[ckan-committers] RFV: Brook Elgie to become an official member of the CKAN technical team

Adrià Mercader adria.mercader at okfn.org
Fri Jun 12 08:13:57 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I'd like to propose that Brook Elgie becomes a member of the CKAN
technical team with commit rights.

In the 9 months that Brook has been working with CKAN at Open
Knowledge he has made several contributions and reviews to CKAN core,
developed generic extensions like ckanext-showcase and been involved
in several CKAN client projects with different challenges.

Despite his regular involvement and attendance to the dev meetings I
don't think he has ever been made an "official" commiter, so I'd like
to to take this opportunity to do so (and another pair of hands for
merging stuff will be welcomed)

I'll start with a +1


p.d. I'm aware that there are a number of "dormant" or ex-commiters on
this list, your opinion is valued but your vote won't count :)

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