[ckan-changes] commit/ckanext-harvest: 4 new changesets

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Fri Nov 18 14:35:59 UTC 2011

4 new commits in ckanext-harvest:

changeset:   3a3dc0e4c7eb
branch:      feature-new-ckan-harvester-features
user:        amercader
date:        2011-11-18 14:20:41
summary:     [ckan harvester] Support for default tags and groups
affected #:  3 files

diff -r 3b95a87964c0721f1b3f8bab1feaaaa658e7b58f -r 3a3dc0e4c7eba2ee815a19f79e5c2049f30812d4 README.rst
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -113,6 +113,30 @@
 After adding it, a 'CKAN' option should appear in the 'New harvest source' form.
+The CKAN harvesters support a number of configuration options to control their
+behaviour. Those need to defined as a JSON object in the configuration form
+field. The currently supported configuration options are:
+* api_version: You can force the harvester to use eithoer version '1' or
+    '2' of the CKAN API. Default is '2'.
+* default_tags: A list of tags that will be added to all harvested datasets.
+    Tags don't need to previously exist.
+* default_groups: A list of groups to which the harvested datasets will be
+    added to. The groups must exist. Note that you must use ids or names to
+    define the groups according to the API version you defined (names for
+    version '1', ids for version '2')
+Here is an example of a configuration object (the one that must be entered in
+the configuration field)::
+    {
+     "api_version":"1",
+     "default_tags":["new-tag-1","new-tag-2"],
+     "default_groups":["my-own-group"]
+    }
 The harvesting interface

diff -r 3b95a87964c0721f1b3f8bab1feaaaa658e7b58f -r 3a3dc0e4c7eba2ee815a19f79e5c2049f30812d4 ckanext/harvest/harvesters/base.py
--- a/ckanext/harvest/harvesters/base.py
+++ b/ckanext/harvest/harvesters/base.py
@@ -106,11 +106,17 @@
             schema = default_package_schema()
             schema["id"] = [ignore_missing, unicode]
+            # Check API version
+            if self.config:
+                api_version = self.config.get('api_version','2')
+            else:
+                api_verion = '2'
             context = {
                 'model': model,
                 'session': Session,
                 'user': u'harvest',
-                'api_version':'2',
+                'api_version': api_version,
                 'schema': schema,

diff -r 3b95a87964c0721f1b3f8bab1feaaaa658e7b58f -r 3a3dc0e4c7eba2ee815a19f79e5c2049f30812d4 ckanext/harvest/harvesters/ckanharvester.py
--- a/ckanext/harvest/harvesters/ckanharvester.py
+++ b/ckanext/harvest/harvesters/ckanharvester.py
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 import urllib2
+from ckan.lib.base import c
+from ckan import model
 from ckan.model import Session, Package
-from ckan.logic import ValidationError, NotFound
+from ckan.logic import ValidationError, NotFound, get_action
 from ckan.lib.helpers import json
 from ckanext.harvest.model import HarvestJob, HarvestObject, HarvestGatherError, \
@@ -65,6 +67,16 @@
             config_obj = json.loads(config)
+            if 'default_groups' in config_obj:
+                # Check if default groups exist
+                context = {'model':model,'user':c.user}
+                for group_name in config_obj['default_groups']:
+                    try:
+                        group = get_action('group_show')(context,{'id':group_name})
+                    except NotFound,e:
+                        raise ValueError('Default group not found')
         except ValueError,e:
             raise e
@@ -196,6 +208,24 @@
             package_dict = json.loads(harvest_object.content)
+            # Set default tags if needed
+            default_tags = self.config.get('default_tags',[])
+            if default_tags:
+                if not 'tags' in package_dict:
+                    package_dict['tags'] = []
+                package_dict['tags'].extend([t for t in default_tags if t not in package_dict['tags']])
+            # Ignore remote groups for the time being
+            del package_dict['groups']
+            # Set default groups if needed
+            default_groups = self.config.get('default_groups',[])
+            if default_groups:
+                if not 'groups' in package_dict:
+                    package_dict['groups'] = []
+                package_dict['groups'].extend([g for g in default_groups if g not in package_dict['groups']])
             return self._create_or_update_package(package_dict,harvest_object)
         except ValidationError,e:
             self._save_object_error('Invalid package with GUID %s: %r' % (harvest_object.guid, e.error_dict),

changeset:   2863992f5a93
branch:      feature-new-ckan-harvester-features
user:        amercader
date:        2011-11-18 15:12:30
summary:     [ckan harvester] Support for defining a custom user to do the harvesting
affected #:  3 files

diff -r 3a3dc0e4c7eba2ee815a19f79e5c2049f30812d4 -r 2863992f5a93773190b131aef7943c2df9afd8d1 README.rst
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
 behaviour. Those need to defined as a JSON object in the configuration form
 field. The currently supported configuration options are:
-* api_version: You can force the harvester to use eithoer version '1' or
+* api_version: You can force the harvester to use either version '1' or
     '2' of the CKAN API. Default is '2'.
 * default_tags: A list of tags that will be added to all harvested datasets.
@@ -128,13 +128,18 @@
     define the groups according to the API version you defined (names for
     version '1', ids for version '2')
+* user: User who will run the harvesting process. Please note that this user
+    needs to have permission for creating packages, and if default groups were
+    defined, the user must have permission to assign packages to these groups.
 Here is an example of a configuration object (the one that must be entered in
 the configuration field)::
-     "default_groups":["my-own-group"]
+     "default_groups":["my-own-group"],
+     "user":"harverster-user"

diff -r 3a3dc0e4c7eba2ee815a19f79e5c2049f30812d4 -r 2863992f5a93773190b131aef7943c2df9afd8d1 ckanext/harvest/harvesters/base.py
--- a/ckanext/harvest/harvesters/base.py
+++ b/ckanext/harvest/harvesters/base.py
@@ -109,13 +109,16 @@
             # Check API version
             if self.config:
                 api_version = self.config.get('api_version','2')
+                #TODO: use site user when available
+                user_name = self.config.get('user',u'harvest')
                 api_verion = '2'
+                user_name = u'harvest'
             context = {
                 'model': model,
                 'session': Session,
-                'user': u'harvest',
+                'user': user_name,
                 'api_version': api_version,
                 'schema': schema,

diff -r 3a3dc0e4c7eba2ee815a19f79e5c2049f30812d4 -r 2863992f5a93773190b131aef7943c2df9afd8d1 ckanext/harvest/harvesters/ckanharvester.py
--- a/ckanext/harvest/harvesters/ckanharvester.py
+++ b/ckanext/harvest/harvesters/ckanharvester.py
@@ -77,6 +77,14 @@
                     except NotFound,e:
                         raise ValueError('Default group not found')
+            if 'user' in config_obj:
+                # Check if user exists
+                context = {'model':model,'user':c.user}
+                try:
+                    user = get_action('user_show')(context,{'id':config_obj.get('user')})
+                except NotFound,e:
+                    raise ValueError('User not found')
         except ValueError,e:
             raise e

changeset:   2c9f98206e73
branch:      feature-new-ckan-harvester-features
user:        amercader
date:        2011-11-18 15:30:10
summary:     [ckan harvester] Support for creating read-only packages
affected #:  2 files

diff -r 2863992f5a93773190b131aef7943c2df9afd8d1 -r 2c9f98206e735c8da203ce673b5c6c9eaaf0684f README.rst
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -132,6 +132,12 @@
     needs to have permission for creating packages, and if default groups were
     defined, the user must have permission to assign packages to these groups.
+* read_only: Create harvested packages in read-only mode. Only the user who
+    performed the harvest (the one defined in the previous setting or the
+    'harvest' sysadmin) will be able to edit and administer the packages
+    created from this harvesting source. Logged in users and visitors will be
+    only able to read them.
 Here is an example of a configuration object (the one that must be entered in
 the configuration field)::
@@ -139,7 +145,8 @@
-     "user":"harverster-user"
+     "user":"harverster-user",
+     "read_only": true
@@ -288,7 +295,7 @@
 pending harvesting jobs::
       paster harvester run --config=../ckan/development.ini
 After packages have been imported, the search index will have to be updated
 before the packages appear in search results (from the ckan directory):

diff -r 2863992f5a93773190b131aef7943c2df9afd8d1 -r 2c9f98206e735c8da203ce673b5c6c9eaaf0684f ckanext/harvest/harvesters/ckanharvester.py
--- a/ckanext/harvest/harvesters/ckanharvester.py
+++ b/ckanext/harvest/harvesters/ckanharvester.py
@@ -234,7 +234,26 @@
                     package_dict['groups'] = []
                 package_dict['groups'].extend([g for g in default_groups if g not in package_dict['groups']])
-            return self._create_or_update_package(package_dict,harvest_object)
+            result = self._create_or_update_package(package_dict,harvest_object)
+            if result and self.config.get('read_only',False) == True:
+                package = model.Package.get(package_dict['id'])
+                # Clear default permissions
+                model.clear_user_roles(package)
+                # Setup harvest user as admin
+                user_name = self.config.get('user',u'harvest')
+                user = model.User.get(user_name)
+                pkg_role = model.PackageRole(package=package, user=user, role=model.Role.ADMIN)
+                # Other users can only read
+                for user_name in (u'visitor',u'logged_in'):
+                    user = model.User.get(user_name)
+                    pkg_role = model.PackageRole(package=package, user=user, role=model.Role.READER)
         except ValidationError,e:
             self._save_object_error('Invalid package with GUID %s: %r' % (harvest_object.guid, e.error_dict),
                     harvest_object, 'Import')

changeset:   de092a858798
branch:      feature-new-ckan-harvester-features
user:        amercader
date:        2011-11-18 15:35:46
summary:     [ui] Show config options in harvest source details page
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 2c9f98206e735c8da203ce673b5c6c9eaaf0684f -r de092a858798cd63af9e4d5d8c1bd6925b7722bc ckanext/harvest/templates/source/read.html
--- a/ckanext/harvest/templates/source/read.html
+++ b/ckanext/harvest/templates/source/read.html
@@ -35,6 +35,15 @@
+            <th>Configuration</th>
+            <py:if test="c.source.config">
+            <td>${c.source.config}</td>
+            </py:if>
+            <py:if test="not c.source.config">
+            <td>-</td>
+            </py:if>
+        </tr>
+        <tr><th>User</th><td>${c.source.user_id}</td></tr>

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-harvest/


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