[ckan-dev] Activity streams issue with deleted objects

Sean Hammond sean.hammond at okfn.org
Mon Feb 6 10:11:19 UTC 2012

On 02/06/2012 11:04 AM, Rufus Pollock wrote:
> On 6 February 2012 01:03, David Raznick<kindly at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I think it should not matter too much for now.  Deletions do not
>> happen too often and there is a justification for the links not
>> working once it has been deleted.
>> It happens all the time in other kind of feeds, so its not that bad.
>> Nonetheless, my take on the solution would be to add a flag to the
>> activity/activity details tables to say that the link is no longer
>> valid.  This flag could be populated on resource/package delete.  This
>> way you will only have to update the activity and the activity details
>> using the guid and this would happen when saving.  It seems a bit
>> wasteful to keep checking when 'viewing' the stream especially
>> considering how many tables you could have to look through as you
>> said.
>> Also this flag could also be easily populated by a simple background task/ cron.
>> All in all though doing any of these seems like a bit of a waste.
> I'd strongly agree. If something gets deleted -- too bad!

Ok, there is a ticket for it but it's not a priority so I'm not going to 
work on it for now. It's a shame to have broken links and links to pages 
for things that have been 'deleted', but since only the most recent 
activities show on pages anyway it shouldn't happen too often.

If I do come to fix it one day I think David's solution sounds good.

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