[ckan-dev] plugins.toolkit

Toby Dacre toby.okfn at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 11:56:29 UTC 2012


to solve issues with circular imports I've changed the implementation of
the toolkit to be an object.  It still works in an identical way


import ckan.plugins as p



On 19 April 2012 16:04, Toby Dacre <toby.okfn at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 19 April 2012 15:59, Ross Jones <ross.jones at okfn.org> wrote:
>> Doesn't NotFound mean object not found rather than action not found?
>> logic/__init__.py
>  class NotFound(ActionError):
>     pass
> says just actions to me
> Toby
> Ross
>> On 19 Apr 2012, at 15:53, Toby Dacre wrote:
>> After looking at the ecportal and dgu extensions I've added these
>> functions
>>     '_',                    # i18n translation
>>     'get_action',           # get logic action function
>>     'check_access',         # check logic function authorisation
>>     'NotFound',             # action not found exception
>>     'NotAuthorized',        # action not authorized exception
>>     'ValidationError',      # model update validation error
>>     'CkanCommand',          # class for providing cli interfaces
>> I think it might be an idea to change NotFound to ActionNotFound any
>> objections?
>> To make things easier regarding transitioning of plugins I've added a
>> couple of extra functions and an exception
>>     'requires_ckan_version',
>>     'check_ckan_version',
>>     'CkanVersionException',
>> On 19 April 2012 12:11, Toby Dacre <toby.okfn at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> As part of the general cleanup I've created a new file
>>> plugins/toolkit.py to make a stable set of functions/objects available to
>>> plugins.  Please let me know if there are other functions/objects that
>>> would be helpful or any people think should not be here.
>>> __all__ = [
>>>     ## Imported functions ##
>>>     'c',                    # template context
>>>     'request',              # http request object
>>>     'render',               # template render function
>>>     'render_text',          # Genshi NewTextTemplate render function
>>>     'render_snippet',       # snippet render function
>>>     'asbool',               # converts an object to a boolean
>>>     'asint',                # converts an object to an integer
>>>     'aslist',               # converts an object to a list
>>>     'literal',              # stop tags in a string being escaped
>>>     ## Functions fully defined here ##
>>>     'add_template_directory',
>>>     'add_public_directory',
>>> ]
>>> the last two functions are helpers to add extra dirs.  This just removes
>>> the need for common boilerplate in plugins
>>> an example extension plugin.py for the soon to be released
>>> ckanext-datahub
>>> import ckan.plugins as p
>>> class DataHub(p.SingletonPlugin):
>>>     p.implements(p.IConfigurer)
>>>     def update_config(self, config):
>>>         p.toolkit.add_template_directory(config, 'templates')
>>>         p.toolkit.add_public_directory(config, 'public')
>>> Using these functions will mean that the plugin will require ckan 1.7 so
>>> there is no rush to change our existing plugins but it would be good if new
>>> plugins can start using this.
>>> @Ross - I've added a render_text() helper for NewTextTemplates as
>>> requested.
>>> Toby
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