[ckan-changes] commit/ckan: amercader: [merge] from release-v1.5

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Fri Nov 4 17:47:24 UTC 2011

1 new commit in ckan:

changeset:   a575ab7328c6
branch:      defect-1430-mixed-docs-in-search-index
user:        amercader
date:        2011-11-04 18:44:21
summary:     [merge] from release-v1.5
affected #:  11 files

diff -r 855f5a452f603ac1a4bd9890901f656213a10c08 -r a575ab7328c674c1014b80dd2f8921a6e0671873 .hgignore
--- a/.hgignore
+++ b/.hgignore
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 # pylons
@@ -33,3 +34,9 @@
 # nosetest coverage output

diff -r 855f5a452f603ac1a4bd9890901f656213a10c08 -r a575ab7328c674c1014b80dd2f8921a6e0671873 MANIFEST.in
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 recursive-include ckan/public *
 recursive-include ckan/config *.ini
 recursive-include ckan/config *.xml
+recursive-include ckan/i18n *
 recursive-include ckan/templates *
 recursive-include ckan *.ini
 prune .hg

diff -r 855f5a452f603ac1a4bd9890901f656213a10c08 -r a575ab7328c674c1014b80dd2f8921a6e0671873 build.sh
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# This is a script which uses BuildKit 0.2.0 to automatically package CKAN and
+# its dependencies for use as Debian packages on Ubuntu 10.04.
+# See the BuildKit documentation or look at the help to see what these commands
+# do. eg:
+#     buildkit --help
+# The licenses and solrpy packages have to be built separately from the others
+# because they are slighlty non-standard. All other CKAN dependencies are
+# automatically handled by the --deps option to the CKAN build command.
+# Over time, as CKAN and its dependencies follow conventions more closely the
+# edge cases handled by this script should go away and the build should become
+# simpler.
+EMAIL=packaging at okfn.org
+NAME="James Gardner"
+# Clean the build environment
+echo "Cleaning the environment ..."
+rm -r ${CKAN_PATH}/dist/
+rm -rf ${CKAN_PATH}/build/env/src
+mkdir -p ${CKAN_PATH}/dist/buildkit
+echo "done."
+echo "Buildling the packages ..."
+# Create the python-ckan debian package
+buildkit pkg python -p $CKAN_PACKAGE_VERSION --delete "solrpy" --distro-dep "python-solr" --delete "licenses" --distro-dep "python-licenses" --delete "repoze.who-friendlyform" --rename "repoze.who.plugins.openid -> repoze.who-plugins" --rename "babel -> pybabel" --author-email="$EMAIL" --author-name="$NAME" --packager-email="$EMAIL" --packager-name="$NAME" --deps --exclude=test/generate_package --conflict-module "sqlalchemy-migrate -> migrate" --conflict-module "sqlalchemy -> lib/sqlalchemy" --debian-dir --url http://ckan.org ${CKAN_PATH}
+# Creates the ckan debian package (of which python-ckan is a dependency)
+buildkit pkg nonpython -p $CKAN_PACKAGE_VERSION --deb --output-dir ${CKAN_PATH}/dist/buildkit ${CKAN_PATH}/ckan_deb
+# Build python-solr
+${CKAN_PATH}/build/buildkit/env/bin/pip install --download-cache ${CKAN_PATH}/build/buildkit/env/cache --no-install --upgrade "solrpy==0.9.4"
+mv ${CKAN_PATH}/build/buildkit/env/build/solrpy ${CKAN_PATH}/build/buildkit/env/build/solr
+# We need to rename the package here
+sed -e "s,solrpy,solr," -i ${CKAN_PATH}/build/buildkit/env/build/solr/setup.py
+# We need to specify an author explicitly since it is missing we'll use the CKAN one
+buildkit pkg python -p $DEPS_PACKAGE_VERSION --author-email="$EMAIL" --author-name="$NAME" --packager-email="$EMAIL" --packager-name="$NAME" --debian-dir ${CKAN_PATH}/build/buildkit/env/build/solr/
+cp ${CKAN_PATH}/build/buildkit/env/build/solr/dist/buildkit/*.deb ${CKAN_PATH}/dist/buildkit/
+# Build python-licenses
+${CKAN_PATH}/build/buildkit/env/bin/pip install --download-cache ${CKAN_PATH}/build/buildkit/env/cache --no-install --upgrade "licenses==0.6.1" 
+buildkit pkg python --deb -p $DEPS_PACKAGE_VERSION --author-email="$EMAIL" --author-name="$NAME" --packager-email="$EMAIL" --packager-name="$NAME" ${CKAN_PATH}/build/buildkit/env/build/licenses
+cp ${CKAN_PATH}/build/buildkit/env/build/licenses/dist/buildkit/*.deb ${CKAN_PATH}/dist/buildkit/
+echo "done."
+# Add the .debs to the repository and the export the latest files for upload
+echo "Adding the packages to the $BUILDKIT_REPO_PATH repo ..."
+sudo -u buildkit buildkit repo remove -a $BUILDKIT_REPO_PATH
+sudo -u buildkit buildkit repo add $BUILDKIT_REPO_PATH ${CKAN_PATH}/dist/buildkit/*.deb
+echo "done."

diff -r 855f5a452f603ac1a4bd9890901f656213a10c08 -r a575ab7328c674c1014b80dd2f8921a6e0671873 ckan/i18n/__init__.py
--- a/ckan/i18n/__init__.py
+++ b/ckan/i18n/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+# Need some content here to avoid the packaging stripping it out

diff -r 855f5a452f603ac1a4bd9890901f656213a10c08 -r a575ab7328c674c1014b80dd2f8921a6e0671873 ckan/lib/i18n.py
--- a/ckan/lib/i18n.py
+++ b/ckan/lib/i18n.py
@@ -160,7 +160,9 @@
         # Next try languages in the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header
-        locales.append(Locales().negotiate_known_locale(request.languages))
+        locale = Locales().negotiate_known_locale(request.languages)
+        if locale:
+            locales.append(locale)
     # Next try the default locale in the CKAN config file

diff -r 855f5a452f603ac1a4bd9890901f656213a10c08 -r a575ab7328c674c1014b80dd2f8921a6e0671873 ckan_deb/DEBIAN/control.template
--- a/ckan_deb/DEBIAN/control.template
+++ b/ckan_deb/DEBIAN/control.template
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 Maintainer: James Gardner <james.gardner at okfn.org>
 Section: main/web
 Priority: extra
-Depends: python-ckan, postgresql-8.4, apache2, libapache2-mod-wsgi, python-virtualenv, python-pip, solr-jetty
+Depends: python-ckan, apache2, libapache2-mod-wsgi, python-virtualenv, python-pip
 Homepage: http://ckan.org
 Description: ckan
  Common files useful for managing CKAN installations

diff -r 855f5a452f603ac1a4bd9890901f656213a10c08 -r a575ab7328c674c1014b80dd2f8921a6e0671873 ckan_deb/usr/bin/ckan-create-instance
--- a/ckan_deb/usr/bin/ckan-create-instance
+++ b/ckan_deb/usr/bin/ckan-create-instance
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 . /usr/lib/ckan/common.sh
 # Check we are root
 if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
@@ -9,6 +8,25 @@
    exit 1
+if [ $# -lt 3 ]
+    echo "ERROR: Expected two arguments (instance name, hostname, local database [yes or no]) eg."
+    echo "       $0 std std.ckan.org yes"
+    exit 1
+# Check the LOCAL_DB variable
+if ! [[ ( "$LOCAL_DB" == "yes" ) || ("$LOCAL_DB" == "no" ) ]]
+    echo "Expceted the LOCAL_DB variable to be 'yes' or 'no', not '$LOCAL_DB'"
+    exit 1
 # Create an install settings file if it doesn't exist
 if ! [ -f /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/install_settings.sh ] ; then
     mkdir -p /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/
@@ -37,9 +55,6 @@
 echo "Installing or upgrading CKAN ${INSTANCE} ..."
-echo "Making sure PostgreSQL is running ..."
-/etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 start
 echo "Ensuring users and groups are set up correctly ..."
 ckan_ensure_users_and_groups ${INSTANCE}
@@ -73,36 +88,34 @@
 echo "Ensuring wsgi.py file exists ..."
 ckan_create_wsgi_handler ${INSTANCE}
-# Replace any existing user with a new one with this password
-echo "Setting the password of the ${INSTANCE} user in PostgreSQL"
-ckan_add_or_replace_database_user ${INSTANCE} ${CKAN_DB_PASSWORD}
+if [[ ( "$LOCAL_DB" == "yes" ) ]]
+    # Replace any existing user with a new one with this password
+    echo "Making sure PostgreSQL is running ..."
+    /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 start
+    echo "Setting the password of the ${INSTANCE} user in PostgreSQL"
+    ckan_add_or_replace_database_user ${INSTANCE} ${CKAN_DB_PASSWORD}
-# Solr support
-echo "Setting up Solr ..."
-sed \
-    -e "s,NO_START=1,NO_START=0," \
-    -e "s,#JETTY_HOST=\$(uname -n),JETTY_HOST=," \
-    -e "s,#JETTY_PORT=8080,JETTY_PORT=8983," \
-    -i /etc/default/jetty
-mv /usr/share/solr/conf/schema.xml /usr/share/solr/conf/schema.xml.`date --utc "+%Y-%m-%d_%T"`.bak 
-ln -s /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ckan/config/schema.xml /usr/share/solr/conf/schema.xml
-service jetty start
+if ! [ -f /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini ] ; then
+    # Create the config file
+    echo "Creating/overwriting the config for CKAN ... "
+    ckan_create_config_file ${INSTANCE} ${CKAN_DB_PASSWORD} ${LOCAL_DB}
+    # Now that the file exists, make some customisations
+    sed \
+        -e "s,^\(ckan.dump_dir\)[ =].*,\1 = /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/static/dump," \
+        -i /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
+    #echo "Ensuring the latest plugins are configured ..."
+    #sed -e "s/^\(ckan.plugins\)[ =].*/\1 = ${INSTANCE}/" \
+    #    -i /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
-# Create the config file
-echo "Creating/overwriting the config for CKAN ... "
-# We use the actual password in PostgreSQL in case any non-sense has gone on
-ckan_create_config_file ${INSTANCE} ${CKAN_DB_PASSWORD}
-# Now that the file exists, make some customisations
-sed \
-    -e "s,^\(ckan.dump_dir\)[ =].*,\1 = /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/static/dump," \
-    -i /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
-echo "Ensuring the ${INSTANCE} database exists ..."
-ckan_ensure_db_exists ${INSTANCE}
-#echo "Ensuring the latest plugins are configured ..."
-#sed -e "s/^\(ckan.plugins\)[ =].*/\1 = ${INSTANCE}/" \
-#    -i /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
+if [[ ( "$LOCAL_DB" == "yes" ) ]]
+    echo "Ensuring the ${INSTANCE} database exists ..."
+    ckan_ensure_db_exists ${INSTANCE}
 # Overwrite the existing Apache config
 if [ -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default ] ; then
@@ -111,7 +124,7 @@
 echo "Overwriting the existing Apache config ..."
-ckan_overwrite_apache_config ${INSTANCE} ${INSTANCE}.ckan.localhost 
+ckan_overwrite_apache_config ${INSTANCE} ${HOSTNAME}
 # Make sure mod_rewrite is enabled
 if ! [ -f /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite.load ] ; then
@@ -119,9 +132,12 @@
     a2enmod rewrite
-# Standard paster db upgrade
-echo "Performing any database upgrades ..."
-paster --plugin=ckan db upgrade --config=/etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
+if [[ ( "$LOCAL_DB" == "yes" ) ]]
+    # Standard paster db upgrade
+    echo "Performing any database upgrades ..."
+    paster --plugin=ckan db upgrade --config=/etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
 # Make sure our INSTANCE is enabled
 echo "Bringing the ${INSTANCE} INSTANCE out of maintenance mode ..."

diff -r 855f5a452f603ac1a4bd9890901f656213a10c08 -r a575ab7328c674c1014b80dd2f8921a6e0671873 ckan_deb/usr/bin/ckan-setup-solr
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckan_deb/usr/bin/ckan-setup-solr
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+. /usr/lib/ckan/common.sh
+# Check we are root
+if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
+   echo "This script must be run as root"
+   exit 1
+# Install solr-jetty if needed
+if ! [ -f /etc/default/jetty ] ; then
+    echo "Installing solr-jetty ..."
+    apt-get update
+    apt-get install -y solr-jetty
+    echo "done."
+echo "Configuring Solr for use with CKAN ..."
+sed \
+    -e "s,NO_START=1,NO_START=0," \
+    -e "s,#JETTY_HOST=\$(uname -n),JETTY_HOST=," \
+    -e "s,#JETTY_PORT=8080,JETTY_PORT=8983," \
+    -i /etc/default/jetty
+mv /usr/share/solr/conf/schema.xml /usr/share/solr/conf/schema.xml.`date --utc "+%Y-%m-%d_%T"`.bak 
+ln -s /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ckan/config/schema.xml /usr/share/solr/conf/schema.xml
+service jetty start
+echo "done."

diff -r 855f5a452f603ac1a4bd9890901f656213a10c08 -r a575ab7328c674c1014b80dd2f8921a6e0671873 ckan_deb/usr/lib/ckan/common.sh
--- a/ckan_deb/usr/lib/ckan/common.sh
+++ b/ckan_deb/usr/lib/ckan/common.sh
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 ckan_create_config_file () {
-    local INSTANCE password
+    local INSTANCE password LOCAL_DB
     if [ "X$1" = "X" ] || [ "X$2" = "X" ] ; then
         echo "ERROR: call the function create_config_file function with an INSTANCE name, and a password for postgresql e.g."
         echo " dgu 1U923hjkh8"
@@ -98,19 +98,23 @@
+        LOCAL_DB=$3
         # Create an install settings file if it doesn't exist
         if [ -f /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini ] ; then
             mv /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini "/etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini.`date +%F_%T`.bak"
         paster make-config ckan /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
+        if [[ ( "$LOCAL_DB" == "yes" ) ]]
+        then
+            sed -e "s,^\(sqlalchemy.url\)[ =].*,\1 = postgresql://${INSTANCE}:${password}@localhost/${INSTANCE}," \
+                -i /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
+        fi
         sed -e "s,^\(email_to\)[ =].*,\1 = root," \
             -e "s,^\(error_email_from\)[ =].*,\1 = ckan-${INSTANCE}@`hostname`," \
             -e "s,^\(cache_dir\)[ =].*,\1 = /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/data," \
             -e "s,^\(who\.config_file\)[ =].*,\1 = /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/who.ini," \
-            -e "s,^\(sqlalchemy.url\)[ =].*,\1 = postgresql://${INSTANCE}:${password}@localhost/${INSTANCE}," \
             -e "s,ckan\.log,/var/log/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.log," \
-            -e "s,ckan\.site_id,${INSTANCE}," \
-            -e "s,ckan\.site_description,${INSTANCE}," \
             -e "s,#solr_url =,solr_url =," \
             -i /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
         sudo chown ckan${INSTANCE}:ckan${INSTANCE} /etc/ckan/${INSTANCE}/${INSTANCE}.ini
@@ -169,8 +173,12 @@
             sudo mkdir /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/pyenv
             sudo chown -R ckan${INSTANCE}:ckan${INSTANCE} /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/pyenv
             sudo -u ckan${INSTANCE} virtualenv --setuptools /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/pyenv
-            echo "Attempting to install Pip 1.0 from pypi.python.org into pyenv to be used for extensions ..."
-            sudo -u ckan${INSTANCE} /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/pyenv/bin/easy_install pip -U "pip>=1.0" "pip<=1.0.99"
+            echo "Attempting to install 'pip' 1.0 from pypi.python.org into pyenv to be used for extensions ..."
+            sudo -u ckan${INSTANCE} /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/pyenv/bin/easy_install --upgrade "pip>=1.0" "pip<=1.0.99"
+            echo "done."
+            cat <<- EOF > /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/packaging_version.txt
+	1.5
             cat <<- EOF > /var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}/wsgi.py
 	import os
 	instance_dir = '/var/lib/ckan/${INSTANCE}'

diff -r 855f5a452f603ac1a4bd9890901f656213a10c08 -r a575ab7328c674c1014b80dd2f8921a6e0671873 requires/lucid_conflict.txt
--- a/requires/lucid_conflict.txt
+++ b/requires/lucid_conflict.txt
@@ -9,7 +9,3 @@
-# NOTE: Developers, our build script for the Debian packages relies on the 
-#       requirements above being specified as editable resources with their
-#       mercurial, SVN or git repository specified at the correct revision to
-#       package.

diff -r 855f5a452f603ac1a4bd9890901f656213a10c08 -r a575ab7328c674c1014b80dd2f8921a6e0671873 requires/lucid_missing.txt
--- a/requires/lucid_missing.txt
+++ b/requires/lucid_missing.txt
@@ -1,26 +1,21 @@
 # These are packages that we rely on that aren't present in Lucid. We package
 # them and put them in our own CKAN repository
+# Packages we install from source (could perhaps use release versions)
 # pyutilib.component.core>=4.1,<4.1.99
 -e svn+https://software.sandia.gov/svn/public/pyutilib/pyutilib.component.core/trunk@1972#egg=pyutilib.component.core
-# licenses==0.4,<0.6.99
--e hg+https://bitbucket.org/okfn/licenses@0eed4a13296b#egg=licenses
 # vdm>=0.9,<0.9.99
 -e hg+https://bitbucket.org/okfn/vdm@vdm-0.9#egg=vdm
-# markupsafe==0.9.2 required by webhelpers==1.2 required by formalchemy with SQLAlchemy 0.6
 # autoneg>=0.5
 -e git+https://github.com/wwaites/autoneg.git@b4c727b164f411cc9d60#egg=autoneg
 # flup>=0.5
 -e hg+http://hg.saddi.com/flup@301a58656bfb#egg=flup
-# solrpy == 0.9.4
+# Packages already on pypi.python.org
-# FormAlchemy
-# Apachemiddleware
--e hg+https://hg.3aims.com/public/ApacheMiddleware@tip#egg=apachemiddleware
+# markupsafe is required by webhelpers==1.2 required by formalchemy with SQLAlchemy 0.6
-# NOTE: Developers, our build script for the Debian packages relies on the 
-#       requirements above being specified as editable resources with their
-#       mercurial, SVN or git repository specified at the correct revision to
-#       package

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/


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