[ckan-changes] [okfn/ckan] eb6fd0: [#1117] Add factory_boy to action tests

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Tue Jul 30 13:56:58 UTC 2013

  Branch: refs/heads/1117-factory_boy
  Home:   https://github.com/okfn/ckan
  Commit: eb6fd0a5ab53f60b0a43a797abcd62a8a45d84f0
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-07-30 (Tue, 30 Jul 2013)

  Changed paths:
    A ckan/new_tests/factories.py
    M ckan/new_tests/logic/action/test_update.py

  Log Message:
  [#1117] Add factory_boy to action tests

Add a new module ckan.new_tests.factories with (so far) just a User factory
class that uses the factory_boy library to create CKAN users.

Update the ckan.new_tests.logic.action.test_update tests to use this
factory instead of ckan.new_tests.data.

Still need to update the rest of the new tests to use the factory (and
also add factories for other classes such as dataset etc.), then data.py
can be deleted.

Still need to add factory_boy to dev-requirements.txt.

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