[ckan-dev] Fwd: Side project: "Removalist", or Refine-lite, a pure javascript port of the simpler parts of Refine
J. Félix Ontañón
fontanon at emergya.es
Wed Jul 6 08:56:02 UTC 2011
2011/7/6 Friedrich Lindenberg <friedrich.lindenberg at okfn.org>:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Max Ogden <maxosmail at gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 4:18 AM
> Subject: Side project: "Removalist", or Refine-lite, a pure javascript
> port of the simpler parts of Refine
> To: google-refine at googlegroups.com
> After finding myself sending data back and forth from my database
> (CouchDB) to Refine and doing the same operations over and over again
> I finally broke down and ported the Refine UI and a couple core
> features to a pure javascript application running on CouchDB (aka
> CouchApp)
> This means there is no Java server dependency... all of the data
> transformations run in-browser and then the data gets persisted in
> CouchDB. I am planning on adding some data upload functionality and
> making it an entirely in-browser app once
> https://github.com/mikeal/pouchdb is a bit more developed.
> To play with it (dummy data from the City of San Fransico):
> http://max.couchone.com/sf_public_schools/_design/removalist/_rewrite
> Source code is here https://github.com/maxogden/removalist
> p.s. a "removalist" is an old term for someone that you would hire to
> move your furniture :)
The project itself sounds really interesting, also I'm pretty sure
this features could be really interesting for being integrated into
DataDeck[1]. Just think about the posibility of :
1.- Explore ckan repositories, download datasets, filter/refine them
2.- Filter/refine your own datasets and submit them to ckan repos.
I'll have a look. Kind Regards!
[1] http://wiki.ckan.net/DataDeck
J. Félix Ontañón Carmona
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