[ckan-changes] commit/ckan: dread: [doc]: #1315 Action API docs added. Mostly complete.
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Wed Sep 7 16:48:01 UTC 2011
1 new changeset in ckan:
changeset: 7a0e7a486df3
user: dread
date: 2011-09-07 18:43:41
summary: [doc]: #1315 Action API docs added. Mostly complete.
affected #: 2 files (13.7 KB)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/action_api.rst Wed Sep 07 17:43:41 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+.. index:: API
+Reference: CKAN Action API
+.. toctree::
+ :hidden:
+ :maxdepth: 1
+.. warning:: The Action API is still experimental and subject to change of URI locations, formats, parameters and results.
+The Action API is a powerful RPC-style way of accessing CKAN data. Its intention is to have access to all the core logic in ckan. It calls exactly the same functions that are used internally which all the other CKAN interfaces (Web interface / Model API) go through. Therefore it provides the full gamut of read and write operations, with all possible parameters.
+A client supplies parameters to the Action API via a JSON dictionary of a POST request, and returns results, help information and any error diagnostics in a JSON dictionary too. This is a departure from the CKAN API versions 1 and 2, which being RESTful required all the request parameters to be part of the URL.
+The basic URL for the Action API is::
+ /api/action/{logic_action}
+ /api/action/package_list
+ /api/action/package_show
+ /api/action/user_create
+====================================== ===========================
+Logic Action Parameter keys
+====================================== ===========================
+site_read (none)
+package_list (none)
+current_package_list_with_resources limit
+revision_list (none)
+package_revision_list id
+group_list all_fields
+group_list_authz (none)
+group_list_available (none)
+group_revision_list id
+licence_list (none)
+tag_list q, all_fields, limit, offset, return_objects
+user_list q, order_by
+package_relationships_list id, id2, rel
+package_show id
+revision_show id
+group_show id
+tag_show id
+user_show id
+package_show_rest id
+group_show_rest id
+tag_show_rest id
+package_autocomplete q
+tag_autocomplete q, limit
+format_autocomplete q, limit
+user_autocomplete q, limit
+package_search q, fields, facet_by, limit, offset, filter_by_openness, filter_by_downloadable
+====================================== ===========================
+====================================== ===========================
+Logic Action Parameter keys
+====================================== ===========================
+package_create (package keys)
+package_create_validate (package keys)
+resource_create (resource keys)
+package_relationship_create id, id2, rel, comment
+group_create (group keys)
+rating_create package, rating
+user_create (user keys)
+package_create_rest (package keys)
+group_create_rest (group keys)
+====================================== ===========================
+====================================== ===========================
+Logic Action Parameter keys
+====================================== ===========================
+make_latest_pending_package_active id
+resource_update (resource keys)
+package_update (package keys)
+package_update_validate (package keys)
+package_relationship_update id, id2, rel, comment
+group_update (group keys)
+user_update (user keys), reset_key
+package_update_rest (package keys)
+group_update_rest (group keys)
+====================================== ===========================
+====================================== ===========================
+Logic Action Parameter keys
+====================================== ===========================
+package_delete id
+package_relationship_delete id, id2, rel
+group_delete id
+====================================== ===========================
+In case of doubt, refer to the code of the logic actions, which is found in the CKAN source in the ckan/logic/action directory.
+Object dictionaries
+======================== ====================================== =============
+key example value notes
+======================== ====================================== =============
+id "fd788e57-dce4-481c-832d-497235bf9f78" (Read-only) unique identifier
+name "uk-spending" Unique identifier. Should be human readable
+title "UK Spending" Human readable title of the dataset
+url "http://gov.uk/spend-downloads.html" Home page for the data
+version "1.0" Version associated with the data. String format.
+author "UK Treasury" Name of person responsible for the data
+author_email "contact at treasury.gov.uk" Email address for the person in the 'author' field
+maintainer null Name of another person responsible for the data
+maintainer_email null Email address for the person in the 'maintainer' field
+notes "### About\\r\\n\\r\\nUpdated 1997." Other human readable info about the dataset. Markdown format.
+license_id "cc-by" ID of the license this dataset is released under. You can then look up the license ID to get the title.
+extras []
+tags ["government-spending"] List of tags associated with this dataset.
+groups ["spending", "country-uk"] List of groups this dataset is a member of.
+relationships_as_subject [] List of relationships (edit this only using relationship specific command). The 'type' of the relationship is described in terms of this package being the subject and the related package being the object.
+state active May be ``deleted`` or other custom states like ``pending``.
+revision_id "f645243a-7334-44e2-b87c-64231700a9a6" (Read-only) ID of the last revision for the core package object was (doesn't include tags, groups, extra fields, relationships).
+revision_timestamp "2010-12-21T15:26:17.345502" (Read-only) Time and date when the last revision for the core package object was (doesn't include tags, groups, extra fields, relationships). ISO format. UTC timezone assumed.
+======================== ====================================== =============
+Package Extra:
+======================== ====================================== =============
+key example value notes
+======================== ====================================== =============
+id "c10fb749-ad46-4ba2-839a-41e8e2560687" (Read-only)
+key "number_of_links"
+value "10000"
+package_id "349259a8-cbff-4610-8089-2c80b34e27c5" (Read-only) Edit package extras with package_update
+state "active" (Read-only) Edit package extras with package_update
+revision_timestamp "2010-09-01T08:56:53.696551" (Read-only)
+revision_id "233d0c19-fcdc-44b9-9afe-25e2aa9d0a5f" (Read-only)
+======================== ====================================== =============
+======================== ====================================== =============
+key example value notes
+======================== ====================================== =============
+id "888d00e9-6ee5-49ca-9abb-6f216e646345" (Read-only)
+url "http://gov.uk/spend-july-2009.csv" Download URL of the data
+description ""
+format "XLS" Format of the data
+hash null Hash of the data e.g. SHA1
+state "active"
+position 0 (Read-only) This is set by the order of resources are given in the list when creating/updating the package.
+resource_group_id "49ddadb0-dd80-9eff-26e9-81c5a466cf6e" (Read-only)
+revision_id "188ac88b-1573-48bf-9ea6-d3c503db5816" (Read-only)
+revision_timestamp "2011-07-08T14:48:38.967741" (Read-only)
+======================== ====================================== =============
+======================== ====================================== =============
+key example value notes
+======================== ====================================== =============
+id "b10871ea-b4ae-4e2e-bec9-a8d8ff357754" (Read-only)
+name "country-uk" (Read-only) Add/remove tags from a package or group using update_package or update_group
+state "active" (Read-only) Add/remove tags from a package or group using update_package or update_group
+revision_timestamp "2009-08-08T12:46:40.920443" (Read-only)
+======================== ====================================== =============
+Requests must be a POST, including parameters in a JSON dictionary. If there are no parameters required, then an empty dictionary is still required (or you get a 400 error).
+ curl http://test.ckan.net/api/action/package_list -d '{}'
+ curl http://test.ckan.net/api/action/package_show -d '{"id": "fd788e57-dce4-481c-832d-497235bf9f78"}'
+Authorization Header
+Authorization is carried out the same way as the existing API, supplying the user's API key in the "Authorization" header.
+Depending on the settings of the instance, you may not need to identify yourself for simple read operations. (This is the case for thedatahub.org and is assumed for the examples below.)
+The response is wholly contained in the form of a JSON dictionary. Here is the basic format of a successful request::
+ {"help": "Creates a package", "success": true, "result": ...}
+And here is one that incurred an error::
+ {"help": "Creates a package", "success": false, "error": {"message": "Access denied", "__type": "Authorization Error"}}
+* ``help`` is the 'doc string' (or ``null``)
+* ``success`` is ``true`` or ``false`` depending on whether the request was successful. The response is always status 200, so it is important to check this value.
+* ``result`` is the main payload that results from a successful request. This might be a list of the domain object names or a dictionary with the particular domain object.
+* ``error`` is supplied if the request was not successful and provides a message and __type. See the section on errors.
+The message types include:
+ * Authorization Error - an API key is required for this operation, and the corresponding user needs the correct credentials
+ * Validation Error - the object supplied does not meet with the standards described in the schema.
+ * (TBC) JSON Error - the request could not be parsed / decoded as JSON format, according to the Content-Type (default is ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded;utf-8``).
+ $ curl http://ckan.net/api/action/package_show -d '{"id": "fd788e57-dce4-481c-832d-497235bf9f78"}'
+ {"help": null, "success": true, "result": {"maintainer": null, "name": "uk-quango-data", "relationships_as_subject": [], "author": null, "url": "http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2009/jul/07/public-finance-regulators", "relationships_as_object": [], "notes": "### About\r\n\r\nDid you know there are nearly 1,200 unelected bodies with power over our lives? This is the full list, complete with number of staff and how much they cost. As a spreadsheet\r\n\r\n### Openness\r\n\r\nNo licensing information found.", "title": "Every Quango in Britain", "maintainer_email": null, "revision_timestamp": "2010-12-21T15:26:17.345502", "author_email": null, "state": "active", "version": null, "groups": [], "license_id": "notspecified", "revision_id": "f645243a-7334-44e2-b87c-64231700a9a6", "tags": [{"revision_timestamp": "2009-08-08T12:46:40.920443", "state": "active", "id": "b10871ea-b4ae-4e2e-bec9-a8d8ff357754", "name": "country-uk"}, {"revision_timestamp": "2009-08-08T12:46:40.920443", "state": "active", "id": "ed783bc3-c0a1-49f6-b861-fd9adbc1006b", "name": "quango"}], "id": "fd788e57-dce4-481c-832d-497235bf9f78", "resources": [{"resource_group_id": "49ddadb0-dd80-9eff-26e9-81c5a466cf6e", "hash": null, "description": "", "format": "", "url": "http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=tm4Dxoo0QtDrEOEC1FAJuUg", "revision_timestamp": "2011-07-08T14:48:38.967741", "state": "active", "position": 0, "revision_id": "188ac88b-1573-48bf-9ea6-d3c503db5816", "id": "888d00e9-6ee5-49ca-9abb-6f216e646345"}], "extras": []}}
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/doc/api.rst Tue Sep 06 17:43:19 2011 +0100
+++ b/doc/api.rst Wed Sep 07 17:43:41 2011 +0100
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
* `Model API`_
* `Search API`_
* `Util API`_
+* `Action API`_
The resources, methods, and data formats of each are described below.
@@ -548,3 +549,9 @@
{"ResultSet": {"Result": [{"Format": "csv"}]}}
+Action API
+See: :doc:`action_api`
\ No newline at end of file
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