[ckan-changes] commit/ckanext-spatial: 2 new changesets

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Wed Nov 30 17:19:53 UTC 2011

2 new commits in ckanext-spatial:

changeset:   d165f8750097
user:        amercader
date:        2011-11-30 18:11:29
summary:     [doc] Update README with migration issues
affected #:  1 file

diff -r b13bda7c935dff51bfa415fcd084fb86310d9ae4 -r d165f8750097057a079bf544f548108f3fccc31b README.rst
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-You will need CKAN installed. The present module should be installed at least 
+You will need CKAN installed. The present module should be installed at least
 with `setup.py develop` if not installed in the normal way with
 `setup.py install` or using pip or easy_install.
@@ -29,13 +29,16 @@
-Once you have PostGIS installed and configured, you need to create the necessary
-DB tables running the following command (with your python env activated)::
+You will first need to have have PostGIS installed and configured in your
+database (see the "Setting up PostGIS" section for details)
+Once this is done, you need to create the necessary DB tables running the
+following command (with your python env activated)::
     paster spatial initdb [srid] --config=../ckan/development.ini
-You can define the SRID of the geometry column. Default is 4326. If you are not
-familiar with projections, we recommend to use the default value.
+You can define the SRID of the geometry column. Default is 4326. If you
+are not familiar with projections, we recommend to use the default value.
 Problems you may find::
@@ -49,7 +52,7 @@
     sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) permission denied for relation spatial_ref_sys
-The user accessing the ckan database needs to be owner (or have 
+The user accessing the ckan database needs to be owner (or have
 permissions) of the geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys tables
@@ -59,10 +62,10 @@
     ckan.plugins = wms_preview spatial_query dataset_extent_map
 If you are using the spatial search feature, you can define the projection
-in which extents are stored in the database with the following option. Use 
-the EPSG code as an integer (e.g 4326, 4258, 27700, etc). It defaults to 
+in which extents are stored in the database with the following option. Use
+the EPSG code as an integer (e.g 4326, 4258, 27700, etc). It defaults to
     ckan.spatial.srid = 4326
@@ -77,20 +80,20 @@
 Command line interface
-The following operations can be run from the command line using the 
+The following operations can be run from the command line using the
 ``paster spatial`` command::
       initdb [srid]
         - Creates the necessary tables. You must have PostGIS installed
         and configured in the database.
         You can privide the SRID of the geometry column. Default is 4326.
-      extents 
+      extents
          - creates or updates the extent geometry column for datasets with
           an extent defined in the 'spatial' extra.
 The commands should be run from the ckanext-spatial directory and expect
-a development.ini file to be present. Most of the time you will specify 
+a development.ini file to be present. Most of the time you will specify
 the config explicitly though::
         paster extents update --config=../ckan/development.ini
@@ -126,7 +129,7 @@
-    { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-3.145,53.078] }    
+    { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-3.145,53.078] }
 .. _GeoJSON: http://geojson.org
@@ -168,39 +171,44 @@
 *   Install PostGIS::
         sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.4-postgis
 *   Create a new PostgreSQL database::
         sudo -u postgres createdb [database]
     (If you just want to spatially enable an exisiting database, you can
     ignore this point, but it's a good idea to create a template to
     make easier to create new databases)
 *   Many of the PostGIS functions are written in the PL/pgSQL language,
     so we need to enable it in our database::
         sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql [database]
 *   Run the following commands. The first one will create the necessary
     tables and functions in the database, and the second will populate
     the spatial reference table::
         sudo -u postgres psql -d [database] -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sql
-        sudo -u postgres psql -d [database] -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis-1.5/spatial_ref_sys.sql    
+        sudo -u postgres psql -d [database] -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis-1.5/spatial_ref_sys.sql
+    **Note**: depending on your distribution and PostGIS version, the
+    scripts may be located on a slightly different location, e.g.::
+    /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis.sql
 *   Execute the following command to see if PostGIS was properly
         sudo -u postgres psql -d [database] -c "SELECT postgis_full_version()"
     You should get something like::
-                                             postgis_full_version                                          
+                                             postgis_full_version
         POSTGIS="1.5.2" GEOS="3.2.2-CAPI-1.6.2" PROJ="Rel. 4.7.1, 23 September 2009" LIBXML="2.7.7" USE_STATS
         (1 row)
     Also, if you log into the database, you should see two tables,
     ``geometry_columns`` and ``spatial_ref_sys`` (and probably a view
     called ``geography_columns``).
@@ -208,7 +216,7 @@
     Note: This commands will create the two tables owned by the postgres
     user. You probably should make owner the user that will access the
     database from ckan::
         ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys OWNER TO [your_user];
         ALTER TABLE geometry_columns OWNER TO [your_user];
@@ -216,6 +224,23 @@
+Migrating to an existing PostGIS database
+If you are loading a database dump to an existing PostGIS database, you may
+find errors like ::
+    ERROR:  type "spheroid" already exists
+This means that the PostGIS functions are installed, but you may need to
+create the necessary tables anyway. You can force psql to ignore these
+errors and continue the transaction with the ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK=on::
+    sudo -u postgres psql -d [database] -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sql -v ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK=on
+You will still need to populate the spatial_ref_sys table and change the
+tables permissions. Refer to the previous section for details on how to do
 Setting up a spatial table
@@ -232,13 +257,13 @@
     CREATE TABLE package_extent(
         package_id text PRIMARY KEY
     ALTER TABLE package_extent OWNER TO [your_user];
     SELECT AddGeometryColumn('package_extent','the_geom', 4326, 'POLYGON', 2);
 This will add a geometry column in the ``package_extent`` table called
-``the_geom``, with the spatial reference system EPSG:4326. The stored 
+``the_geom``, with the spatial reference system EPSG:4326. The stored
 geometries will be polygons, with 2 dimensions (The actual table on CKAN
 uses the GEOMETRY type to support multiple geometry types).
@@ -249,10 +274,10 @@
     # \d package_extent
        Table "public.package_extent"
-       Column   |   Type   | Modifiers 
+       Column   |   Type   | Modifiers
      package_id | text     | not null
-     the_geom   | geometry | 
+     the_geom   | geometry |
         "package_extent_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (package_id)
     Check constraints:

changeset:   cb290530e907
branch:      feature-output-geojson
user:        amercader
date:        2011-11-30 18:19:17
summary:     [api] Output GeoJSON (Quick and dirty)
affected #:  2 files

diff -r d165f8750097057a079bf544f548108f3fccc31b -r cb290530e90729647add81c6897854ede5f59b45 ckanext/spatial/controllers/api.py
--- a/ckanext/spatial/controllers/api.py
+++ b/ckanext/spatial/controllers/api.py
@@ -49,6 +49,41 @@
                   .filter(PackageExtent.the_geom.intersects(input_geometry)) \
+        if request.params.get('format','') == 'geojson':
+            return self._output_geojson(extents)
+        else:
+            ids = [extent.package_id for extent in extents]
+            output = dict(count=len(ids),results=ids)
+            return self._finish_ok(output)
+    def spatial_feed(self):
+        from ckanext.spatial.model import PackageExtent
+        extents = Session.query(PackageExtent).all()
+        return self._output_geojson(extents)
+    def _output_geojson(self,extents):
+        from ckanext.spatial.model import PackageExtent
+        from ckan.lib.base import response
+        from shapely.wkb import loads
+        from geojson import Feature, FeatureCollection, dumps
+        output = []
+        for extent in extents:
+            geometry = loads(str(extent.the_geom.geom_wkb))
+            feature = Feature(
+                    id=extent.package_id,
+                    geometry=geometry,
+                    properties={
+                        'package_id': extent.package_id
+                        })
+            output.append(feature)
+        response.content_type = 'application/json'
+        return dumps(FeatureCollection(output))
         ids = [extent.package_id for extent in extents]
         output = dict(count=len(ids),results=ids)

diff -r d165f8750097057a079bf544f548108f3fccc31b -r cb290530e90729647add81c6897854ede5f59b45 ckanext/spatial/plugin.py
--- a/ckanext/spatial/plugin.py
+++ b/ckanext/spatial/plugin.py
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@
         map.connect('api_spatial_query', '/api/2/search/{register:dataset|package}/geo',
+        map.connect('/api/geo/{register:dataset|package}',
+            controller='ckanext.spatial.controllers.api:ApiController',
+            action='spatial_feed')
         return map
     def create(self, package):

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-spatial/


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