[ckan-changes] [okfn/ckan] 6e1d32: [#519] Update source install docs for 2.0

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Tue May 7 11:56:07 UTC 2013

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/okfn/ckan
  Commit: 6e1d325d61ea66cd197864dc9a5af5c65af183c0
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-05-05 (Sun, 05 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M ckan/config/deployment.ini_tmpl
    M doc/conf.py
    M doc/datastore-setup.rst
    M doc/install-from-source.rst
    M doc/solr-setup.rst
    M doc/test.rst
    M test-core.ini

  Log Message:
  [#519] Update source install docs for 2.0

Update the source install and related docs (datastore setup, solr setup,
testing) and files (deployment.ini_tmp, test-core.ini) for CKAN 2.0.

The idea is to document the setup process that OKFN is currently using
on its servers, so that the deployment docs can become the docs for the
OKFN dev team and we can dogfood our own docs, instead of having a bunch
of wiki pages, READMEs, etc. that we follow and ignoring the "official"
docs. Hopefully those can all be deleted or cut down massively once this
is done.

So both the docs now describe the layout we use on our servers, where
there's space for multiple CKAN sites on the same server, with
virtualenvs in /usr/lib/ckan/ and config files in /etc/ckan/.

- Changed default virtualenv location from `~/pyenv` to `/usr/lib/ckan/default`

- Changed default config files dir to `/etc/ckan/default`

- Added tip for developers in source install docsS symlink `/usr/lib/ckan` and
  `/etc/ckan` to directories in your homedir to install ckan in your homedir

- Changed default database user from `ckanuser` to `ckan_default`

- Changed default database from `ckan_dev` to `ckan_default`

- Changed default datastore database from `datastore` to `datastore_default`

- Changed default datastore database user from `readonlyuser` to `datastore_default`

- Changed default test databases from `ckan_test` and `ckan_test_datastore` to
  `ckan_test` and `datastore_test`

- Changed default `ckan.site_id` from `ckan.net` to `default`

- Disabled file log handler, rely on Apache's log files only (as we do on our

- Changed the docs to use restructured text substitutions for things like the
  paths to the virtualenv and config files, database names, etc. instead of
  typing them out each time

- Lots of minor formatting fixes and editing

So now we have:

    virtualenv:        /usr/lib/ckan/default
    development.ini:   /etc/ckan/default/development.ini
    production.ini:    /etc/ckan/default/production.ini
    ckan.site_id:      default
    Database user:     ckan_default
    Database:          ckan_default
    Datastore user:    datastore_default
    Datastore db:      datastore_default
    Test database:     ckan_test
    Test datastore db: datastore_test

  Commit: 02f5bad24f73c7e3f617847c76598932b40b4e43
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-05-05 (Sun, 05 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M doc/post-installation.rst

  Log Message:
  [#519] Update post-installation docs

Make them fit with the changes in commit

  Commit: d015114da0b3a58ef5119ee4cea01e9404e46b67
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-05-05 (Sun, 05 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M doc/conf.py
    M doc/deployment.rst

  Log Message:
  [#519] Update deployment docs

Uses the same directory structure as the updated source install docs, so
you can step through the source install docs and then the deployment
docs as written and it all works.

Also updated the apache.wsgi and sites-available files to match those
that we use on our servers.

Removed CORS setup instructions as this has been builtin since CKAN 1.5.

  Commit: 02cf77cff06ae2f5be670718aaccf60a1acee31e
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-05-05 (Sun, 05 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M doc/install-from-source.rst

  Log Message:
  [#519] Edit source install docs

Minor edits to install from source docs

  Commit: d70fc0ba6a0270de9b51f360a1c84b34ec054e42
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-05-05 (Sun, 05 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M doc/solr-setup.rst

  Log Message:
  [#519] Edit solr setup docs

Minor edits to solr setup docs

  Commit: c634a67fee7ff99ecfa71c72490825d57c63b2cd
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-05-05 (Sun, 05 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M ckan/config/deployment.ini_tmpl
    M doc/conf.py
    M doc/filestore.rst

  Log Message:
  [#519] Update FileStore setup instructions

  Commit: 9197182b39fb58f839aa2f611183be73229f1be3
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-05-05 (Sun, 05 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M bin/travis-build

  Log Message:
  [#519] Fix Travis build

Update the database and user names in travis build

  Commit: a64c21e2819971c800366ca56f0f005a20c54972
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-05-06 (Mon, 06 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M doc/solr-setup.rst

  Log Message:
  [#519] Minor edits to solr setup docs

  Commit: 427ee0f6c19ff1e5ab93f5f348fdbf9e9dd00788
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-05-06 (Mon, 06 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M doc/deployment.rst

  Log Message:
  [#519] Add postfix to deployment docs

  Commit: 6cbdcb1d1325f5115dafe68ef33db9f328e23273
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-05-06 (Mon, 06 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M doc/datastore-setup.rst

  Log Message:
  [#519] Minor edits to datastore docs

Minor edits to the datastore docs, from Dominik. See:


  Commit: 7ced6fc9bf0347487f5032305fd0e2b5973d2634
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-05-06 (Mon, 06 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M doc/conf.py
    M doc/filestore.rst

  Log Message:
  [#519] Docs: change restart_apache substitution to reload_apache

  Commit: 6032a292d97018cf8343b597cf66e9a87372e1f5
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-05-06 (Mon, 06 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M doc/deployment.rst
    M doc/email-notifications.rst
    M doc/install-from-source.rst

  Log Message:
  [#519] Docs: use the reload_apache substitution

  Commit: 1240f0290b115761fac2d37ed90791560ebbd466
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-05-06 (Mon, 06 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M doc/deployment.rst

  Log Message:
  [#519] Remove non-root URL deployment instructions

We've had reports from some users that this causes problems with some
CKAN features, so we don't want to recommend it until tested.

  Commit: b6f7878a3dd244c98b0e2400d8dcd5a1b89b210d
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-05-07 (Tue, 07 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M doc/install-from-source.rst

  Log Message:
  [#519] Replace seanh with `whoami` in source install docs

  Commit: be59aaaabe93df33d0d7a7d3b7a485e264e2c187
  Author: Sean Hammond <seanhammond at lavabit.com>
  Date:   2013-05-07 (Tue, 07 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M doc/solr-setup.rst

  Log Message:
  [#519] Docs: changed 'supported' to 'recommended'

  Commit: e88b2fbb67bcd845ea32d93a6509f025a016cc8e
  Author: Nigel Babu <nigelbabu at gmail.com>
  Date:   2013-05-07 (Tue, 07 May 2013)

  Changed paths:
    M bin/travis-build
    M ckan/config/deployment.ini_tmpl
    M doc/conf.py
    M doc/datastore-setup.rst
    M doc/deployment.rst
    M doc/email-notifications.rst
    M doc/filestore.rst
    M doc/install-from-source.rst
    M doc/post-installation.rst
    M doc/solr-setup.rst
    M doc/test.rst
    M test-core.ini

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #874 from okfn/519-update-deployment-docs-second-try

519 update deployment docs second try

Compare: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/compare/88f9c6aa8d5a...e88b2fbb67bc

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