[ckan-dev] CKAN 1.5 .deb Packaging Update
James Gardner
james at 3aims.com
Mon Nov 14 13:10:16 UTC 2011
Hi all,
The release of CKAN 1.5 brought with it a new approach to Debian
packaging involving virtual environments based on the feedback from the
community meeting. The new docs for installing CKAN 1.5 from packages
are here:
In case you don't want to read the full docs I'll just take you through
the key steps here. As always, this only works on Ubuntu 10.04.
Let's say we have created a CKAN instance called "test" like this:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y wget
echo "deb http://apt.okfn.org/ckan-1.5 lucid universe" | sudo tee
wget -qO- "http://apt.okfn.org/packages_public.key" | sudo apt-key
add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ckan postgresql-8.4 solr-jetty
sudo ckan-setup-solr
sudo ckan-create-instance test test.ckan.net yes
In order to run paster commands that use the test instance's virtualenv
you'll need to install pastescript into the virtualenv too:
sudo -u ckantest /var/lib/ckan/dguuklp/pyenv/bin/pip install
--ignore-installed pastescript
You can now install custom extensions for this instance like this:
sudo -u ckantest /var/lib/ckan/test/pyenv/bin/pip install
Notice that you have to run everything as the ckantest user that was
created for you and that each command must use the full paths to the
scripts in the test instance's virtual environment.
Any time you make a change you can let Apache know like this:
sudo touch /var/lib/ckan/std/wsgi.py
Then you must *force* refresh your browser to see changes (since CKAN
tells it to cache its pages by default).
One other thing that is worth pointing out (and that isn't covered in
the docs) is that because multiple CKAN instances on the same server are
now supported you have a different database and database user for each
instance. If you want to load one database dump into another database,
you therefore have to change the ownership of the tables to match the
instance. I've written some simple SQL to help. Here's a brief tutorial
to show how to restore a database dump to a different instance...
Let's copy a database dump from the "live" database to our new instance
called "test" for testing.
1. First stop Apache so there are no active database connections:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
2. Drop the old database and restore the new one (setting up the plpgsql
language as you do):
sudo -u postgres dropdb test
sudo -u postgres createdb test
sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql test
sudo -u postgres psql test -f to_restore.pg_dump
3. Change the table permissions (in this case the old instance name was
called live, the new one is test)@
sudo -u postgres psql test
Then from the psql command line interface run:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION changeowner(text, text)
old ALIAS FOR $1;
new ALIAS FOR $2;
rel record;
sql text;
FOR rel IN select * from pg_tables where tableowner=old
LOOP sql := ''ALTER TABLE "'' || rel.tablename || ''" OWNER to ''
|| new;
RAISE NOTICE ''%'', sql;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
SELECT changeowner('live', 'test');
You will need to change the call to changeowner('live', 'test'); to
reflect the old and new names of the database owner. Now your test
instance has the correct permissions.
Once you've changed the database, you'll also need to re-build the Solr
search index (this can take an hour or two if there is a lot of data):
sudo -u ckantest /var/lib/ckan/test/pyenv/bin/paster --plugin=ckan
search-index rebuild --config=/etc/ckan/test/test.ini
Notice that you are using the full path to the paster within the virtual
environment (so that it has access to the extensions you installed) and
that you are running as the ckantest user.
As well as being able to use the new CKAN packaging, you might be
interested to know that with this release, the work of building the CKAN
packages is no longer soley in the domain of the OKF. I've written a
quick blog post here about how the newly released packages were built
with buildkit automatically from Python code here:
The script that does the actual building is linked below:
Using this script it should be possible for anyone who fancies it to
build unofficial CKAN packages, you don't have to use the official OKF
ones. There is also some documentation for those of you who are
interested here:
You can get hold of buildkit here:
git clone git://git.3aims.com/buildkit
Hope that's a useful introduction. You should read the docs linked to
for full information, but do let me know if you have any questions.
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