[ckan-changes] [okfn/ckan] 517945: [#2374] Made tag search pageable. Moved logic tag ...

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Fri May 4 17:55:23 UTC 2012

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/okfn/ckan
  Commit: 517945524247721b3b7e25dcbc559e2c079d16ba
  Author: David Read <david.read at hackneyworkshop.com>
  Date:   2012-05-04 (Fri, 04 May 2012)

  Changed paths:
    M ckan/lib/create_test_data.py
    M ckan/logic/action/get.py
    M ckan/tests/__init__.py
    M ckan/tests/logic/test_action.py
    A ckan/tests/logic/test_tag.py

  Log Message:
  [#2374] Made tag search pageable. Moved logic tag tests into its own file. Centralised related testing fixtures.

diff --git a/ckan/lib/create_test_data.py b/ckan/lib/create_test_data.py
index 44d5c64..d091ddb 100644
--- a/ckan/lib/create_test_data.py
+++ b/ckan/lib/create_test_data.py
@@ -628,6 +628,68 @@ def reset(cls):
     def get_all_data(cls):
         return cls.pkg_names + list(cls.group_names) + cls.tag_names + cls.user_refs
+    @classmethod
+    def make_some_vocab_tags(cls):
+        import ckan.model as model
+        model.repo.new_revision()
+        # Create a couple of vocabularies.
+        genre_vocab = model.Vocabulary(u'genre')
+        model.Session.add(genre_vocab)
+        composers_vocab = model.Vocabulary(u'composers')
+        model.Session.add(composers_vocab)
+        # Create some additional free tags for tag search tests.
+        tolkien_tag = model.Tag(name="tolkien")
+        model.Session.add(tolkien_tag)
+        toledo_tag = model.Tag(name="toledo")
+        model.Session.add(toledo_tag)
+        tolerance_tag = model.Tag(name="tolerance")
+        model.Session.add(tolerance_tag)
+        tollbooth_tag = model.Tag(name="tollbooth")
+        model.Session.add(tollbooth_tag)
+        # We have to add free tags to a package or they won't show up in tag results.
+        model.Package.get('warandpeace').add_tags((tolkien_tag, toledo_tag,
+            tolerance_tag, tollbooth_tag))
+        # Create some tags that belong to vocabularies.
+        sonata_tag = model.Tag(name=u'sonata', vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
+        model.Session.add(sonata_tag)
+        bach_tag = model.Tag(name=u'Bach', vocabulary_id=composers_vocab.id)
+        model.Session.add(bach_tag)
+        neoclassical_tag = model.Tag(name='neoclassical',
+                vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
+        model.Session.add(neoclassical_tag)
+        neofolk_tag = model.Tag(name='neofolk', vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
+        model.Session.add(neofolk_tag)
+        neomedieval_tag = model.Tag(name='neomedieval',
+                vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
+        model.Session.add(neomedieval_tag)
+        neoprog_tag = model.Tag(name='neoprog',
+                vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
+        model.Session.add(neoprog_tag)
+        neopsychedelia_tag = model.Tag(name='neopsychedelia',
+                vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
+        model.Session.add(neopsychedelia_tag)
+        neosoul_tag = model.Tag(name='neosoul', vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
+        model.Session.add(neosoul_tag)
+        nerdcore_tag = model.Tag(name='nerdcore', vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
+        model.Session.add(nerdcore_tag)
+        model.Package.get('warandpeace').add_tag(bach_tag)
+        model.Package.get('annakarenina').add_tag(sonata_tag)
+        model.Session.commit()
 search_items = [{'name':'gils',
               'title':'Government Information Locator Service',
diff --git a/ckan/logic/action/get.py b/ckan/logic/action/get.py
index b0cb640..d9ba90f 100644
--- a/ckan/logic/action/get.py
+++ b/ckan/logic/action/get.py
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ def tag_list(context, data_dict):
     check_access('tag_list', context, data_dict)
     if query:
-        tags = _tag_search(context, data_dict)
+        tags, count = _tag_search(context, data_dict)
         tags = model.Tag.all(vocab_id_or_name)
@@ -921,7 +921,8 @@ def resource_search(context, data_dict):
     return {'count': count, 'results': results}
 def _tag_search(context, data_dict):
-    '''Return a list of tag objects that contain the given string.
+    '''Return a list of tag objects that contain the given string and
+    the full count (for paging).
     The query string should be provided in the data_dict with key 'query' or
@@ -930,6 +931,7 @@ def _tag_search(context, data_dict):
     searched. If a 'vocabulary_id' is provided in the data_dict then tags
     belonging to the given vocabulary (id or name) will be searched instead.
+    Use 'offset' and 'limit' parameters to page through results.
     model = context['model']
@@ -963,15 +965,16 @@ def _tag_search(context, data_dict):
     if not len(terms):
-        return []
+        return [], 0
     for term in terms:
         escaped_term = misc.escape_sql_like_special_characters(term, escape='\\')
         q = q.filter(model.Tag.name.ilike('%' + escaped_term + '%'))
+    count = q.count()
     q = q.offset(offset)
     q = q.limit(limit)
-    return q.all()
+    return q.all(), count
 def tag_search(context, data_dict):
     '''Return a list of tag dictionaries that contain the given string.
@@ -987,8 +990,8 @@ def tag_search(context, data_dict):
     and 'results' (the list of tag dicts).
-    tags = _tag_search(context, data_dict)
-    return {'count': len(tags),
+    tags, count = _tag_search(context, data_dict)
+    return {'count': count,
             'results': [table_dictize(tag, context) for tag in tags]}
 def tag_autocomplete(context, data_dict):
@@ -1003,7 +1006,7 @@ def tag_autocomplete(context, data_dict):
     check_access('tag_autocomplete', context, data_dict)
-    matching_tags = _tag_search(context, data_dict)
+    matching_tags, count = _tag_search(context, data_dict)
     if matching_tags:
         return [tag.name for tag in matching_tags]
diff --git a/ckan/tests/__init__.py b/ckan/tests/__init__.py
index 94f94fe..d0ae513 100644
--- a/ckan/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/ckan/tests/__init__.py
@@ -349,3 +349,12 @@ def assert_in(a, b):
         assert a in b, '%r was not in %r' % (a, b)
     def assert_not_in(a, b):
         assert a not in b, '%r was in %r' % (a, b)        
+class StatusCodes:
+    STATUS_200_OK = 200
+    STATUS_201_CREATED = 201
+    STATUS_400_BAD_REQUEST = 400
+    STATUS_404_NOT_FOUND = 404
+    STATUS_409_CONFLICT = 409
diff --git a/ckan/tests/logic/test_action.py b/ckan/tests/logic/test_action.py
index a3294f1..38dbf23 100644
--- a/ckan/tests/logic/test_action.py
+++ b/ckan/tests/logic/test_action.py
@@ -11,22 +11,15 @@
 from ckan.tests import WsgiAppCase
 from ckan.tests.functional.api import assert_dicts_equal_ignoring_ordering
 from ckan.tests import setup_test_search_index, search_related
+from ckan.tests import StatusCodes
 from ckan.logic import get_action, NotAuthorized
 from ckan.logic.action import get_domain_object
 from ckan import plugins
 from ckan.plugins import SingletonPlugin, implements, IPackageController
 class TestAction(WsgiAppCase):
-    STATUS_200_OK = 200
-    STATUS_201_CREATED = 201
-    STATUS_400_BAD_REQUEST = 400
-    STATUS_404_NOT_FOUND = 404
-    STATUS_409_CONFLICT = 409
     sysadmin_user = None
     normal_user = None
@@ -36,72 +29,12 @@ def setup_class(cls):
         cls.sysadmin_user = model.User.get('testsysadmin')
         cls.normal_user = model.User.get('annafan')
-        cls.make_some_vocab_tags()
+        CreateTestData.make_some_vocab_tags()
     def teardown_class(cls):
-    @classmethod
-    def make_some_vocab_tags(cls):
-        model.repo.new_revision()
-        # Create a couple of vocabularies.
-        genre_vocab = model.Vocabulary(u'genre')
-        model.Session.add(genre_vocab)
-        composers_vocab = model.Vocabulary(u'composers')
-        model.Session.add(composers_vocab)
-        # Create some additional free tags for tag search tests.
-        tolkien_tag = model.Tag(name="tolkien")
-        model.Session.add(tolkien_tag)
-        toledo_tag = model.Tag(name="toledo")
-        model.Session.add(toledo_tag)
-        tolerance_tag = model.Tag(name="tolerance")
-        model.Session.add(tolerance_tag)
-        tollbooth_tag = model.Tag(name="tollbooth")
-        model.Session.add(tollbooth_tag)
-        # We have to add free tags to a package or they won't show up in tag results.
-        model.Package.get('warandpeace').add_tags((tolkien_tag, toledo_tag,
-            tolerance_tag, tollbooth_tag))
-        # Create some tags that belong to vocabularies.
-        sonata_tag = model.Tag(name=u'sonata', vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
-        model.Session.add(sonata_tag)
-        bach_tag = model.Tag(name=u'Bach', vocabulary_id=composers_vocab.id)
-        model.Session.add(bach_tag)
-        neoclassical_tag = model.Tag(name='neoclassical',
-                vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
-        model.Session.add(neoclassical_tag)
-        neofolk_tag = model.Tag(name='neofolk', vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
-        model.Session.add(neofolk_tag)
-        neomedieval_tag = model.Tag(name='neomedieval',
-                vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
-        model.Session.add(neomedieval_tag)
-        neoprog_tag = model.Tag(name='neoprog',
-                vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
-        model.Session.add(neoprog_tag)
-        neopsychedelia_tag = model.Tag(name='neopsychedelia',
-                vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
-        model.Session.add(neopsychedelia_tag)
-        neosoul_tag = model.Tag(name='neosoul', vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
-        model.Session.add(neosoul_tag)
-        nerdcore_tag = model.Tag(name='nerdcore', vocabulary_id=genre_vocab.id)
-        model.Session.add(nerdcore_tag)
-        model.Package.get('warandpeace').add_tag(bach_tag)
-        model.Package.get('annakarenina').add_tag(sonata_tag)
-        model.Session.commit()
     def _add_basic_package(self, package_name=u'test_package', **kwargs):
         package = {
             'name': package_name,
@@ -249,7 +182,7 @@ def test_18_create_package_not_authorized(self):
         wee = json.dumps(package)
         postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps(package)
         res = self.app.post('/api/action/package_create', params=postparams,
-                                     status=self.STATUS_403_ACCESS_DENIED)
+                                     status=StatusCodes.STATUS_403_ACCESS_DENIED)
     def test_04_user_list(self):
         postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({})
@@ -331,169 +264,6 @@ def test_05b_user_show_datasets(self):
         dataset = result['datasets'][0]
         assert_equal(dataset['name'], u'annakarenina')
-    def test_06a_tag_list(self):
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_list', params=postparams)
-        resbody = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert resbody['success'] is True
-        assert sorted(resbody['result']) == sorted(['russian', 'tolstoy',
-                u'Flexible \u30a1', 'tollbooth', 'tolkien', 'toledo',
-                'tolerance'])
-        assert resbody['help'].startswith(
-                'Return a list of tag dictionaries.')
-        #Get all fields
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'all_fields':True})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_list', params=postparams)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        pprint(res_obj)
-        assert res_obj['success'] == True
-        names = [ res_obj['result'][i]['name'] for i in xrange(len(res_obj['result'])) ]
-        russian_index = names.index('russian')
-        tolstoy_index = names.index('tolstoy')
-        flexible_index = names.index(u'Flexible \u30a1')
-        assert res_obj['result'][russian_index]['name'] == 'russian'
-        assert res_obj['result'][tolstoy_index]['name'] == 'tolstoy'
-        # The "moo" package may part of the retrieved packages, depending
-        # upon whether this test is run in isolation from the rest of the
-        # test suite or not.
-        number_of_russian_packages = len(res_obj['result'][russian_index]['packages'])   # warandpeace, annakarenina (moo?)
-        number_of_tolstoy_packages = len(res_obj['result'][tolstoy_index]['packages'])   # annakarenina
-        number_of_flexible_packages = len(res_obj['result'][flexible_index]['packages']) # warandpeace, annakarenina (moo?)
-        # Assert we have the correct number of packages, independantly of
-        # whether the "moo" package may exist or not.
-        assert number_of_russian_packages - number_of_tolstoy_packages == 1
-        assert number_of_flexible_packages == (number_of_russian_packages - number_of_tolstoy_packages) + 1
-        assert 'id' in res_obj['result'][0]
-        assert 'id' in res_obj['result'][1]
-        assert 'id' in res_obj['result'][2]
-    def test_06b_tag_list_vocab(self):
-        vocab_name = 'test-vocab'
-        tag_name = 'test-vocab-tag'
-        # create vocab
-        params = json.dumps({'name': vocab_name})
-        extra_environ = {'Authorization' : str(self.sysadmin_user.apikey)}
-        response = self.app.post('/api/action/vocabulary_create', params=params,
-                                 extra_environ=extra_environ)
-        assert response.json['success']
-        vocab_id = response.json['result']['id']
-        # create new tag with vocab
-        params = json.dumps({'name': tag_name, 'vocabulary_id': vocab_id})
-        extra_environ = {'Authorization' : str(self.sysadmin_user.apikey)}
-        response = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_create', params=params,
-                                 extra_environ=extra_environ)
-        assert response.json['success'] == True
-        # check that tag shows up in list
-        params = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'vocabulary_id': vocab_name})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_list', params=params)
-        body = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert body['success'] is True
-        assert body['result'] == [tag_name]
-        assert body['help'].startswith('Return a list of tag dictionaries.')
-        # check that invalid vocab name results in a 404
-        params = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'vocabulary_id': 'invalid-vocab-name'})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_list', params=params, status=404)
-    def test_07_tag_show(self):
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'id':'russian'})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_show', params=postparams)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj['help'] == 'Shows tag details'
-        assert res_obj['success'] == True
-        result = res_obj['result']
-        assert result['name'] == 'russian'
-        assert 'id' in result
-        assert 'packages' in result
-        packages = [package['name'] for package in result['packages']]
-        # the "moo" package may be part of the retrieved packages, depending
-        # upon whether or not this test is run in isolation from the other tests
-        # in the suite.
-        expected_packages = ['annakarenina', 'warandpeace'] + (
-            ['moo'] if 'moo' in packages else [])
-        assert sorted(packages) == sorted(expected_packages), "%s != %s" %(packages, expected_packages)
-    def test_07_flexible_tag_show(self):
-        """
-        Asserts that the api can be used to retrieve the details of the flexible tag.
-        The flexible tag is the tag with spaces, punctuation and foreign
-        characters in its name, that's created in `ckan/lib/create_test_data.py`.
-        """
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'id':u'Flexible \u30a1'})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_show', params=postparams)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj['help'] == 'Shows tag details'
-        assert res_obj['success'] == True
-        result = res_obj['result']
-        assert result['name'] == u'Flexible \u30a1'
-        assert 'id' in result
-        assert 'packages' in result and len(result['packages']) == 2
-        assert sorted([package['name'] for package in result['packages']]) == \
-               sorted(['annakarenina', 'warandpeace'])
-    def test_07_tag_show_unknown_license(self):
-        # create a tagged package which has an invalid license
-        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
-            'name': u'tag_test',
-            'tags': u'tolstoy',
-            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
-            }])
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'id':'tolstoy'})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_show', params=postparams)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj['success'] == True
-        result = res_obj['result']
-        for pkg in result['packages']:
-            if pkg['name'] == 'tag_test':
-                break
-        else:
-            assert 0, 'tag_test not among packages'
-        assert_equal(pkg['license_id'], 'never_heard_of_it')
-        assert_equal(pkg['isopen'], False)
-    def test_08_user_create_not_authorized(self):
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'name':'test_create_from_action_api', 'password':'testpass'})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/user_create', params=postparams,
-                            status=self.STATUS_403_ACCESS_DENIED)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj == {'help': 'Creates a new user',
-                           'success': False,
-                           'error': {'message': 'Access denied', '__type': 'Authorization Error'}}
-    def test_09_user_create(self):
-        user_dict = {'name':'test_create_from_action_api',
-                      'about': 'Just a test user',
-                      'email': 'me at test.org',
-                      'password':'testpass'}
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps(user_dict)
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/user_create', params=postparams,
-                            extra_environ={'Authorization': str(self.sysadmin_user.apikey)})
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj['help'] == 'Creates a new user'
-        assert res_obj['success'] == True
-        result = res_obj['result']
-        assert result['name'] == user_dict['name']
-        assert result['about'] == user_dict['about']
-        assert 'apikey' in result
-        assert 'created' in result
-        assert 'display_name' in result
-        assert 'number_administered_packages' in result
-        assert 'number_of_edits' in result
-        assert not 'password' in result
     def test_10_user_create_parameters_missing(self):
         user_dict = {}
@@ -501,7 +271,7 @@ def test_10_user_create_parameters_missing(self):
         postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps(user_dict)
         res = self.app.post('/api/action/user_create', params=postparams,
                             extra_environ={'Authorization': str(self.sysadmin_user.apikey)},
-                            status=self.STATUS_409_CONFLICT)
+                            status=StatusCodes.STATUS_409_CONFLICT)
         res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
         assert res_obj == {
             'error': {
@@ -522,7 +292,7 @@ def test_11_user_create_wrong_password(self):
         postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps(user_dict)
         res = self.app.post('/api/action/user_create', params=postparams,
                             extra_environ={'Authorization': str(self.sysadmin_user.apikey)},
-                            status=self.STATUS_409_CONFLICT)
+                            status=StatusCodes.STATUS_409_CONFLICT)
         res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
         assert res_obj == {
@@ -598,7 +368,7 @@ def test_12_user_update(self):
         postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps(sysadmin_user_dict)
         res = self.app.post('/api/action/user_update', params=postparams,
                             extra_environ={'Authorization': str(self.normal_user.apikey)},
-                            status=self.STATUS_403_ACCESS_DENIED)
+                            status=StatusCodes.STATUS_403_ACCESS_DENIED)
         res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
         assert res_obj == {
@@ -638,7 +408,7 @@ def test_12_user_update_errors(self):
             postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps(test_call['user_dict'])
             res = self.app.post('/api/action/user_update', params=postparams,
                                 extra_environ={'Authorization': str(self.normal_user.apikey)},
-                                status=self.STATUS_409_CONFLICT)
+                                status=StatusCodes.STATUS_409_CONFLICT)
             res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
             for expected_message in test_call['messages']:
                 assert expected_message[1] in ''.join(res_obj['error'][expected_message[0]])
@@ -710,7 +480,7 @@ def test_14_group_show(self):
         #Group not found
         postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'id':'not_present_in_the_db'})
         res = self.app.post('/api/action/group_show', params=postparams,
-                            status=self.STATUS_404_NOT_FOUND)
+                            status=StatusCodes.STATUS_404_NOT_FOUND)
         res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
@@ -723,306 +493,6 @@ def test_14_group_show(self):
             'success': False
-    def test_15a_tag_search_with_empty_query(self):
-        for q in ('missing', None, '', '  '):
-            paramd = {}
-            if q != 'missing':
-                paramd['q'] = q
-            params = json.dumps(paramd)
-            res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
-            assert res.json['success'] is True
-            assert res.json['result']['count'] == 0
-            assert res.json['result']['results'] == []
-    def test_15a_tag_search_with_no_matches(self):
-        paramd = {'q': 'no matches' }
-        params = json.dumps(paramd)
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
-        assert res.json['success'] is True
-        assert res.json['result']['count'] == 0
-        assert res.json['result']['results'] == []
-    def test_15a_tag_search_with_one_match(self):
-        paramd = {'q': 'russ' }
-        params = json.dumps(paramd)
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
-        assert res.json['success'] is True
-        assert res.json['result']['count'] == 1
-        tag_dicts = res.json['result']['results']
-        assert len(tag_dicts) == 1
-        assert tag_dicts[0]['name'] == 'russian'
-    def test_15a_tag_search_with_many_matches(self):
-        paramd = {'q': 'tol' }
-        params = json.dumps(paramd)
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
-        assert res.json['success'] is True
-        assert res.json['result']['count'] == 5
-        tag_dicts = res.json['result']['results']
-        assert ([tag['name'] for tag in tag_dicts] ==
-                sorted(['tolkien', 'toledo', 'tolerance', 'tollbooth', 'tolstoy']))
-    def test_15a_tag_search_with_vocab_and_empty_query(self):
-        for q in ('missing', None, '', '  '):
-            paramd = {'vocabulary_id': 'genre'}
-            if q != 'missing':
-                paramd['q'] = q
-            params = json.dumps(paramd)
-            res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
-            assert res.json['success'] is True
-            assert res.json['result']['count'] == 0
-            assert res.json['result']['results'] == []
-    def test_15a_tag_search_with_vocab_and_one_match(self):
-        paramd = {'q': 'son', 'vocabulary_id': 'genre' }
-        params = json.dumps(paramd)
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
-        assert res.json['success'] is True
-        assert res.json['result']['count'] == 1
-        tag_dicts = res.json['result']['results']
-        assert len(tag_dicts) == 1
-        assert tag_dicts[0]['name'] == 'sonata'
-    def test_15a_tag_search_with_vocab_and_multiple_matches(self):
-        paramd = {'q': 'neo', 'vocabulary_id': 'genre' }
-        params = json.dumps(paramd)
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
-        assert res.json['success'] is True
-        assert res.json['result']['count'] == 6
-        tag_dicts = res.json['result']['results']
-        assert [tag['name'] for tag in tag_dicts] == sorted(('neoclassical',
-            'neofolk', 'neomedieval', 'neoprog', 'neopsychedelia', 'neosoul'))
-    def test_15a_tag_search_with_vocab_and_no_matches(self):
-        paramd = {'q': 'xxxxxxx', 'vocabulary_id': 'genre' }
-        params = json.dumps(paramd)
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
-        assert res.json['success'] is True
-        assert res.json['result']['count'] == 0
-        tag_dicts = res.json['result']['results']
-        assert tag_dicts == []
-    def test_15a_tag_search_with_vocab_that_does_not_exist(self):
-        paramd = {'q': 'neo', 'vocabulary_id': 'xxxxxx' }
-        params = json.dumps(paramd)
-        self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params, status=404)
-    def test_15a_tag_search_with_invalid_vocab(self):
-        for vocab_name in (None, '', 'a', 'e'*200):
-            paramd = {'q': 'neo', 'vocabulary_id': vocab_name }
-            params = json.dumps(paramd)
-            self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params, status=404)
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete(self):
-        #Empty query
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj['success'] == True
-        assert res_obj['result'] == []
-        assert res_obj['help'].startswith(
-                'Return a list of tag names that contain the given string.')
-        #Normal query
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':'r'})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj['success'] == True
-        assert res_obj['result'] == ['russian', 'tolerance']
-        assert res_obj['help'].startswith(
-                'Return a list of tag names that contain the given string.')
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_tag_with_spaces(self):
-        """Asserts autocomplete finds tags that contain spaces"""
-        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
-            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-space-1',
-            'tags': [u'with space'],
-            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
-            }])
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':'w'})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj['success']
-        assert 'with space' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_tag_with_foreign_characters(self):
-        """Asserts autocomplete finds tags that contain foreign characters"""
-        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
-            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-foreign-character-1',
-            'tags': [u'greek beta \u03b2'],
-            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
-            }])
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':'greek'})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj['success']
-        assert u'greek beta \u03b2' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_tag_with_punctuation(self):
-        """Asserts autocomplete finds tags that contain punctuation"""
-        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
-            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-fullstop-1',
-            'tags': [u'fullstop.'],
-            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
-            }])
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':'fullstop'})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj['success']
-        assert u'fullstop.' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_tag_with_capital_letters(self):
-        """
-        Asserts autocomplete finds tags that contain capital letters
-        """
-        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
-            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-capital-letter-1',
-            'tags': [u'CAPITAL idea old chap'],
-            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
-            }])
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':'idea'})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj['success']
-        assert u'CAPITAL idea old chap' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_search_with_space(self):
-        """
-        Asserts that a search term containing a space works correctly
-        """
-        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
-            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-space-2',
-            'tags': [u'with space'],
-            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
-            }])
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':'th sp'})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj['success']
-        assert 'with space' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_search_with_foreign_character(self):
-        """
-        Asserts that a search term containing a foreign character works correctly
-        """
-        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
-            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-foreign-character-2',
-            'tags': [u'greek beta \u03b2'],
-            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
-            }])
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':u'\u03b2'})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj['success']
-        assert u'greek beta \u03b2' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_search_with_punctuation(self):
-        """
-        Asserts that a search term containing punctuation works correctly
-        """
-        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
-            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-fullstop-2',
-            'tags': [u'fullstop.'],
-            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
-            }])
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':u'stop.'})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj['success']
-        assert 'fullstop.' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_search_with_capital_letters(self):
-        """
-        Asserts that a search term containing capital letters works correctly
-        """
-        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
-            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-capital-letter-2',
-            'tags': [u'CAPITAL idea old chap'],
-            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
-            }])
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':u'CAPITAL'})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj['success']
-        assert 'CAPITAL idea old chap' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_is_case_insensitive(self):
-        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
-            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-capital-letter-3',
-            'tags': [u'MIX of CAPITALS and LOWER case'],
-            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
-            }])
-        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':u'lower case'})
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
-        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
-        assert res_obj['success']
-        assert 'MIX of CAPITALS and LOWER case' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_with_vocab_and_empty_query(self):
-        for q in ('missing', None, '', '  '):
-            paramd = {'vocabulary_id': u'genre'}
-            if q != 'missing':
-                paramd['q'] = q
-            params = json.dumps(paramd)
-            res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=params)
-            assert res.json['success'] is True
-            assert res.json['result'] == []
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_with_vocab_and_single_match(self):
-        paramd = {'vocabulary_id': u'genre', 'q': 'son'}
-        params = json.dumps(paramd)
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=params)
-        assert res.json['success'] is True
-        assert res.json['result'] == ['sonata'], res.json['result']
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_with_vocab_and_multiple_matches(self):
-        paramd = {'vocabulary_id': 'genre', 'q': 'neo'}
-        params = json.dumps(paramd)
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=params)
-        assert res.json['success'] is True
-        assert res.json['result'] == sorted(('neoclassical', 'neofolk',
-            'neomedieval', 'neoprog', 'neopsychedelia', 'neosoul'))
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_with_vocab_and_no_matches(self):
-        paramd = {'vocabulary_id': 'composers', 'q': 'Jonny Greenwood'}
-        params = json.dumps(paramd)
-        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=params)
-        assert res.json['success'] is True
-        assert res.json['result'] == []
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_with_vocab_that_does_not_exist(self):
-        for q in ('', 'neo'):
-            paramd = {'vocabulary_id': 'does_not_exist', 'q': q}
-            params = json.dumps(paramd)
-            res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=params,
-                    status=404)
-            assert res.json['success'] is False
-    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_with_invalid_vocab(self):
-        for vocab_name in (None, '', 'a', 'e'*200):
-            for q in (None, '', 'son'):
-                paramd = {'vocabulary_id': vocab_name, 'q': q}
-                params = json.dumps(paramd)
-                res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=params,
-                        status=404)
-                assert res.json['success'] is False
     def test_16_user_autocomplete(self):
         #Empty query
@@ -1165,7 +635,7 @@ def test_22_task_status_normal_user_not_authorized(self):
         res = self.app.post(
             '/api/action/task_status_update', params=postparams,
             extra_environ={'Authorization': str(self.normal_user.apikey)},
-            status=self.STATUS_403_ACCESS_DENIED
+            status=StatusCodes.STATUS_403_ACCESS_DENIED
         res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
         expected_res_obj = {
@@ -1181,7 +651,7 @@ def test_23_task_status_validation(self):
         res = self.app.post(
             '/api/action/task_status_update', params=postparams,
             extra_environ={'Authorization': str(self.sysadmin_user.apikey)},
-            status=self.STATUS_409_CONFLICT
+            status=StatusCodes.STATUS_409_CONFLICT
     def test_24_task_status_show(self):
diff --git a/ckan/tests/logic/test_tag.py b/ckan/tests/logic/test_tag.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7349cfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckan/tests/logic/test_tag.py
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+import json
+from pprint import pprint
+from nose.tools import assert_equal, assert_raises
+import ckan.model as model
+from ckan.lib.create_test_data import CreateTestData
+from ckan.tests import WsgiAppCase
+from ckan.tests import StatusCodes
+class TestAction(WsgiAppCase):
+    @classmethod
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        CreateTestData.create()
+        cls.sysadmin_user = model.User.get('testsysadmin')
+        cls.normal_user = model.User.get('annafan')
+        CreateTestData.make_some_vocab_tags()
+    @classmethod
+    def teardown_class(cls):
+        model.repo.rebuild_db()
+    def test_06a_tag_list(self):
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_list', params=postparams)
+        resbody = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert resbody['success'] is True
+        assert sorted(resbody['result']) == sorted(['russian', 'tolstoy',
+                u'Flexible \u30a1', 'tollbooth', 'tolkien', 'toledo',
+                'tolerance'])
+        assert resbody['help'].startswith(
+                'Return a list of tag dictionaries.')
+        #Get all fields
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'all_fields':True})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_list', params=postparams)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        pprint(res_obj)
+        assert res_obj['success'] == True
+        names = [ res_obj['result'][i]['name'] for i in xrange(len(res_obj['result'])) ]
+        russian_index = names.index('russian')
+        tolstoy_index = names.index('tolstoy')
+        flexible_index = names.index(u'Flexible \u30a1')
+        assert res_obj['result'][russian_index]['name'] == 'russian'
+        assert res_obj['result'][tolstoy_index]['name'] == 'tolstoy'
+        # The "moo" package may part of the retrieved packages, depending
+        # upon whether this test is run in isolation from the rest of the
+        # test suite or not.
+        number_of_russian_packages = len(res_obj['result'][russian_index]['packages'])   # warandpeace, annakarenina (moo?)
+        number_of_tolstoy_packages = len(res_obj['result'][tolstoy_index]['packages'])   # annakarenina
+        number_of_flexible_packages = len(res_obj['result'][flexible_index]['packages']) # warandpeace, annakarenina (moo?)
+        # Assert we have the correct number of packages, independantly of
+        # whether the "moo" package may exist or not.
+        assert number_of_russian_packages - number_of_tolstoy_packages == 1
+        assert number_of_flexible_packages == (number_of_russian_packages - number_of_tolstoy_packages) + 1
+        assert 'id' in res_obj['result'][0]
+        assert 'id' in res_obj['result'][1]
+        assert 'id' in res_obj['result'][2]
+    def test_06b_tag_list_vocab(self):
+        vocab_name = 'test-vocab'
+        tag_name = 'test-vocab-tag'
+        # create vocab
+        params = json.dumps({'name': vocab_name})
+        extra_environ = {'Authorization' : str(self.sysadmin_user.apikey)}
+        response = self.app.post('/api/action/vocabulary_create', params=params,
+                                 extra_environ=extra_environ)
+        assert response.json['success']
+        vocab_id = response.json['result']['id']
+        # create new tag with vocab
+        params = json.dumps({'name': tag_name, 'vocabulary_id': vocab_id})
+        extra_environ = {'Authorization' : str(self.sysadmin_user.apikey)}
+        response = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_create', params=params,
+                                 extra_environ=extra_environ)
+        assert response.json['success'] == True
+        # check that tag shows up in list
+        params = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'vocabulary_id': vocab_name})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_list', params=params)
+        body = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert body['success'] is True
+        assert body['result'] == [tag_name]
+        assert body['help'].startswith('Return a list of tag dictionaries.')
+        # check that invalid vocab name results in a 404
+        params = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'vocabulary_id': 'invalid-vocab-name'})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_list', params=params, status=404)
+    def test_07_tag_show(self):
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'id':'russian'})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_show', params=postparams)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj['help'] == 'Shows tag details'
+        assert res_obj['success'] == True
+        result = res_obj['result']
+        assert result['name'] == 'russian'
+        assert 'id' in result
+        assert 'packages' in result
+        packages = [package['name'] for package in result['packages']]
+        # the "moo" package may be part of the retrieved packages, depending
+        # upon whether or not this test is run in isolation from the other tests
+        # in the suite.
+        expected_packages = ['annakarenina', 'warandpeace'] + (
+            ['moo'] if 'moo' in packages else [])
+        assert sorted(packages) == sorted(expected_packages), "%s != %s" %(packages, expected_packages)
+    def test_07_flexible_tag_show(self):
+        """
+        Asserts that the api can be used to retrieve the details of the flexible tag.
+        The flexible tag is the tag with spaces, punctuation and foreign
+        characters in its name, that's created in `ckan/lib/create_test_data.py`.
+        """
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'id':u'Flexible \u30a1'})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_show', params=postparams)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj['help'] == 'Shows tag details'
+        assert res_obj['success'] == True
+        result = res_obj['result']
+        assert result['name'] == u'Flexible \u30a1'
+        assert 'id' in result
+        assert 'packages' in result and len(result['packages']) == 2
+        assert sorted([package['name'] for package in result['packages']]) == \
+               sorted(['annakarenina', 'warandpeace'])
+    def test_07_tag_show_unknown_license(self):
+        # create a tagged package which has an invalid license
+        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
+            'name': u'tag_test',
+            'tags': u'tolstoy',
+            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
+            }])
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'id':'tolstoy'})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_show', params=postparams)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj['success'] == True
+        result = res_obj['result']
+        for pkg in result['packages']:
+            if pkg['name'] == 'tag_test':
+                break
+        else:
+            assert 0, 'tag_test not among packages'
+        assert_equal(pkg['license_id'], 'never_heard_of_it')
+        assert_equal(pkg['isopen'], False)
+    def test_08_user_create_not_authorized(self):
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'name':'test_create_from_action_api', 'password':'testpass'})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/user_create', params=postparams,
+                            status=StatusCodes.STATUS_403_ACCESS_DENIED)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj == {'help': 'Creates a new user',
+                           'success': False,
+                           'error': {'message': 'Access denied', '__type': 'Authorization Error'}}
+    def test_09_user_create(self):
+        user_dict = {'name':'test_create_from_action_api',
+                      'about': 'Just a test user',
+                      'email': 'me at test.org',
+                      'password':'testpass'}
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps(user_dict)
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/user_create', params=postparams,
+                            extra_environ={'Authorization': str(self.sysadmin_user.apikey)})
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj['help'] == 'Creates a new user'
+        assert res_obj['success'] == True
+        result = res_obj['result']
+        assert result['name'] == user_dict['name']
+        assert result['about'] == user_dict['about']
+        assert 'apikey' in result
+        assert 'created' in result
+        assert 'display_name' in result
+        assert 'number_administered_packages' in result
+        assert 'number_of_edits' in result
+        assert not 'password' in result
+    def test_15a_tag_search_with_empty_query(self):
+        for q in ('missing', None, '', '  '):
+            paramd = {}
+            if q != 'missing':
+                paramd['q'] = q
+            params = json.dumps(paramd)
+            res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
+            assert res.json['success'] is True
+            assert res.json['result']['count'] == 0
+            assert res.json['result']['results'] == []
+    def test_15a_tag_search_with_no_matches(self):
+        paramd = {'q': 'no matches' }
+        params = json.dumps(paramd)
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
+        assert res.json['success'] is True
+        assert res.json['result']['count'] == 0
+        assert res.json['result']['results'] == []
+    def test_15a_tag_search_with_one_match(self):
+        paramd = {'q': 'russ' }
+        params = json.dumps(paramd)
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
+        assert res.json['success'] is True
+        assert res.json['result']['count'] == 1
+        tag_dicts = res.json['result']['results']
+        assert len(tag_dicts) == 1
+        assert tag_dicts[0]['name'] == 'russian'
+    def test_15a_tag_search_with_many_matches(self):
+        paramd = {'q': 'tol' }
+        params = json.dumps(paramd)
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
+        assert res.json['success'] is True
+        assert res.json['result']['count'] == 5
+        tag_dicts = res.json['result']['results']
+        assert ([tag['name'] for tag in tag_dicts] ==
+                sorted(['tolkien', 'toledo', 'tolerance', 'tollbooth', 'tolstoy']))
+    def test_15a_tag_search_with_many_matches_paged(self):
+        paramd = {'q': 'tol', 'limit': 2, 'offset': 2 }
+        params = json.dumps(paramd)
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
+        assert res.json['success'] is True
+        assert res.json['result']['count'] == 5
+        tag_dicts = res.json['result']['results']
+        assert_equal ([tag['name'] for tag in tag_dicts],
+                      [u'tolkien', u'tollbooth'])
+    def test_15a_tag_search_with_vocab_and_empty_query(self):
+        for q in ('missing', None, '', '  '):
+            paramd = {'vocabulary_id': 'genre'}
+            if q != 'missing':
+                paramd['q'] = q
+            params = json.dumps(paramd)
+            res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
+            assert res.json['success'] is True
+            assert res.json['result']['count'] == 0
+            assert res.json['result']['results'] == []
+    def test_15a_tag_search_with_vocab_and_one_match(self):
+        paramd = {'q': 'son', 'vocabulary_id': 'genre' }
+        params = json.dumps(paramd)
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
+        assert res.json['success'] is True
+        assert res.json['result']['count'] == 1
+        tag_dicts = res.json['result']['results']
+        assert len(tag_dicts) == 1
+        assert tag_dicts[0]['name'] == 'sonata'
+    def test_15a_tag_search_with_vocab_and_multiple_matches(self):
+        paramd = {'q': 'neo', 'vocabulary_id': 'genre' }
+        params = json.dumps(paramd)
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
+        assert res.json['success'] is True
+        assert res.json['result']['count'] == 6
+        tag_dicts = res.json['result']['results']
+        assert [tag['name'] for tag in tag_dicts] == sorted(('neoclassical',
+            'neofolk', 'neomedieval', 'neoprog', 'neopsychedelia', 'neosoul'))
+    def test_15a_tag_search_with_vocab_and_no_matches(self):
+        paramd = {'q': 'xxxxxxx', 'vocabulary_id': 'genre' }
+        params = json.dumps(paramd)
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params)
+        assert res.json['success'] is True
+        assert res.json['result']['count'] == 0
+        tag_dicts = res.json['result']['results']
+        assert tag_dicts == []
+    def test_15a_tag_search_with_vocab_that_does_not_exist(self):
+        paramd = {'q': 'neo', 'vocabulary_id': 'xxxxxx' }
+        params = json.dumps(paramd)
+        self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params, status=404)
+    def test_15a_tag_search_with_invalid_vocab(self):
+        for vocab_name in (None, '', 'a', 'e'*200):
+            paramd = {'q': 'neo', 'vocabulary_id': vocab_name }
+            params = json.dumps(paramd)
+            self.app.post('/api/action/tag_search', params=params, status=404)
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete(self):
+        #Empty query
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj['success'] == True
+        assert res_obj['result'] == []
+        assert res_obj['help'].startswith(
+                'Return a list of tag names that contain the given string.')
+        #Normal query
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':'r'})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj['success'] == True
+        assert res_obj['result'] == ['russian', 'tolerance']
+        assert res_obj['help'].startswith(
+                'Return a list of tag names that contain the given string.')
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_tag_with_spaces(self):
+        """Asserts autocomplete finds tags that contain spaces"""
+        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
+            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-space-1',
+            'tags': [u'with space'],
+            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
+            }])
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':'w'})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj['success']
+        assert 'with space' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_tag_with_foreign_characters(self):
+        """Asserts autocomplete finds tags that contain foreign characters"""
+        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
+            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-foreign-character-1',
+            'tags': [u'greek beta \u03b2'],
+            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
+            }])
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':'greek'})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj['success']
+        assert u'greek beta \u03b2' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_tag_with_punctuation(self):
+        """Asserts autocomplete finds tags that contain punctuation"""
+        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
+            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-fullstop-1',
+            'tags': [u'fullstop.'],
+            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
+            }])
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':'fullstop'})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj['success']
+        assert u'fullstop.' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_tag_with_capital_letters(self):
+        """
+        Asserts autocomplete finds tags that contain capital letters
+        """
+        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
+            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-capital-letter-1',
+            'tags': [u'CAPITAL idea old chap'],
+            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
+            }])
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':'idea'})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj['success']
+        assert u'CAPITAL idea old chap' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_search_with_space(self):
+        """
+        Asserts that a search term containing a space works correctly
+        """
+        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
+            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-space-2',
+            'tags': [u'with space'],
+            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
+            }])
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':'th sp'})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj['success']
+        assert 'with space' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_search_with_foreign_character(self):
+        """
+        Asserts that a search term containing a foreign character works correctly
+        """
+        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
+            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-foreign-character-2',
+            'tags': [u'greek beta \u03b2'],
+            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
+            }])
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':u'\u03b2'})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj['success']
+        assert u'greek beta \u03b2' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_search_with_punctuation(self):
+        """
+        Asserts that a search term containing punctuation works correctly
+        """
+        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
+            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-fullstop-2',
+            'tags': [u'fullstop.'],
+            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
+            }])
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':u'stop.'})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj['success']
+        assert 'fullstop.' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_search_with_capital_letters(self):
+        """
+        Asserts that a search term containing capital letters works correctly
+        """
+        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
+            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-capital-letter-2',
+            'tags': [u'CAPITAL idea old chap'],
+            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
+            }])
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':u'CAPITAL'})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj['success']
+        assert 'CAPITAL idea old chap' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_is_case_insensitive(self):
+        CreateTestData.create_arbitrary([{
+            'name': u'package-with-tag-that-has-a-capital-letter-3',
+            'tags': [u'MIX of CAPITALS and LOWER case'],
+            'license': 'never_heard_of_it',
+            }])
+        postparams = '%s=1' % json.dumps({'q':u'lower case'})
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=postparams)
+        res_obj = json.loads(res.body)
+        assert res_obj['success']
+        assert 'MIX of CAPITALS and LOWER case' in res_obj['result'], res_obj['result']
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_with_vocab_and_empty_query(self):
+        for q in ('missing', None, '', '  '):
+            paramd = {'vocabulary_id': u'genre'}
+            if q != 'missing':
+                paramd['q'] = q
+            params = json.dumps(paramd)
+            res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=params)
+            assert res.json['success'] is True
+            assert res.json['result'] == []
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_with_vocab_and_single_match(self):
+        paramd = {'vocabulary_id': u'genre', 'q': 'son'}
+        params = json.dumps(paramd)
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=params)
+        assert res.json['success'] is True
+        assert res.json['result'] == ['sonata'], res.json['result']
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_with_vocab_and_multiple_matches(self):
+        paramd = {'vocabulary_id': 'genre', 'q': 'neo'}
+        params = json.dumps(paramd)
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=params)
+        assert res.json['success'] is True
+        assert res.json['result'] == sorted(('neoclassical', 'neofolk',
+            'neomedieval', 'neoprog', 'neopsychedelia', 'neosoul'))
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_with_vocab_and_no_matches(self):
+        paramd = {'vocabulary_id': 'composers', 'q': 'Jonny Greenwood'}
+        params = json.dumps(paramd)
+        res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=params)
+        assert res.json['success'] is True
+        assert res.json['result'] == []
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_with_vocab_that_does_not_exist(self):
+        for q in ('', 'neo'):
+            paramd = {'vocabulary_id': 'does_not_exist', 'q': q}
+            params = json.dumps(paramd)
+            res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=params,
+                    status=404)
+            assert res.json['success'] is False
+    def test_15_tag_autocomplete_with_invalid_vocab(self):
+        for vocab_name in (None, '', 'a', 'e'*200):
+            for q in (None, '', 'son'):
+                paramd = {'vocabulary_id': vocab_name, 'q': q}
+                params = json.dumps(paramd)
+                res = self.app.post('/api/action/tag_autocomplete', params=params,
+                        status=404)
+                assert res.json['success'] is False


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