[ckan-changes] commit/ckanext-dgu: dread: [bin]: #1116 Package counts script, integrated into gov_daily.py. Scripts moved from ckanext/dgu/script to ckanext/dgu/bin.

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Mon May 30 15:57:44 UTC 2011

1 new changeset in ckanext-dgu:

changeset:   ed4e1cd15a3f
user:        dread
date:        2011-05-30 17:56:26
summary:     [bin]: #1116 Package counts script, integrated into gov_daily.py. Scripts moved from ckanext/dgu/script to ckanext/dgu/bin.
affected #:  43 files (18 bytes)

--- a/ckanext/dgu/bin/gov-daily.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-Daily script for gov server
-import os
-import logging
-import sys
-import zipfile
-import traceback
-import datetime
-import re
-USAGE = '''Daily script for government
-Usage: python %s [config.ini]
-''' % sys.argv[0]
-if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1] in ('--help', '-h'):
-    err = 'Error: Please specify config file.'
-    print USAGE, err
-    logging.error('%s\n%s' % (USAGE, err))
-    sys.exit(1)
-config_file = sys.argv[1]
-path = os.path.abspath(config_file)
-def load_config(path):
-    import paste.deploy
-    conf = paste.deploy.appconfig('config:' + path)
-    import ckan
-    ckan.config.environment.load_environment(conf.global_conf,
-            conf.local_conf)
-import ckan.model as model
-import ckan.lib.dumper as dumper
-from pylons import config
-# settings
-log_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(config.get('ckan.log_dir', '~')),
-               'gov-daily.log')
-dump_dir = os.path.expanduser(config.get('ckan.dump_dir', '~/dump'))
-ckan_instance_name = re.sub(r'[^\w.-]|https?', '', 
-                            config.get('ckan.site_url', 'dgu'))
-dump_filebase = ckan_instance_name + '-%Y-%m-%d'
-tmp_filepath = config.get('ckan.temp_filepath', '/tmp/dump.tmp')
-backup_dir = os.path.expanduser(config.get('ckan.backup_dir', '~/backup'))
-backup_filebase = ckan_instance_name + '.%Y-%m-%d.pg_dump'
-logging.basicConfig(filename=log_filepath, level=logging.INFO)
-logging.info('Starting daily script')
-start_time = datetime.datetime.today()
-logging.info(start_time.strftime('%H:%M %d-%m-%Y'))
-def report_time_taken():
-    time_taken = (datetime.datetime.today() - start_time).seconds
-    logging.info('Time taken: %i seconds' % time_taken)
-# Check database looks right
-num_packages_before = model.Session.query(model.Package).count()
-logging.info('Number of existing packages: %i' % num_packages_before)
-if num_packages_before < 2500:
-    logging.error('Expected more packages.')
-    sys.exit(1)
-# Import recent ONS data - REMOVED
-# Create dumps for users
-logging.info('Creating database dump')
-if not os.path.exists(dump_dir):
-    logging.info('Creating dump dir: %s' % dump_dir)
-    os.makedirs(dump_dir)
-query = model.Session.query(model.Package)
-for file_type, dumper in (('csv', dumper.SimpleDumper().dump_csv),
-                          ('json', dumper.SimpleDumper().dump_json),
-                         ):
-    dump_file_base = start_time.strftime(dump_filebase)
-    dump_filename = '%s.%s' % (dump_file_base, file_type)
-    dump_filepath = os.path.join(dump_dir, dump_filename + '.zip')
-    tmp_file = open(tmp_filepath, 'w')
-    logging.info('Creating %s file: %s' % (file_type, dump_filepath))
-    dumper(tmp_file, query)
-    tmp_file.close()
-    dump_file = zipfile.ZipFile(dump_filepath, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
-    dump_file.write(tmp_filepath, dump_filename)
-    dump_file.close()
-# Create complete backup
-logging.info('Creating database backup')
-if not os.path.exists(backup_dir):
-    logging.info('Creating backup dir: %s' % backup_dir)
-    os.makedirs(backup_dir)
-def get_db_config(): # copied from fabfile
-    url = config['sqlalchemy.url']
-    # e.g. 'postgres://tester:pass@localhost/ckantest3'
-    db_details_match = re.match('^\s*(?P<db_type>\w*)://(?P<db_user>\w*):?(?P<db_pass>[^@]*)@(?P<db_host>[^/:]*):?(?P<db_port>[^/]*)/(?P<db_name>[\w.-]*)', url)
-    db_details = db_details_match.groupdict()
-    return db_details
-db_details = get_db_config()
-pg_dump_filename = start_time.strftime(backup_filebase)
-pg_dump_filepath = os.path.join(backup_dir, pg_dump_filename)
-cmd = 'export PGPASSWORD=%s&&pg_dump -U %s -h %s %s > %s' % (db_details['db_pass'], db_details['db_user'], db_details['db_host'], db_details['db_name'], pg_dump_filepath)
-logging.info('Backup command: %s' % cmd)
-ret = os.system(cmd)
-if ret == 0:
-    logging.info('Backup successful: %s' % pg_dump_filepath)
-    logging.error('Backup error: %s' % ret)
-# Log footer
-logging.info('Finished daily script')

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/change_licenses.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-from mass_changer import *
-from common import ScriptError
-class ChangeLicenses(object):
-    def __init__(self, ckanclient, dry_run=False, force=False):
-        '''
-        Changes licenses of packages.
-        @param ckanclient: instance of ckanclient to make the changes
-        @param license_id: id of the license to change packages to
-        @param force: do not stop if there is an error with one package
-        '''
-        self.ckanclient = ckanclient
-        self.dry_run = dry_run
-        self.force = force
-    def change_all_packages(self, license_id):
-        instructions = [
-            ChangeInstruction(AnyPackageMatcher(),
-                              BasicPackageChanger('license_id', license_id))
-            ]
-        self.mass_changer = MassChanger(self.ckanclient,
-                                        instructions,
-                                        dry_run=self.dry_run,
-                                        force=self.force)
-        self.mass_changer.run()
-    def change_oct_2010(self, license_id):
-        instructions = [
-            ChangeInstruction(
-                [
-                    BasicPackageMatcher('license_id', 'localauth-withrights'),
-                    BasicPackageMatcher('name', 'spotlightonspend-transactions-download'),
-                    BasicPackageMatcher('name', 'better-connected-2010-council-website-performance-survey-results'),
-                    ],
-                NoopPackageChanger()),
-            ChangeInstruction(
-                AnyPackageMatcher(),
-                BasicPackageChanger('license_id', self.license_id)),
-            ]
-        self.mass_changer = MassChanger(self.ckanclient,
-                                        instructions,
-                                        dry_run=self.dry_run,
-                                        force=self.force)
-        self.mass_changer.run()

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/change_licenses_cmd.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-from ckanext.importlib.loader import ResourceSeries
-from ckanext.dgu.scripts.change_licenses import ChangeLicenses
-from ckanext.dgu.scripts.mass_changer_cmd import MassChangerCommand
-from ckanclient import CkanClient
-class ChangeLicensesCommand(MassChangerCommand):
-    def __init__(self):
-        commands = ('all', 'oct10')
-        super(ChangeLicensesCommand, self).__init__(commands)
-    def add_options(self):
-        self.parser.add_option("--license-id",
-                               dest="license_id",
-                               help="ID of the license to change all packages to")
-    def command(self):
-        super(ChangeLicensesCommand, self).command()
-        if self.options.license_id is None:
-            self.parser.error("Please specify a license ID")
-        if len(self.args) != 1:
-            self.parser.error("Command is required")
-        getattr(self, self.args[0])()
-    def all(self):
-        client = CkanClient(base_location=self.options.api_url,
-                            api_key=self.options.api_key,
-                            http_user=self.options.username,
-                            http_pass=self.options.password)
-        change_licenses = ChangeLicenses(client, dry_run=self.options.dry_run, force=self.options.force)
-        change_licenses.change_all_packages(self.options.license_id)
-    def oct10(self):
-        client = CkanClient(base_location=self.options.api_url,
-                            api_key=self.options.api_key)
-        change_licenses = ChangeLicenses(client, dry_run=self.options.dry_run, force=self.options.force)
-        change_licenses.change_oct_2010(self.options.license_id)
-def command():
-    ChangeLicensesCommand().command()

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/common.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-class ScriptError(Exception):
-    pass
-def remove_readonly_fields(pkg):
-    '''Takes a package dictionary and gets rid of any read-only fields
-    so that you can write the package to the API.'''
-    for read_only_field in ('id', 'relationships', 'ratings_average',
-                            'ratings_count', 'ckan_url',
-                            'metadata_modified',
-                            'metadata_created'):
-        if pkg.has_key(read_only_field):
-            del pkg[read_only_field]

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/dump_analysis.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import zipfile
-import gzip
-import json
-from collections import defaultdict
-import datetime
-import os
-import logging
-import re
-import glob
-from datautil.tabular import TabularData, CsvReader, CsvWriter
-from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedDict
-log = logging.getLogger(__file__)
-import_source_prefixes = {
-    'ONS': 'ONS feed',
-    'COSPREAD': 'Spreadsheet upload',
-    'Manual': 'Spreadsheet upload',
-    'DATA4NR': 'Data for Neighbourhoods and Regeneration import',
-    }
-date_converters = (
-    (re.compile('(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})'), '%Y%m%d'),
-    (re.compile('(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})'), '%Y-%m-%d'),
-    )
-def parse_date(date_str, search=False):
-    assert isinstance(date_str, basestring)
-    for date_regex, date_format in date_converters:
-        matcher = date_regex.search if search else date_regex.match
-        match = matcher(date_str)
-        if match:
-            date = datetime.datetime.strptime(match.group(), date_format)
-            return date.date()
-    raise ValueError('Cannot parse date: %r' % date_str)
-def get_run_info():
-    run_info  = 'This analysis is produced by an OKF script\n'
-    run_info += 'Date last updated: %r\n' % datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
-    run_info += 'Script filename: %r\n' % os.path.basename(__file__)
-    run_info += 'Script repository: http://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-dgu\n'
-    run_info += 'Dump files for analysis: http://data.gov.uk/data/dumps\n'
-    return run_info
-class AnalysisFile(object):
-    def __init__(self, analysis_filepath, run_info=None):
-        self.analysis_filepath = analysis_filepath
-        self.data_by_date = None # {date: analysis_dict}
-        self.run_info = run_info
-        self.load()
-    def load(self):
-        '''Load analysis file and store in self.data_by_date'''
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def init(self):
-        '''Initialise self.data for the first time (instead of loading
-        from an existing file).'''
-        self.data_by_date = {}
-    def save(self):
-        '''Save self.data_by_date to analysis file'''
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def format_date(self, date):
-        assert isinstance(date, datetime.date)
-        return date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
-    def add_analysis(self, date, analysis_dict):
-        '''Takes an analysis and updates self.data_by_date.'''
-        assert isinstance(date, datetime.date)
-        assert isinstance(analysis_dict, dict)
-        self.data_by_date[date] = analysis_dict
-class TabularAnalysisFile(AnalysisFile):
-    def load(self):
-        '''Load analysis file and store in self.data_by_date'''
-        assert self.data_by_date == None, 'Data already present'
-        self.data_by_date = {}
-        table = self.load_table()
-        if len(table.data) > 0:
-            try:
-                date_column = table.header.index('date')
-            except ValueError:
-                raise ValueError('Data does not have a date: %r' % table.header)            
-            for row in table.data:
-                row_data = dict(zip(table.header, row))
-                date = parse_date(row_data['date'])
-                del row_data['date']
-                self.data_by_date[date] = row_data
-    def load_table(self):
-        '''Load analysis file and return as TabularData'''
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def save(self):
-        '''Save self.data_by_date to analysis file'''
-        if self.data_by_date:
-            header = ['date']
-            for date in self.data_by_date:
-                for column in self.data_by_date[date].keys():
-                    if column not in header:
-                        header.append(column)
-        else:
-            header = []
-        data_rows = []
-        for date, analysis in sorted(self.data_by_date.items(), key=lambda (date, analysis): date):
-            data_row = [self.format_date(date)]
-            for title in header[1:]:
-                data_row.append(analysis.get(title))
-            data_rows.append(data_row)
-        data_table = TabularData(data_rows, header)
-        self.save_table(data_table)
-    def save_table(self, data_table):
-        '''Save data_table to analysis file'''
-        raise NotImplementedError
-class CsvAnalysisFile(TabularAnalysisFile):
-    def load_table(self):
-        if not os.path.exists(self.analysis_filepath):
-            log.info('Creating new analysis file: %s', self.analysis_filepath)
-            return TabularData()
-        data_table = CsvReader().read(filepath_or_fileobj=self.analysis_filepath)
-        return data_table
-    def save_table(self, data_table):
-        fileobj = open(self.analysis_filepath, 'w')
-        try:
-            CsvWriter().write(data_table, fileobj)
-        finally:
-            fileobj.close()
-class TxtAnalysisFile(AnalysisFile):
-    def load(self):
-        self.data_by_date = {}
-        if not os.path.exists(self.analysis_filepath):
-            log.info('Creating new analysis file: %s', self.analysis_filepath)
-            return
-        fileobj = open(self.analysis_filepath, 'r')
-        regex = re.compile(r'^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}) : (.*)\n')
-        try:
-            while True:
-                line = fileobj.readline()
-                if line == '':
-                    break
-                match = regex.match(line)
-                if not match:
-                    if line.strip() and ' : ' in line:
-                        raise AssertionError('Could not parse line: %r' % line)
-                    else:
-                        # just a comment
-                        continue
-                date_str, analysis_str = match.groups()
-                date = parse_date(date_str)
-                self.data_by_date[date] = analysis_str
-        finally:
-            fileobj.close()
-    def save(self):
-        fileobj = open(self.analysis_filepath, 'w')
-        try:
-            fileobj.write(self.run_info + '\n')
-            for date, analysis in self.data_by_date.items():
-                line = '%s : %s\n' % (self.format_date(date), repr(analysis))
-                fileobj.write(line)
-        finally:
-            fileobj.close()
-class DumpAnalysis(object):
-    def __init__(self, dump_filepath):
-        log.info('Analysing %s' % dump_filepath)
-        self.dump_filepath = dump_filepath
-        self.run()
-    def run(self):
-        self.save_date()
-        self.analysis_dict = OrderedDict()
-        packages = self.get_packages()
-        self.analysis_dict['Total active and deleted packages'] = len(packages)
-        packages = self.filter_out_deleted_packages(packages)
-        self.analysis_dict['Total active packages'] = len(packages)
-        pkg_bins = self.analyse_by_source(packages)
-        for bin, pkgs in pkg_bins.items():
-            self.analysis_dict['Packages by source: %s' % bin] = len(pkgs)
-        self.print_analysis(pkg_bins)
-    def save_date(self):
-        self.date = parse_date(self.dump_filepath, search=True)
-        log.info('Date of dumpfile: %r', self.date.strftime('%Y %m %d'))
-    def get_packages(self):
-        if zipfile.is_zipfile(self.dump_filepath):
-            log.info('Unzipping...')
-            zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.dump_filepath)
-            assert len(zf.infolist()) == 1, 'Archive must contain one file: %r' % zf.infolist()
-            f = zf.open(zf.namelist()[0])
-        elif self.dump_filepath.endswith('gz'):            
-            f = gzip.open(self.dump_filepath, 'rb')
-        else:
-            f = open(self.dump_filepath, 'rb')
-        log.info('Reading file...')
-        json_buf = f.read()
-        log.info('Parsing JSON...')
-        packages = json.loads(json_buf)
-        log.info('Read in packages: %i' % len(packages))
-        return packages
-    def filter_out_deleted_packages(self, packages):
-        filtered_pkgs = []
-        for pkg in packages:
-            if pkg.has_key('state'):
-                is_active = pkg['state'] == 'active'
-            else:
-                is_active = pkg['state_id'] == 1
-            if is_active:
-                filtered_pkgs.append(pkg)
-        log.info('Deleted packages discarded: %i', (len(packages) - len(filtered_pkgs)))
-        log.info('Number of active packages: %i', (len(filtered_pkgs)))
-        return filtered_pkgs
-    def analyse_by_source(self, packages):
-        pkg_bins = defaultdict(list)
-        for pkg in packages:
-            import_source = pkg['extras'].get('import_source')
-            if import_source:
-                for prefix in import_source_prefixes:
-                    if import_source.startswith(prefix):
-                        import_source = import_source_prefixes[prefix]
-                        break
-                pkg_bins[import_source].append(pkg['name'])
-                continue
-            if pkg['extras'].get('INSPIRE') == 'True':
-                pkg_bins['INSPIRE'].append(pkg['name'])
-                continue
-            pkg_bins['Manual creation using web form'].append(pkg['name'])
-        return pkg_bins
-    def print_analysis(self, pkg_bins):
-        log.info('* Analysis by source *')
-        for pkg_bin, pkgs in sorted(pkg_bins.items(), key=lambda (pkg_bin, pkgs): -len(pkgs)):
-            log.info('  %s: %i (e.g. %r)', pkg_bin, len(pkgs), pkgs[0])
-def command():
-    usage = 'usage: %prog [options] dumpfile.json.zip'
-    usage += '\nNB: dumpfile can be gzipped, zipped or json'
-    usage += '\n    can be list of files and can be a wildcard.'
-    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
-    parser.add_option('--csv', dest='csv_filepath',
-                      help='add analysis to CSV report FILENAME', metavar='FILENAME')
-    parser.add_option('--txt', dest='txt_filepath',
-                      help='add analysis to textual report FILENAME', metavar='FILENAME')
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-    input_file_descriptors = args
-    input_filepaths = []
-    for input_file_descriptor in input_file_descriptors:
-        input_filepaths.extend(glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(input_file_descriptor)))
-    # Open output files
-    output_types = (
-        # (output_filepath, analysis_file_class)
-        (options.txt_filepath, TxtAnalysisFile),
-        (options.csv_filepath, CsvAnalysisFile),
-        )
-    analysis_files = {} # analysis_file_class, analysis_file
-    run_info = get_run_info()
-    for output_filepath, analysis_file_class in output_types:
-        if output_filepath:
-            analysis_files[analysis_file_class] = analysis_file_class(output_filepath, run_info)
-    for input_filepath in input_filepaths:
-        # Run analysis
-        analysis = DumpAnalysis(input_filepath)
-        for analysis_file_class, analysis_file in analysis_files.items():
-            analysis_file.add_analysis(analysis.date, analysis.analysis_dict)
-            # Save
-            analysis_file.save()
-    log.info('Finished')

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/extract_urls.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-# Script for Simon Demissie to take a CKAN JSON dump and extract all the URLS.
-# For help:
-#   python extract_urls.py
-import sys
-import json
-usage = '''
-URL extractor
-Takes a CKAN dump (JSON) format and writes all the urls to a CSV file.
-  %s data.gov.uk-ckan-meta-data.json urls.csv
-  ''' % sys.argv[0]
-if len(sys.argv) < 3:
-    print usage
-    sys.exit(1)
-in_fname = sys.argv[1]
-out_fname = sys.argv[2]
-f = open(in_fname)
-    print 'Reading %r' % in_fname
-    pkgs_json = f.read()
-    f.close()
-print 'Parsing'
-pkgs = json.loads(pkgs_json)
-print 'Found %i packages' % len(pkgs)
-print 'Writing URLs to %r' % out_fname
-out = open(out_fname, 'w')
-    for pkg in pkgs:
-        urls = set()
-        for url in (pkg['url'],
-                    pkg['extras'].get('taxonomy_url')):
-            if url:
-                urls.add(url)
-        for res in pkg['resources']:
-            url = res.get('url')
-            if url:
-                urls.add(url)
-        for url in urls:
-            out.write('%s\r\n' % url.encode('utf8'))
-    f.close()
-print 'Finished successfully'

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/mass_changer.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-import copy
-from ckan import model
-from common import ScriptError, remove_readonly_fields
-log = __import__("logging").getLogger(__name__)
-class PackageMatcher(object):
-    def match_ref(self, pkg_name):
-        '''Override this and return True or False depending on whether
-        the supplied package matches or not. If the matcher requires
-        more package information, then return None and the match method
-        is run.'''
-        pass
-    def match(self, pkg):
-        '''Override this and return True or False depending on whether
-        the supplied package matches or not.'''
-        assert NotImplementedError
-class BasicPackageMatcher(PackageMatcher):
-    def __init__(self, match_field, match_field_value):
-        '''Package matching criteria: match_field==match_field_value'''
-        self.match_field = match_field
-        self.match_field_value = match_field_value
-    def match(self, pkg):
-        value = pkg.get(self.match_field) or \
-                pkg['extras'].get(self.match_field)
-        if value == self.match_field_value:
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-class AnyPackageMatcher(PackageMatcher):
-    def match(self, pkg):
-        return True
-class ListedPackageMatcher(PackageMatcher):
-    '''Package matcher based on a supplied list of package names.'''
-    def __init__(self, pkg_name_list):
-        assert iter(pkg_name_list)
-        assert not isinstance(pkg_name_list, basestring)
-        self.pkg_name_list = set(pkg_name_list)
-    def match_name(self, pkg_name):
-        return pkg_name in self.pkg_name_list
-    def match(self, pkg):
-        return pkg['name'] in self.pkg_name_list
-class PackageChanger(object):
-    def change(self, pkg):
-        '''Override this to return a changed package dictionary.
-        @param pkg: package dictionary
-        '''
-        assert NotImplementedError
-    def resolve_field_value(self, input_field_value, pkg):
-        '''Resolves the specified field_value to one
-        specific to this package.
-        Examples:
-          "pollution" -> "pollution"
-          "%(name)s" -> "uk-pollution-2008"
-        '''
-        return input_field_value % pkg
-    def flatten_pkg(self, pkg_dict):
-        flat_pkg = copy.deepcopy(pkg_dict)
-        for name, value in pkg_dict.items()[:]:
-            if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
-                if value and isinstance(value[0], dict) and name == 'resources':
-                    for i, res in enumerate(value):
-                        prefix = 'resource-%i' % i
-                        flat_pkg[prefix + '-url'] = res['url']
-                        flat_pkg[prefix + '-format'] = res['format']
-                        flat_pkg[prefix + '-description'] = res['description']
-                else:
-                    flat_pkg[name] = ' '.join(value)
-            elif isinstance(value, dict):
-                for name_, value_ in value.items():
-                    flat_pkg[name_] = value_
-            else:
-                flat_pkg[name] = value
-        return flat_pkg
-class BasicPackageChanger(PackageChanger):
-    def __init__(self, change_field, change_field_value):
-        '''Changes: pkg.change_field = change_field_value'''
-        self.change_field = change_field
-        self.change_field_value = change_field_value
-    def change(self, pkg):
-        flat_pkg = self.flatten_pkg(pkg)
-        if pkg.has_key(self.change_field):
-            pkg_field_root = pkg
-        else:
-            pkg_field_root = pkg['extras']
-        value = self.resolve_field_value(self.change_field_value, flat_pkg)
-        log.info('%s.%s  Value %r -> %r' % \
-                 (pkg['name'], self.change_field,
-                  flat_pkg.get(self.change_field),
-                  value))
-        pkg_field_root[self.change_field] = value
-        return pkg
-class CreateResource(PackageChanger):
-    def __init__(self, **resource_values):
-        '''Adds new resource with the given values.
-        @param resources_values: resource dictionary. e.g.:
-                {'url'=xyz, 'description'=xyz}
-        '''
-        for key in resource_values.keys():
-            assert key in model.PackageResource.get_columns()
-        self.resource_values = resource_values
-    def change(self, pkg):
-        flat_pkg = self.flatten_pkg(pkg)
-        resource = {}
-        for key, value in self.resource_values.items():
-            resource[key] = self.resolve_field_value(value, flat_pkg)
-        resource_index = len(pkg['resources'])
-        log.info('%s.resources[%i] -> %r' % \
-                 (pkg['name'], resource_index, resource))
-        pkg['resources'].append(resource)
-        return pkg
-class NoopPackageChanger(PackageChanger):
-    def change(self, pkg):
-        log.info('%s  No change' % \
-                 (pkg['name']))
-        return pkg
-class ChangeInstruction(object):
-    def __init__(self, matchers=None, changers=None):
-        '''Finds packages matching criteria and changes them as specified.
-        Matchers are derived from PackageMatcher and any of the matchers
-        can match to apply all the changes, which derive from PackageChanger.
-        '''
-        if isinstance(matchers, PackageMatcher):
-            self.matchers = [matchers]
-        elif isinstance(matchers, list) or matchers == None:
-            self.matchers = matchers
-        if isinstance(changers, PackageChanger):
-            self.changers = [changers]
-        elif isinstance(changers, list) or changers == None:
-            self.changers = changers
-class MassChanger(object):
-    def __init__(self, ckanclient, instructions, dry_run=False, force=False):
-        '''
-        Changes package properties en masse
-        @param ckanclient: instance of ckanclient to make the changes
-        @param instructions: (ordered) list of ChangeInstruction objects
-        @param dry_run: show matching and potential changes, but do not
-                        write the changes back to the server.
-        @param force: prevents aborting when there is an error with one package
-        '''
-        self.ckanclient = ckanclient
-        version = self.ckanclient.api_version_get()
-        assert int(version) >= 2, 'API Version is %s. Script requires at least Version 2.' % version
-        self.instructions = instructions
-        self.dry_run = dry_run
-        self.force = force
-        self._pkg_cache = {}
-    def run(self):
-        pkg_refs = self.ckanclient.package_register_get()
-        for pkg_ref in pkg_refs:
-            try:
-                pkg = self._get_pkg(pkg_ref)
-                instruction = self._match_instructions(pkg_ref)
-                if instruction:
-                    self._change_package(self._get_pkg(pkg_ref), instruction)
-            except ScriptError, e:
-                err = 'Problem with package %s: %r' % (pkg_ref, e.args)
-                log.error(err)
-                if not self.force:
-                    log.error('Aborting (avoid this with --force)')
-                    raise ScriptError(err)
-    def _get_pkg(self, pkg_ref):
-        if not self._pkg_cache.has_key(pkg_ref):
-            pkg = self.ckanclient.package_entity_get(pkg_ref)
-            if self.ckanclient.last_status != 200:
-                raise ScriptError('Could not get package ID %s: %r' % \
-                      (pkg_ref, self.ckanclient.last_status))
-            remove_readonly_fields(pkg)
-            self._pkg_cache[pkg_ref] = pkg
-        return self._pkg_cache[pkg_ref]
-    def _match_instructions(self, pkg_ref):
-        for instruction in self.instructions:
-            for matcher in instruction.matchers:
-                assert isinstance(matcher, PackageMatcher), matcher
-                name_match = None
-#                name_match = matcher.match_name(pkg_ref)
-                if name_match == None:
-                    pkg = self._get_pkg(pkg_ref)
-                    if matcher.match(pkg):
-                        return instruction
-    def _change_package(self, pkg, instruction):
-        pkg_before = copy.deepcopy(pkg)
-        for changer in instruction.changers:
-            pkg = changer.change(pkg)
-        if pkg == pkg_before:
-            log.info('...not changed')
-            return
-        if not self.dry_run:
-            self.ckanclient.package_entity_put(pkg)
-            if self.ckanclient.last_status == 200:
-                log.info('...saved %s:' % pkg['name'])
-                log.debug('Package saved: %r' % self.ckanclient.last_message)
-            else:
-                raise ScriptError('Post package %s error: %s' % (pkg['name'], self.ckanclient.last_message))
-class MassChangerNamedPackages(MassChanger):
-    def run(self):
-        for pkg_ref in self.pkg_name_list:
-            try:
-                instruction = self._match_instructions(pkg_ref)
-                if instruction:
-                    self._change_package(self._get_pkg(pkg_ref), instruction)
-            except ScriptError, e:
-                err = 'Problem with package %s: %r' % (pkg_ref, e.args)
-                log.error(err)
-                if not self.force:
-                    log.error('Aborting (avoid this with --force)')
-                    raise ScriptError(err)

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/mass_changer_cmd.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-from ckanext.importlib.api_command import ApiCommand
-class MassChangerCommand(ApiCommand):
-    def __init__(self, commands=None):
-        usage = "% %prog [options]"
-        if commands:
-            usage += " {%s}" % '|'.join(commands)
-        super(MassChangerCommand, self).__init__(usage=usage)
-    def add_options(self):
-        super(MassChangerCommand, self).add_options()
-        self.parser.add_option("-d", "--dry-run",
-                          dest="dry_run",
-                          action="store_true",
-                          default=False,
-                          help="Write no changes")
-        self.parser.add_option("-f", "--force",
-                          dest="force",
-                          action="store_true",
-                          default=False,
-                          help="Don't abort rest of packages on an error")
-    def command(self):
-        super(MassChangerCommand, self).command()
-        # now do command
-def command():
-    MassChangerCommand().command()

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/metadata_v3_migration.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-from collections import defaultdict
-import socket
-import copy
-from nose.tools import assert_equal
-from common import ScriptError, remove_readonly_fields
-from ckanclient import CkanApiError
-from ckanext.importlib.spreadsheet_importer import CsvData
-log = __import__("logging").getLogger(__name__)
-mapped_attributes = {
-    'temporal_granularity': dict(zip(['years', 'quarters', 'months', 'weeks', 'days', 'hours', 'points'],
-                                     ['year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'point'])),
-    'update_frequency': dict(zip(('annually', 'quarterly', 'monthly', 'never'),
-                                 ('annual', 'quarterly', 'monthly', 'never'))), #'discontinued'
-    }
-class MetadataV3Migration:
-    '''Changes department/agency fields to published_by/_via'''
-    def __init__(self, ckanclient,
-                 dry_run=False):
-        self.ckanclient = ckanclient
-        self.dry_run = dry_run
-    def run(self):
-        pkgs_done = []
-        pkgs_rejected = defaultdict(list) # reason: [pkgs]
-        all_pkgs = self.ckanclient.package_register_get()
-        log.info('Working on %i packages', len(all_pkgs))
-        for pkg_ref in all_pkgs:
-            log.info('Package: %s', pkg_ref)
-            try:
-                try:
-                    pkg = self.ckanclient.package_entity_get(pkg_ref)
-                except CkanApiError, e:
-                    log.error('Could not get: %r' % e)
-                    pkgs_rejected['Could not get package: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                    continue
-                pkg_before_changes = copy.deepcopy(pkg)
-                for attribute in mapped_attributes:
-                    orig_value = pkg['extras'].get(attribute)
-                    if not orig_value:
-                        continue
-                    mapped_value = mapped_attributes[attribute].get(orig_value)
-                    if mapped_value:
-                        pkg['extras'][attribute] = mapped_value
-                        log.info('%s: %r -> %r', \
-                                 attribute, orig_value, mapped_value)
-                    else:
-                        log.warn('Invalid value for %r: %r', \
-                                 attribute, orig_value)
-                if pkg == pkg_before_changes:
-                    log.info('...package unchanged: %r' % pkg['name'])
-                    pkgs_rejected['Package unchanged: %r' % pkg['name']].append(pkg)
-                    continue                    
-                if not self.dry_run:
-                    remove_readonly_fields(pkg)
-                    try:
-                        self.ckanclient.package_entity_put(pkg)
-                    except CkanApiError, e:
-                        log.error('Could not put: %r' % e)
-                        pkgs_rejected['Could not put package: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                        continue
-                    log.info('...done')
-                pkgs_done.append(pkg)
-            except ScriptError, e:
-                log.error('Error during processing package %r: %r', \
-                          pkg_ref, e)
-                pkgs_rejected['Error: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                continue
-            except Exception, e:
-                log.error('Uncaught exception during processing package %r: %r', \
-                          pkg_ref, e)
-                pkgs_rejected['Exception: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                raise
-        log.info('-- Finished --')
-        log.info('Processed %i packages', len(pkgs_done))
-        rejected_pkgs = []
-        for reason, pkgs in pkgs_rejected.items():
-            rejected_pkgs.append('\n  %i: %s' % (len(pkgs), reason))
-        log.info('Rejected packages: %s', rejected_pkgs)
-import sys
-#from ckanext.api_command import ApiCommand
-from mass_changer_cmd import MassChangerCommand
-class Command(MassChangerCommand):
-    def add_options(self):
-        super(Command, self).add_options()
-    def command(self):
-        super(Command, self).command()
-        # now do command
-        cmd = MetadataV3Migration(self.client,
-                                 dry_run=self.options.dry_run)
-        cmd.run()
-def command():
-    Command().command()

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/ofsted_fix.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-from collections import defaultdict
-from common import ScriptError, remove_readonly_fields
-from ckanclient import CkanApiError
-class OfstedFix:
-    '''Fixes old ONS imports misattributed to Ofsted DGU#780'''
-    def __init__(self, ckanclient, dry_run):
-        self.ckanclient = ckanclient
-        self.dry_run = dry_run
-    def run(self):
-        limit = 100
-        def search(page=None):
-            opts = {
-#                'external_reference': 'ONSHUB',
-                    'limit': limit}
-            if page != None:
-                opts['offset'] = page * limit
-            return self.ckanclient.package_search(
-                'Education',
-#                'Source agency: Education',
-                opts)
-        res = search()
-        print 'Found %i packages possibly related.' % res['count']
-        pkgs_done = []
-        pkgs_rejected = defaultdict(list) # reason: [pkgs]
-        for page in range(res['count'] / limit):
-            res = search(page)
-            pkg_refs = res['results']
-            for pkg_ref in pkg_refs:
-                pkg = self.ckanclient.package_entity_get(pkg_ref)
-                if 'ONS' not in pkg['extras'].get('import_source', ''):
-                    pkgs_rejected['Not imported from ONS'].append(pkg)
-                    continue
-                if pkg.get('state', 'active') != 'active':
-                    pkgs_rejected['Package state = %r' % pkg.get('state')].append(pkg)
-                    continue
-                source_agency = '|'.join([line.replace('Source agency:', '').strip() for line in pkg['notes'].split('\n') if 'Source agency' in line])
-                if source_agency != 'Education':
-                    pkgs_rejected['Source agency = %r' % source_agency].append(pkg)
-                    continue
-                if 'Department for Education' in pkg['extras'].get('department', ''):
-                    pkgs_rejected['Department = %r' % pkg['extras'].get('department', '')].append(pkg)
-                    continue
-                pkg_name = pkg['name']
-                dept = pkg['extras'].get('department')
-                agency = pkg['extras'].get('agency')
-                author = pkg['author']
-                print '%s :\n %r %r %r' % (pkg_name, dept, agency, author)
-                if not self.dry_run:
-                    pkg['extras']['department'] = 'Department for Education'
-                    pkg['extras']['agency'] = ''
-                    pkg['author'] = 'Department for Education'
-                    remove_readonly_fields(pkg)
-                    self.ckanclient.package_entity_put(pkg)
-                    print '...done'
-                pkgs_done.append(pkg)
-        print 'Processed %i packages' % len(pkgs_done)
-        print 'Rejected packages:'
-        for reason, pkgs in pkgs_rejected.items():
-            print '  %i: %s' % (len(pkgs), reason)

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/ofsted_fix_cmd.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-#from ckanext.api_command import ApiCommand
-from mass_changer_cmd import MassChangerCommand
-from ofsted_fix import OfstedFix
-class OfstedFixCmd(MassChangerCommand):
-    def command(self):
-        super(OfstedFixCmd, self).command()
-        # now do command
-        cmd = OfstedFix(self.client, dry_run=self.options.dry_run)
-        cmd.run()
-def command():
-    OfstedFixCmd().command()

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/ons_analysis.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-from common import ScriptError
-from ckanclient import CkanApiError
-class OnsAnalysis:
-    def __init__(self, ckanclient):
-        self.ckanclient = ckanclient
-        assert self.ckanclient.api_version_get() == '1', self.ckanclient.api_version_get()
-    def run(self):
-        pkg_names = self.ckanclient.package_register_get()
-        pkgs = []
-        for pkg_name in pkg_names:
-            if pkg_name.endswith('_'):
-                pkg = self.ckanclient.package_entity_get(pkg_name)
-                if 'ONS' in pkg['extras'].get('import_source', '') and \
-                       pkg.get('state', 'active'):
-                    dept = pkg['extras'].get('department')
-                    try:
-                        pkg_associated = self.ckanclient.package_entity_get(pkg_name.rstrip('_'))
-                    except CkanApiError:
-                        dept_associated = None
-                    else:
-                        dept_associated = pkg_associated['extras'].get('department')
-                    pkgs.append(pkg)
-                    print '%r\n-> %r %r' % (pkg_name, dept, dept_associated)
-        print '%i packages' % len(pkgs)

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/ons_analysis_cmd.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-from ckanclient import CkanClient
-from ckanext.importlib.api_command import ApiCommand
-from ons_analysis import OnsAnalysis
-class OnsAnalysisCommand(ApiCommand):
-    def add_options(self):
-        pass
-    def command(self):
-        super(OnsAnalysisCommand, self).command()
-        # now do command
-        client = CkanClient(base_location=self.options.api_url,
-                            api_key=self.options.api_key,
-                            http_user=self.options.username,
-                            http_pass=self.options.password)
-        change_licenses = OnsAnalysis(client)
-        change_licenses.run()
-def command():
-    OnsAnalysisCommand().command()

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/ons_delete_resourceless_packages.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-from collections import defaultdict
-import socket
-import copy
-from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy, ProtocolError
-from nose.tools import assert_equal
-from common import ScriptError, remove_readonly_fields
-from ckanclient import CkanApiError
-from ckanext.importlib.spreadsheet_importer import CsvData
-log = __import__("logging").getLogger(__name__)
-# NB This script doesn't do anything because of problem with deleting
-# packages over the API:
-# http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/1053
-class OnsDeleteResourcelessPackages:
-    '''Remove all resources from ONS packages'''
-    def __init__(self, ckanclient,
-                 xmlrpc_domain, xmlrpc_username, xmlrpc_password,
-                 dry_run=False):
-        self.ckanclient = ckanclient
-        self.dry_run = dry_run
-        self.xmlrpc = {'username':xmlrpc_username,
-                       'password':xmlrpc_password,
-                       'domain':xmlrpc_domain}
-    def run(self):
-        pkgs_done = []
-        pkgs_rejected = defaultdict(list) # reason: [pkgs]
-        all_pkgs = self.ckanclient.package_register_get()
-        log.info('Working on %i packages', len(all_pkgs))
-        for pkg_ref in all_pkgs:
-            log.info('Package: %s', pkg_ref)
-            try:
-                try:
-                    pkg = self.ckanclient.package_entity_get(pkg_ref)
-                except CkanApiError, e:
-                    log.error('Could not get: %r' % e)
-                    pkgs_rejected['Could not get package: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                    continue
-                pkg_before_changes = copy.deepcopy(pkg)
-                if pkg['state'] != 'active':
-                    msg = 'Not active (%s)' % pkg['state']
-                    log.info('...%s: %r' % (msg, pkg['name']))
-                    pkgs_rejected[msg].append(pkg)
-                    continue             
-                if pkg['extras'].get('external_reference') != 'ONSHUB':
-                    msg = 'Not ONS'
-                    log.info('...%s: %r' % (msg, pkg['name']))
-                    pkgs_rejected[msg].append(pkg)
-                    continue             
-                if pkg['resources'] == []:
-                    pkg['state'] = 'deleted'
-                if pkg == pkg_before_changes:
-                    log.info('...package unchanged: %r' % pkg['name'])
-                    pkgs_rejected['Package unchanged'].append(pkg)
-                    continue             
-                if not self.dry_run:
-                    remove_readonly_fields(pkg)
-                    try:
-                        self.ckanclient.package_entity_put(pkg)
-                    except CkanApiError, e:
-                        log.error('Could not put: %r' % e)
-                        pkgs_rejected['Could not put package: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                        continue
-                    log.info('...done')
-                pkgs_done.append(pkg)
-            except ScriptError, e:
-                log.error('Error during processing package %r: %r', \
-                          pkg_ref, e)
-                pkgs_rejected['Error: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                continue
-            except Exception, e:
-                log.error('Uncaught exception during processing package %r: %r', \
-                          pkg_ref, e)
-                pkgs_rejected['Exception: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                raise
-        log.info('-- Finished --')
-        log.info('Processed %i packages', len(pkgs_done))
-        rejected_pkgs = []
-        for reason, pkgs in pkgs_rejected.items():
-            rejected_pkgs.append('\n  %i: %s' % (len(pkgs), reason))
-        log.info('Rejected packages: %s', rejected_pkgs)
-import sys
-from mass_changer_cmd import MassChangerCommand
-class Command(MassChangerCommand):
-    def add_options(self):
-        super(Command, self).add_options()
-        self.parser.add_option("-D", "--xmlrpc-domain",
-                               dest="xmlrpc_domain",
-                               )
-        self.parser.add_option("-U", "--xmlrpc-username",
-                               dest="xmlrpc_username",
-                               )
-        self.parser.add_option("-P", "--xmlrpc-password",
-                               dest="xmlrpc_password",
-                               )
-    def command(self):
-        super(Command, self).command()
-        # now do command
-        cmd = OnsDeleteResourcelessPackages(self.client,
-                                 self.options.xmlrpc_domain,
-                                 self.options.xmlrpc_username,
-                                 self.options.xmlrpc_password,
-                                 dry_run=self.options.dry_run)
-        cmd.run()
-def command():
-    Command().command()

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/ons_remove_resources.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-from collections import defaultdict
-import socket
-import copy
-from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy, ProtocolError
-from nose.tools import assert_equal
-from common import ScriptError, remove_readonly_fields
-from ckanclient import CkanApiError
-from ckanext.importlib.spreadsheet_importer import CsvData
-log = __import__("logging").getLogger(__name__)
-class OnsRemoveResources:
-    '''Remove all resources from ONS packages'''
-    def __init__(self, ckanclient,
-                 xmlrpc_domain, xmlrpc_username, xmlrpc_password,
-                 dry_run=False):
-        self.ckanclient = ckanclient
-        self.dry_run = dry_run
-        self.xmlrpc = {'username':xmlrpc_username,
-                       'password':xmlrpc_password,
-                       'domain':xmlrpc_domain}
-    def run(self):
-        pkgs_done = []
-        pkgs_rejected = defaultdict(list) # reason: [pkgs]
-        all_pkgs = self.ckanclient.package_register_get()
-        log.info('Working on %i packages', len(all_pkgs))
-        for pkg_ref in all_pkgs:
-            log.info('Package: %s', pkg_ref)
-            try:
-                try:
-                    pkg = self.ckanclient.package_entity_get(pkg_ref)
-                except CkanApiError, e:
-                    log.error('Could not get: %r' % e)
-                    pkgs_rejected['Could not get package: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                    continue
-                pkg_before_changes = copy.deepcopy(pkg)
-                if pkg['state'] != 'active':
-                    msg = 'Not active (%s)' % pkg['state']
-                    log.info('...%s: %r' % (msg, pkg['name']))
-                    pkgs_rejected[msg].append(pkg)
-                    continue             
-                if pkg['extras'].get('external_reference') != 'ONSHUB':
-                    msg = 'Not ONS'
-                    log.info('...%s: %r' % (msg, pkg['name']))
-                    pkgs_rejected[msg].append(pkg)
-                    continue             
-                pkg['resources'] = []
-                if pkg == pkg_before_changes:
-                    log.info('...package unchanged: %r' % pkg['name'])
-                    pkgs_rejected['Package unchanged'].append(pkg)
-                    continue             
-                if not self.dry_run:
-                    remove_readonly_fields(pkg)
-                    try:
-                        self.ckanclient.package_entity_put(pkg)
-                    except CkanApiError, e:
-                        log.error('Could not put: %r' % e)
-                        pkgs_rejected['Could not put package: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                        continue
-                    log.info('...done')
-                pkgs_done.append(pkg)
-            except ScriptError, e:
-                log.error('Error during processing package %r: %r', \
-                          pkg_ref, e)
-                pkgs_rejected['Error: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                continue
-            except Exception, e:
-                log.error('Uncaught exception during processing package %r: %r', \
-                          pkg_ref, e)
-                pkgs_rejected['Exception: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                raise
-        log.info('-- Finished --')
-        log.info('Processed %i packages', len(pkgs_done))
-        rejected_pkgs = []
-        for reason, pkgs in pkgs_rejected.items():
-            rejected_pkgs.append('\n  %i: %s' % (len(pkgs), reason))
-        log.info('Rejected packages: %s', rejected_pkgs)
-import sys
-from mass_changer_cmd import MassChangerCommand
-class Command(MassChangerCommand):
-    def add_options(self):
-        super(Command, self).add_options()
-        self.parser.add_option("-D", "--xmlrpc-domain",
-                               dest="xmlrpc_domain",
-                               )
-        self.parser.add_option("-U", "--xmlrpc-username",
-                               dest="xmlrpc_username",
-                               )
-        self.parser.add_option("-P", "--xmlrpc-password",
-                               dest="xmlrpc_password",
-                               )
-    def command(self):
-        super(Command, self).command()
-        # now do command
-        cmd = OnsRemoveResources(self.client,
-                                 self.options.xmlrpc_domain,
-                                 self.options.xmlrpc_username,
-                                 self.options.xmlrpc_password,
-                                 dry_run=self.options.dry_run)
-        cmd.run()
-def command():
-    Command().command()

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/publisher_map_2.csv	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-Agency text,Corrected name,Parent organisation
- Newcastle PCT,Newcastle Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
- NHS Information Centre Health and Social Care Information Centre,NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care,National Health Service
-2gether NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Acas,"Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas)","Department for Business, Innovation and Skills"
-Advantage West Midlands,,"Department for Business, Innovation and Skills"
-"Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas)",,"Department for Business, Innovation and Skills"
-Airedale NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Animal Health,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Appointments Commision,Appointments Commission,Department of Health
-Appointments Commission,,Department of Health
-Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Barnet Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Barnsley Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Barts and The London NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Berkshire East Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Birmingham Children's NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Blackburn with Darwen Care Trust Plus,,National Health Service
-"Blackpool, Fylde & Wyre Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust",,National Health Service
-Bradford District Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-British Educational Communications and Technology Agency,,Department for Education
-British Transport Police Authority,,Department for Transport
-Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Burton Hospitals NHSFT,,National Health Service
-Buying Solutions,,Cabinet Office
-Calderstones Partnership NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-CCRC,Criminal Cases Review Commission,Ministry of Justice
-CEFAS,"Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science","Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Central and Eastern Cheshire Primary Care NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Central and Eastern Cheshire Primary Care Trust,Central and Eastern Cheshire Primary Care NHS Trust,National Health Service
-Charity Commission,,
-Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service,,Department for Education
-Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC),Children's Workforce Development Council,Department for Education
-CIB - Company Investigation Brancch,Companies Investigation Branch,"Department for Business, Innovation and Skills"
-CICA,Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority,Ministry of Justice
-CITB-ConstructionSkills,Construction Industry Training Board,"Department for Business, Innovation and Skills"
-COI,Central Office of Information,Cabinet Office
-Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) ,Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-Commission for Rural Communities,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Community Health Services,,National Health Service
-Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Council for Healthcare and Regulatory Excellence,Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence,Department of Health
-Counsumer Council for Water,Consumer Council for Water,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-County Durham Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Coventry PCT,Coventry Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-CRB,Criminal Records Bureau,Home Office
-Criminal Records Bureau,,Home Office
-Cumbria PCT,Cumbria Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-Darlington Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-DARTFORD & GRAVESHAM NHS TRUST,Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust,National Health Service
-Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Defence Analytical Services and Advice,Ministry of Defence,
-Derbyshire Community Health Services,,National Health Service
-Derbyshire Mental Health Services Trust,,National Health Service
-Devon Partnership NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Directly Operated Railways,,Department for Transport
-Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Dudley Group of Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Dudley Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Ealing PCT,Ealing Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-East Cheshire NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-East Midlands Ambulance Services NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-East Midlands Strategic Health Authority,,National Health Service
-East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Energy Saving Trust ,,Private Sector
-Enfield PRimary Care Trust,Enfield Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-Enfield Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council,,"Department for Business, Innovation and Skills"
-English Heritage,,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-Environment Agency,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Environment Agency,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Environment Agency,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Environment Agency,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Equality and Human Rights Commission,,Government Equalities Office
-FCO Services,,Foreign and Commonwealth Office
-FERA,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-FERA,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Fire Service College,,Department for Communities and Local Government
-Firebuy,,Department for Communities and Local Government
-Gambling Commission,,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-Gangmasters Licensing Authority,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Gateshead Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-General Social Care Council,,National Health Service
-Government Offices,,Department for Communities and Local Government
-Great Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Great Yarmouth and Waveney PCT,Great Yarmouth and Waveney Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Hampshire PCT,Hampshire Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-Health and Social Care Information Centre,NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care,National Health Service
-Health and Social Care Information Centre,NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care,National Health Service
-Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary,NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care,National Health Service
-Hereford Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Herefordshire Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-High Speed 2,,Private Sector
-Higher Education Statistics Agency,,"Department for Business, Innovation and Skills"
-Highways Agency,,Department for Transport
-HM Courts Service,,Ministry of Justice
-HM Land Registry,,Ministry of Justice
-HMIC,HM Inspectorate of Constabulary,Home Office
-Horniman Public Museum & Public Park Trust,,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-Horserace Betting Levy Board,,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-Housing and Communities Agency,,Department for Communities and Local Government
-Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Human Tissue Authority,,Department of Health
-ICO,Information Commissioner's Office,Ministry of Justice
-Identity & Passport Service,,Home Office
-Identity and Passport Service,Identity & Passport Service,Home Office
-Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Independent Living Fund,,Department for Work and Pensions
-Independent Police Complaints Commission,,Home Office
-Independent Safeguarding Authority,,Home Office
-Information Centre for Health and Social Care,NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care,National Health Service
-Information Centre for Health and Social Care,NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care,National Health Service
-Information Centre for health and social care,NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care,National Health Service
-Information Centre for Health and Social Care,NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care,National Health Service
-Infrastructure Planning Commission,,
-IPO,Infrastructure Planning Commission,
-IPS,Identity & Passport Service,Home Office
-ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland),ISD Scotland,NHS Scotland
-ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland),ISD Scotland,NHS Scotland
-ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland),ISD Scotland,NHS Scotland
-ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland),ISD Scotland,NHS Scotland
-Isle of Wight NHS Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-JAC,Judicial Appointments Commission,Ministry of Justice
-Joint Nature Conservation Committee,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Keep Britain Tidy,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Kingston Hospital NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Kingston Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Kirklees Primary Care Trust,Kirklees Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-Kirklees Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Lambeth PCT,Lambeth Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Learning and Skills Council/Skills Funding Agency,,"Department for Business, Innovation and Skills"
-Leasehold Advisory Service,,Department for Communities and Local Government
-Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Lewisham PCT,Lewisham Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-Lincolnshire Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Liverpool Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Local Better Regulation Office (LBRO),,"Department for Business, Innovation and Skills"
-London Ambulance Service NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-London Thames Gateway Development Corporation,,Department for Communities and Local Government
-LSB,Legal Services Board,Ministry of Justice
-Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Manchester Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Marine Management Organisation,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Medway Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Mersey Care NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Met Office,,Ministry of Defence
-MHRA,Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency,Department of Health
-Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Milton Keynes Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Monitor,Monitor - Independent Regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts,National Health Service
-Monitor - the Independent Regulator of NHS foundation trusts,Monitor - Independent Regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts,National Health Service
-Museum of Science and Industry,,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-Museums Libraries and Archives Council,,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-National College for Leadership of Schools and Children’s Services,National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's Services,Department for Education
-National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's Services,,Department for Education
-National College for Leadership of Schools and Children’s Services,National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's Services
-National Employment Savings Trust,,Department for Work and Pensions
-National Forest Company,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-National Fraud Authority ,,Attorney General's Office
-National Health Service in Scotland,NHS Scotland,Department of Health
-National Health Service in Scotland,NHS Scotland,Department of Health
-National Health Service in Scotland,NHS Scotland,Department of Health
-National Health Service in Scotland,NHS Scotland,Department of Health
-National Heritage Memorial Fund,,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-National Museum of Science and Industry,,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-National Museums Liverpool,,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-National Offender Management Service,,Ministry of Justice
-National Patient Safety Agency,,National Health Service
-National Policing Improvement Agency,,Home Office
-National Treatment Agency,National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse,National Health Service
-National Treatment Agency,National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse,National Health Service
-National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse,National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse,National Health Service
-Natural Environment Research Council,,"Department for Business, Innovation and Skills"
-Neighbourhood Statistics,Office of National Statistics,UK Statistics Authority
-Newham Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Newham University Hospital NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-NHM,Natural History Museum,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-NHS,National Health Service,Department of Health
-NHS Ashton Leigh and Wigan,,National Health Service
-NHS Bassetlaw,,National Health Service
-NHS Bath & North East Somerset,,National Health Service
-NHS Bedfordshire,,National Health Service
-NHS Blackpool,,National Health Service
-NHS Blood and Transplant,,National Health Service
-NHS Bolton,,National Health Service
-NHS Bournemouth & Poole,,National Health Service
-NHS Bradford and Airedale,,National Health Service
-NHS Bury,,National Health Service
-NHS Central Lancashire,,National Health Service
-NHS Choices,,National Health Service
-NHS Connecting for Health,,National Health Service
-NHS Connecting for Health and NHS Business Services Authority,,National Health Service
-NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly,,National Health Service
-NHS Coventry,,National Health Service
-NHS Derbyshire County,,National Health Service
-NHS Devon,,National Health Service
-NHS East Lancashire,,National Health Service
-NHS East of England,,National Health Service
-NHS East Riding of Yorkshire,,National Health Service
-NHS Eastern and Coastal Kent,,National Health Service
-NHS Gloucestershire,,National Health Service
-NHS Hammersmith and Fulham,,National Health Service
-NHS Harrow,,National Health Service
-NHS Information Centre for health and social care,NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care,National Health Service
-NHS Information Centre for Health and Social care,NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care,National Health Service
-NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care,NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care,National Health Service
-NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement,,National Health Service
-NHS Islington,,National Health Service
-NHS Knowsley,,National Health Service
-NHS Leeds,,National Health Service
-NHS Leeds (Leeds Primary Care Trust),NHS Leeds,National Health Service
-NHS Leicester City,,National Health Service
-NHS Litigation Authority,,National Health Service
-NHS London,,National Health Service
-NHS North Lincolnshire,,National Health Service
-NHS North Staffordshire,,National Health Service
-NHS North West,,National Health Service
-NHS Redbridge,,National Health Service
-NHS Rotherham,,National Health Service
-NHS South East Coast,,National Health Service
-NHS Surrey,,National Health Service
-NHS Tameside & Glossop,,National Health Service
-NHS Telford & Wrekin,,National Health Service
-NHS Trafford,,National Health Service
-NHS Walsall,,National Health Service
-NHS Wandsworth,,National Health Service
-NHS West Sussex,,National Health Service
-NHS Wiltshire,,National Health Service
-NHSBSA,Business Services Authority (NHS),National Health Service
-Nomis - Official Labour Market Statistics,Office of National Statistics,UK Statistics Authority
-Nomis - Official Labour Market Statistics,Office of National Statistics,UK Statistics Authority
-NOMS,National Offender Management Service,Ministry of Justice
-Norfolk and Waveney Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-North Bristol NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-North East Lincolnshire Care Trust Plus,,National Health Service
-North Lancashire Teaching PCT,,National Health Service
-North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-North Staffordshire Shared Services,,National Health Service
-North Tyneside PCT,North Tyneside Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-North West Specialised Commissioning Team,North West Specialised Commissioning Group,National Health Service
-Northern Devon Healtchare Trust,Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust,National Health Service
-Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency,,Northern Ireland Executive
-Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency,,Northern Ireland Executive
-Nottingham City PCT,Nottingham City Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Nottinghamshire County Teaching Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-NPIA,National Policing Improvement Agency,Home Office
-Office of Government Commerce,,Cabinet Office
-Office of the Advocate General,Office of the Advocate General of Scotland,
-Office of the Children's Commissioner,,Department for Education
-Office of the First and Deputy First Minister,,Northern Ireland Executive
-Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner,,Home Office
-Office of the Prime Minister,,
-Office of the Third Sector,Office for Civil Society,Cabinet Office
-Oldham Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-One North East,,"Department for Business, Innovation and Skills"
-Ordnance Survey,,Department for Communities and Local Government
-Oxfordshire Learning Disability NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Partnerships for Schools,,Department for Education
-Passenger Focus,,Department for Transport
-Planning Inspectorate,,Department for Communities and Local Government
-Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI),Police Service of Northern Ireland,Northern Ireland Executive
-Portsmouth City Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Portsmouth NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Probation Trusts,National Offender Management Service,Ministry of Justice
-Public Lending Right,,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency,Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency,Department for Education
-Qualifications and Curriculum Devlopment Agency,Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency,Department for Education
-Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre,,Department for Communities and Local Government
-Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Railway Heritage Committee,,Department for Transport
-Regional Development Agencies,,"Department for Business, Innovation and Skills"
-Renewable Fuels Agency,,Department for Transport
-Richmond and Twickenham PCT,Richmond and Twickenham Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic & District Hospital NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Rotherham Metropolitan District Council,,Local Authorities
-Royal Botanic Gardens Kew,"Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew","Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-"Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew",,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Rural Payments Agency,Rural Payments Agency,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-"Rural Payments Agency (RPA), Scottish Government Rural Payments & Inspections Directorate (SGRPID), Welsh Assembly Government (WAG), Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD)",Rural Payments Agency,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-"Rural Payments Agency (RPA), Scottish Government Rural Payments & Inspections Directorate (SGRPID), Welsh Assembly Government (WAG), Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) ",Rural Payments Agency,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Salford Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Sandwell & West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Sandwell Mental Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Sandwell PCT,Sandwell Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-Scarborough and North East Yorkshire Healthcare NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-School Food Trust,,Department for Education
-Science and Technology Facilities Council,,"Department for Business, Innovation and Skills"
-Science and Technology Facilities Council ,,"Department for Business, Innovation and Skills"
-Scottish Court Service,,Scottish Government
-Scottish Prison Service,,Scottish Government
-Sea Fish Industry Authority,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Security Industry Authority,,Home Office
-Sefton Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Serious Organised Crime Agency,,Home Office
-Sheffield Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Shropshire County Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Solihull NHS Care Trust,,National Health Service
-South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust ,,National Health Service
-South Central Strategic Health Authority,,National Health Service
-South East Coast Ambulance Service,,National Health Service
-South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-South Tyneside PCT,South Tyneside Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Southampton City Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Southwark PCT,Southwark Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-St Helens and Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Standards for England,,Department for Communities and Local Government
-Stockport Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Stockton Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Student Loans Company Limited,,"Department for Business, Innovation and Skills"
-Sunderland Teaching PCT,Sunderland Teaching Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trus,Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust,National Health Service
-Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Sustainable Development Commission,,
-Swindon PCT,Swindon Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-Tenants Service Authority,Tenant Services Authority,Department for Communities and Local Government
-The Christie NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-The Churches Conservation Trust,,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-The Geffrye Museum,,
-The Genome Analysis Centre,,Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
-The Institute of Food Research,,Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
-The John Innes Centre,,Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
-Biological and Biotechnology Science Research Council,Biotechnology & Biological Science Research Council
-The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-The National Archives,,Ministry of Justice
-The NHS Information Centre for Health and Social care,NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care,National Health Service
-The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-The Pensions Ombudsman ,Pensions Ombudsman,Department for Work and Pensions
-The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation,,Department for Communities and Local Government
-Torbay Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Trinity House and the Northern Lighthouse Board,,
-UK Border Agency,,Home Office
-UK Film Council,,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-UK Hydrographic Office,,Ministry of Defence
-UK National Air Quality Archive,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-UK Trade and Investment,,
-UKBA,UK Border Agency,Home Office
-United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority,,Department of Energy and Climate Change
-United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,,National Health Service
-University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust ,,National Health Service
-Valuatin Tribunal Service,Valuation Tribunals,Department for Communities and Local Government
-Valuation Office Agency ,,Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs
-Vehicle and Operator Services Agency,,Department for Transport
-Vehicle Operator Services Agency (VOSA),Vehicle Operator Services Agency,Department for Transport
-Veterinary Laboratories Agency,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Veterinary Laboratories Agency,,"Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"
-Victoria And Albert Museum,Victoria and Albert Museum,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-Victoria and Albert Museum,,"Department for Culture, Media and Sport"
-VOSA,Vehicle and Operator Services Agency,Department for Transport
-Wakefield District PCT,Wakefield District Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-Walsall Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Warrington Primary Care Trust,,National Health Service
-Warwickshire PCT,Warwickshire Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-West London Mental Health NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-West Norhamptonshire Development Corporation,West Northampton Development Corporation,Department for Communities and Local Government
-Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Whittington Hospital NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Wolverhampton City PCT,Wolverhampton City Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust,,National Health Service
-Worcestershire PCT,Worcestershire Primary Care Trust,National Health Service
-"Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Foundation Trust",,National Health Service
\ No newline at end of file

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/publisher_migration.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-from collections import defaultdict
-import socket
-import copy
-from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy, ProtocolError, ResponseError
-from nose.tools import assert_equal
-from common import ScriptError, remove_readonly_fields
-from ckanclient import CkanApiError
-from ckanext.importlib.spreadsheet_importer import CsvData
-from ckanext.dgu import schema
-log = __import__("logging").getLogger(__name__)
-mapped_attributes = {
-    'temporal_granularity': dict(zip(['years', 'quarters', 'months', 'weeks', 'days', 'hours', 'points'],
-                                     ['year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'point'])),
-    'update_frequency': dict(zip(('annually', 'quarterly', 'monthly', 'never'),
-                                 ('annual', 'quarterly', 'monthly', 'never'))), #'discontinued'
-    }
-class PublisherMigration:
-    '''Changes department/agency fields to published_by/_via'''
-    def __init__(self, ckanclient,
-                 xmlrpc_domain, xmlrpc_username, xmlrpc_password,
-                 publisher_map_filepath,
-                 update_all,
-                 dry_run=False):
-        self.ckanclient = ckanclient
-        self.dry_run = dry_run
-        self.xmlrpc = {'username':xmlrpc_username,
-                       'password':xmlrpc_password,
-                       'domain':xmlrpc_domain}
-        self.publisher_map = self.read_publisher_map(publisher_map_filepath) \
-                             if publisher_map_filepath else {}
-        self.update_all = update_all
-        self.organisations = {}
-    def read_publisher_map(self, publisher_map_filepath):
-        logger = None
-        publisher_map = {}
-        data = CsvData(logger, filepath=publisher_map_filepath)
-        header = data.get_row(0)
-        assert_equal(header[:2], ['Agency text', 'Corrected name'])
-        for row_index in range(data.get_num_rows())[1:]:
-            row = data.get_row(row_index)
-            if len(row) < 2:
-                continue
-            agency, publisher = row[:2]
-            agency = agency.strip()
-            publisher = publisher.strip()
-            if agency and publisher:
-                publisher_map[agency] = publisher
-        return publisher_map
-    def get_organisation(self, dept_or_agency):
-        if not self.organisations.has_key(dept_or_agency):
-            # check for name mapping
-            mapped_publisher = self.publisher_map.get(dept_or_agency.strip())
-            if mapped_publisher:
-                log.info('Mapping %r to %r', dept_or_agency, mapped_publisher)
-                dept_or_agency = mapped_publisher
-            # try canonical name
-            dept_or_agency = schema.canonise_organisation_name(dept_or_agency)
-            # look up with Drupal
-            if not hasattr(self, 'drupal'):
-                domain = self.xmlrpc['domain']
-                username = self.xmlrpc['username']
-                password = self.xmlrpc['password']
-                if username or password:
-                    server = '%s:%s@%s' % (username, password, domain)
-                else:
-                    server = '%s' % domain
-                self.xmlrpc_url = 'http://%s/services/xmlrpc' % server
-                log.info('XMLRPC connection to %s', self.xmlrpc_url)
-                self.drupal = ServerProxy(self.xmlrpc_url)
-            try:
-                org_id = self.drupal.organisation.match(dept_or_agency)
-            except socket.error, e:
-                raise ScriptError('Socket error connecting to %s', self.xmlrpc_url)
-            except ProtocolError, e:
-                raise ScriptError('XMLRPC error connecting to %s', self.xmlrpc_url)
-            except ResponseError, e:
-                raise ScriptError('XMLRPC response error connecting to %s for department: %r', self.xmlrpc_url, dept_or_agency)
-            if org_id:
-                try:
-                    org_name = self.drupal.organisation.one(org_id)
-                except socket.error, e:
-                    raise ScriptError('Socket error connecting to %s', self.xmlrpc_url)
-                except ProtocolError, e:
-                    raise ScriptError('XMLRPC error connecting to %s', self.xmlrpc_url)
-                organisation = u'%s [%s]' % (org_name, org_id)
-                log.info('Found organisation: %r', organisation)
-            else:
-                log.error('Could not find organisation: %s', dept_or_agency)
-                organisation = ''
-            self.organisations[dept_or_agency] = organisation
-        return self.organisations[dept_or_agency]
-    def run(self):
-        pkgs_done = []
-        pkgs_rejected = defaultdict(list) # reason: [pkgs]
-        all_pkgs = self.ckanclient.package_register_get()
-        log.info('Working on %i packages', len(all_pkgs))
-        for pkg_ref in all_pkgs:
-            log.info('Package: %s', pkg_ref)
-            try:
-                try:
-                    pkg = self.ckanclient.package_entity_get(pkg_ref)
-                except CkanApiError, e:
-                    log.error('Could not get: %r' % e)
-                    pkgs_rejected['Could not get package: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                    continue
-                pkg_before_changes = copy.deepcopy(pkg)
-                # mapped attributes
-                for attribute in mapped_attributes:
-                    orig_value = pkg['extras'].get(attribute)
-                    if not orig_value:
-                        continue
-                    mapped_value = mapped_attributes[attribute].get(orig_value)
-                    if not mapped_value:
-                        mapped_value = mapped_attributes[attribute].get(orig_value.lower().strip())
-                        if not mapped_value:
-                            if orig_value.lower() in mapped_attributes[attribute].values():
-                                mapped_value = orig_value.lower()
-                    if mapped_value and orig_value != mapped_value:
-                        pkg['extras'][attribute] = mapped_value
-                        log.info('%s: %r -> %r', \
-                                 attribute, orig_value, mapped_value)
-                    else:
-                        log.warn('Invalid value for %r: %r', \
-                                 attribute, orig_value)
-                # create publisher fields
-                if self.update_all or not pkg['extras'].get('published_by'):
-                    dept = pkg['extras'].get('department')
-                    agency = pkg['extras'].get('agency')
-                    if dept:
-                        pub_by = self.get_organisation(dept)                
-                        pub_via = self.get_organisation(agency) if agency else ''
-                    else:
-                        pub_by = self.get_organisation(agency) if agency else ''
-                        pub_via = ''
-                        if not pub_by or pub_via:
-                            log.warn('No publisher for package: %s', pkg['name'])
-                    log.info('%s:\n  %r/%r ->\n  %r/%r', \
-                             pkg['name'], dept, agency, pub_by, pub_via)
-                    pkg['extras']['published_by'] = pub_by
-                    pkg['extras']['published_via'] = pub_via
-                if pkg == pkg_before_changes:
-                    log.info('...package unchanged: %r' % pkg['name'])
-                    pkgs_rejected['Package unchanged'].append(pkg)
-                    continue             
-                if not self.dry_run:
-                    remove_readonly_fields(pkg)
-                    try:
-                        self.ckanclient.package_entity_put(pkg)
-                    except CkanApiError, e:
-                        log.error('Could not put: %r' % e)
-                        pkgs_rejected['Could not put package: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                        continue
-                    log.info('...done')
-                pkgs_done.append(pkg)
-            except ScriptError, e:
-                log.error('Error during processing package %r: %r', \
-                          pkg_ref, e)
-                pkgs_rejected['Error: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                continue
-            except Exception, e:
-                log.error('Uncaught exception during processing package %r: %r', \
-                          pkg_ref, e)
-                pkgs_rejected['Exception: %r' % e].append(pkg_ref)
-                raise
-        log.info('-- Finished --')
-        log.info('Processed %i packages', len(pkgs_done))
-        rejected_pkgs = []
-        for reason, pkgs in pkgs_rejected.items():
-            rejected_pkgs.append('\n  %i: %s' % (len(pkgs), reason))
-        log.info('Rejected packages: %s', rejected_pkgs)
-import sys
-#from ckanext.api_command import ApiCommand
-from mass_changer_cmd import MassChangerCommand
-class Command(MassChangerCommand):
-    def add_options(self):
-        super(Command, self).add_options()
-        self.parser.add_option("-D", "--xmlrpc-domain",
-                               dest="xmlrpc_domain",
-                               )
-        self.parser.add_option("-U", "--xmlrpc-username",
-                               dest="xmlrpc_username",
-                               )
-        self.parser.add_option("-P", "--xmlrpc-password",
-                               dest="xmlrpc_password",
-                               )
-        self.parser.add_option("-m", "--publisher-map",
-                               dest="publisher_map_csv",
-                               )
-        self.parser.add_option("--update-all",
-                               dest="update_all",
-                               )
-    def command(self):
-        super(Command, self).command()
-        # now do command
-        cmd = PublisherMigration(self.client,
-                                 self.options.xmlrpc_domain,
-                                 self.options.xmlrpc_username,
-                                 self.options.xmlrpc_password,
-                                 self.options.publisher_map_csv,
-                                 self.options.update_all,
-                                 dry_run=self.options.dry_run)
-        cmd.run()
-def command():
-    Command().command()

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/remove_old_ons.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Run this in a shell
-dry_run = True
-key_date = datetime(2011, 5, 11)
-from collections import defaultdict
-from datetime import datetime
-pkg_status = defaultdict(list) # reason: [pkgs]
-pkgs = model.Session.query(model.Package)
-print 'Working with %i packages' % pkgs.count()
-count = 0
-for pkg in pkgs:
-    count += 1
-    if pkg.state != 'active':
-        pkg_status['State is %s' % pkg.state].append(pkg.name)
-        continue
-    if pkg.extras.get('external_reference') != 'ONSHUB':
-        pkg_status['Not ONS'].append(pkg.name)
-        continue
-    if pkg.revision.timestamp > key_date:
-        pkg_status['After date'].append(pkg.name)
-        continue
-    pkg_status['Delete'].append(pkg.name)
-    if not dry_run:
-        rev = model.repo.new_revision() 
-        rev.author = 'okfn'
-        rev.message = 'Deleting obsolete ONS packages'
-        pkg.delete()
-        model.repo.commit_and_remove()
-for reason, pkgs in pkg_status.items():
-    print '\n  %i: %s : %r' % (len(pkgs), reason, '   '.join(pkgs[:5]))

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/temporal_dash.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Convert extra key "temporal_coverage_to" to "temporal_coverage-to"
-# Paste this into a shell
-# sudo -u www-data paster --plugin=pylons shell /etc/ckan/dgu/dgu.ini
-dry_run = True
-from collections import defaultdict
-pkg_status = defaultdict(list) # reason: [pkgs]
-pkgs = model.Session.query(model.Package)
-count = 0
-rev = None
-def new_rev():
-    global rev
-    if not rev:
-        rev = model.repo.new_revision() 
-        rev.author = 'okfn'
-        rev.message = 'Correcting temporal coverage'
-def commit():
-    global rev
-    if rev:
-        model.commit_and_remove()
-        rev = None
-for pkg in pkgs:
-    count += 1
-    if pkg.state != 'active':
-        pkg_status['State is %s' % pkg.state].append(pkg.name)
-        continue
-    pkg_changed = False
-    for suffix in ('from', 'to'):
-        if pkg.extras.has_key('temporal_coverage_%s' % suffix):
-            pkg_changed = True
-            new_value = pkg.extras.get('temporal_coverage-%s' % suffix) or \
-                        pkg.extras.get('temporal_coverage_%s' % suffix) or ''
-            if not dry_run:
-                new_rev()
-                pkg.extras['temporal_coverage-%s' % suffix] = new_value
-                del pkg.extras['temporal_coverage_%s' % suffix]
-    if pkg_changed:
-        pkg_status['changed'].append(pkg.name)        
-    commit()
-print 'Working with %i packages' % pkgs.count()
-for reason, pkgs in pkg_status.items():
-    print '\n  %i: %s : %r' % (len(pkgs), reason, '   '.join(pkgs[:5]))

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/transfer_url.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-Takes a list of package names.
-For each package:
- * double-checks it has a URL but no resources
- * creates a new resource with download url according to the resource
-from mass_changer import *
-from common import ScriptError
-log = __import__("logging").getLogger(__name__)
-pkg_name_list = '''anti-social-behaviour-orders-1999-2007
-pkg_name_list = [name for name in pkg_name_list if name]
-class TransferUrl(object):
-    def __init__(self, ckanclient, dry_run=False, force=False):
-        '''
-        Changes licenses of packages.
-        @param ckanclient: instance of ckanclient to make the changes
-        @param license_id: id of the license to change packages to
-        @param force: do not stop if there is an error with one package
-        '''
-        self.ckanclient = ckanclient
-        self.dry_run = dry_run
-        self.force = force
-    def transfer_url(self):
-        instructions = [
-            ChangeInstruction(
-                [
-                    TransferUrlMatcher(),
-                    ],
-                CreateResource(url='%(url)s'))
-            ]
-        self.mass_changer = MassChangerNamedPackages(self.ckanclient,
-                                        instructions,
-                                        dry_run=self.dry_run,
-                                        force=self.force)
-        self.mass_changer.pkg_name_list = pkg_name_list
-        self.mass_changer.run()
-class TransferUrlMatcher(PackageMatcher):
-    def match(self, pkg):
-        if not (pkg['url'] or '').strip():
-            log.warn('Ignoring package with no URL: %r', pkg['name'])
-            return False
-##        if not pkg['url'].lower().endswith('.pdf'):
-##            log.warn('Ignoring package URL not ending in ".PDF": %r %r',
-##                     pkg['name'], pkg['url'])
-##            return False
-        if pkg['resources']:
-            log.warn('Ignoring package with resources already: %r', pkg['name'])
-            return False        
-        return True

--- a/ckanext/dgu/scripts/transfer_url_cmd.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-from ckanext.importlib.loader import ResourceSeries
-from ckanext.dgu.scripts.transfer_url import TransferUrl
-from ckanext.dgu.scripts.mass_changer_cmd import MassChangerCommand
-from ckanclient import CkanClient
-class TransferUrlCommand(MassChangerCommand):
-    def command(self):
-        super(TransferUrlCommand, self).command()
-        if self.options.license_id is None:
-            self.parser.error("Please specify a license ID")
-        if len(self.args) != 1:
-            self.parser.error("Command is required")
-        client = CkanClient(base_location=self.options.api_url,
-                            api_key=self.options.api_key,
-                            http_user=self.options.username,
-                            http_pass=self.options.password)
-        transfer_url = TransferUrl(client, dry_run=self.options.dry_run,
-                                   force=self.options.force)
-        transfer_url.transfer_url()
-def command():
-    TransferUrlCommand().command()

--- a/setup.py	Mon May 30 12:35:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/setup.py	Mon May 30 16:56:26 2011 +0100
@@ -36,16 +36,17 @@
         ons_loader = ckanext.dgu.ons:load
         cospread_loader = ckanext.dgu.cospread:load
-        change_licenses = ckanext.dgu.scripts.change_licenses_cmd:command
-        transfer_url = ckanext.dgu.scripts.transfer_url_cmd:command
-        ons_analysis = ckanext.dgu.scripts.ons_analysis_cmd:command
-        ofsted_fix = ckanext.dgu.scripts.ofsted_fix_cmd:command        
-        publisher_migration = ckanext.dgu.scripts.publisher_migration:command
-        metadata_v3_migration = ckanext.dgu.scripts.metadata_v3_migration:command
+        change_licenses = ckanext.dgu.bin.change_licenses_cmd:command
+        transfer_url = ckanext.dgu.bin.transfer_url_cmd:command
+        ons_analysis = ckanext.dgu.bin.ons_analysis_cmd:command
+        ofsted_fix = ckanext.dgu.bin.ofsted_fix_cmd:command        
+        publisher_migration = ckanext.dgu.bin.publisher_migration:command
+        metadata_v3_migration = ckanext.dgu.bin.metadata_v3_migration:command
         generate_test_organisations = ckanext.dgu.testtools.organisations:command
-        ons_remove_resources = ckanext.dgu.scripts.ons_remove_resources:command
-        ons_delete_resourceless_packages = ckanext.dgu.scripts.ons_delete_resourceless_packages:command
-        dump_analysis = ckanext.dgu.scripts.dump_analysis:command
+        ons_remove_resources = ckanext.dgu.bin.ons_remove_resources:command
+        ons_delete_resourceless_packages = ckanext.dgu.bin.ons_delete_resourceless_packages:command
+        dump_analysis = ckanext.dgu.bin.dump_analysis:command
+        gov_daily = ckanext.dgu.bin.gov_daily:command
         package_gov3 = ckanext.dgu.forms.package_gov3:get_gov3_fieldset

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