[ckan-changes] commit/ckan: 2 new changesets
commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Mon Oct 10 11:14:08 UTC 2011
2 new changesets in ckan:
changeset: b2458c0730dd
branch: feature-1264-core-admin
user: zephod
date: 2011-10-10 13:13:43
summary: [close-branch]:
affected #: 0 files (-1 bytes)
changeset: b216952644aa
user: zephod
date: 2011-10-10 13:14:06
summary: [merge,from-branch]: Admin merged into core.
affected #: 15 files (-1 bytes)
--- a/ckan/config/routing.py Mon Oct 10 11:36:03 2011 +0300
+++ b/ckan/config/routing.py Mon Oct 10 12:14:06 2011 +0100
@@ -256,6 +256,9 @@
map.connect('/revision/diff/{id}', controller='revision', action='diff')
map.connect('/revision/list', controller='revision', action='list')
map.connect('/revision/{id}', controller='revision', action='read')
+ map.connect('ckanadmin_index', '/ckan-admin', controller='admin', action='index')
+ map.connect('ckanadmin', '/ckan-admin/{action}', controller='admin')
for plugin in routing_plugins:
map = plugin.after_map(map)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ckan/controllers/admin.py Mon Oct 10 12:14:06 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+from ckan.lib.base import *
+import ckan.authz
+import ckan.lib.authztool
+import ckan.model as model
+from ckan.model.authz import Role
+roles = Role.get_all()
+role_tuples = [(x,x) for x in roles]
+def get_sysadmins():
+ q = model.Session.query(model.SystemRole).filter_by(role=model.Role.ADMIN)
+ return [uor.user for uor in q.all() if uor.user]
+class AdminController(BaseController):
+ def __before__(self, action, **params):
+ super(AdminController, self).__before__(action, **params)
+ if not ckan.authz.Authorizer().is_sysadmin(unicode(c.user)):
+ abort(401, 'Need to be system administrator to administer')
+ c.revision_change_state_allowed = (
+ c.user and
+ self.authorizer.is_authorized(c.user, model.Action.CHANGE_STATE,
+ model.Revision)
+ )
+ def index(self):
+ #now pass the list of sysadmins
+ c.sysadmins = [a.name for a in get_sysadmins()]
+ return render('admin/index.html')
+ def authz(self):
+ def action_save_form(users_or_authz_groups):
+ # The permissions grid has been saved
+ # which is a grid of checkboxes named user$role
+ rpi = request.params.items()
+ # The grid passes us a list of the users/roles that were displayed
+ submitted = [ a for (a,b) in rpi if (b == u'submitted')]
+ # and also those which were checked
+ checked = [ a for (a,b) in rpi if (b == u'on')]
+ # from which we can deduce true/false for each user/role combination
+ # that was displayed in the form
+ table_dict={}
+ for a in submitted:
+ table_dict[a]=False
+ for a in checked:
+ table_dict[a]=True
+ # now we'll split up the user$role strings to make a dictionary from
+ # (user,role) to True/False, which tells us what we need to do.
+ new_user_role_dict={}
+ for (ur,val) in table_dict.items():
+ u,r = ur.split('$')
+ new_user_role_dict[(u,r)] = val
+ # we get the current user/role assignments
+ # and make a dictionary of them
+ current_uors = model.Session.query(model.SystemRole).all()
+ if users_or_authz_groups=='users':
+ current_users_roles = [( uor.user.name, uor.role) for uor in current_uors if uor.user]
+ elif users_or_authz_groups=='authz_groups':
+ current_users_roles = [( uor.authorized_group.name, uor.role) for uor in current_uors if uor.authorized_group]
+ else:
+ assert False, "shouldn't be here"
+ current_user_role_dict={}
+ for (u,r) in current_users_roles:
+ current_user_role_dict[(u,r)]=True
+ # and now we can loop through our dictionary of desired states
+ # checking whether a change needs to be made, and if so making it
+ # WORRY: Here it seems that we have to check whether someone is already assigned
+ # a role, in order to avoid assigning it twice, or attempting to delete it when
+ # it doesn't exist. Otherwise problems occur. However this doesn't affect the
+ # index page, which would seem to be prone to suffer the same effect.
+ # Why the difference?
+ if users_or_authz_groups=='users':
+ for ((u,r), val) in new_user_role_dict.items():
+ if val:
+ if not ((u,r) in current_user_role_dict):
+ model.add_user_to_role(model.User.by_name(u),r,model.System())
+ else:
+ if ((u,r) in current_user_role_dict):
+ model.remove_user_from_role(model.User.by_name(u),r,model.System())
+ elif users_or_authz_groups=='authz_groups':
+ for ((u,r), val) in new_user_role_dict.items():
+ if val:
+ if not ((u,r) in current_user_role_dict):
+ model.add_authorization_group_to_role(model.AuthorizationGroup.by_name(u),r,model.System())
+ else:
+ if ((u,r) in current_user_role_dict):
+ model.remove_authorization_group_from_role(model.AuthorizationGroup.by_name(u),r,model.System())
+ else:
+ assert False, "shouldn't be here"
+ # finally commit the change to the database
+ model.Session.commit()
+ h.flash_success("Changes Saved")
+ if ('save' in request.POST):
+ action_save_form('users')
+ if ('authz_save' in request.POST):
+ action_save_form('authz_groups')
+ def action_add_form(users_or_authz_groups):
+ # The user is attempting to set new roles for a named user
+ new_user = request.params.get('new_user_name')
+ # this is the list of roles whose boxes were ticked
+ checked_roles = [ a for (a,b) in request.params.items() if (b == u'on')]
+ # this is the list of all the roles that were in the submitted form
+ submitted_roles = [ a for (a,b) in request.params.items() if (b == u'submitted')]
+ # from this we can make a dictionary of the desired states
+ # i.e. true for the ticked boxes, false for the unticked
+ desired_roles = {}
+ for r in submitted_roles:
+ desired_roles[r]=False
+ for r in checked_roles:
+ desired_roles[r]=True
+ # again, in order to avoid either creating a role twice or deleting one which is
+ # non-existent, we need to get the users' current roles (if any)
+ current_uors = model.Session.query(model.SystemRole).all()
+ if users_or_authz_groups=='users':
+ current_roles = [uor.role for uor in current_uors if ( uor.user and uor.user.name == new_user )]
+ user_object = model.User.by_name(new_user)
+ if user_object==None:
+ # The submitted user does not exist. Bail with flash message
+ h.flash_error('unknown user:' + str (new_user))
+ else:
+ # Whenever our desired state is different from our current state, change it.
+ for (r,val) in desired_roles.items():
+ if val:
+ if (r not in current_roles):
+ model.add_user_to_role(user_object, r, model.System())
+ else:
+ if (r in current_roles):
+ model.remove_user_from_role(user_object, r, model.System())
+ h.flash_success("User Added")
+ elif users_or_authz_groups=='authz_groups':
+ current_roles = [uor.role for uor in current_uors if ( uor.authorized_group and uor.authorized_group.name == new_user )]
+ user_object = model.AuthorizationGroup.by_name(new_user)
+ if user_object==None:
+ # The submitted user does not exist. Bail with flash message
+ h.flash_error('unknown authorization group:' + str (new_user))
+ else:
+ # Whenever our desired state is different from our current state, change it.
+ for (r,val) in desired_roles.items():
+ if val:
+ if (r not in current_roles):
+ model.add_authorization_group_to_role(user_object, r, model.System())
+ else:
+ if (r in current_roles):
+ model.remove_authorization_group_from_role(user_object, r, model.System())
+ h.flash_success("Authorization Group Added")
+ else:
+ assert False, "shouldn't be here"
+ # and finally commit all these changes to the database
+ model.Session.commit()
+ if 'add' in request.POST:
+ action_add_form('users')
+ if 'authz_add' in request.POST:
+ action_add_form('authz_groups')
+ # =================
+ # Display the page
+ # Find out all the possible roles. For the system object that's just all of them.
+ possible_roles = Role.get_all()
+ # get the list of users who have roles on the System, with their roles
+ uors = model.Session.query(model.SystemRole).all()
+ # uniquify and sort
+ users = sorted(list(set([uor.user.name for uor in uors if uor.user])))
+ authz_groups = sorted(list(set([uor.authorized_group.name for uor in uors if uor.authorized_group])))
+ # make a dictionary from (user, role) to True, False
+ users_roles = [( uor.user.name, uor.role) for uor in uors if uor.user]
+ user_role_dict={}
+ for u in users:
+ for r in possible_roles:
+ if (u,r) in users_roles:
+ user_role_dict[(u,r)]=True
+ else:
+ user_role_dict[(u,r)]=False
+ # and similarly make a dictionary from (authz_group, role) to True, False
+ authz_groups_roles = [( uor.authorized_group.name, uor.role) for uor in uors if uor.authorized_group]
+ authz_groups_role_dict={}
+ for u in authz_groups:
+ for r in possible_roles:
+ if (u,r) in authz_groups_roles:
+ authz_groups_role_dict[(u,r)]=True
+ else:
+ authz_groups_role_dict[(u,r)]=False
+ # pass these variables to the template for rendering
+ c.roles = possible_roles
+ c.users = users
+ c.user_role_dict = user_role_dict
+ c.authz_groups = authz_groups
+ c.authz_groups_role_dict = authz_groups_role_dict
+ return render('admin/authz.html')
+ def trash(self):
+ c.deleted_revisions = model.Session.query(
+ model.Revision).filter_by(state=model.State.DELETED)
+ c.deleted_packages = model.Session.query(
+ model.Package).filter_by(state=model.State.DELETED)
+ if not request.params:
+ return render('admin/trash.html')
+ else:
+ # NB: we repeat retrieval of of revisions
+ # this is obviously inefficient (but probably not *that* bad)
+ # but has to be done to avoid (odd) sqlalchemy errors (when doing
+ # purge packages) of form: "this object already exists in the
+ # session"
+ msgs = []
+ if ('purge-packages' in request.params) or ('purge-revisions' in request.params):
+ if 'purge-packages' in request.params:
+ revs_to_purge = []
+ for pkg in c.deleted_packages:
+ revisions = [ x[0] for x in pkg.all_related_revisions ]
+ # ensure no accidental purging of other(non-deleted) packages
+ # initially just avoided purging revisions where
+ # non-deleted packages were affected
+ # however this lead to confusing outcomes e.g.
+ # we succesfully deleted revision in which package was deleted (so package
+ # now active again) but no other revisions
+ problem = False
+ for r in revisions:
+ affected_pkgs = set(r.packages).difference(set(c.deleted_packages))
+ if affected_pkgs:
+ msg = _('Cannot purge package %s as ' + \
+ 'associated revision %s includes non-deleted packages %s')
+ msg = msg % (pkg.id, r.id, [pkg.id for r in affected_pkgs])
+ msgs.append(msg)
+ problem = True
+ break
+ if not problem:
+ revs_to_purge += [ r.id for r in revisions ]
+ model.Session.remove()
+ else:
+ revs_to_purge = [ rev.id for rev in c.deleted_revisions ]
+ revs_to_purge = list(set(revs_to_purge))
+ for id in revs_to_purge:
+ revision = model.Session.query(model.Revision).get(id)
+ try:
+ # TODO deleting the head revision corrupts the edit page
+ # Ensure that whatever 'head' pointer is used gets moved down to the next revision
+ model.repo.purge_revision(revision, leave_record=False)
+ except Exception, inst:
+ msg = 'Problem purging revision %s: %s' % (id,
+ inst)
+ msgs.append(msg)
+ h.flash_success(_('Purge complete'))
+ else:
+ msgs.append('Action not implemented.')
+ for msg in msgs:
+ h.flash_error(msg)
+ h.redirect_to(h.url_for('ckanadmin', action='trash'))
--- a/ckan/lib/helpers.py Mon Oct 10 11:36:03 2011 +0300
+++ b/ckan/lib/helpers.py Mon Oct 10 12:14:06 2011 +0100
@@ -264,3 +264,7 @@
def time_ago_in_words_from_str(date_str, granularity='month'):
return date.time_ago_in_words(date_str_to_datetime(date_str), granularity=granularity)
+def button_attr(enable, type='primary'):
+ if enable:
+ return 'class="pretty-button %s"' % type
+ return 'disabled class="pretty-button disabled"'
--- a/ckan/model/__init__.py Mon Oct 10 11:36:03 2011 +0300
+++ b/ckan/model/__init__.py Mon Oct 10 12:14:06 2011 +0100
@@ -230,6 +230,8 @@
if 'pending' not in obj.state:
obj.current = True
+ import datetime
+ obj.expired_timestamp = datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31)
# now delete revision object
--- a/ckan/public/css/style.css Mon Oct 10 11:36:03 2011 +0300
+++ b/ckan/public/css/style.css Mon Oct 10 12:14:06 2011 +0100
@@ -1078,9 +1078,6 @@
-/* ================================== */
-/* = Twitter.Bootstrap Form Buttons = */
-/* ================================== */
div.form-submit {
background: #eee;
padding: 20px;
@@ -1098,6 +1095,30 @@
clear: both;
+/* ==================== */
+/* = Multi-form pages = */
+/* ==================== */
+body.admin form#form-purge-packages,
+body.admin form#form-purge-revisions {
+ margin-bottom: 30px;
+ text-align: right;
+body.admin .actions button,
+body.admin .actions input {
+ margin: 0;
+body.admin.authz form {
+ margin-bottom: 30px;
+body.admin.authz form button {
+ width: 120px;
+ float: right;
+/* ================================== */
+/* = Twitter.Bootstrap Form Buttons = */
+/* ================================== */
.pretty-button {
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
--- a/ckan/templates/_util.html Mon Oct 10 11:36:03 2011 +0300
+++ b/ckan/templates/_util.html Mon Oct 10 12:14:06 2011 +0100
@@ -52,46 +52,46 @@
<ul py:def="package_list(packages)" class="datasets"><li py:for="package in packages"
class="${'fullyopen' if (package.isopen() and package.resources) else None}">
- <div class="header">
- <span class="title">
- ${h.link_to(package.title or package.name, h.url_for(controller='package', action='read', id=package.name))}
- </span>
- <div class="search_meta">
- <py:if test="package.resources">
- <ul class="dataset_formats">
- <py:for each="resource in package.resources">
- <py:if test="resource.format and not resource.format == ''">
- <li><a href="${resource.url}"
- title="${resource.description}">${resource.format}</a></li>
- </py:if>
- </py:for>
+ <div class="header">
+ <span class="title">
+ ${h.link_to(package.title or package.name, h.url_for(controller='package', action='read', id=package.name))}
+ </span>
+ <div class="search_meta">
+ <py:if test="package.resources">
+ <ul class="dataset_formats">
+ <py:for each="resource in package.resources">
+ <py:if test="resource.format and not resource.format == ''">
+ <li><a href="${resource.url}"
+ title="${resource.description}">${resource.format}</a></li>
+ </py:if>
+ </py:for>
+ </ul>
+ </py:if>
+ <ul class="openness">
+ <py:if test="package.isopen()">
+ <li>
+ <a href="http://opendefinition.org/okd/" title="This dataset satisfies the Open Definition.">
+ <img src="http://assets.okfn.org/images/ok_buttons/od_80x15_blue.png" alt="[Open Data]" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </py:if>
+ <py:if test="not package.isopen()">
+ <li>
+ <span class="closed">
+ ${h.icon('lock')} Not Openly Licensed
+ </span>
+ </li>
+ </py:if></ul>
- </py:if>
- <ul class="openness">
- <py:if test="package.isopen()">
- <li>
- <a href="http://opendefinition.org/okd/" title="This dataset satisfies the Open Definition.">
- <img src="http://assets.okfn.org/images/ok_buttons/od_80x15_blue.png" alt="[Open Data]" />
- </a>
- </li>
- </py:if>
- <py:if test="not package.isopen()">
- <li>
- <span class="closed">
- ${h.icon('lock')} Not Openly Licensed
- </span>
- </li>
- </py:if>
- </ul>
+ </div></div>
- </div>
- <div class="extract">
- ${h.markdown_extract(package.notes)}
- </div>
- <!--ul py:if="package.tags" class="tags">
- <li py:for="tag in package.tags">${tag.name}</li>
- </ul-->
+ <div class="extract">
+ ${h.markdown_extract(package.notes)}
+ </div>
+ <!--ul py:if="package.tags" class="tags">
+ <li py:for="tag in package.tags">${tag.name}</li>
+ </ul--></li></ul>
@@ -99,11 +99,11 @@
<li py:for="package in packages"
class="${'fullyopen' if (package.isopen and package.get('resources')) else None}"><div class="header">
- <span class="title">
- ${h.link_to(package.get('title') or package.get('name'), h.url_for(controller='package', action='read', id=package.get('name')))}
- </span>
- <div class="search_meta">
+ <span class="title">
+ ${h.link_to(package.get('title') or package.get('name'), h.url_for(controller='package', action='read', id=package.get('name')))}
+ </span>
+ <div class="search_meta"><py:if test="package.resources"><ul class="dataset_formats"><py:for each="resource in package.resources">
@@ -364,12 +364,15 @@
+ id="undelete-${revision.id}"
><py:if test="revision.state!='deleted'">
- <button type="submit" name="action" value="delete">Delete</button>
+ <input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete"/>
+ <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Delete" class="pretty-button small" /></py:if><py:if test="revision.state=='deleted'">
- <button type="submit" name="action" value="undelete">Undelete</button>
+ <input type="hidden" name="action" value="undelete"/>
+ <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Undelete" class="pretty-button small" /></py:if></form></div>
@@ -387,6 +390,9 @@
+ <tr py:if="not any(revisions)" class="table-empty">
+ <td colspan="5">(none)</td>
+ </tr></table>
@@ -416,10 +422,10 @@
><py:if test="revision['state']!='deleted'">
- <button type="submit" name="action" value="delete">Delete</button>
+ <button type="submit" name="action" value="delete" class="pretty-button small">Delete</button></py:if><py:if test="revision['state']=='deleted'">
- <button type="submit" name="action" value="undelete">Undelete</button>
+ <button type="submit" name="action" value="undelete" class="pretty-button small">Undelete</button></py:if></form></div>
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ckan/templates/admin/authz.html Mon Oct 10 12:14:06 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<html xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/"
+ xmlns:i18n="http://genshi.edgewall.org/i18n"
+ xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
+ py:strip="">
+ <py:def function="page_title">Administration - Authorization</py:def>
+ <py:def function="page_heading">Administration - Authorization</py:def>
+ <div py:match="content">
+ <h3>Update Existing Roles</h3>
+ <form id="theform" method="POST">
+ ${authz_form_table('theform', c.roles, c.users, c.user_role_dict)}
+ <button type="submit" name="save" class="pretty-button primary">
+ Save Changes
+ </button>
+ <div class="clear"></div>
+ </form>
+ <h3>Add Roles for Any User</h3>
+ <form id="addform" method="POST">
+ ${authz_add_table(c.roles)}
+ <button type="submit" name="add" class="pretty-button primary">Add Role</button>
+ <div class="clear"></div>
+ </form>
+ <hr/>
+ <h3>Existing Roles for Authorization Groups</h3>
+ <form id="authzgroup_form" method="POST">
+ ${authz_form_group_table('authzgroup_form', c.roles, c.authz_groups, c.authz_groups_role_dict)}
+ <button type="submit" name="authz_save" class="pretty-button primary">Save Changes</button>
+ <div class="clear"></div>
+ </form>
+ <h3>Add Roles for Any Authorization Group</h3>
+ <form id="authzgroup_addform" method="POST">
+ ${authz_add_group_table(c.roles)}
+ <button type="submit" name="authz_add" class="pretty-button primary">Add Role</button>
+ <div class="clear"></div>
+ </form>
+ </div>
+ <xi:include href="layout.html" />
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ckan/templates/admin/index.html Mon Oct 10 12:14:06 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<html xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/"
+ xmlns:i18n="http://genshi.edgewall.org/i18n"
+ xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
+ py:strip="">
+ <py:def function="page_title">Administration Dashboard</py:def>
+ <py:def function="page_heading">Administration Dashboard</py:def>
+ <div py:match="content">
+ <h3>Current Sysadmins</h3>
+ <p>You can change sysadmins on the <a
+ href="${h.url_for('ckanadmin',
+ action='authz')}">authorization page</a>.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li py:for="user in c.sysadmins">
+ ${h.linked_user(user)}
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <xi:include href="layout.html" />
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ckan/templates/admin/layout.html Mon Oct 10 12:14:06 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
+ xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/"
+ xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
+ py:strip=""
+ >
+ <py:match path="minornavigation">
+ <ul class="tabbed">
+ <li py:attrs="{'class':'current-tab'} if c.action=='index' else {}">
+ <a href="${h.url_for('ckanadmin', action='index')}">
+ Home
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li py:attrs="{'class':'current-tab'} if c.action=='authz' else {}">
+ <a href="${h.url_for('ckanadmin', action='authz')}">
+ Authorization
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li py:attrs="{'class':'current-tab'} if c.action=='trash' else {}">
+ <a href="${h.url_for('ckanadmin', action='trash')}">
+ Trash
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </py:match>
+ <xi:include href="../layout.html" />
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ckan/templates/admin/trash.html Mon Oct 10 12:14:06 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<html xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/"
+ xmlns:i18n="http://genshi.edgewall.org/i18n"
+ xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
+ py:strip="">
+ <py:def function="page_title">Administration - Trash</py:def>
+ <py:def function="page_heading">Administration - Trash</py:def>
+ <div py:match="content">
+ <h3>Deleted Revisions</h3>
+ ${revision_list(c.deleted_revisions)}
+ <form method="POST" id="form-purge-revisions">
+ <button
+ type="submit"
+ name="purge-revisions"
+ value="purge"
+ py:attrs=
+ "{'disabled':'disabled','class':'pretty-button'}
+ if not any(c.deleted_revisions)
+ else {'class':'pretty-button danger'}"
+ >
+ Purge them all (forever and irreversibly)
+ </button>
+ <div class="clear"></div>
+ </form>
+ <h3>Deleted Datasets</h3>
+ ${package_list(c.deleted_packages)}
+ <span py:if="not any(c.deleted_packages)"><em>(None)</em></span>
+ <form method="POST" id="form-purge-packages">
+ <button
+ type="submit"
+ name="purge-packages"
+ value="purge"
+ py:attrs=
+ "{'disabled':'disabled','class':'pretty-button'}
+ if not any(c.deleted_packages)
+ else {'class':'pretty-button danger'}"
+ >
+ Purge them all (forever and irreversibly)
+ </button>
+ <div class="clear"></div>
+ </form>
+ </div>
+ <xi:include href="layout.html" />
--- a/ckan/templates/layout_base.html Mon Oct 10 11:36:03 2011 +0300
+++ b/ckan/templates/layout_base.html Mon Oct 10 12:14:06 2011 +0100
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
- <a href="${url('/ckan-admin')}">
+ <a href="${h.url_for('ckanadmin_index')}">
Site Admin
--- a/ckan/templates/revision/read.html Mon Oct 10 11:36:03 2011 +0300
+++ b/ckan/templates/revision/read.html Mon Oct 10 12:14:06 2011 +0100
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
><py:if test="c.revision.state!='deleted'">
- <button type="submit" name="action" value="delete">Delete</button>
+ <button type="submit" name="action" value="delete" class="pretty-button">Delete</button></py:if><py:if test="c.revision.state=='deleted'">
- <button type="submit" name="action" value="undelete">Undelete</button>
+ <button type="submit" name="action" value="undelete" class="pretty-button">Undelete</button></py:if></form></div>
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ckan/tests/functional/test_admin.py Mon Oct 10 12:14:06 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+import os
+from paste.deploy import appconfig
+import paste.fixture
+from ckan.config.middleware import make_app
+import ckan.model as model
+from ckan.tests import conf_dir, url_for, CreateTestData
+from controllers.admin import get_sysadmins
+class TestAdminController:
+ @classmethod
+ def setup_class(cls):
+ config = appconfig('config:test.ini', relative_to=conf_dir)
+ wsgiapp = make_app(config.global_conf, **config.local_conf)
+ cls.app = paste.fixture.TestApp(wsgiapp)
+ # setup test data including testsysadmin user
+ CreateTestData.create()
+ @classmethod
+ def teardown_class(self):
+ CreateTestData.delete()
+ #test that only sysadmins can access the /ckan-admin page
+ def test_index(self):
+ url = url_for('ckanadmin', action='index')
+ # redirect as not authorized
+ response = self.app.get(url, status=[302])
+ # random username
+ response = self.app.get(url, status=[401],
+ extra_environ={'REMOTE_USER': 'my-random-user-name'})
+ # now test real access
+ username = u'testsysadmin'.encode('utf8')
+ response = self.app.get(url,
+ extra_environ={'REMOTE_USER': username})
+ assert 'Administration' in response, response
+class TestAdminAuthzController:
+ @classmethod
+ def setup_class(cls):
+ config = appconfig('config:test.ini', relative_to=conf_dir)
+ wsgiapp = make_app(config.global_conf, **config.local_conf)
+ cls.app = paste.fixture.TestApp(wsgiapp)
+ # setup test data including testsysadmin user
+ CreateTestData.create()
+ # Creating a couple of authorization groups, which are enough to break
+ # some things just by their existence
+ for ag_name in [u'anauthzgroup', u'anotherauthzgroup']:
+ ag=model.AuthorizationGroup.by_name(ag_name)
+ if not ag: #may already exist, if not create
+ ag=model.AuthorizationGroup(name=ag_name)
+ model.Session.add(ag)
+ model.Session.commit()
+ #they are especially dangerous if they have a role on the System
+ ag = model.AuthorizationGroup.by_name(u'anauthzgroup')
+ model.add_authorization_group_to_role(ag, u'editor', model.System())
+ model.Session.commit()
+ @classmethod
+ def teardown_class(self):
+ CreateTestData.delete()
+ def test_role_table(self):
+ #logged in as testsysadmin for all actions
+ as_testsysadmin = {'REMOTE_USER': 'testsysadmin'}
+ def get_system_user_roles():
+ sys_query=model.Session.query(model.SystemRole)
+ return sorted([(x.user.name,x.role) for x in sys_query.all() if x.user])
+ def get_system_authzgroup_roles():
+ sys_query=model.Session.query(model.SystemRole)
+ return sorted([(x.authorized_group.name,x.role) for x in sys_query.all() if x.authorized_group])
+ def get_response():
+ response = self.app.get(
+ url_for('ckanadmin', action='authz'),
+ extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ assert 'Administration - Authorization' in response, response
+ return response
+ def get_user_form():
+ response = get_response()
+ return response.forms['theform']
+ def get_authzgroup_form():
+ response = get_response()
+ return response.forms['authzgroup_form']
+ def check_and_set_checkbox(theform, user, role, should_be, set_to):
+ user_role_string = '%s$%s' % (user, role)
+ checkboxes = [x for x in theform.fields[user_role_string] \
+ if x.__class__.__name__ == 'Checkbox']
+ assert(len(checkboxes)==1), \
+ "there should only be one checkbox for %s/%s" % (user, role)
+ checkbox = checkboxes[0]
+ #checkbox should be unticked
+ assert checkbox.checked==should_be, \
+ "%s/%s checkbox in unexpected state" % (user, role)
+ #tick or untick the box and submit the form
+ checkbox.checked=set_to
+ return theform
+ def submit(form):
+ return form.submit('save', extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ def authz_submit(form):
+ return form.submit('authz_save', extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ # get and store the starting state of the system roles
+ original_user_roles = get_system_user_roles()
+ original_authzgroup_roles = get_system_authzgroup_roles()
+ # also keep a copy that we can update as the tests go on
+ expected_user_roles = get_system_user_roles()
+ expected_authzgroup_roles = get_system_authzgroup_roles()
+ # before we start changing things, check that the roles on the system are as expected
+ assert original_user_roles == \
+ [(u'logged_in', u'editor'), (u'testsysadmin', u'admin'), (u'visitor', u'anon_editor')] , \
+ "original user roles not as expected " + str(original_user_roles)
+ assert original_authzgroup_roles == [(u'anauthzgroup', u'editor')], \
+ "original authzgroup roles not as expected" + str(original_authzgroup_roles)
+ # visitor is not an admin. check that his admin box is unticked, tick it, and submit
+ submit(check_and_set_checkbox(get_user_form(), u'visitor', u'admin', False, True))
+ # update expected state to reflect the change we should just have made
+ expected_user_roles.append((u'visitor', u'admin'))
+ expected_user_roles.sort()
+ # and check that's the state in the database now
+ assert get_system_user_roles() == expected_user_roles
+ assert get_system_authzgroup_roles() == expected_authzgroup_roles
+ # try again, this time we expect the box to be ticked already
+ submit(check_and_set_checkbox(get_user_form(), u'visitor', u'admin', True, True))
+ # performing the action twice shouldn't have changed anything
+ assert get_system_user_roles() == expected_user_roles
+ assert get_system_authzgroup_roles() == expected_authzgroup_roles
+ # now let's make the authzgroup which already has a system role an admin
+ authz_submit(check_and_set_checkbox(get_authzgroup_form(), u'anauthzgroup', u'admin', False, True))
+ # update expected state to reflect the change we should just have made
+ expected_authzgroup_roles.append((u'anauthzgroup', u'admin'))
+ expected_authzgroup_roles.sort()
+ # check that's happened
+ assert get_system_user_roles() == expected_user_roles
+ assert get_system_authzgroup_roles() == expected_authzgroup_roles
+ # put it back how it was
+ submit(check_and_set_checkbox(get_user_form(), u'visitor', u'admin', True, False))
+ authz_submit(check_and_set_checkbox(get_authzgroup_form(), u'anauthzgroup', u'admin', True, False))
+ # should be back to our starting state
+ assert original_user_roles == get_system_user_roles()
+ assert original_authzgroup_roles == get_system_authzgroup_roles()
+ # now test making multiple changes
+ # change lots of things
+ form = get_user_form()
+ check_and_set_checkbox(form, u'visitor', u'editor', False, True)
+ check_and_set_checkbox(form, u'visitor', u'reader', False, False)
+ check_and_set_checkbox(form, u'logged_in', u'editor', True, False)
+ check_and_set_checkbox(form, u'logged_in', u'reader', False, True)
+ submit(form)
+ roles=get_system_user_roles()
+ # and assert that they've actually changed
+ assert (u'visitor', u'editor') in roles and \
+ (u'logged_in', u'editor') not in roles and \
+ (u'logged_in', u'reader') in roles and \
+ (u'visitor', u'reader') not in roles, \
+ "visitor and logged_in roles seem not to have reversed"
+ def get_roles_by_name(user=None, group=None):
+ if user:
+ return [y for (x,y) in get_system_user_roles() if x==user]
+ elif group:
+ return [y for (x,y) in get_system_authzgroup_roles() if x==group]
+ else:
+ assert False, 'miscalled'
+ # now we test the box for giving roles to an arbitrary user
+ # check that tester doesn't have a system role
+ assert len(get_roles_by_name(user=u'tester'))==0, \
+ "tester should not have roles"
+ # get the put tester in the username box
+ form = get_response().forms['addform']
+ form.fields['new_user_name'][0].value='tester'
+ # get the admin checkbox
+ checkbox = [x for x in form.fields['admin'] \
+ if x.__class__.__name__ == 'Checkbox'][0]
+ # check it's currently unticked
+ assert checkbox.checked == False
+ # tick it and submit
+ checkbox.checked=True
+ response = form.submit('add', extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ assert "User Added" in response, "don't see flash message"
+ assert get_roles_by_name(user=u'tester') == ['admin'], \
+ "tester should be an admin now"
+ # and similarly for an arbitrary authz group
+ assert get_roles_by_name(group=u'anotherauthzgroup') == [], \
+ "should not have roles"
+ form = get_response().forms['authzgroup_addform']
+ form.fields['new_user_name'][0].value='anotherauthzgroup'
+ checkbox = [x for x in form.fields['reader'] \
+ if x.__class__.__name__ == 'Checkbox'][0]
+ assert checkbox.checked == False
+ checkbox.checked=True
+ response = form.submit('authz_add', extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ assert "Authorization Group Added" in response, "don't see flash message"
+ assert get_roles_by_name(group=u'anotherauthzgroup') == [u'reader'], \
+ "should be a reader now"
+class TestAdminTrashController:
+ def setup(cls):
+ config = appconfig('config:test.ini', relative_to=conf_dir)
+ wsgiapp = make_app(config.global_conf, **config.local_conf)
+ cls.app = paste.fixture.TestApp(wsgiapp)
+ CreateTestData.create()
+ def teardown(self):
+ model.repo.rebuild_db()
+ def test_purge_revision(self):
+ as_testsysadmin = {'REMOTE_USER': 'testsysadmin'}
+ # Put a revision in deleted state
+ rev = model.repo.youngest_revision()
+ revid = rev.id
+ rev.state = model.State.DELETED
+ model.Session.commit()
+ # check it shows up on trash page and
+ url = url_for('ckanadmin', action='trash')
+ response = self.app.get(url, extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ assert revid in response, response
+ # check it can be successfully purged
+ form = response.forms['form-purge-revisions']
+ res = form.submit('purge-revisions', status=[302], extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ res = res.follow(extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ assert not revid in res, res
+ rev = model.Session.query(model.Revision).filter_by(id=revid).first()
+ assert rev is None, rev
+ def test_purge_package(self):
+ as_testsysadmin = {'REMOTE_USER': 'testsysadmin'}
+ # Put packages in deleted state
+ rev = model.repo.new_revision()
+ pkg = model.Package.by_name(u'warandpeace')
+ pkg.state = model.State.DELETED
+ model.repo.commit_and_remove()
+ # Check shows up on trash page
+ url = url_for('ckanadmin', action='trash')
+ response = self.app.get(url, extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ assert 'dataset/warandpeace' in response, response
+ # Check we get correct error message on attempted purge
+ form = response.forms['form-purge-packages']
+ response = form.submit('purge-packages', status=[302],
+ extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ response = response.follow(extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ assert 'Cannot purge package' in response, response
+ assert 'dataset/warandpeace' in response
+ # now check we really can purge when things are ok
+ pkg = model.Package.by_name(u'annakarenina')
+ pkg.state = model.State.DELETED
+ model.repo.new_revision()
+ model.Session.commit()
+ response = self.app.get(url, extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ assert 'dataset/warandpeace' in response, response
+ assert 'dataset/annakarenina' in response, response
+ form = response.forms['form-purge-packages']
+ res = form.submit('purge-packages', status=[302], extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ res = res.follow(extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ pkgs = model.Session.query(model.Package).all()
+ assert len(pkgs) == 0
+ def test_purge_youngest_revision(self):
+ as_testsysadmin = {'REMOTE_USER': 'testsysadmin'}
+ id = u'warandpeace'
+ log_message = 'test_1234'
+ edit_url = url_for(controller='package', action='edit', id=id)
+ # Manually create a revision
+ res = self.app.get(edit_url)
+ fv = res.forms['dataset-edit']
+ fv['title'] = 'RevisedTitle'
+ fv['log_message'] = log_message
+ res = fv.submit('save')
+ # Delete that revision
+ rev = model.repo.youngest_revision()
+ assert rev.message == log_message
+ rev.state = model.State.DELETED
+ model.Session.commit()
+ # Run a purge
+ url = url_for('ckanadmin', action='trash')
+ res = self.app.get(url, extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ form = res.forms['form-purge-revisions']
+ res = form.submit('purge-revisions', status=[302], extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ res = res.follow(extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ # Verify the edit page can be loaded (ie. does not 404)
+ res = self.app.get(edit_url)
+ def test_undelete(self):
+ as_testsysadmin = {'REMOTE_USER': 'testsysadmin'}
+ rev = model.repo.youngest_revision()
+ rev_id = rev.id
+ rev.state = model.State.DELETED
+ model.Session.commit()
+ # Click undelete
+ url = url_for('ckanadmin', action='trash')
+ res = self.app.get(url, extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ form = res.forms['undelete-'+rev.id]
+ res = form.submit('submit', status=[302], extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ res = res.follow(extra_environ=as_testsysadmin)
+ assert 'Revision updated' in res
+ assert not 'DELETED' in res
+ rev = model.repo.youngest_revision()
+ assert rev.id == rev_id
+ assert rev.state == model.State.ACTIVE
--- a/doc/configuration.rst Mon Oct 10 11:36:03 2011 +0300
+++ b/doc/configuration.rst Mon Oct 10 12:14:06 2011 +0100
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@
- ckan.plugins = disqus synchronous_search datapreview googleanalytics stats storage admin follower
+ ckan.plugins = disqus synchronous_search datapreview googleanalytics stats storage follower
Specify which CKAN extensions are to be enabled.
--- a/doc/extensions.rst Mon Oct 10 11:36:03 2011 +0300
+++ b/doc/extensions.rst Mon Oct 10 12:14:06 2011 +0100
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
Some popular extensions include:
-* `ckanext-admin <https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-admin>`_: Admin web interface for CKAN.
* `ckanext-apps <https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-apps>`_: Apps and ideas catalogue extension for CKAN.
* `ckanext-deliverance <https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-deliverance>`_: Extends CKAN to use the Deliverance HTTP proxy, which can request and render web pages from * an external site (e.g. a CMS like Drupal or Wordpress).
* `ckanext-disqus <https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-disqus>`_: Allows users to comment on dataset pages with Disqus.
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