiddleware, ckan, python-ckanext-dgu, python-ckanext-harvest, python-ckanext-csw, python-swiss, python-dateutil, rabbitmq-server, postgresql-8.4-postgis, python-carrot, python-ckanext-spatial, python-ckanext-inspire, python-ckanext-qa
 Section: main/web
 Priority: extra
 Homepage: http://ckan.org

--- a/ckan-dgu/DEBIAN/postinst	Tue Apr 19 00:14:41 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan-dgu/DEBIAN/postinst	Fri May 13 22:07:44 2011 +0100
@@ -1,37 +1,31 @@
+. /usr/lib/ckan/common.sh
+# The above command means import the bash functions from there so we can 
+# use them here
+# Things that could be done in a future version of this script
+# * Have all common CKAN functions start with cc_
+# * Have a separate config for drupal password and Apache names
+# * Have dgu users, groups and directories, rather than CKAN ones so that 
+#   potentially lots of different instances can be installed on the same
+#   machine
+# Exit immediately if there is ever a command that returns a non-zero value
+# and don't process any more commands, most likley leaving CKAN in maintenance
+# mode
 set -e 
-# Check we are root
+# Check we are root, something has gone very wrong if we are not!
 if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "This script must be run as root"
    exit 1
-# Initial installation
-# We consider CKAN to be installed if the dgu.ini file is present
-if ! [ -f /etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini ] ; then
-    echo "Creating the DGU instance ..."
-    ckan-create-instance dgu dgu-dev.okfn.org dgu-dev.okfn.org &> /dev/null
-    a2ensite dgu &> /dev/null
-if ! [ -f /etc/rc2.d/S25dgu_harvest_gather ] ; then
-    echo "Creating the harvester gather and fetch consumers ..."
-    sudo chmod a+x /var/lib/ckan/dgu/
-    mkdir -p -m 0700 /var/lib/ckan/dgu/pid
-    sudo chmod a+x /var/lib/ckan/dgu/pid
-    touch /var/lib/ckan/dgu/pid/fetch.pid
-    touch /var/lib/ckan/dgu/pid/gather.pid
-    sudo chown ckan:ckan /var/lib/ckan/dgu/pid/fetch.pid
-    sudo chown ckan:ckan /var/lib/ckan/dgu/pid/gather.pid
-    sudo update-rc.d -f dgu_harvest_gather defaults 25 &> /dev/null
-    sudo update-rc.d -f dgu_harvest_fetch defaults 25 &> /dev/null
-    sudo /etc/init.d/dgu_harvest_fetch start &> /dev/null
-    sudo /etc/init.d/dgu_harvest_gather start &> /dev/null
-# Disable any existing crontabs
+# Disable any existing crontabs during the upgrade, we don't want
+# scripts running when things are still changing
 echo "Disabling the crontab for the ckan user ..."
@@ -39,43 +33,151 @@
 crontab -u ckan ${PACKAGED_CRONJOB}
-# Standard paster db upgrade
-echo "Performing any database upgrades ..."
-paster --plugin=ckan db upgrade --config=/etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini &> /dev/null
+# Try to put CKAN into maintenance mode, if it is installed
+if ! [ -f /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}.maint ] ; then
+    # We have a maintence mode available
+    echo "Putting CKAN into maintenance mode ..."
+    maintenance_on ${instance}
+echo "Ensuring users and groups are set up correctly ..."
+echo "Ensuring directories exist for ${instance} CKAN instance ..."
+# Ensure the standard directories exist
+make_ckan_directories ${instance}
+# Then create the extra ones DGU need and set permissions
+sudo chmod a+x /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/
+sudo mkdir -p -m 0700 /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/pid
+sudo chmod a+x /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/pid
+sudo mkdir -p -m 0700 /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/qa/download
+sudo chmod a+x /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/qa/download
+echo "Setting log file permissions so that both Apache and cron jobs can log to the same place ..."
+sudo touch /var/log/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.log
+sudo touch /var/log/ckan/${instance}/${instance}[1-9].log
+sudo chmod g+w /var/log/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.log
+sudo chmod g+w /var/log/ckan/${instance}/${instance}[1-9].log
+sudo chown www-data:ckan /var/log/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.log
+sudo chown www-data:ckan /var/log/ckan/${instance}/${instance}[1-9].log
+echo "Ensuring who.ini file exists for data.gov.uk CKAN instance ..."
+create_who_ini ${instance}
+echo "Ensuring ${instance}.py file exists for data.gov.uk CKAN instance ..."
+create_wsgi_handler ${instance}
+echo "Ensuring the ${instance} database exists ..."
+ensure_db_exists ${instance}
+echo "Ensuring ${instance}.ini file exists for data.gov.uk CKAN instance ..."
+if ! [ -f /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini ] ; then
+    # Create a password
+    password=`< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c10`
+    # Replace any existing user with a new one with this password
+    echo "Setting the password of the ${instance} user in PostgreSQL"
+    add_or_replace_database_user ${instance} ${password}
+    # Create the config file
+    echo "Creating a data.gov.uk config for CKAN with the same password as the DGU user"
+    # We use the actual password in PostgreSQL in case any non-sense has gone on
+    create_config_file ${instance} ${password}
+    # Now that the file exists, make some customisations
+    cat <<EOF >> /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini
+ckan.qa_downloads = /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/qa/download
+dgu.xmlrpc_username = CKAN_API
+#------------------------------------- XXX setup Drupal here -------------
+# dgu.xmlrpc_password = XXX 
+# dgu.xmlrpc_domain = dev.dataco.coi.gov.uk
+#------------------------------------- XXX setup Drupal here -------------
+ckan.default_roles.Package = {"visitor": ["reader"], "logged_in": ["reader"]}
+ckan.default_roles.Group = {"visitor": ["reader"], "logged_in": ["reader"]}
+ckan.default_roles.System = {"visitor": ["reader"], "logged_in": ["reader"]}
+ckan.default_roles.AuthorizationGroup = {"visitor": ["reader"], "logged_in": ["reader"]}
+licenses_group_url = http://licenses.opendefinition.org/2.0/ukgov
+    sed \
+        -e "s,^\(ckan.dump_dir\)[ =].*,\1 = /var/lib/ckan/dgu/static/dump," \
+        -e "s,^\(ckan.site_title\)[ =].*,\1 = data.gov.uk," \
+        -e "s,^\(ckan.site_url\)[ =].*,\1 = http://dgu-uat.okfn.org," \
+        -e "s,^\(package_form\)[ =].*,\1 = package_gov3," \
+        -e "s,^\(email_to\)[ =].*,\1 = ckan-sysadmin at okfn.org," \
+        -e "s,^\(error_email_from\)[ =].*,\1 = ckan-sysadmin at okfn.org," \
+        -i /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini
+     echo "CAUTION: Make sure you edit '/etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini' to set the Drupal password."
+# Install the harvesting init scripts
+if ! [ -f /etc/rc2.d/S25${instance}_harvest_gather ] ; then
+    echo "Creating the harvester gather consumers ..."
+    sudo touch /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/pid/gather.pid
+    sudo chown ckan:ckan /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/pid/gather.pid
+    sudo update-rc.d -f ${instance}_harvest_gather defaults 25 &> /dev/null
+    sudo /etc/init.d/${instance}_harvest_gather start &> /dev/null
+if ! [ -f /etc/rc2.d/S25${instance}_harvest_fetch ] ; then
+    echo "Creating the harvester fetch consumers ..."
+    sudo touch /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/pid/fetch.pid
+    sudo chown ckan:ckan /var/lib/ckan/${instance}/pid/fetch.pid
+    sudo update-rc.d -f ${instance}_harvest_fetch defaults 25 &> /dev/null
+    sudo /etc/init.d/${instance}_harvest_fetch start &> /dev/null
 # Install the harvesting extension tables if they aren't there already
-COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -d dgu -c "SELECT 'True' AS harvest_source_exists from pg_tables where schemaname='public' and tablename='harvest_source';" 2> /dev/null`
+COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -d ${instance} -c "SELECT 'True' AS harvest_source_exists from pg_tables where schemaname='public' and tablename='harvest_source';" 2> /dev/null`
 if [[ "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ True ]] ; then
     echo "Harvester tables present"
     echo "Setting up the harvester tables ..."
-    paster --plugin=ckanext-harvest harvester initdb --config=/etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini &> /dev/null
+    paster --plugin=ckanext-harvest harvester initdb --config=/etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini &> /dev/null
 # Install the geospatial search tables if they aren't there already
-COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -d dgu -c "SELECT count(*) from pg_proc where proname = 'postgis_full_version'" 2> /dev/null`
+COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -d ${instance} -c "SELECT count(*) from pg_proc where proname = 'postgis_full_version'" 2> /dev/null`
 if [[  "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ 0 ]] ; then
-    echo "Adding the plpgsql langauge to the dgu database ..."
-    sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql dgu &> /dev/null
+    echo "Adding the plpgsql langauge to the ${instance} database ..."
+    sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql ${instance} &> /dev/null
     echo "Installing PostGIS extensions ..."
-    sudo -u postgres psql -d dgu -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis.sql &> /dev/null
-    sudo -u postgres psql -d dgu -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/spatial_ref_sys.sql &> /dev/null
+    sudo -u postgres psql -d ${instance} -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis.sql &> /dev/null
+    sudo -u postgres psql -d ${instance} -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/spatial_ref_sys.sql &> /dev/null
     echo "Setting PostGIS permissions for CKAN and initialising tables ..."
-    sudo -u postgres psql -d dgu -c "ALTER TABLE geometry_columns OWNER TO dgu" &> /dev/null
-    sudo -u postgres psql -d dgu -c "ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys OWNER TO dgu" &> /dev/null
-    sudo paster --plugin=ckanext-spatial spatial initdb --config=/etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini &> /dev/null
-    echo "PostGIS present"
+    sudo -u postgres psql -d ${instance} -c "ALTER TABLE geometry_columns OWNER TO ${instance}" &> /dev/null
+    sudo -u postgres psql -d ${instance} -c "ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys OWNER TO ${instance}" &> /dev/null
+    sudo paster --plugin=ckanext-spatial spatial initdb --config=/etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini &> /dev/null
 # Set any plugins needed
-echo "Updating the plugins configuration ..."
-sed -e "s,^\(ckan.plugins\)[ =].*,\1 = dgu_form_api cswserver harvest gemini_harvester gemini_doc_harvester gemini_waf_harvester inspire_api wms_preview spatial_query dgu_theme_embedded qa," \
-    -i /etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
+echo "Ensuring the latest plugins are configured ..."
+sed -e "s,^\(ckan.plugins\)[ =].*,\1 = dgu_form_api cswserver harvest gemini_harvester gemini_doc_harvester gemini_waf_harvester inspire_api wms_preview spatial_query dgu_theme_embedded qa dgu_auth_api," \
+    -i /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini
+# Overwrite the existing Apache config
+if [ -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default ] ; then
+    echo "Disabling the default Apache site ..."
+    a2dissite default
+echo "Overwriting the existing Apache config ..."
+overwrite_apache_config ${instance} catalog.data.gov.uk dgu-live.okfn.org
+# Make sure mod_rewrite is enabled
+if ! [ -f /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite.load ] ; then
+    echo "Enabling Apache mod_rewite ..."
+    a2enmod rewrite
+# Standard paster db upgrade
+echo "Performing any database upgrades ..."
+paster --plugin=ckan db upgrade --config=/etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini &> /dev/null
+# Make sure our instance is enabled
+echo "Bringing the ${instance} instance out of maintenance mode ..."
+maintenance_off ${instance}
 # Restart Apache so it is aware of any changes
 echo "Restarting apache ..."
-/etc/init.d/apache2 reload &> /dev/null
+/etc/init.d/apache2 restart 
+#&> /dev/null
 # Install the new crontab
 echo "Enabling crontab for the ckan user ..."
@@ -84,16 +186,14 @@
 # WARNING:  Do not edit these cron tabs, they will be overwritten any time 
 #           the ckan-dgu package is upgraded
 # QUESTION: Should email reports be sent to root?
-# m  h dom mon dow  command
 # Gov Daily
-30  23  *   *   *   python /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ckanext/dgu/bin/gov-daily.py /etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
+# 31               23  *   *   *   python /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ckanext/dgu/bin/gov-daily.py /etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
 # Try to start the harvester consumers in case they have stopped
-*/10    *  *   *   *   /etc/init.d/dgu_harvest_gather start
-*/10    *  *   *   *   /etc/init.d/dgu_harvest_fetch start
-# Then run the harvester
-*/10 *  *   *   *   paster --plugin=ckan harvester run --config=/etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
+*/10              *  *   *   *   /etc/init.d/dgu_harvest_gather start
+*/10              *  *   *   *   /etc/init.d/dgu_harvest_fetch start
+# Then run the harvester 1 minute after any fetch or gather restart
+# 1,11,21,31,41,51  *  *   *   *   paster --plugin=ckanext-harvest harvester run --config=/etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
+# Update the package 5 star scores once a month
+# 0                 0  1   *   *   paster --plugin=ckanext-qa update-scores update --config=/etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
 crontab -u ckan ${PACKAGED_CRONJOB}
-echo "done."

--- a/ckan/DEBIAN/postinst	Tue Apr 19 00:14:41 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan/DEBIAN/postinst	Fri May 13 22:07:44 2011 +0100
@@ -1,27 +1,181 @@
-set -e
+. /usr/lib/ckan/common
-ckan_users="www-data okfn"
+# The above command means import the bash functions from there so we can 
+# use them here
-echo "Creating users and groups..."
-grep   -q "^${group}:" /etc/group  || sudo groupadd --system        ${group}
-grep   -q "^${user}:"  /etc/passwd || sudo useradd  --system  --gid ${group}  --home /var/lib/ckan -M  --shell /usr/sbin/nologin  ${user}
-for u in ${ckan_users} ; do
-  grep -q "^${u}:"  /etc/passwd && sudo usermod -a -G ${group} ${u}
-echo "done."
-echo "Creating directories..."
-mkdir -p -m 0755  /etc/ckan   # Mark as "config"
-mkdir -p -m 0755  /var/backup
-mkdir -p -m 2750  /var/lib/ckan/
-mkdir -p -m 2750  /var/backup/ckan/
-mkdir -p -m 2750  /var/log/ckan/
-echo "done."
-echo "Setting permissions..."
-chgrp -R ckan /var/lib/ckan/
-chgrp -R ckan /var/backup/ckan/
-chgrp -R ckan /var/log/ckan/
+# Exit immediately if there is ever a command that returns a non-zero value
+# and don't process any more commands
+set -e 
+# Check we are root, something has gone very wrong if we are not!
+if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
+   echo "This script must be run as root"
+   exit 1
+# Try to put CKAN into maintenance mode, if it is installed
+if ! [ -f /etc/apache2/sites-available/${instance}.maint ] ; then
+    # We have a maintence mode available
+    echo "Putting CKAN into maintenance mode ..."
+    ckan-instance-maintenance on
+echo "Ensuring users and groups are set up correctly ..."
+echo "Ensuring directories exist for data.gov.uk CKAN instance ..."
+# Ensure the standard directories exist
+make_ckan_directories dgu
+# Then create the extra ones DGU need and set permissions
+sudo chmod a+x /var/lib/ckan/dgu/
+sudo mkdir -p -m 0700 /var/lib/ckan/dgu/pid
+sudo chmod a+x /var/lib/ckan/dgu/pid
+sudo mkdir -p -m 0700 /var/lib/ckan/dgu/qa/download
+sudo chmod a+x /var/lib/ckan/dgu/pid/download
+echo "Setting log file permissions so that both Apache and cron jobs can log to the same place..."
+sudo touch /var/log/ckan/dgu/dgu.log
+sudo touch /var/log/ckan/dgu/dgu[1-9].log
+sudo chmod g+w /var/log/ckan/dgu/dgu.log
+sudo chmod g+w /var/log/ckan/dgu/dgu[1-9].log
+sudo chown www-data:ckan /var/log/ckan/dgu/dgu.log
+sudo chown www-data:ckan /var/log/ckan/dgu/dgu[1-9].log
+echo "Ensuring who.ini file exists for data.gov.uk CKAN instance ..."
+create_who_ini dgu
+echo "Ensuring dgu.py file exists for data.gov.uk CKAN instance ..."
+create_wsgi_handler dgu
+echo "Ensuring the dgu database exists ..."
+ensure_db_exists dgu
+echo "Ensuring dgu.ini file exists for data.gov.uk CKAN instance ..."
+if ! [ -f /etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini ] ; then
+    # Create a password
+    password=`< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c10`
+    # Replace any existing dgu user with a new one with this password
+    echo "Setting the password of the dgu user in PostgreSQL"
+    add_or_replace_database_user dgu $password
+    # Create the config file
+    echo "Creating a data.gov.uk config for CKAN with the same password as the DGU user"
+    # We use the actual password in PostgreSQL in case any non-sense has gone on
+    create_config_file dgu $password
+    # Now that the file exists, make some customisations
+    cat <<EOF >> /etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
+ckan.qa_downloads = /var/lib/ckan/dgu/qa/download
+dgu.xmlrpc_username = CKAN_API
+#------------------------------------- XXX setup Drupal here -------------
+# dgu.xmlrpc_password = XXX 
+# dgu.xmlrpc_domain = dev.dataco.coi.gov.uk
+#------------------------------------- XXX setup Drupal here -------------
+ckan.default_roles.Package = {"visitor": ["reader"], "logged_in": ["reader"]}
+ckan.default_roles.Group = {"visitor": ["reader"], "logged_in": ["reader"]}
+ckan.default_roles.System = {"visitor": ["reader"], "logged_in": ["reader"]}
+ckan.default_roles.AuthorizationGroup = {"visitor": ["reader"], "logged_in": ["reader"]}
+licenses_group_url = http://licenses.opendefinition.org/2.0/ukgov
+    sed \
+        -e "s,^\(ckan.dump_dir\)[ =].*,\1 = /var/lib/ckan/dgu/static/dump," \
+        -e "s,^\(ckan.site_title\)[ =].*,\1 = data.gov.uk," \
+        -e "s,^\(ckan.site_url\)[ =].*,\1 = http://dgu-uat.okfn.org," \
+        -e "s,^\(package_form\)[ =].*,\1 = package_gov3," \
+        -e "s,^\(email_to\)[ =].*,\1 = ckan-sysadmin at okfn.org," \
+        -e "s,^\(error_email_from\)[ =].*,\1 = ckan-sysadmin at okfn.org," \
+        -i /etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
+     echo "CAUTION: Make sure you edit '/etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini' to set the Drupal password."
+# Install the harvesting init scripts
+if ! [ -f /etc/rc2.d/S25dgu_harvest_gather ] ; then
+    echo "Creating the harvester gather consumers ..."
+    sudo touch /var/lib/ckan/dgu/pid/gather.pid
+    sudo chown ckan:ckan /var/lib/ckan/dgu/pid/gather.pid
+    sudo update-rc.d -f dgu_harvest_gather defaults 25 &> /dev/null
+    sudo /etc/init.d/dgu_harvest_gather start &> /dev/null
+if ! [ -f /etc/rc2.d/S25dgu_harvest_fetch ] ; then
+    echo "Creating the harvester fetch consumers ..."
+    sudo touch /var/lib/ckan/dgu/pid/fetch.pid
+    sudo chown ckan:ckan /var/lib/ckan/dgu/pid/fetch.pid
+    sudo update-rc.d -f dgu_harvest_fetch defaults 25 &> /dev/null
+    sudo /etc/init.d/dgu_harvest_fetch start &> /dev/null
+# Install the harvesting extension tables if they aren't there already
+COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -d dgu -c "SELECT 'True' AS harvest_source_exists from pg_tables where schemaname='public' and tablename='harvest_source';" 2> /dev/null`
+if [[ "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ True ]] ; then
+    echo "Harvester tables present"
+    echo "Setting up the harvester tables ..."
+    paster --plugin=ckanext-harvest harvester initdb --config=/etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini &> /dev/null
+# Install the geospatial search tables if they aren't there already
+COMMAND_OUTPUT=`sudo -u postgres psql -d dgu -c "SELECT count(*) from pg_proc where proname = 'postgis_full_version'" 2> /dev/null`
+if [[  "$COMMAND_OUTPUT" =~ 0 ]] ; then
+    echo "Adding the plpgsql langauge to the dgu database ..."
+    sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql dgu &> /dev/null
+    echo "Installing PostGIS extensions ..."
+    sudo -u postgres psql -d dgu -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis.sql &> /dev/null
+    sudo -u postgres psql -d dgu -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/spatial_ref_sys.sql &> /dev/null
+    echo "Setting PostGIS permissions for CKAN and initialising tables ..."
+    sudo -u postgres psql -d dgu -c "ALTER TABLE geometry_columns OWNER TO dgu" &> /dev/null
+    sudo -u postgres psql -d dgu -c "ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys OWNER TO dgu" &> /dev/null
+    sudo paster --plugin=ckanext-spatial spatial initdb --config=/etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini &> /dev/null
+# Set any plugins needed
+echo "Ensuring the latest plugins are configured ..."
+sed -e "s,^\(ckan.plugins\)[ =].*,\1 = dgu_form_api cswserver harvest gemini_harvester gemini_doc_harvester gemini_waf_harvester inspire_api wms_preview spatial_query dgu_theme_embedded qa dgu_auth_api," \
+    -i /etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
+# Overwrite the existing Apache config
+if [ -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default ] ; then
+    echo "Disabling the default Apache site ..."
+    a2dissite default
+echo "Overwriting the existing Apache config ..."
+overwrite_apache_config dgu catalog.data.gov.uk dgu-live.okfn.org
+# Make sure mod_rewrite is enabled
+if ! [ -f /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite ] ; then
+    echo "Enabling Apache mod_rewite ..."
+    a2enmod rewrite
+# Standard paster db upgrade
+echo "Performing any database upgrades ..."
+paster --plugin=ckan db upgrade --config=/etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini &> /dev/null
+# Make sure our instance is enabled
+echo "Bringing the dgu instance out of maintenance mode ..."
+ckan-instance-maintenance off
+# Restart Apache so it is aware of any changes
+echo "Restarting apache ..."
+/etc/init.d/apache2 restart &> /dev/null
+# Install the new crontab
+echo "Enabling crontab for the ckan user ..."
+# WARNING:  Do not edit these cron tabs, they will be overwritten any time 
+#           the ckan-dgu package is upgraded
+# QUESTION: Should email reports be sent to root?
+# Gov Daily
+# 31               23  *   *   *   python /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ckanext/dgu/bin/gov-daily.py /etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
+# Try to start the harvester consumers in case they have stopped
+*/10              *  *   *   *   /etc/init.d/dgu_harvest_gather start
+*/10              *  *   *   *   /etc/init.d/dgu_harvest_fetch start
+# Then run the harvester 1 minute after any fetch or gather restart
+# 1,11,21,31,41,51  *  *   *   *   paster --plugin=ckanext-harvest harvester run --config=/etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
+# Update the package 5 star scores once a month
+# 0                 0  1   *   *   paster --plugin=ckanext-qa update-scores update --config=/etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
+crontab -u ckan ${PACKAGED_CRONJOB}
 echo "done."

--- a/ckan/usr/bin/ckan-create-instance	Tue Apr 19 00:14:41 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan/usr/bin/ckan-create-instance	Fri May 13 22:07:44 2011 +0100
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
     -e "s,^\(sqlalchemy.url\)[ =].*,\1 = postgresql://${instance}:${password}@localhost/${instance}," \
     -i /etc/ckan/${instance}/${instance}.ini
 echo "done."
 echo "Setting up a postgres database and user..."
 su postgres -c "psql -c \"CREATE USER \"${instance}\" WITH PASSWORD '${password}'\""
 echo "The password chosen is ${password}, it has been added to your ${instance}.ini file automatically"

--- a/ckan/usr/bin/ckan-instance-maintenance	Tue Apr 19 00:14:41 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckan/usr/bin/ckan-instance-maintenance	Fri May 13 22:07:44 2011 +0100
@@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
+. /usr/lib/ckan/common.sh
-# This could become part of a ckan-install-instance script shipped with the ckan package.
-# That script could then be called by the ckan-dgu postinstall
-#set -e
+set -e
 # Un-comment for debugging
 # Check we are root
 if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
@@ -34,17 +31,13 @@
 case $command in
         echo "Putting CKAN site \"${instance}\" into maintenance mode ..."
-        $_echo a2dissite ${instance} &> /dev/null
-        $_echo a2ensite  ${instance}.maint &> /dev/null
-        $_echo service apache2 reload &> /dev/null
+        maintenance_on $instance
         echo "done."
         echo "Disabling maintenance mode for CKAN site \"${instance}\" ..."
-        $_echo a2dissite ${instance}.maint &> /dev/null
-        $_echo a2ensite  ${instance} &> /dev/null
-        $_echo service apache2 reload &> /dev/null
+        maintenance_off $instance
         echo "done."

changeset:   r11:84d3668e455f
user:        jame... at okfn.org
date:        2011-05-17 15:16:48
summary:     [merge]
affected #:  1 file (0 bytes)

--- a/README.rst	Fri May 13 22:07:44 2011 +0100
+++ b/README.rst	Tue May 17 14:16:48 2011 +0100
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 A. Packaging a CKAN site
-In order to pacakge CKAN and dependencies as Debian files you'll need the
+In order to package CKAN and dependencies as Debian files you'll need the
 following tools:
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 .. note ::
-    All pacakges that CKAN itself depends on are already packaged using a slightly
+    All packages that CKAN itself depends on are already packaged using a slightly
     different process, based on the exact requirments specified in the ``ckan``
     source distribution's ``requires`` directory. Speak to James Gardner if you
     need any of these re-packaged.
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 For packages that don't represent Python libraries it is actually easier to
 build the ``.deb`` manually rather than using Debian's tools. 
-Let's look at how you would pacakge ``ckan-dgu``.
+Let's look at how you would package ``ckan-dgu``.
 Create a directory named ``ckan-dgu``. Then within it create a ``DEBIAN``
 directory with three files:

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan-debs-public/


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