[ckan-dev] Misc feedback via Twitter

Mark Wainwright mark.wainwright at okfn.org
Thu Apr 12 09:56:36 UTC 2012

A couple of bits of feedback via twitter:

Our own resting community co-ordinator Jonathan Gray would like to be
able to sort search results - "(e.g. alphabetically, date of last
edit, date added, etc)"

Edo Plantinga points out that the API links at the bottom of the page
on the DataHub seem to be out of date. There's an odd link called API
to <http://thedatahub.org/api/1>, and one called API Docs to a
deprecated wiki page.


Mark Wainwright, CKAN Community Co-ordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation http://okfn.org/
Skype: m.wainwright

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