[ckan-dev] i18n url rewriting

David Read david.read at okfn.org
Tue Feb 14 11:24:03 UTC 2012

On 14 February 2012 11:12, Toby Dacre <toby.okfn at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 14 February 2012 10:55, David Read <david.read at okfn.org> wrote:
>> On 14 February 2012 10:23, Toby Dacre <toby.okfn at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/1653
>>> I've created branch feature-1653-i18n_url_rewriting
>>> This changes the locale to be specified in the url as
>>> /<language-code>/url - if the default language is used the url does not get
>>> rewritten.
>> Hi Toby,
>> Great to hear this change is ready - this will make the multi-language
>> support work better behind proxy caches and be no doubt clearer to users
>> too.
>>> This change has the following implications:
>>> 1) Cache issues - We do redirects to browser requested languages when no
>>> locale is present so a call to /home may return the default locale version
>>> of that page or a redirect eg /fr/home. I spoke to David Raznick and he
>>> said that disabling the caching for now is the best approach for now.
>> ETags headers have been removed from CKAN and Pylons caching is mostly
>> removed and what remains is mostly disabled by default. What caching do you
>> mean?
>> I'm trying to work out what you mean by "browser requested languages",
>> "present locale" and "default locale version of that page"? Whirling round
>> my head are these options: language specified in the URL, the
>> Accept-Language request header, the previous setting stored in the cookie
>> or the default locale in the CKAN configuration. Can you be more specific?
> we use the language in the url if specified
> if none is given eg / we negotiate with the browser  'Accept-Language'
> then we use the default in config

Got it - cheers for explaining!

Having tried automatic browser language detection with CKAN a couple of
months ago, we moved away from it. The discussion on this list confirmed it
was problematic for a large chunk of users (browsers v. often setup wrong)
and I suspect other organisations running CKAN as well (they tend to want
it in their language by default, whatever your browser says). If we do
anything with this header, my suggestion is just to suggest it to the user:

BTW are you still proposing something to do with caching?


>> BTW is the home page now at /home rather than / ? Why's that?
> no change and in fact /home doesn't work I just mis-read the routing just
> / isn't much of a url to see when explaining the changes
>>> 2) Language Selectors - these need to be rewritten as they can now
>>> create direct urls via h.url(url_required, locale=local_required).  I have
>>> corrected this in ckan layout_base.html and for ckanext-ecportal but am not
>>> sure if/where this is also used - I'll fixup if directed where it is used.
>> You're talking about the links in the footer of the template which are
>> used to change language? And are you wondering if there are any other ways
>> in which a user might switch the language? The answer to that is no.
> yes those are the ones
>>> 3) Template Context - in lib.base.render() the template context passes
>>> the default pylons.url() which we now override to handle the locale
>>> specific urls.  To prevent this being used I have removed it so if it is
>>> used templates will break ${url(...)} should be replaced with
>>> ${h.url(...)}. again I've fixed up in core and ec-portal
>> I think it would be useful to document this with the various forms of url
>> and url_for. Perhaps here is the best place?:
>> http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/theming.html#retheming-the-site-with-templates
> I'll look at doing that.  I also want to clean the template_context as it
> 'leaks' lots of stuff and I'd like to see it being more explicit.
>>> 4) Site in subdirectory - This should work but I don't have this setup
>>> so testing has not been done - does anyone have this setup?
>> Yes, you just need to run CKAN on Apache and add a sub-directory to this
>> line in your Apache config. e.g.:
>>         WSGIScriptAlias /sub/dir /home/dread/etc/ckan-pylons.py
>> Now CKAN's mounted at: http://localhost/sub/dir
>> For more info on this and running on Apache see
>> http://wiki.ckan.org/Deployment
>> thanks I'll look at setting this up and testing that part
> Toby
>> David
>> I've also simplified the querying of available locales
>>> Let me know any feedback
>>> Toby
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