[ckan-changes] commit/ckanextiati: 6 new changesets
commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Thu Oct 20 16:49:48 UTC 2011
6 new changesets in ckanextiati:
changeset: 0a3ef324b882
user: amercader
date: 2011-10-19 17:44:43
summary: Remove unneeded plugin iati_theme (use iati_forms to load the custom theme)
affected #: 3 files (-1 bytes)
--- a/README.txt Wed Oct 19 15:44:39 2011 +0100
+++ b/README.txt Wed Oct 19 16:44:43 2011 +0100
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
ckan.site_url = http://iati.test.ckan.net
# Add any other plugins you want to use:
-ckan.plugins = iati_theme iati_forms iati_approval iati_group_authz iati_package_authz wordpresser synchronous_search
+ckan.plugins = iati_forms iati_approval iati_group_authz iati_package_authz wordpresser synchronous_search
# Use a proxy wordpress to provide help & about pages (etc)
wordpresser.proxy_host = http://iatiregistry.wordpress.org/
--- a/ckanext/iati/plugin.py Wed Oct 19 15:44:39 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckanext/iati/plugin.py Wed Oct 19 16:44:43 2011 +0100
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
def update_config(self, config):
configure_template_directory(config, 'templates')
+ configure_public_directory(config, 'public')
class IatiActions(SingletonPlugin):
--- a/setup.py Wed Oct 19 15:44:39 2011 +0100
+++ b/setup.py Wed Oct 19 16:44:43 2011 +0100
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
# -*- Entry points: -*-
- iati_theme = ckanext.iati.theme:IatiThemeExtension
iati_preview = ckanext.iati.preview:IatiPackagePreviewExtension
iati_approval = ckanext.iati.approval:IatiGroupApprovalExtension
iati_group_authz = ckanext.iati.authz:IatiGroupAuthzExtension
changeset: ceb801b77c54
user: amercader
date: 2011-10-19 19:55:20
summary: Add missing file to latest commit
affected #: 1 file (-1 bytes)
--- a/ckanext/iati/theme.py Wed Oct 19 16:44:43 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from ckan.plugins import implements, SingletonPlugin
-from ckan.plugins import IConfigurer,IRoutes
-class IatiThemeExtension(SingletonPlugin):
- implements(IConfigurer, inherit=True)
- implements(IRoutes, inherit=True)
- def before_map(self, map):
- map.connect('/package/new', controller='package_formalchemy', action='new')
- map.connect('/package/edit/{id}', controller='package_formalchemy', action='edit')
- map.connect('/group/new', controller='group_formalchemy', action='new')
- map.connect('/group/edit/{id}', controller='group_formalchemy', action='edit')
- return map
- def update_config(self, config):
- here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- rootdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(here))
- our_public_dir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'ckanext', 'iati', '', 'public')
- template_dir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'ckanext', 'iati', 'templates')
- config['extra_public_paths'] = ','.join([our_public_dir,
- config.get('extra_public_paths', '')])
- config['extra_template_paths'] = ','.join([template_dir,
- config.get('extra_template_paths', '')])
changeset: 94913a8c1181
branch: spreadsheet-support
user: amercader
date: 2011-10-19 19:58:37
summary: Links and controller for the csv export and import and first version of the export function
affected #: 4 files (-1 bytes)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ckanext/iati/controllers/spreadsheet.py Wed Oct 19 18:58:37 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+import csv
+import StringIO
+from ckan import model
+from ckan.lib.base import c, request, response, config, h, redirect, render, abort, BaseController
+from ckan.lib.helpers import json
+from ckan.authz import Authorizer
+from ckan.logic import get_action, NotFound
+from ckanext.iati.patch import my_group
+class CSVController(BaseController):
+ csv_fieldnames = (
+ 'registry-publisher-id',
+ 'registry-file-id',
+ 'title',
+ 'contact-email',
+ 'source-url',
+ 'format',
+ 'file-type',
+ 'recipient-country',
+ 'activity-period-start',
+ 'activity-period-end',
+ 'last-updated-datetime',
+ 'generated-datetime',
+ 'activity-count',
+ 'verification-status',
+ 'default-language')
+ def download(self,publisher=None):
+ context = {'model':model,'user': c.user or c.author}
+ is_sysadmin = Authorizer().is_sysadmin(c.user)
+ user_group = my_group()
+ if publisher:
+ try:
+ group = get_action('group_show')(context, {'id':publisher})
+ except NotFound:
+ abort(404, 'Group not found')
+ if not user_group and not is_sysadmin:
+ abort(403,'User does not belong to a publisher group')
+ if is_sysadmin:
+ if publisher:
+ output = self.write_csv_file(publisher)
+ else:
+ c.groups = get_action('group_list')(context, {'all_fields':True})
+ return render('csv/index.html')
+ else:
+ if publisher:
+ if publisher == user_group.name:
+ output = self.write_csv_file(publisher)
+ return "COOL LETS DO IT with the provided publisher: %s" % publisher
+ else:
+ abort(403,'Permission denied for this group')
+ else:
+ output = self.write_csv_file(user_group.name)
+ file_name = publisher if publisher else user_group.name
+ response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/csv'
+ response.headers['Content-disposition'] = 'attachment;filename=%s.csv' % file_name
+ return output
+ def upload(self):
+ return "UPLOAD CSV"
+ def write_csv_file(self,publisher):
+ context = {'model':model,'user': c.user or c.author}
+ try:
+ group = get_action('group_show')(context, {'id':publisher})
+ except NotFound:
+ abort(404, 'Group not found')
+ f = StringIO.StringIO()
+ output = ''
+ try:
+ writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=self.csv_fieldnames, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
+ headers = dict( (n,n) for n in self.csv_fieldnames )
+ writer.writerow(headers)
+ for pkg in group['packages']:
+ package = get_action('package_show_rest')(context,{'id':pkg['id']})
+ extras = package['extras']
+ writer.writerow({
+ 'registry-publisher-id': group['name'],
+ 'registry-file-id': package['name'],
+ 'title': package['title'],
+ 'contact-email': package['author_email'],
+ 'source-url': package['resources'][0]['url'] if len(package['resources']) else None,
+ 'format': package['resources'][0]['format'] if len(package['resources']) else None,
+ 'file-type': extras['filetype'],
+ 'recipient-country': extras['country'],
+ 'activity-period-start': extras['activity_period-from'],
+ 'activity-period-end': extras['activity_period-to'],
+ 'last-updated-datetime': extras['data_updated'],
+ 'generated-datetime': extras['record_updated'],
+ 'activity-count': extras['activity_count'] if 'activity_count' in extras else None,
+ 'verification-status': extras['verified'],
+ 'default-language': extras['language']
+ })
+ output = f.getvalue()
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ return output
--- a/ckanext/iati/plugin.py Wed Oct 19 18:55:20 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckanext/iati/plugin.py Wed Oct 19 18:58:37 2011 +0100
@@ -45,6 +45,11 @@
map.connect('/group/new', controller=group_controller, action='new')
map.connect('/group/edit/{id}', controller=group_controller, action='edit')
+ csv_controller = 'ckanext.iati.controllers.spreadsheet:CSVController'
+ map.connect('/csv/download', controller=csv_controller, action='download')
+ map.connect('/csv/download/{publisher}', controller=csv_controller, action='download')
+ map.connect('/csv/upload', controller=csv_controller, action='upload')
return map
def after_map(self, map):
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ckanext/iati/templates/csv/index.html Wed Oct 19 18:58:37 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<html xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/"
+ xmlns:i18n="http://genshi.edgewall.org/i18n"
+ xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
+ py:strip="">
+ <py:def function="page_title">CSV Export</py:def>
+ <div py:match="content">
+ <h2 class="head">CSV Export</h2>
+ <div>Select a Publisher to download all its records in CSV format.</div>
+ <hr class="cleared" />
+ <ul>
+ <py:for each="group in c.groups">
+ <li><a href="/csv/download/${group['name']}" >${group['title']}</a></li>
+ </py:for>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <xi:include href="../layout.html" />
--- a/ckanext/iati/templates/layout_base.html Wed Oct 19 18:55:20 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckanext/iati/templates/layout_base.html Wed Oct 19 18:58:37 2011 +0100
@@ -116,7 +116,14 @@
<li class="page_item" py:if="h.am_authorized_with_publisher(c, actions.PACKAGE_CREATE)">
${h.subnav_link(c, _('Register'), controller='package', action='new', id=None)}
- </ul>
+ <li class="page_item" py:if="h.am_authorized_with_publisher(c, actions.PACKAGE_CREATE)">
+ ${h.subnav_link(c, _('Download current records'), controller='ckanext.iati.controllers.spreadsheet:CSVController', action='download', id=None)}
+ </li>
+ <li class="page_item" py:if="h.am_authorized_with_publisher(c, actions.PACKAGE_CREATE)">
+ ${h.subnav_link(c, _('Upload CSV file'), controller='ckanext.iati.controllers.spreadsheet:CSVController', action='upload', id=None)}
+ </li>
+ </ul></li><li>${h.nav_link(c, _('Groups'), controller='group', action='index', id=None)}
<ul class="children">
changeset: 3848bf04afab
branch: spreadsheet-support
user: amercader
date: 2011-10-20 13:44:00
summary: More robust export function and user authorization management
affected #: 2 files (-1 bytes)
--- a/ckanext/iati/authz.py Wed Oct 19 18:58:37 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckanext/iati/authz.py Thu Oct 20 12:44:00 2011 +0100
@@ -7,6 +7,20 @@
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def get_user_administered_groups(user_name):
+ user = model.User.get(user_name)
+ if not user:
+ raise ValueError(user)
+ q = model.Session.query(model.GroupRole).filter_by(user=user,role=model.Role.ADMIN)
+ groups = []
+ for group_role in q.all():
+ if group_role.group.state == 'active':
+ groups.append(group_role.group.id)
+ return groups
def _get_group_authz_group(group):
""" For each group, we're adding an authorization group with the same settings
that can then be set as the owner for new packages. """
--- a/ckanext/iati/controllers/spreadsheet.py Wed Oct 19 18:58:37 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckanext/iati/controllers/spreadsheet.py Thu Oct 20 12:44:00 2011 +0100
@@ -6,59 +6,78 @@
from ckan.lib.helpers import json
from ckan.authz import Authorizer
from ckan.logic import get_action, NotFound
-from ckanext.iati.patch import my_group
+from ckanext.iati.authz import get_user_administered_groups
class CSVController(BaseController):
- csv_fieldnames = (
- 'registry-publisher-id',
- 'registry-file-id',
- 'title',
- 'contact-email',
- 'source-url',
- 'format',
- 'file-type',
- 'recipient-country',
- 'activity-period-start',
- 'activity-period-end',
- 'last-updated-datetime',
- 'generated-datetime',
- 'activity-count',
- 'verification-status',
- 'default-language')
+ csv_mapping = [
+ ('registry-publisher-id', 'groups', 'name'),
+ ('registry-file-id', 'package', 'name'),
+ ('title', 'package', 'title'),
+ ('contact-email', 'package', 'author_email'),
+ ('source-url', 'resources', 'url'),
+ ('format', 'resources', 'format'),
+ ('file-type','extras', 'filetype'),
+ ('recipient-country','extras', 'country'),
+ ('activity-period-start','extras', 'activity_period-from'),
+ ('activity-period-end','extras', 'activity_period-to'),
+ ('last-updated-datetime','extras', 'data_updated'),
+ ('generated-datetime','extras', 'record_updated'),
+ ('activity-count','extras', 'activity_count'),
+ ('verification-status','extras', 'verified'),
+ ('default-language','extras', 'language')
+ ]
def download(self,publisher=None):
+ if not c.user:
+ abort(403,'Permission denied')
context = {'model':model,'user': c.user or c.author}
is_sysadmin = Authorizer().is_sysadmin(c.user)
- user_group = my_group()
- if publisher:
+ # Groups of which the logged user is admin
+ authz_groups = get_user_administered_groups(c.user)
+ if publisher and publisher != 'all':
group = get_action('group_show')(context, {'id':publisher})
except NotFound:
- abort(404, 'Group not found')
- if not user_group and not is_sysadmin:
- abort(403,'User does not belong to a publisher group')
+ abort(404, 'Publisher not found')
+ if not group['id'] in authz_groups and not is_sysadmin:
+ abort(403,'Permission denied for this publisher group')
if is_sysadmin:
if publisher:
+ # Return CSV for provided publisher
output = self.write_csv_file(publisher)
+ # Show list of all available publishers
c.groups = get_action('group_list')(context, {'all_fields':True})
return render('csv/index.html')
- if publisher:
- if publisher == user_group.name:
- output = self.write_csv_file(publisher)
- return "COOL LETS DO IT with the provided publisher: %s" % publisher
- else:
- abort(403,'Permission denied for this group')
+ if publisher and publisher != 'all':
+ # Return CSV for provided publisher (we already checked the permissions)
+ output = self.write_csv_file(publisher)
+ elif len(authz_groups) == 1:
+ # Return directly CSV for publisher
+ output = self.write_csv_file(authz_groups[0])
+ elif len(authz_groups) > 1:
+ # Show list of available publishers for this user
+ groups = get_action('group_list')(context, {'all_fields':True})
+ c.groups = []
+ for group in groups:
+ if group['id'] in authz_groups:
+ c.groups.append(group)
+ return render('csv/index.html')
- output = self.write_csv_file(user_group.name)
+ # User does not have permissions on any publisher
+ abort(403,'Permission denied')
- file_name = publisher if publisher else user_group.name
+ file_name = publisher if publisher else authz_groups[0]
response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/csv'
response.headers['Content-disposition'] = 'attachment;filename=%s.csv' % file_name
return output
@@ -69,39 +88,45 @@
def write_csv_file(self,publisher):
context = {'model':model,'user': c.user or c.author}
- group = get_action('group_show')(context, {'id':publisher})
+ if publisher == 'all':
+ packages = get_action('package_list')(context, {})
+ else:
+ group = get_action('group_show')(context, {'id':publisher})
+ packages = [pkg['id'] for pkg in group['packages']]
except NotFound:
abort(404, 'Group not found')
f = StringIO.StringIO()
output = ''
- writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=self.csv_fieldnames, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
- headers = dict( (n,n) for n in self.csv_fieldnames )
+ fieldnames = [n[0] for n in self.csv_mapping]
+ writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
+ headers = dict( (n[0],n[0]) for n in self.csv_mapping )
- for pkg in group['packages']:
- package = get_action('package_show_rest')(context,{'id':pkg['id']})
- extras = package['extras']
- writer.writerow({
- 'registry-publisher-id': group['name'],
- 'registry-file-id': package['name'],
- 'title': package['title'],
- 'contact-email': package['author_email'],
- 'source-url': package['resources'][0]['url'] if len(package['resources']) else None,
- 'format': package['resources'][0]['format'] if len(package['resources']) else None,
- 'file-type': extras['filetype'],
- 'recipient-country': extras['country'],
- 'activity-period-start': extras['activity_period-from'],
- 'activity-period-end': extras['activity_period-to'],
- 'last-updated-datetime': extras['data_updated'],
- 'generated-datetime': extras['record_updated'],
- 'activity-count': extras['activity_count'] if 'activity_count' in extras else None,
- 'verification-status': extras['verified'],
- 'default-language': extras['language']
- })
+ packages.sort()
+ for pkg in packages:
+ package = get_action('package_show_rest')(context,{'id':pkg})
+ if package:
+ row = {}
+ for fieldname, entity, key in self.csv_mapping:
+ value = None
+ if entity == 'groups':
+ if len(package['groups']):
+ value = package['groups'][0]
+ elif entity == 'resources':
+ if len(package['resources']) and key in package['resources'][0]:
+ value = package['resources'][0][key]
+ elif entity == 'extras':
+ if key in package['extras']:
+ value = package['extras'][key]
+ else:
+ if key in package:
+ value = package[key]
+ row[fieldname] = value
+ writer.writerow(row)
output = f.getvalue()
changeset: eb45fb69da61
branch: spreadsheet-support
user: amercader
date: 2011-10-20 13:58:33
summary: Nicer download page
affected #: 1 file (-1 bytes)
--- a/ckanext/iati/templates/csv/index.html Thu Oct 20 12:44:00 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckanext/iati/templates/csv/index.html Thu Oct 20 12:58:33 2011 +0100
@@ -9,12 +9,18 @@
<h2 class="head">CSV Export</h2><div>Select a Publisher to download all its records in CSV format.</div>
+ <div><strong>Warning:</strong>For publishers with a large number of datasets it may take a while to generate the CSV file. Please be patient.</div><hr class="cleared" />
- <ul>
- <py:for each="group in c.groups">
- <li><a href="/csv/download/${group['name']}" >${group['title']}</a></li>
- </py:for>
- </ul>
+ <table class="groups">
+ <tr><th>Title</th><th>Number of datasets</th><th></th></tr>
+ <py:for each="group in c.groups">
+ <tr>
+ <td>${group['display_name']}</td>
+ <td>${group['packages']}</td>
+ <td><a href="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.iati.controllers.spreadsheet:CSVController', action='download', publisher=group['name'])}">Download</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ </py:for>
+ </table></div>
changeset: a6a2bf03cf40
branch: spreadsheet-support
user: amercader
date: 2011-10-20 18:49:02
summary: First draft of the import CSV functionality. Not functional.
affected #: 2 files (-1 bytes)
--- a/ckanext/iati/controllers/spreadsheet.py Thu Oct 20 12:58:33 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckanext/iati/controllers/spreadsheet.py Thu Oct 20 17:49:02 2011 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import logging
import csv
import StringIO
@@ -5,9 +6,12 @@
from ckan.lib.base import c, request, response, config, h, redirect, render, abort, BaseController
from ckan.lib.helpers import json
from ckan.authz import Authorizer
-from ckan.logic import get_action, NotFound
+from ckan.logic import get_action, NotFound, ValidationError, NotAuthorized
from ckanext.iati.authz import get_user_administered_groups
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CSVController(BaseController):
csv_mapping = [
@@ -27,28 +31,32 @@
('verification-status','extras', 'verified'),
('default-language','extras', 'language')
+ def __before__(self, action, **params):
+ super(CSVController,self).__before__(action, **params)
- def download(self,publisher=None):
if not c.user:
abort(403,'Permission denied')
- context = {'model':model,'user': c.user or c.author}
- is_sysadmin = Authorizer().is_sysadmin(c.user)
+ self.is_sysadmin = Authorizer().is_sysadmin(c.user)
# Groups of which the logged user is admin
- authz_groups = get_user_administered_groups(c.user)
+ self.authz_groups = get_user_administered_groups(c.user)
+ def download(self,publisher=None):
+ context = {'model':model,'user': c.user or c.author}
if publisher and publisher != 'all':
group = get_action('group_show')(context, {'id':publisher})
except NotFound:
abort(404, 'Publisher not found')
- if not group['id'] in authz_groups and not is_sysadmin:
+ if not group['id'] in self.authz_groups and not self.is_sysadmin:
abort(403,'Permission denied for this publisher group')
- if is_sysadmin:
+ if self.is_sysadmin:
if publisher:
# Return CSV for provided publisher
output = self.write_csv_file(publisher)
@@ -60,15 +68,15 @@
if publisher and publisher != 'all':
# Return CSV for provided publisher (we already checked the permissions)
output = self.write_csv_file(publisher)
- elif len(authz_groups) == 1:
+ elif len(self.authz_groups) == 1:
# Return directly CSV for publisher
- output = self.write_csv_file(authz_groups[0])
- elif len(authz_groups) > 1:
+ output = self.write_csv_file(self.authz_groups[0])
+ elif len(self.authz_groups) > 1:
# Show list of available publishers for this user
groups = get_action('group_list')(context, {'all_fields':True})
c.groups = []
for group in groups:
- if group['id'] in authz_groups:
+ if group['id'] in self.authz_groups:
return render('csv/index.html')
@@ -77,13 +85,23 @@
abort(403,'Permission denied')
- file_name = publisher if publisher else authz_groups[0]
+ file_name = publisher if publisher else self.authz_groups[0]
response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/csv'
response.headers['Content-disposition'] = 'attachment;filename=%s.csv' % file_name
return output
def upload(self):
- return "UPLOAD CSV"
+ if request.method == 'GET':
+ return render('csv/upload.html')
+ elif request.method == 'POST':
+ csv_file = request.POST['file']
+ added, updated, errors = self.read_csv_file(csv_file)
+ c.added = added
+ c.updated = updated
+ c.errors = errors
+ return 'Packages added: %i, Packages updated: %i, Errors: %s' % \
+ (added,updated,', '.join(errors))
def write_csv_file(self,publisher):
context = {'model':model,'user': c.user or c.author}
@@ -133,7 +151,87 @@
return output
+ def read_csv_file(self,csv_file):
+ fieldnames = [n[0] for n in self.csv_mapping]
+ #reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file.file,fieldnames=fieldnames)
+ #TODO: separator
+ reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file.file)
+ counts = {'added': 0, 'updated': 0}
+ errors = []
+ for i,row in enumerate(reader):
+ try:
+ # Check mandatory fields
+ if not row['registry-publisher-id']:
+ raise ValueError('Publisher not defined')
+ # TODO: Check permissions on group
+ if not row['registry-file-id']:
+ raise ValueError('File id not defined')
+ # TODO: Check name convention
+ package_dict = self.get_package_dict_from_row(row)
+ self.create_or_update_package(package_dict,counts)
+ except ValueError,e:
+ errors.append('Error in row %i: %s' % (i+1,str(e)))
+ except NotAuthorized,e:
+ errors.append('Error in row %i: Not authorized to publish to this group (%s)' % (i+1,row['registry-publisher-id']))
+ return counts['added'], counts['updated'], errors
+ def get_package_dict_from_row(self,row):
+ package = {}
+ for fieldname, entity, key in self.csv_mapping:
+ value = row[fieldname]
+ if value:
+ if entity == 'groups':
+ package['groups'] = [value]
+ elif entity == 'resources':
+ if not 'resources' in package:
+ package['resources'] = [{}]
+ package['resources'][0][key] = value
+ elif entity == 'extras':
+ if not 'extras' in package:
+ package['extras'] = {}
+ package['extras'][key] = value
+ else:
+ package[key] = value
+ return package
+ def create_or_update_package(self, package_dict, counts = None):
+ try:
+ context = {
+ 'model': model,
+ 'session': model.Session,
+ 'user': c.user,
+ 'api_version':'1'
+ }
+ # Check if package exists
+ data_dict = {}
+ data_dict['id'] = package_dict['name']
+ try:
+ existing_package_dict = get_action('package_show')(context, data_dict)
+ # Update package
+ log.info('Package with name "%s" exists and will be updated' % package_dict['name'])
+ context.update({'id':existing_package_dict['id']})
+ package_dict.update({'id':existing_package_dict['id']})
+ updated_package = get_action('package_update_rest')(context, package_dict)
+ if counts:
+ counts['updated'] += 1
+ except NotFound:
+ # Package needs to be created
+ log.info('Package with name "%s" does not exist and will be created' % package_dict['name'])
+ new_package = get_action('package_create_rest')(context, package_dict)
+ if counts:
+ counts['added'] += 1
+ except ValidationError,e:
+ raise ValueError(str(e))
--- a/ckanext/iati/plugin.py Thu Oct 20 12:58:33 2011 +0100
+++ b/ckanext/iati/plugin.py Thu Oct 20 17:49:02 2011 +0100
@@ -48,7 +48,10 @@
csv_controller = 'ckanext.iati.controllers.spreadsheet:CSVController'
map.connect('/csv/download', controller=csv_controller, action='download')
map.connect('/csv/download/{publisher}', controller=csv_controller, action='download')
- map.connect('/csv/upload', controller=csv_controller, action='upload')
+ map.connect('/csv/upload', controller=csv_controller, action='upload',
+ conditions=dict(method=['GET']))
+ map.connect('/csv/upload', controller=csv_controller, action='upload',
+ conditions=dict(method=['POST']))
return map
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