[ckan-dev] Package Resources Proposal

William Waites ww at styx.org
Fri Feb 4 11:51:51 UTC 2011

* [2011-02-04 11:41:45 +0000] Seb Bacon <seb.bacon at gmail.com> écrit:

]  * DataGroup: an arbitrary group of Resources
] Personally, this seems completely sensible to me. 

I agree.

] Indeed, from where I'm sitting, I don't actually quite understand the
] concept of a package at all; couldn't we just have Resources, Authors,
] Maintainers and Licenses?

Packages would perhaps be better written as "datasets" and
indeed this is what data.gov.uk does. So the resources in a
package should be somehow the same, either different formats
of the same information or different slices in the case of
a large dataset or time series.

It could be argued, perhaps not unproductively, that each
format or slice is in fact a related or derived dataset,
related in some way to the other resources in which case
the concept of package-as-dataset disappears and turns 
into resource-as-dataset.

William Waites                <mailto:ww at styx.org>
http://eris.okfn.org/ww/         <sip:ww at styx.org>
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