[ckan-changes] [okfn/ckan] ad0876: [#2843] Remove 'Add Existing Datasets' option from...

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Wed Aug 15 15:28:51 UTC 2012

  Branch: refs/heads/2843-cannot-add-existing-datasets-to-organizations
  Home:   https://github.com/okfn/ckan
  Commit: ad08763e03177cc3bf253de078e1899c08355fa5
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2012-08-15 (Wed, 15 Aug 2012)

  Changed paths:
    M ckan/controllers/group.py
    M ckan/lib/plugins.py
    M ckan/plugins/interfaces.py
    M ckanext/organizations/forms.py
    A ckanext/organizations/templates/organization_edit.html

  Log Message:
  [#2843] Remove 'Add Existing Datasets' option from organization edit

The link wasn't working, and this option doesn't make any sense when
organizations is enabled, because every dataset must belong to one and
only one organization anyway.

This commit simply removes the link from the organization edit page,
making it consistent with the other organization pages (read etc.)

It was necessary to add the ability to override the group/edit.html
template to the IGroupForm plugin to do this.

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