[ckan-dev] tests progress

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Dec 22 16:37:04 UTC 2010

Hi Seb,

Great work! I'm sorry this has proved a bit painful but I'm sure we
will benefit massively from it.

On 22 December 2010 16:04, Seb Bacon <seb.bacon at gmail.com> wrote:
> Looking at the tests profiles, it was clear that 99% of the time was
> spent in database I/O (including the overhead of setting up
> connections), so the biggest win appeared to be moving the tests to a
> SQLite in-memory database.

I also think for postgres, it may be much cheaper to do mass delete
than to drop/create table (but that is another matter).

> In order to do this, I quickly found out I needed to upgrade the
> venerable SQLAlchemy packaged with CKAN, from 0.4.8 to 0.6.5.

So to confirm: sqlite will not work with sqlalchemy 0.4.8 (what about
0.5?). If so we should up requirement in setup.py ...

> So the task became two parts: upgrade SQLAlchemy, and get the tests
> running against a SQLite in-memory database.
> Rufus sensibly cautioned that these would be best attempted
> separately; however, despite my best efforts, this turned out to be
> practically impossible.  The SQLAlchemy upgrade broke a number of
> tests, and the run-tests fix-tests cycle was just too painful.  So the
> approach I've taken is: fix the tests with the sqlite in-memory
> database, *then* try running and fixing them against postgres and the
> upgraded SQLAlchemy.


> It's proved much harder than I expected, partly because of the sheer
> number of tests that need to be modified in minor ways, and partly
> because of a couple of particularly gnarly bugs.  The work still isn't
> finished but this is an update on progress.
> Currently, the code lives in a branch at
>   https://bitbucket.org/sebbacon/ckan/src/9da772927de6
> To try it, you will need to alter your test.ini:
>  [app:main]
>  sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///
> You'll also need to apply sqlalchemy.patch (in the root of the
> software checkout) to the installed sqlalchemy.

Hmmm. That's nasty. Is there any way round that. Especially if we want
to deploy on production instances we'll need to work out a fix for

> Summary of changes
> ------------------
> 1) Assumption of persistent fixtures
> In many cases, the tests only work because in previous tests, various
> fixtures had been set up.  Obviously, when running against an
> in-memory database, this becomes a problem.  It's a problem anyway if
> you want to be able to run individual tests, which we should be able
> to do if we're to make running tests easier.

That's a bug, so good we have found and fixed these.

> Generally speaking, the fix has been to add "model.repo.init_db()" or
> "CreateTestData" calls to test setup methods.


> 2) Skip postgres-specific functionality
> Postgres-specific functionality that won't work in sqlite includes:
>  - text indexing / searching

searching we are refactoring right now and i think you are right this
should move out of core (certainly for the full-text stuff)

>  - regex matching (used in alphabetic batching)

Alphabetic batching should be removed. We could do this as part of
this work (or probably better: disable tests for time being and once
sqlite/sqlalchey upgrade is done we remove, or (possibly even better):
remove these now in default and then merge into your branch)

>  - setting up indexes

Those should be changed to be generic. Should be trivial: just use
sqlalchemy's create index ...

> For now, tests relating to the first two above are conditionally
> skipped, and the indexes are simply not added for sqlite.  The
> searching should probably be better implemented in future via
> pluggable searches including a null search plugin, perhaps?

Agree with both.


> 4) Crazy non-deterministic revision-based errors
> I lost lots of time on this.  I found that running tests involving new
> revisions multiple times sometimes failed, sometimes didn't.  I
> eventually deduced that this would sometimes fail:
>  group = model.Group()
>  model.Session.add(group)
>  group.name = "b0rked"
>  model.repo.new_revision()
>  model.Session.flush()
> But this would never fail:
>  model.repo.new_revision()
>  group = model.Group()
>  model.Session.add(group)
>  group.name = "b0rked"
>  model.Session.flush()
> It turned out that the non-deterministic failures were related to
> changes in sqlalchemy's topological sort, which is called to decide in
> which order to execute outstanding actions on a flush.
> The current (0.6.5) implementation or sorting ultimately relies on
> both dictionary values and sets, which are of course unordered
> collections (see file topological.py, which relies on sets to order;
> also, the variable "allitems" is ultimately derived from dictionary
> values, which are also unordered).  So I assume this is a bug -- it
> would certainly explain the non-deterministic nature of the errors.
> I'd wasted enough time on this already without trying to work out the
> correct fix in sqlalchemy, so I just changed the tests so that any
> call to new_revision() happened *before* an changes to an object.
> This seemed to sort out any ambiguity in terms of ordering (as the
> changes set up by new_revision() where always flushed by the time any
> other changes happened).

OK, sounds very sensible. I'm sorry for your pain here :)

> However, this feels brittle: is it by design that the order of setting
> up a new_revision and then changing an object previously didn't
> matter?  Were we previously relying on SQLAlchemy to sort out the
> right dependency tree for us, and if so on what basis?  I am a little
> hazy about this.

I should say I'm planning a big overhaul of vdm (to be simpler). So i
think we live with this 'brittle' ordering requirement for the time

> 5) Form validation and database integrity
> With a SQLAlchemy upgrade, tests which checked that users aren't
> allowed to set empty fields (e.g. package names) started throwing
> IntegrityErrors, because the underlying column (i.e. 'name') had
> unique=True in their table definitions (and the tests were resetting
> names to blank multiple times).
> The sqla upgrade seems to allow IntegrityErrors to bubble up earlier than
> previously -- I didn't get round to working out why.
> *Should* name-uniqueness be enforced at the database level?

I'm easy either way here. Happy to disable this but it will probably
require an upgrade script to remove the requirement.

> 6) Other random errors
> I'm getting there and the tests all run in about 6 minutes; however,
> there's a few tests that still need fixing and examining.  If you want
> to have a look, they are basically all the tests with XXX near them in
> the changes since the start of my branch.  Most of them are in
> ckan/tests/functional/test_package.py

OK. I'll see what I can do.


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