[ckan-dev] XML output support and Dataset date search [was Re: IATI]

Adrià Mercader amercadero at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 11:09:35 BST 2011

Hi Chris,

I'm cc'ing the dev list to see if we can gather some support for some
of your proposals :)

2011/10/21 Chris Wallace <kit.wallace at gmail.com>:
> The API returns only JSON but I need to turn this into XML . oF course I'd
> like an XML response- i've queried Rufus and the ckan list and there doesnt
> seem to be a demand for XML but it would be a great addition - (my pasrse of
> JSON to XML is a bit of a hack but  its fast enough )
We want CKAN to offer as metadata formats as possible, but it's true
that we haven't yet met with this demand.
I don't think we will be adding this feature in a near future, but a
CKAN extension offering XML representation could be created.

> I'd like to query the packages for those with specific filetype (activity )
> and last modified since a given datetime - filetype now works but last time
> I tried the since parameter to a search didnt work
I agree that the current situation is less than optimal. Right now you
can't search datasets directly by modification date, but rather you
need to query the revision search:

That returns you a list of revision ids, and then you need to get the
revision details to see which datasets were actually modified

And if, like in your case, you need to filter by an extra property
(filetype=activity), you'll need to intersect the two sets of results

There has been a ticket floating around for a long time to implement
dataset-level date search

Maybe we can include it in one of the next sprints?


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