[ckan-dev] problem upgrade to 1.4.1a andckanext-communityextension
p.romain at cg33.fr
p.romain at cg33.fr
Thu May 26 10:52:02 UTC 2011
When I issued the command drush ckan_update I have the following messages
0 : Network Error?#0
Ckan->transfer('api/search/revi...', 2)
#2 [internal function]: ckan_importer_drush_update()
#3 /home/opendata/drush/includes/command.inc(204):
call_user_func_array('ckan_importer_d...', Array)
#4 /home/opendata/drush/drush.php(101): drush_dispatch(Array)
#5 /home/opendata/drush/drush.php(41): drush_main()
but this time it worked!! Maybe there was a problem in my admin/ckan/
settings in the drupal interface.
Thanks anyway
David Read <david.read at okfn.org>
Envoyé par : ckan-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org
26/05/2011 11:04
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Re: [ckan-dev] problem upgrade to 1.4.1a and ckanext-communityextension
I'm not aware of any changes since 1.3.3 that would affect that drupal
module, although since it's about a year out of date then it is entirely
possible. Do let me know the symptoms and I'll see if I can guess at an
answer - I'm afraid we don't support this module ourselves.
On 26 May 2011 09:48, <p.romain at cg33.fr> wrote:
Thanks for your support. I am quite busy trying to make the all thing to
work so I don't know if I will be able to provide you with some help right
However, as soon as I can I will try to contribute to the community
development effort.
For the time being I am a bit concerned by the recent upgrade since my
connexion with the drupal module developped by the data.gov.uk team
doesn't seem to work any more.
Could it be due to the new logic in the controller directory ?
David Read <david.read at okfn.org>
Envoyé par : ckan-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org
25/05/2011 17:43
Veuillez répondre à
CKAN Development Discussions <ckan-dev at lists.okfn.org>
CKAN Development Discussions <ckan-dev at lists.okfn.org>
Re: [ckan-dev] problem upgrade to 1.4.1a and ckanext-community
Great to hear about you guys using CKAN over there.
2011/5/25 <p.romain at cg33.fr>
I am new to Python and CKAn so I apologize in advance if my questions are
stupid :)
I did recently an upgrade of my CKAn repo from 1.3.3 to 1.4.1.
Sounds good!
I installed the extension ckanext-community and I get the following error:
GenerationException: url_for could not generate URL. Called with args: ()
{'action': 'new', 'controller': 'apps'}
The ckanext-community extension is still a work in progress I'm afraid :-(
I've just tried it now and it get the same result. I've just committed a
fix to the routing, so you actually see some pages now, but I'm afraid the
forms simply don't work yet.
This is still something we want to finish though, and if you have any
development capacity and can make some headway with the python, then it
would be great to coordinate on helping each other on this one.
I noticed that there were less files in the ckan controller folder since I
upadated my version of the repository (the rest.py and apiv* folders for
example are missing)
This is correct, we have refactored these into api.py and the new logic
Is it due to my upgrading process or is it due to some incompatibility
with this extension ?
Pascal Romain
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