[ckan-changes] commit/ckan-debs-public: jame... at okfn.org: Deprecated buildkit, use this script instead

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Tue May 17 14:29:11 UTC 2011

1 new changeset in ckan-debs-public:

changeset:   r12:834474c39bcf
user:        jame... at okfn.org
date:        2011-05-17 16:29:05
summary:     Deprecated buildkit, use this script instead
affected #:  2 files (4.8 KB)

--- a/README.rst	Tue May 17 14:16:48 2011 +0100
+++ b/README.rst	Tue May 17 15:29:05 2011 +0100
@@ -33,16 +33,15 @@
-    python -m buildkit.deb /path/to/virtualenv ckanext-dgu 1.3~01 http://ckan.org python-ckanext-csw python-ckanext-harvest
+    python deb.py /path/to/dir ckanext-dgu 1.3~01 http://ckan.org python-ckanext-csw python-ckanext-harvest
 Let's break this down.
-``python -m buildkit.deb``
+``python deb.py``
     This is just how you invoke the command from the command line
-    I think this can just be the directory containing the installed source 
-    code you wish to package XXX CHECK
+    The directory containing the checked out *module* you wish to package
     The name of the ``.deb`` file to be created. This should always begin

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