[ckan-changes] commit/ckanext-dgu: thejimmyg: [theme] Disabled the theme for the new UKLP UAT site. A new theme will be developed from scratch in a different extension

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Thu Nov 10 17:15:58 UTC 2011

1 new commit in ckanext-dgu:

changeset:   81e0d18153e3
user:        thejimmyg
date:        2011-11-10 18:15:47
summary:     [theme] Disabled the theme for the new UKLP UAT site. A new theme will be developed from scratch in a different extension
affected #:  2 files

diff -r 1f24fd060114424155d1a60f37f87d1c7ac06682 -r 81e0d18153e3ec4234f4320e7c0fc0cd382249c0 ckanext/dgu/forms/formapi.py
--- a/ckanext/dgu/forms/formapi.py
+++ b/ckanext/dgu/forms/formapi.py
@@ -336,7 +336,8 @@
             if not am_authz:
                 self._abort_not_authorized('User %r not authorized for harvesting' % user.name)
-            source = get_harvest_source(id,default=None)
+            #source = get_harvest_source(id,default=None)
+            source = get_harvest_source(id)
             if source is None:
                 response.status_int = 404
                 return 'Not found'

diff -r 1f24fd060114424155d1a60f37f87d1c7ac06682 -r 81e0d18153e3ec4234f4320e7c0fc0cd382249c0 ckanext/dgu/plugin.py
--- a/ckanext/dgu/plugin.py
+++ b/ckanext/dgu/plugin.py
@@ -95,16 +95,16 @@
                 action='harvested_document_view_format', format='html')
         map.connect('/api/2/util/publisher/:id/department', controller='ckanext.dgu.forms.formapi:FormController', action='get_department_from_organisation')
-        map.connect('/', controller='ckanext.dgu.controllers.catalogue:CatalogueController', action='home')
-        map.connect('home', '/ckan/', controller='home', action='index')
+        #map.connect('/', controller='ckanext.dgu.controllers.catalogue:CatalogueController', action='home')
+        #map.connect('home', '/ckan/', controller='home', action='index')
         return map
     def after_map(self, map):
         return map
     def update_config(self, config):
-        configure_template_directory(config, 'theme_common/templates')
-        configure_public_directory(config, 'theme_common/public')
+        #configure_template_directory(config, 'theme_common/templates')
+        #configure_public_directory(config, 'theme_common/public')
         # set the customised package form (see ``setup.py`` for entry point)
         config['package_form'] = 'package_gov3'

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-dgu/


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