[ckan-dev] Geojson format for recline.js visualization

Adrià Mercader adria.mercader at okfn.org
Mon Dec 3 15:46:40 UTC 2012


You are right, the description seems to make reference to a resource
which is not there any more. We'll have a look at what happened.



On 3 December 2012 14:34,  <p.romain at cg33.fr> wrote:
> Hi Adrià,
> Thanks, it clarifies things but it makes the explanations on the example
> given somehow strange ;)
> Pascal
> -----ckan-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org a écrit : -----
> A : CKAN Development Discussions <ckan-dev at lists.okfn.org>
> De : Adrià Mercader
> Envoyé par : ckan-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org
> Date : 03/12/2012 15:29
> Objet : Re: [ckan-dev] Geojson format for recline.js visualization
> Hi Pascal,
> The geometries entered on the afterfibre test dataset are not encoded
> in GeoJSON, but in WKT [1], that's why they are not rendered in the
> map.
> GeoJSON line strings would something like this: [2]
> Hope this helps,
> Adrià
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-known_text
> [2] http://www.geojson.org/geojson-spec.html#id3
> On 3 December 2012 13:35,  <p.romain at cg33.fr> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I would like to provide geographical data to end-user in csv format as
>> much
>> as possible in complement to traditional geographical format.
>> Although, I can use LAT/LONG columns for POI, it is necessary to use
>> GeoJson
>> format to describe LINES or POLYGONS.
>> I had a look at http://demo.ckan.org/dataset/afterfibre and the related
>> code
>> and documentation but the information doesn't seems to display neither on
>> http://demo.ckan.org/dataset/afterfibre/resource/66f5b980-06db-4ccd-a005-c18de4d68a4b
>> nor on
>> http://datahub.io/dataset/afterfibre/resource/f5d81da5-2e55-4302-8ed2-58401d2c139e
>> Could you confirm me the required format for GeoJson information to be
>> visualized in Recline.js ?
>> In the above mentioned examples I have the following syntax
>> Botswana,,Ghanzi - Namibia border,,SDH Source:
>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/ssong/5980312175/ Parts of this are highly
>> speculative and probably wrong.,"LINESTRING (21.655687226945439
>> -21.69807092918915 0,21.606544897735219 -21.698981514014829
>> 0,21.55814494317222 -21.6948413352827 0,21.492934687173641
>> -21.70172591790476 0,21.432925637207919 -21.707152166982251
>> 0,21.4108749703861 -21.712328345347341 0,21.38092408696798
>> -21.733997442781551 0,21.33297121701732 -21.737244186092511
>> 0,21.270621127018181 -21.7492165472962 0,21.209296018166889
>> -21.760407028676049 0,21.184802907584931 -21.7673550397231
>> 0,21.124295475909431 -21.77495082482249 0,21.036772532878931
>> -21.902107946653949 0,21.030922147053559 -21.92655934013332
>> 0,21.029823515972719 -21.939804388740249 0,21.024525846876742
>> -21.946069573594141 0,20.999362774212379 -21.947996797946232 0)"
>> Is this the correct syntax ?
>> Thanks
>> Pascal Romain
>> @datalocale
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